70s artists

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'B' Girls, The
(70S), Blackstone(70S), Espiritu(70S), Factory
(70S), Fancy(70S), Fluff? & The Mysterians
100% Pure Poison 20th Century Steel Band21st Creation
2nd Vision34.A.D.
5000 Volts52nd Precinct5th Ball Gang
9.30 Fly90 DegreesA Band Called George
A Band Called OA Foot In ColdwaterA La Carte
A&M RecordsA's, TheA.A.B.B.
AbbaAbednego And The Piccadilly StAbercrombie, John
Abertillery Orpheus Male ChoirAbrahams, MickAbramson, Ronney
Absolute ElsewhereAceAchor
Ackles, DavidAcme AttractionsAct 1
Adam, MarkAdams, ArthurAdams, Don
Adams, KirriAddrisi BrothersAdvertising
African Music MachineAfriqueAfro Akino
Afro-Cuban BandAgincourtAgitation Free
Agony BagAguaturbiaAinbusk Singers
Ainley, CharlieAirey, KeithAirmail
Aka The Max Demian BandAkkerman, JanAl Brown + Skin, Flesh & Bones
Alabama State TroupersAlan Parsons Project, TheAlan Peters Orchestra And Chor
AlbatrossAlberstein, ChavaAlbert, Morris
Alberto Y Lost Trios ParanoiasAlbion Band, TheAlexander, David
Alexander, SteveALFAlfalpha
Alfie Khan Sound OrchestraAlgy Lord GrayAli, Abraham
Alias Ron KavanaAllal, CorinneAllen Collins Band
Allen, ChristieAllen, DaevidAllen, Peter
Allen, TonyAllen, VeeAllens, The
Alleyne, WendyAllman Brothers BandAllman Joys, The
Allman, DuaneAllman, GreggAlmond, Johnny
Althia & DonnaAmandaAmazonas
AmazorbladesAmbergrisAmboy Dukes, The (US)
Ambrose, AmandaAmbulators, TheAmerica
American FlyerAmerican Standard BandAmesbury, Bill
Amin, IdiAmon DüülAmps, Kym
Anarchic SystemAncient GreaseAnderson Bruford Wakeman Howe
Anderson Harley & BattAnderson, AlAnderson, Carl
Anderson, ChristianAnderson, GurneyAnderson, Ian
Anderson, JadeAnderson, JonAnderson, Laurie
Anderson, LynnAnderson, MillerAnderson, Udell
Anderssen, AnneAndraé Crouch & The DisciplesAndrea True Connection
Andrews, HarveyAndromedaAndy Bown
Andy FraserAndy Summers & Robert FrippAndy, Horace
AngeAngel (Sweet)Angel, Johnny
Angels, The (Oz)AngieAngiolini, Renato
Anne-KarineAnnexus QuamAnointed, The
Ant, AdamAnthony, GeorgeAnthony, Miki
Antony, MikiAntorchasAnyone's Daughter
ApolloApollo 100Appaloosa
Appleyard, PeterAprilAquavitae
Ar LogArabesqueArc
Archer, RobertArcher, RonArchie Bell & The Drells
Areas, Jose 'Chepito'Ariel, MeirArizona
Armada Orchestra, TheArmageddon (70s)Armand, Renee
Armour, MattArmpit Jug Band, TheArmstrong, Frankie
Arnau, BrendaArnold, HoraceeArnold, Stan
Arnold-Martin-MorrowArpeggioArrington, Steve
Arrogant AdamsArt Attacks, TheArt Bears
Arthur, Dave & ToniArthurs, AndyArto/Neto
Artzi, ShlomoArzachelAsfalto
Ash (1970s)Ash Ra TempelAsh, Vic
Ashcroft, JohnnyAshdown, DougAshley, Steve
Ashton Gardner & DykeAshton, TonyAshworth, Richard
Aslan (Folk)Asleep At The WheelAssembled Multitude, The
Assoziation HagawAstor & The PotentialsAstral Navigations
AtacamaAtari, GaliAtkin, Pete
Atlanta Rhythm SectionAtlantic Crossing Drum & PipeAtlantic Records
Atomic RoosterAttempted MoustacheAtterson, Alex
Atwell, BillyAudienceAudsley, Mick
Aunt MaryAuracleAurra
Australian CrawlAutomatic ManAutomatics
AutopilotAutumnAvant Gardener
Avengers, TheAxe (70s)Axe (Rock)
Axel FAxiom (Oz)Ayers, Kevin
Ayers, RoyAztec Two-StepAzteca
B. Baker Chocolate Co.B.Z.N.Baba And Roddy
Baba, MeherBabe RuthBaby Grand (70s)
Baby HueyBachelors, TheBack Door
Back Seat DriverBack Street CrawlerBad Company
Bad Habits, TheBadge & CompanyBadger
BagatelleBags (Punk), TheBain, Aly
Baker Gurvitz Army, TheBaker, BettyBaker, Carroll
Baker, GingerBaker, Hylda & Mullard, ArthurBaker, Mickey
Baker, TomBakersfieldBalance (Funk)
BalderdashBalin, MartyBallantyne, David
Ballard, RussBalli LatinoBamble B
BanbarraBand, TheBandit
BankBanks & HamptonBanks, Homer
Banks, PeterBanks, RoseBap
Bar-KaysBarbara & The BrownsBarbieri, Gato
BardeBarden, GaryBardens, Peter
Barish, JesseBarker, DaveBarker, Les
Barking Light OrchestraBarlow, RandyBarnes, Cheryl
Barnes, KathyBarnes, RichardBaronet, The
Barracudas, TheBarre, MartinBarrere, Paul
Barrett, GavinBarrett, SydBarrie, J.J.
Barry De VorzonBarry Walker's SmackeeBarton, Tony
Bashan, IgalBashers, TheBastow, Trevor
Batdorf & RodneyBates, BillyBatteaux
Battiato, FrancoBattin, SkipBaxter, Jeff
Bay City RollersBeachcomberBears, The
BeauBeaver & KrauseBeavers, Jackey
Beck, Bogert & AppiceBecker, WalterBeckett
Beckett, PeterBedford, ChuckBedlam
Beggar's OperaBeginning Of The End, TheBegley, Philomena
Bela, FleckBelew, AdrianBell & James
Bell + ArcBell, AlanBell, Benny
Bell, ChrisBell, Delia & Grant, BillBell, Eric
Bell, MaggieBells, TheBelmonde, Pierre
BenBenelux And Nancy DeeBennett, Chris
Bennett, FayBenno, MarcBenny
Benny & TinaBenson, GaryBensusan, Pierre
Berger, MichelBerger, WolfBerline, Byron
Berté, LoredanaBesse, Anne-MarieBest Of British
Best, AdamBethnalBetjeman, Sir John
Betts, DickeyBetty JoeBetween
Bevan, BevBewes, RodneyBias, Joe
BidduBig BerthaBig Boy Tomato
Big Brass Band, TheBig Brother & The Holding Co.Big Carrot
Big DaisyBig HairBig Johns Rock 'n' Roll Circus
Big StarBig Trouble (70s)Big Wah-Koo, The
Big WheelBig YouthBiggs, Barry
Bilbo BagginsBill & TaffyBillmus, Trevor
Billy BeethovenBilly Karloff BandBimbo Jet
Binky Baker & The Pit OrchestrBinziBionic Boogie
Bird, TonyBirthaBirtles & Goble
Bishop, ElvinBishop, RandyBishops, The (70s)
BismuthBitchBits & Pieces
Bitter Almond Bitter SuiteBizjoe
Bjerre, LindsayBlack And WhiteBlack Blood
Black GorillaBlack IceBlack Pearl
Black Ram & DynamicsBlack TieBlack Widow
Black, SamBlackberriesBlackbirds,The
Blackbyrds, TheBlackfootBlackley, Alan
Blacklock, KelvinBlackmore's NightBlackthorn
Blackwater JunctionBlackwell, VicBlade, Andy
Blair EmryBlair, SandraBlake, Peter (Pop)
Blake, TimBleechers, TheBlegvad, Peter
Blessings in DisguiseBliss Band, TheBlock, Rory
Blodwyn PigBlonde On Blonde (60s)Blood Sweat & Tears
BloodstoneBloom, KenBloomfield, Mike
Bloomfield, Mike & Kooper, AlBloomfield, SteveBloomsbury Set, The
BloontzBlount, MichaelBlow Fly
Blue (70s)Blue BeardBlue Bishops, The
Blue CheerBlue GooseBlue Haze
Blue SwedeBlue, BarryBlue, David
Blues Band, TheBlues DeliveryBlues Man Willie
Blunt InstrumentBob & Carole PeggBob & Earl
Bob Johnson & Pete KnightBody, Soul & SpiritBoetcher, Curt
Bofill, AngelaBogartBogart (German)
Bolan, MarcBolcom, WilliamBolton, Polly
BombersBonaparte, EliBonaroo
Bond & BrownBond, PeterBones
Bonnet, GrahamBonney, GrahamBonnie Bramlett
Bonoff, KarlaBonzo Dog Doo Dah Band, TheBoogie Man Orchestra, The
Bookham And RiskettBoone, DanielBoone, Debby
Boone, LellyBoones FarmBoones, The
Boothe, KenBooz, EmmanuelBoppers, The
Borderline Country Band, TheBothy Band, TheBotkin Jr., Perry
Boulaye PattiBoule, ChristianBox Of Frogs
Box Tops, TheBoxerBoyzz, The
Bozzio Levin StevensBradshaw, TerryBrady, Phil
Brainbox (Focus)BrainticketBram Stoker
Bram TchaikovskyBramlett, DelaneyBran
Brand XBrand, JohnBrandsteder, Ron
Branduardi, AngeloBrant, MikeBrass Monkey (70s)
Braun, ArthurBreadBreakers, The
Breant, FrancoisBreath, FaithfulBreck, Freddy
Bremner, BillyBrenda & The TabulationsBrendon
Brenner, EveBrewers DroopBrides Of Funkenstein, The
Bridger, BobbyBrinsley SchwarzBristol, Johnny
Britton, VickiBrock, JimBrockett, Jaime
Broken GlassBroken HomeBromberg, David
Brook, JulianBrooker, GaryBrookes, Paul
BrooksBrooks, BernieBrooks, Dianne
Brooks, ElkieBrooks, PattieBrooks, Terry
BrothBrotherhood Of BreathBrothers
Brothers And The Sisters, TheBrothers Johnson, TheBrothers Of Soul
Brown Bomber Steel Band, TheBrown, ArthurBrown, Friday
Brown, Jim EdBrown, LeroyBrown, Pete (Jazz)
Brown, Pete (Piblokto)Brown, PeterBrown, Polly
Brown, ShirleyBrown, TeddyBrown, Veda
Brown, VickiBrowne, AbigailBrowne, Duncan
Browne, JacksonBrowne, Mack & Brothers, TheBrowne, Severin
Browne, Thomas F.Brownsville BannedBroza, David
Bruce Baxter Orchestra & Singers, TheBruce, JackBruford, Bill
Bryant, Felice & BoudleauxBryant, JohnBryars,Gavin
BuariBuchanan, RoyBuckle, Bob
Buckley, TimBuckwheatBudd, Roy
Buddy Odor Stop, TheBuffet, JimmyBulldog
Bunk DoggerBunyan, VashtiBuoys, The
Burch, VernonBurdon, EricBurnette, Billy
Burnette, RockyBurnin' Red IvanhoeBurning
Burns, EddyBurrito DeluxeBurundi Black
Bush, JohnnyBushwhackers & Bullockies BandBusiness (Power Pop), The
Buskers, TheBUSTER BROWN (70S)Buttercups, The
ButterscotchButts BandBuzz
Bygraves, AnthonyBygraves, MaxByrds
Byrne Packie & Shaljean BonnieByrne, JerryByron, David
ByzantiumC.J. & Co.Cacia, Paul
Cadd, BrianCaddick, BillCadillac, Vince
Cado BelleCadogan, SusanCahill, Patricia
Cain, JeffreyCair ParavelCaldera (70s)
Cale, J.J.Cale, JohnCalender
CalhoonCalicoCalifornia Music
California, RandyCalvert, RobertCamel
Cameron, AndyCameron, AngusCameron, John Allan
Cameron, KenCampbell, CornellCampbell, Ethna
Campbell, Michael EdwardCampbell-Lyons, PatrickCan
Canavan, MikeCanned HeatCanned Heat & Hooker, John Lee
Cannon & BallCapaldi, JimCapitol Records
Capitols, TheCaptain & TennilleCaptain Beaky
Captain Beefheart & Magic BandCaptain BeyondCaptain Billy's Dream Machine
Captain VideoCaravanCarbon / Silicon
CargoeCarl Davis & The Chi-Sound OrcCarlin, Joanna
Carlisle, JimCarlos,RobertoCarman, Paul
Carmen, EricCarmen, PhilCarmets, The
Carn, DougCarniss, YsanneCarnival, The (Latin)
Carpettes, TheCarrà, RaffaellaCarradine, David
Carroll, PatCarter, MartinCarter, Nell
Carter, RalphCartwright, DaveCasablanca (1970s)
Cascading Strings, TheCash And CarryCash Pussies
Cashman & WestCashman, Pistilli & WestCaspi, Matti
Cassidy, Shaun Castle, DavidCastle, Mike
Caston & MajorsCastor, JimmyCatch
Cate BrosCatfish (Oz)Catherine Philip
Cats EyesCBS RecordsCCL
Celebrated Artists BandCelebrated Ratliffe Stout Band, TheCeli Bee & The Buzzy Bunch
CentipedeCerrone, Jean-MarcChain
Chain GangChairmen Of The BoardChalker, Bryan
Chalkitis, HarrisChalkitis, HarryChallenor, Jackie
Chamberlain, CathyChambers, JimmyChamfort, Alain
Champlin, BillChandeliers, TheChaney, Ken
Change (Glam)ChansonChanter Sisters, The
Chapman, MichaelChapman, RogerChappelle, Helen
Chapter ThreeCharisma RecordsCharlemagne Palestine
CharleneCharles, BobbyCharles, Ronnie
CharlieCharne, BillyChaser
Chater, KerryCheeks, JudyCheetah (Reggae)
Chemical AliceChequered PastCherry Pickers, The
Chestnutt, VicCheviot Ranters, TheCheynes
Chicken ShackChicory TipChief Checker
ChildChilliwackChilton, Alex
China [70s]China StreetChladil, Milan
Chosen Few, TheChris SteinChristenson, Terry
ChristianChristian, NeilChristiansen, Bjorn
ChristieChristie, DavidChristie, John
Christie, SusanChristmas, KeithChristophe
Christopher, JordanChristopher, LynChubukos, The
Chuck Brown & Soul SearchersChula VistaChunky, Novi & Ernie
Churchill, ChickCigarettes, TheCinquetti, Gigliola
Cipollina, JohnCircles, TheCirkus
Cissel, ChuckCitiCity
City BoyCity Waites, TheCivvy Street
ClancyClapton, EricClark, Gene
Clark, GuyClark, LouisClark, Mike
Clarke, AllanClarke, JohnnyClarke, Stanley
Clay, TomClayton, ObieClayton, Paul
Clayton, SteveClean LivingCleaners From Venus, The
ClearlightClements, VassarClemons, Clarence
Cleves School Choir, TheCliff Jackson & The NaturalsClimax
Climax Blues BandClinton, DavyCloud
CloudsCMUCoast (Soul)
Coast Road DriveCoates, OdiaCobham, Billy
CochiseCockerel ChorusCocky
CoCo (Pop)Coffey, DennisCognac
Cohen, David BennettCohen, LeonardColaiuta, Vinnie
Colby,MarkCold BloodColder, Ben
Cole, BillyColeman, Gary B.B.Collective Horizontal
Collier, GrahamCollins, JeffCollins, Judy
Collins, TommyColombo, PiaColorado
ColosseumColosseum IIColours Of Love
Coltrane, ChiCombe Raleigh CountryfolkCommander Cody
ComusCon Funk ShunConey Hatch
Congos, TheCongregation, TheConnections, The
Consumer RapportContemptContinuum
Contraband (Folk)Cooder, RyCooke, Roger James
Cool BananasCooper BrothersCooper, Bo
Cooper, GrahamCooper, HenryCooper, Mike
Cope, SusanCopeland, RuthCopperhead (John Cipollina)
Cops, TheCordettes Steel OrchestraCorliss
Cornelius (US)Cornelius Brothers & Sister RoCoronados, The
Corries, TheCortinas, TheCory Band, The
Cosmic GalCosta Pinto, JorgeCostandinos, Alec R.
Cotton, GeneCoulam, RogerCoulson Dean McGuinness Flint
Coulson, DennisCount Bishops, TheCount Prince Miller
Counter PointsCounterfeit Stones, TheCounterpoint
Country CousinsCountry FunkCounts, The (70s)
Courtney, LouCousins, DavidCoven
Covington, JulieCowboys InternationalCowsill, the
Cowsills, TheCox, BillyCox, Paul
Coxhill, LolCoyne, KevinCoyne, Kevin & Krause, Dagmar
CQNCrack, TheCraddock, Billy 'Crash'
Crane, LesCrane, VincentCray, Robert
Crazy Cavan & Rhythm RockersCrazy HorseCreach, Papa John
Creation (Funk)Creative SourceCreedence Clearwater Revival
Creep, TheCressidaCrisp
CristianaCroce, JimCrocker, Barry
Crocodile TearsCroft, PennyCrooked Oak
Crosby, DavidCrosby, David & Nash, GrahamCrosby, Stills & Nash
Crosby, Stills, Nash & YoungCross & RossCross Country
Cross, DavidCrossfiresCrow
Crown Heights Affair, TheCrozier, TrevorCruisers, The (70s)
CrunchCrusaders, TheCrushed Ice
Crutcher, BettyeCryerCrystal Grass
CTI All-StarsCuby + BlizzardsCuddly Toys
Culliton Mahoney, JohnCummings, BurtonCUNHA
Cunico, GinoCurly CurveCurly, Alexander
Curtis Knight ZeusCurtis, ClemCurved Air
Cy & LaraCzukay, HolgerD' Kasermandln
D'Albuqerque, MichaelDa HoolDa Vinci, Paul
DadaDaddy LonglegsDalby, Dave
Dalla, LucioDalton, Lacy JDaltrey, Roger
Damron, DickDan The Banjo ManDana Scott And The Crown Folk
Dance With A StrangerDandelion RecordsDangerfield, Rodney
Daniel Sentacruz EnsembleDaniel, ErrollDaniel, Godfrey
Danny King's Mayfair SetDansette DamageDanta
Daphne's FlightDaring, Mason & Stahl, JeanieDarling & Street
Darling (70s)Darren, JennyDarrow, Chris
Dassin, JoeDaughters Of The KingdomDave Warner's From The Suburbs
Davey, ShaunDavid & RozaaDavid Alexandre, Winter
David And GoliathDavid And JonathanDavid Clayton-Thomas
David Liebman & Richard BeiracDavid, DwightDavidson, Paul
Davies, AlunDavies, DaveDavies, Ray (Kinks)
Davies, RonDavies, WilliamDavis, Betty
Davis, BillyDavis, CliffordDavis, Darlene
Davis, GeaterDavis, HelenDavis, Jesse 'Ed'
Davis, MacDavis, SandyDavis, Spencer
Dawe, TimDawkins, JimmyDawn Chorus
DaydéDazzledB's, The
De André, FabrizioDe BlancDe Coverley, Roger
De Los Rios, WaldoDe Paul, Lynsey & Moran, MikeDe Young, Cliff
De-Sykes, StephanieDeacon, George & Ross, MarionDead End Kids
Deadbeats, TheDeaf SchoolDean, Angella
Dean, MelDean, RogerDear Mr Time
Debbie And The DreamboatsDecameronDecca
Dee, DaveDee, GrahamDee, Kiki
Dee, Richard HenryDel-Lords, TheDelaney & Bonnie
Delbert & GlenDelicato, PaulDelirium
Dell, JoeyDells, TheDelpech, Michel
Delroy & SportyDemianDemick & Armstrong
DemobDemon FuzzDenjean, Claude
Depressions, TheDerek And The DominosDerrick & Paulette
DeSario, TeriDeShannon, JackieDesign
DesmierDesmond, AndyDesperate Bicycles, The
Destroy All MonstersDetectiveDetonators, The
DetoursDetroitDetroit Sound, The
DeuterDevito, KarlaDewdrop, Daddy
Diamond ReoDiamond, DyanDiamond, Gregg
Diana Ross & The SupremesDiaz, JoaquinDib Cochran & The Earwigs
DickensDickinson, SandraDicky Hart And The Palpitation
Dictators TheDilcher, CherylDimech, Jeanette
DionDirect CurrentDisco Orchestral
Disco Tex And The Sex-O-LettesDiscothequeDisney, Walt
Disturbed [70s]Diversions, TheDixie Dregs
Dizzy HeightsDjian, BorisDJM Records
Dobro, JimmyDoc & Merle WatsonDoce Mas, Los
Doctor FatherDoctor Feelgood (UK)Doctors Of Madness
Dodgers, TheDog SoldierDoggerel Bank
Doherty, DennyDole, TheDoll, The
DolphinDomenic Troiano Band, TheDonahue, Jerry
Donaldson, EricDonnelly, PhillipDonnie & Joe Emerson
Donny & Marie OsmondDonohue, DaneDonovan
Doobie Brothers, TheDoorsDOORS
Dorane, MikeDoucetteDouglas, Carl
Dowe, BrentDownbeats, TheDowning, Al
Doyle, PeterDozier, LamontDozy, Beaky, Mick & Titch
DP's, TheDr DementoDr John
Dr. StrutDr. ZDrake, Nick
Dransfield, Robin & BarryDread Orchestra, TheDreadnaughts, The
Dream Academy, TheDream PoliceDream, Flame
Dreams (70s)Drew, JimmyDrifterfolk
Drifters, TheDriftwood (Pop)Driscoll, Julie
Driscoll, Julie & Auger, BrianDroidsDrops, Scarlet
DruidDrumboDrummond, Pete
DschinnDubliners, TheDubois, Ja'net
Ducks DeluxeDucks, TheDude
Dudek, LesDuff, BarbaraDuffo
Duffy (Prog)Duggie Briggs Band, TheDuke & The Drivers
Duke JupiterDum-DumDummer, John & April, Helen
DunamisDuncan, CelenaDuncan, Johnny
Duncan, LesleyDuncan, LeslieDundas, David
Dunkley, ErrolDunn, WillieDunphy, Sean
Duplicates, TheDuskDutch Rhythm Steel & Showband
Duteil, YvesDutertre, Jean-FrançoisDwight Tilley Band
Dylan, BobDynamic SuperiorsDyrections, All
Dyson, RonnieDzyanEagles
Earl Thomas ConleyEarth & FireEarthbound (Prog)
East CoastEast Of EdenEast, Chris
Easter, MitchEavis, MichaelEberson, Jon
Eckstein, Gary & Beger, MenyEclipseEdgar Broughton Band, The
Edge, GraemeEdison LighthouseEdmunds, Dave
Edward H. DafisEdwards, AdinaEdwards, Alton
Edwards, JonathanEdwards, MaxEdwards, Rupie
Edwin Hawkins Singers, TheEel Pie All StarsEgan, Joe
Egan, WalterEggEgg Cream
Eggs Over EasyEikhard, ShirleyEinstein Arik & Hanoch Shalom
Einstein Arik & Levy Shem-TovEinstein, ArikEl Coco
El Din, HamzaElastic Band, The (60s)Elbert, Donny
Electric DollsElectric Flag, TheElectric Indian, The
Electric Light OrchestraElectric SamuraiElectronic Chambre Ensemble
Eleison, KyrieElektrik CokernutElement Of Crime, The
Elharar, DuduElijahElkin, Gilly
Elliman, YvonneEllington, MarcEllingtons, The
Elliott, BrianEllisEllis, Alton
Ellis, HortenseEllis, MatthewEllis, Steve
Ellison, WillieElmo & PatsyElrick, George
Elton MotelloELTONJEmbryo
Emcee 5EmergencyEmerson Lake & Palmer
Emerson, KeithEMI RecordsEmotions, The (Soul)
Emperor RoskoEnchantmentEnfants De Dieu, Les
EnglandEngland Dan & John Ford ColeyEnglish Country Blues Band
English, ScottEnid, TheEnnis, Séamus
Eno, Brian & Byrne, DavidEnsemble InstrumentalEntwistle, John
Epileptics, TheEra, NuovaErazerhead
Ericson, JoeErocErrico, Greg
Errisson, KingErrol 'Flabba' HoltEruption (Funk)
Ervin, WilbertEscudos, LosEsposito, Tony
Esprit De CorpsEsquivel, Juan GarciaEssence
Essential BopEssex, DavidEstelle, Don
Etheridge, JohnEvan Johns & The H-BombsEvans, Buck
Evans, Dave (Folk)Evans, RichardEvans, Terry
Everett, ChadEveryday People (70s)Everyday People, The
Evolution (70S)Ewell Castle School Music GroupExile
Exits, TheExpectations, GreatExploding Seagulls
Explosives, TheExpose [Rock]Expressos, The
F.B.I.Fabre, JacquesFabulous Poodles, The
Fagan, ScottFagen, DonaldFahey, Brian
Fahnbulleh, MiattaFair, YvonneFairbane, Eileen
Fairways, TheFalconer, RoderickFältskog, Agnetha
FamilyFamily Of LoveFanfayre
Fania All StarsFanny (70s)Fanny (90s)
Faragher Brothers, TheFarner, MarkFarquahr
Farr, GaryFarrar, JohnFarrell, Brian
Fascinations, TheFat GrappleFat Mattress
FaustFaye, AlmaFaze-O
FBIFearFeder, Don
FeelFellows, GrahamFender, Freddy
Fenwick, RayFergusFerris Wheel
Ferry, CatherineFessor FunkFessor's Session Boys
FestivalFiction, EddieFiddler's Dram
Fiddler, JohnFields (70s)Fields, George
Fila BrazilliaFinch (Dutch)Fine, Wendy
Finlayson, WillyFinn KalvikFinn MacCuill
Finnigan, MikeFire (70s)Firebird (70s)
FirefallFirm, The (Rock)Firmani, Peter
First ChoiceFirst Class, TheFirst Family, The
Fish Co.Fishbaugh, Fishbaugh And ZornFisher, Morgan
Fisher, RayFisherfolk, TheFitch, John & Associates
Fitzgerald, PatrikFitzgerald, ScottFive Dollar Shoes
Flack, Roberta & Bryson, PeaboFlakesFlaky Pastry
FlameFlame (US)Flaming Ember, The
Flaming YouthFlash & The Board Of DirectorsFlash (70s)
Flash And The PanFlasherFlatbackers, The
FlatbushFlavorFleetwood, Mick
Fletcher, GuyFlibbertigibbetFlight
Flint (Rock)Flint, BerniFloaters, The
Floating OperaFlockFlower
Flowers And FrolicsFlowers, HerbieFludd
FluffFlying Machine, TheFlying Saucers
Fogerty, JohnFoggFoggy Dew-O, The
Foley, EllenFolklore Di RomagnaFolkloristas, Los
Fontaine, BrigitteFontaine, NolaFontana, Eddie
Fools GoldFools, S.S.Forbert, Steve
Ford, DeanFord, RobbenFord, Ted
Forde, JohnForeign IntrigueForever More
Forman, DavidFortt, DaveFoster, Chris
Foster, MoFotomakerFour Of A Kind
Four Tops, TheFowler, PeteFox
Fox, NooshaFox, The (Prog)Fox, The (Psyche)
FoxyFrameFramus Five, The
Franc, PeterFranchi, SergioFrancis, Ritchie
Francis, SidFrancisco, DonFranck, Claude
François, ClaudFrank 'N' SteinFrank, Stanley
Franklin, CarolynFranks, MichaelFrantique
FREFred Hanna And The LaganmenFree (Rock)
Free BeerFree For All Inspirational Ch.Free Spirit
Freedom SingersFreeman, DaveFreemen, The
FreewayFreiberg, DavidFrench Frith Kaiser Thompson
Frenzy (Pop)Freres Farago, LesFresh (1970s)
Fresh FlavorFresh MeatFreshmen
Frey, GlennFricke, JanieFrida
Friedman, DeanFriendly EnemiesFriends Of Distinction, The
Friendship TrainFripp, RobertFripp, Robert & Eno, Brian
Frisaura, LorraineFrogFroggatt, Raymond
FrontFRost, BozFrumpy
FruuppFry, TristanFrye, David
FuchsiaFugain Et Le Big BazarFumble
Fun 4Funky PeopleFurey, Eddie & Finbar
Furey, LewisFusion OrchestraFuze
Fuzz [Disco], TheFuzzy DuckG. C. Cameron
Gabor, B.B.Gadd, SteveGaines, Steve
Gal, RickiGaladrielGaldston & Thom
Gall, FranceGallagher And LyleGallagher, Rory
GalleryGalliardGallowglass Ceili Band, The
Galper, HalGalway, JamesGambale, Frank
GamblerGangsters, TheGarbo's Celluloid Heroes
Garcia, JerryGardner, Kay (US)Garfunkel, Art
Garner, BillyGarner, GigiGarrett, Lee
Garrett, TommyGarrie, NickGarson, Mike
Gary Gordon Quartet, TheGary's GangGasolin'
Gass, TheGates, DavidGeduldig Und Thimann
Geesin, RonGene & Marty, MacLellan & RenoGentle Giant
Gentlemen & Their LadiesGentles, BillGeorge K Band
George, BarbaraGeorge, EarlGeorge, Lowell
George-Edwards Group, TheGeraldineGeronimo Black
Gerrard, DennyGerry And The PacemakersGhost, The (70s)
Gibbs, JoeGibney, EamonGibson, Wayne
GiggettyGigglesGilbert, John
Gilder, NickGiles, Giles & FrippGilla
Gillan GloverGillespie, DanaGillies, Stuart
Gilmour, DavidGilstrap, JimGina X
Ginger AleGingerbreadGladiators, The (Wrestling)
GladstoneGlass House, TheGlass Torpedoes
GlastonburyGlencoeGlenn, Bobby
Glitter Band, TheGlitter, GaryGlobal Village Trucking Comp
Gloomys, TheGloria MundiGlories, The
Glover, SueGnidrologGoblin
Goebbels Heiner & Harth AlfredGoffin, LouiseGolden Earring
Goldie & The GingerbreadsGolding, JohnGoliath
Golliwogs, TheGomes, PepeuGonads Memorial Challenge Band
GongGong SavanaGonzalez
Good NewsGood Old Boys, TheGood Rats
Goodhand-Tait, PhillipGooding, CubaGoodison, johnny
Goodman, DickieGoodman, SteveGoodson, C.L.
GoodthunderGoodwin, KenGoody Goody
Gordon McCullough And His ScotGordon The MoronGordon, Robert
Gordon, TrevorGorham, ScottGorilla Grip
Gorillas, TheGothamGottsching Manuel
Goya, FrancisGrace, BrendanGraham, Ernie
Graham, LarryGrainger, GaryGrand Funk Railroad
Grand HotelGrand Julot, LeGrandad's Army
Grandmothers, TheGrant, JosieGrass Roots, The
Grateful DeadGraves, CarlGravy Train
Gray, DobieGreat JonesGreat Uncle Fred
Greatest Little Soul BandGreen, KatheGreen, Peter
Greenaway, RogerGreene, JeanieGreene, Sarah
Greene, TedGreenmantleGreenslade
Greenslade, DaveGreensleeves Country Dance BanGreenway
Greenwood, MickGregerGregson, Clive
Grey, Mal & Flight 56GreyhoundGriffin, Billy
Griffin, JamesGriffin, KenGriffith Park Collection, The
Griffith, GlendaGriffiths, JoeGriffiths, Marcia
Grill, RobGrimaldi / ZeiherGrimmett, Steve
GrimmsGrinder SwitchGrisman, David
GrobschnittGroce, LarryGronenthal, Max
Groovie GooliesGross, HenryGrossman, Steve
Grosvenor, LutherGroucutt, KellyGroundhogs, The
Group TherapyGrowlGrumble
Gruppo SportivoGryphonGuardian
Guccini, FrancescoGuercio, James WilliamGuess Who, The
Guitar TechniquesGuitarist MagazineGuns For Hire
Guru GuruGuru's, TheGurvitz, Adrian
Gustafson, JohnnyGwendalGyedu Blay Ambolley & Zantoda
GygafoGypsyGypsy Love
Hackamore BrickHackensackHadley, Bob
HalfbreedHall, JimmyHall, Tom T.
Hambrick, JohnHamill, ClaireHamilton, Dirk
Hammill, PeterHammond, AlbertHampshire Concert Brass
Hampshire, KeithHands, GoldenHanna, Bobby
Hanna-Fontana Band, TheHannibalHanoch, Shalom
Hansson, BoHanwell Band, TheHappy Daze Crew
Happy The ManHard MeatHardie, Sebastian
Hardin, EddieHardman, RosieHargrove, Linda
Harlequin MassHarless, SandyHarley Quinne
Harley, Steve & Cockney RebelHarmoniaHarmonium
Harmony Sisters, TheHarold Melvin & The Blue NotesHarold Y Su Banda
Harper, DonHarper, RoyHarpo
Harris, JetHarris, JohnnyHarris, Oscar
Harris, RoyHarrison, MikeHarrold, Melanie
Harrop, CathieHarry J. All StarsHarry Toledo And The Rockets
Hart, KimHart, MickeyHart, Mike
Hart, TimHart, Tim & Prior, MaddyHarvest Label
Harvest TymeHarvey, AlexHarvey, Don
Harvey, RichardHarwood, ChrisHaskell, Gordon
Haslam, AnnieHateHatfield And The North
Hathaway, DonnyHaven, JimHavenstreet
Havermans, CyrilHawkins, RonnieHawkwind
Hawn, GoldieHaworth, BrynHaycock, Pete
Hayles, LouHaynes, RegHaystacks Balboa
Hayward, JustinHayward, Justin & Lodge, JohnHaywood, Kitty
Haywood, LeonHazeHazel And Ruth
Hazes, AndréHazzard, TonyHead East
Head, TonyHeadpinsHeads Hands & Feet
Heads TogetherHeadstoneHeart And Soul
Heath, EiraHeaven (70s)Heavy Metal Kids
HebricHector (Glam)Hedayat, Dashiell
Hegarty, DermotHellhoundHello
Hello PeopleHello SailorHelm, Levon
Helmerson, AndersHelms, JimmyHenderson, Finis
Henderson, MarianHenderson, MichaelHenderson, Willie
Hendrix, JimiHenley, DonHenn, Peter
Henry CowHenry, FreddyHenry, John
Henry, PaulHensley, KenHenson
Hep Stars, TheHerbsHere And Now
Herman Ze GermanHernandez, PatrickHero's
Hewson, RichardHi RhythmHi-Gloss
Hi-TensionHiatt, JohnHicks, Jimmy
Hidden StrengthHiggins, GaryHigh Broom
High CottonHigh InergyHigh Mountain Hoedown
High NumbersHightower, RosettaHighway
Hill, ChrisHill, EricHillage, Steve
Hiller & KayeHiller, MitchHillman, Chris
HillsidersHilo, DonHinds, Camelle
Hine, RupertHines, TimHistory Of Rock, The
Hitchcock RussellHitchcock, RobynHitchcock, Stan
Hitters, TheHo, DonHoagy Pogey
Hobbits, TheHodaya Trio, TheHodge, Catfish
Hodgson, DannyHoenig, MichaelHog Heaven
Hog, GroundHokus Poke Holden, Mark
Holden, RandyHolder, Ram JohnHolien, Danny
Holland, AmyHolland, MaggieHolland-Dozier
Hollier, TimHolliesHollins And Starr
Hollow, KenHolloway, RossHolly And The Italians
Hollywood Brats, TheHollywood CrestasHollywood Stars, The
Holman, RogerHolmes, ChristineHolmes, Rupert
HolocaustHolt, AshleyHolt, John
HombreHomeHoney Monster
HookfootHoola Bandoola BandHooper, Stix
Hootenanny SingersHope, EllieHopkins, Linda
Hopkins, NickyHopper, HughHorrorcomic
Horseflies, TheHot HitsHot Ice
Hot RocksHot Thumbs O'RileyHOT.R.S.
HotlegsHour Glass, TheHouse, Bill
Howard, BillHowe, CatherineHowe, Steve
Howell, ReubenHowlett, RogerHoyle, Linda
Hudson Brothers, TheHudson FordHues Corporation, The
Hugh Featherstone BlythHughes, BillHughes, Garry
Hughes, Mandy AnnHull AlanHumble Pie
Humblebums, TheHummingbirdHumphrey, Ange
Humphrey, PaulHungerford, ValHungry Chuck
Hunt & TurnerHunt, MarshaHunt, The
Hunter, CarolHunter, RobertHurley, Michael
Hurtt, PhilHusband, GaryHush (Australian)
HuskyHustler (70s)Hutch, Willie
HydraHyman, PhyllisI Jog & The Tracksuits
I MuvriniI ProfetiI Santo California
I-Royals, TheI.G.'s, TheIan & Sylvia
Ian, JanisIdes Of March, TheIdle Race
Idol FretIdols, The (Jerry Nolan)If (Jazz Rock)
Iggy PopIgnerents, TheIguana
Ikafa, LeiahIl Guardiano Del FaroIl Rovescio Della Medaglia
IlanitImpact Of Brass, TheImperial Pompadours, The
Imperials, The (Gospel)In CrowdIncognito
Incredible String Band, TheIndependent FolkIndependent Movement, The
Independents, TheIndian SummerInga Rumpf
Ingland, BrianInner City UnitInner Mind, The
Inner Sleeve (70S)InnervisionInnes, Neil
Innocents, TheInstant FunkIntelligents, The
Intentions, TheIreland, JohnIris, Donnie
Irish Rovers, TheIron ButterflyIrvine, Weldon
Irwig, JudyIsaac, AnthonyIslam, Yusuf
Island RecordsIsle Of WightIt's A Beautiful Day
Itchy FingersIthacaIvers, Peter
Izumiya, ShigeruJ. Geils Band, TheJ.C.
J.J. BandJabberwockJack Sass Band, The
Jack Sinclair Showband, TheJack The LadJack, Robin
Jack-KnifeJackieJackie And Bridie
Jacks, SusanJacks, TerryJacks, Zenda
JacksonJackson HeightsJackson, Carl
Jackson, J. J.Jackson, LeeJacqui And Bridie
Jade WarriorJagger, ChrisJagger, Mick
Jaggerz, TheJags, TheJah Woosh
JakeJam TheJamaicans, The
James Boys, TheJames Gang, TheJames Walsh Gypsy Band
James, JackyJames, John (Folk)James, Michael
Jameson, NickJameson, StephenJamison
Jan Dukes De GreyJan Park Band, TheJane
Jane Aire & The BelvederesJankel, ChasJános, Bródy
Janus, NoelJap, PhilipJardine, Johnny
Jarman, GeraintJasmin-TJasper Wrath
Javells, TheJaw Harp JohnJay Dee
Jay, MartinJazz CarriersJeff, Heavy
Jeffreys, GarlandJellybreadJenkins, Johnny
Jenkins, KarlJennings, W. & Nelson, W.Jeremiah
JeremyJerichoJericho Jones
Jermz, TheJeromeJeronimo
JerusalemJesters, The (70s)Jet Bronx & The Forbidden
Jethro TullJets (Punk), TheJimmy Edwards And The Profile
Jiving Juniors, TheJJGJo Jo Bennett
Jo Jo Zep And The FalconsJo MamaJo'burg Hawk
Joans, John PaulJobson, EddieJody Grind
Joe SoapJoe, CalypsoJoel Scott Hill, John Barbata,
John & ErnestJohn And RosalindJohn Dummer Blues Band, The
John Scott CreeJohn Spencer's LoutsJohn The Postman
John Verity BandJohn's ChildrenJohn, Aleksander
John, AndrewJohn, CliveJohnny G
Johnny KJohnny ReggaeJohnny Thunders Heartbreakers
Johns, BibiJohns, MarkJohns, Sammy
Johnson (Funk), HowardJohnson, AngelaJohnson, Curt
Johnson, Luther (1)Johnson, Luther (2)Johnson, Marv
Johnson, MichaelJohnson, Robert (70s)Johnson, Samuel Jonathan
Johnston, TomJohnstone, DaveyJoli, France
Jolly Tinkermen, TheJon St. JamesJonathan Swift (US)
Jones, BillyJones, GloriaJones, Heather
Jones, JerryJones, Louis (Blues Boy)Jones, Mordicai
Jones, Rickie LeeJones, TamikoJones, Tammy
Jones, TimJooksJoplin, Janis
Jordan, LonnieJordan, MarcJordan, Steve
Josef KJoseph, MarcusJoseph, Margie
JoshJoyce, CathyJSD Band
Judas JumpJudy Gee & The ClassmatesJuicy Groove
Juicy LucyJulie And GordonJuluka
Jumble LaneJump, TheJungle Juice
Jungle RockJupp, MickeyJustin & Wylde
JustineK, KrissiK-Nine, James
K. SaraK.C. & The Sunshine BandKalinich, Stephen John
KamahlKandidateKansas Hook
Karas, PaulKaren CherylKaren Novotny X
Kat, KrazyKateKatina
KatydidsKatz, MickeyKavanagh, Niamh
KaveretKay, TedKay-Gees
KayakKaye, GloriaKaye, Kaplan
Kayne, HarryKBCKeating, John
KeatsKeef Hartley Band, TheKeen, Speedy
Keeping, CharlesKeith & DarrellKelly, Casey
Kelly, Jo-AnnKelly, JonathanKelly, Paul
Kelly, Peter D.Kelsey, DaveKeltner, Jim
Ken Ufton & Harmony HawaiiansKennedy, GraceKennedy, Jerry
Kenny, GerardKent, PaulKenton, Rik
Kerr, RichardKerruish, JohnKershaw, Rusty
Kevin Hocking SingersKey LargoKeyboards, The
Khaled, ChebKhalsa String Band, TheKicking Mule
KiddywinksKillermetersKillermeters, The
Killing FloorKilljoys, TheKilminster, Dave
Kimber, BillKinane, PaulKincade
Kind Hearts And EnglishKing CrimsonKing Earl Boogie Band
King HarvestKing's Musik, TheKing's Singers, The
King, BobbyKing, BrentonKing, Carole
King, RickyKing, TraceyKing, Wayne
KingfishKings Of Hearts, TheKinks
Kinney, FernKirbyKirkland, Bo And Davis, Ruth
Kirsh, LesKirwan, DannyKitajima, Osamu
Kitter, RogerKlaatuKleiger, Frank
Klemmer, JohnKnebworthKnees, The
Knievel, EvelKnight, BrianKnight, Frederick
Knight, Gladys & The PipsKnight, JeanKnighton, Reggie
KnowledgeKnoxKoffie And James
Kokomo (70s)Koloc, BonnieKongas
Kongos, JohnKooper, AlKooymans, George
Körberg, TommyKortchmar, DannyKosmin, Lee
Kossoff, Kirke, Tetsu & RabbitKossoff, PaulKracker
Krajewski, SewerynKrause, BernieKrieger, Robby
KristineKristofferson & CoolidgeKryl, Karel
Krypton TunesKubinec, DavidKulick, Bruce
Kursaal Flyers, TheL'Orchestre ElectroniqueL. J. Johnson
L.A. ExpressL.A. Four, TheL.A. Jets
L.T.D.La Belle EpoqueLa Costa
La Crème, CathyLa DusseldorfLa Seconda Genesi
La SeineLaariLadder, The
LadyLafayette Afro-Rock BandLaflamme, David
Laing, ShonaLakeLake, Greg
LakesideLamb (70s)Lamb, Kevin
Lambert, DennisLane, Jimmy D.Lane, Ronnie
Larry The LambLarson, NicoletteLas Grecas
Last Poets, TheLast, RobertLast, The
Late Show, TheLatte E MieleLaurie Dean Singers, The
Lava [Norwegian]Lavender Hill MobLavi, Daliah
Lavie, AricLaw, TheLawrence, Vicki
Laws, EloiseLawson, JulietLazy Racer
Le Forestier, MaximeLea, JimLeander, Mike
Lear, AmandaLeary, TimothyLee, Alvin
Lee, BruceLee, BunnyLee, Freddie 'Fingers'
Lee, JohnLee, OtisLee, Roberty
Lee-Peach, EmmaLeer Brothers, TheLegacy Of Lies
LegendLegendary Masked SurfersLegends Of Jazz, The
LegsLegs DiamondLeno, Sam
Leon, CraigLeonard, John & John SquireLeroy, James
Lesley, MikeLet It RockLet's Active
Levinson, PaulLevy, O'DonelLevy, Oshik
Lewie, JonaLewis, DavidLewis, Lew
Leyton Buzzards, TheLiberty RecordsLicari, Danielle
Lieberman, LoriLieutenant PigeonLight Of The World
LighthouseLightnin' RodLightning Raiders
LimeyLimit (70s), TheLimmie And Family Cookin'
LimousineLincoln, PhilamoreLinda & The Funky Boys
Linda Carr & The Love SquadLindisfarneLindley, David
Lindop, RobertLindsay, JimmyLinton Kwesi Johnson
Little Bob StoryLittle FeatLittle Fred
Little John (70S)Little VillageLittle, Marie
Little, Syd & Large, EddieLiverpool EchoLiverpool Express
Liverpool Scene, TheLivgren, KerryLiving Brass
Livingston TaylorLivingstone, J.C.Lloyd Webber, Julian
Lloyd, CarolLloyd, FloydLloyd, Ian
Lloyd-Langton, HuwLoadstoneLobo
Lockran, GerryLocksmithLoco
Locomotiv GTLocomotiveLodge, John
Loggins, DaveLomond FolkLondon Percussion Ensemble
London Stadium Orchestra, TheLone StarLong Hello
Long Tall ShortyLong, LionelLong, Robert
LongdancerLongmuir, AlanLooking Glass
Lopez, ChicoLord FunnyLord Kitchener
Lord, BennyLords Of Percussion, TheLos 5 Del Este
Los DiablosLos JaivasLos Reales Del Paraguay
Lost Generation, TheLost Gonzo Band, TheLothar And The Hand People
Lou And Hollywood Bananas, TheLove And MoneyLove And Tears
Love ClubLove GenerationLove International
Love Machine (70S), TheLove Of Life OrchestraLove Sounds
Love Symphony Orchestra, TheLove, SylviaLovehorn
Lovelady, BillLovemakers, TheLovette, Eddie
Loving AwarenessLowe, JezLRD
LuciferLucyLulu Boys, The
Lumley, RobinLundy, CarmenLupu, Radu
LuthaLutherLuther Kent & Trick Bag
Luv MachineLuxury Item, TheLyle McGuinness Band
Lyle, BobbyLynne, JeffLynyrd Skynyrd
M. FrogMabsantMacArthur, Neil
MacDonald, GavinMacDonald, RalphMacgregor, Mary
MachinesMack, LonnieMackay, Andy
MacKay, BruceMackay, RabbitMaclean And Maclean
Maclean, DougieMacLeod, BobbyMacleod, Robert
MacNeil, RitaMacPherson, BruceMacTavish, David
Mad Hatters, TheMad Jocks & EnglishmenMad Lads, The (60s)
Made In SwedenMadeline BellMadhouse (1970s)
Madison (UK)Madrigal (Folk)Madrigal (Rock)
Mageean, JimMagenta (Folk)Magenta (Pop)
Maggie & Terry RocheMagicMagic Bus (70s)
Magic LadyMagic MomentsMagic Touch
Magna CartaMagnum BonumMagnus, Teddy
MahlathiniMaiden Theatre Group, TheMajenta
Makin, JohnMalcolm, CarlMalicorne
Malone, WilMalopoetsMama Lion
ManMan DokiManasseh
Mandrake Paddle SteamerManfred Mann's Earth BandManhattan Transfer, The
Manhattans, TheManifold, KeithMankind
Mann, CarlMann, JohnMannheim Steamroller
Manning, BernardManning, JohnManning, Linda
Mannoia, FiorellaMansell Chorale, TheMansell, Frank
Manset, GerardManson, JeaneMapleoak
Maran, MikeMarc SeabergMarcia & Lloyd
Marcovicci, AndreaMarcusMardi Gras
Marie, TeenaMarigold's, Dr.Marina Del Rey
MarionettesMarismeños, LosMark, Jon
Mark-AlmondMarkopoulos, YannisMarkstein, Stapley
MarrakeshMarriott, SteveMarsden, Gerry
Marshall HainMarshall, JimmyMarshall, Laurie
Marshall, Mike & Anger, DarolMarshall, TonyMartell, Ray
Mårtenson, LasseMarter, JohnnyMarti Webb
Martin And The BrownshirtsMartin CircusMartin, Bobbi
Martin, DaveMartín, JuanMartinez, Hirth
Martini, MiaMartiniqueMartyn Ford Orchestra
Martyn, JohnMarvin Welch & FarrarMarvin, Hank
Mas, CarolyneMash, TheMason Proffit
Mason, BarbaraMason, DaveMASON, GILLY
Mason, NickMass ProductionMasser, Michael
MasterswitchMatadors, The (Reggae)Matata
Matching MoleMate, BodgersMatheson, Andrew
Mattea, KathyMatthew & The MandarinsMatthews Southern Comfort
Matthews, DavidMatthews, IanMatthews, Julie
Matthews, MiltMatti Caspi & Sasha ArgovMatuška, Waldemar
Max WebsterMaxwell, Chas & CarolMay, Nick
May, PhilMay, SimonMayall, John
Maze (US)Mbulu, LettaMC5
McAuley, JackieMcBride, FrankieMcCafferty, Dan
McCall C.W.McCann, PeterMcCann, Terry
McCarthy, Lyn And GrahamMcClellan, MikeMcClure, Chris
McConnell & MortonMcConville, TomMcCoo, Marilyn & Davis, Billy
McCorkle, SusannahMccoy, DanMcCrae, George
McCrae, George & GwenMcCrae, GwenMcCreary, Mary
McCulloch, Jimmy & White LineMcDonald & GilesMcDonald, Ian
McDonald, RoryMcDonald, ShelaghMcFarland, Tom
McGee, BobbyMcGee, ParkerMcGilpin Bob
McGinlay, KevinMcGoldrick, AnnaMcGuinn & Hillman
McGuinn, Clark & HillmanMcGuinn, RogerMcGuinness Flint
McKay, DelseyMcKay, FreddieMcKendree Spring
McKenna Mendelson MainlineMcKenna, ValMcKenzie, Maurice
McKeown, LesMcKuen, RodMcLauchlan, Murray
McLean, DonMcLean, PennyMcLelland, Sandy
McLeod, RoryMcNabb, IanMcNeill, Sylvia
McNeir, RonnieMcPhee, Tony 'T.S.'McPherson, Gillian
McQuay, HerbMcVay, RayMcVie, Christine
McVie, JohnMead, Sister JanetMeadows, Mark
Meal TicketMecoMedicine Head
Meditations, TheMedium Wave Band, TheMedusa
Mehler, John And Nash, KennethMeisner, RandyMelfi Boys, The
Melody And LaneMelody MakerMelophonia
Melting PotMemphis, ChuckMenace
Mercer, TonyMerlinMerrell And The Exiles
Merritt, MaxMerryweather, NeilMessiah (70s)
Mey, FrederikMicare, FranklinMice, The
Michaels, GordonMichaels, HillyMichaels, Lee
Michel, ClaudeMichell, KeithMichelsen, Anne Dorte
Mick Dorey And The SirensMick Fleetwood Blues Band, TheMickey & The Heartbeats
Micus, StephanMiddle Of The RoadMiddleton, Max
Midnight FlyerMidnight Movers, TheMidnight Sun
Midnite CruiserMidwinterMighty Absalom
Mighty Two, TheMike Theodore Orchestra, TheMike Vernon
MIKEOLDMiles, BuddyMiles, John
Militant BarryMilk 'n' CookiesMilk And Honey
Miller, AngieMiller, DaleMiller, Frankie (Rock)
Miller, JacobMiller, JohnMiller, Larry
Miller, Lloyd (Reggae)Miller, MargieMiller, Rodney
Millican And NesbittMillionaires, TheMills, Frank
Mills, PatMills, StephanieMills-Cockell, John
Mingus DynastyMirabaiMiracles, The
MirkMirror, DannyMirrors (UK Punk), The
Mitchell, IanMitchell, JoniMitchell, Marty
Mitchell, MitchMitchell, SamMitchell, Stanley
Mixtures, TheMoat Brothers Country BandMob (Funk), The
MocedadesMod, JoeMoe Tucker
Moffatt, KatyMoffitt, PeterMohawk, Essra
Moloney, MickMom And Dads, TheMom's Apple Pie
Moments And WhatnautsMoments, TheMoments, The (70s)
Mongrel (70s)Monkman, FrancisMonochrome Set, The
Monroe, GerryMonsoon (70S)Montana
Montanas, TheMonte CarloMontgomery, Bobby
Montgomery, JamesMoody Blues, TheMoon, Keith
Moonlighters, TheMoonriderMoore, Anthony
Moore, BobMoore, BobbyMoore, Curley
Moore, DorothyMoore, JeffMoore, Matthew
Moore, MichaelMoore, TimMoorhouse, Alan
Moran, GayleMoran, MikeMorange & Fertier
Moraz, Patrick & Bruford, BillMore, MandyMoreira, Moraes
Morgan (Prog)Morgan, DaveMorgan, Scott
Morgan, TimMorganfield, Big BillMorning
Morris, GerryMorris, GregMorris, Roger
Morrish, KenMorrison, JimMorrison, Van
Morrissey MullenMosalini, Juan JoséMose Jones
Moses, JamieMother Earth (60S)Mother Gong
Mother HenMothsMotivation
Mottau, EddieMountainMountain Ash Band
MouseMove, TheMovies, The
Mowrey Jnr & WatsonMr. BloeMu
Muckram WakesMudMudcrutch
Mull, MartinMumfie Gang, TheMumma Bear
Mundell, HughMundi, CoatiMunich Machine
Murphey, MichaelMurphy, ArthurMurphy, Elliot
Murphy, ElliottMurphy, WalterMurray, Billy
Murray, PhilMusclesMushroom
Mushroom RecordsMusic Asylum, TheMusic Box
Music Doctors, TheMusic ExplosionMusica Elettronica Viva
MutantsMutter SlaterMyatt, John
MyrdhinMystery MakerMystic Merlin
Mystic SivaN.W.10Na Filí
Nails, TheNancyNariz, Wazmo
Nash, GrahamNasty PopNatchband
National HealthNational Shinguard CompanyNatural Acoustic Band
Natural MagicNaturals, The (US 70s)Nature Zone
NautycultureNaylor, JerryNazz
Nazzaro, GianniNdugu And The Chocolate Jam CoNeal, Chris
Neely, DonNeil, ChristopherNektar
Nelson Arion, TheNelson, TracyNervebreakers
Nerves, TheNestor, PamNetteswell Youth Band
NetworkNeuNeutrons, the
Neuwirth, BobNew Cactus Band, TheNew Censation
New Firm, TheNew Golden Guitar OrchestraNew Hawaiians, The
New Heavenly BlueNew Musical ExpressNew Riders Of The Purple Sage
New Seekers, TheNew Victory BandNew World
New York Blondes, TheNew York Port AuthorityNew York Rock & Roll Ensemble
New York Rock Ensemble, TheNewberry III, BookerNewby, Pete
Newcastle Big BandNewman, DaveNewman, Denny
Newman, RandyNewman, TomNewmark, Andy
News From BabelNewson, JeremyNewton Howard, James
Newton, WoodNewtown NeuroticsNice, The
Nichols, PennyNichols, RosemaryNicholson, Roger
Nick Carter (Piano)Nick Simper's FandangoNicky & The Dots
Nicky JamesNicoNicol And Marsh's Easy Street
Nicole (DE)Niedecken, WolfgangNight
Nighthawks, TheNightingale, AnneNightingale, Maxine
NightshadeNikki SuddenNile, Willie
Nirvana (UK)Nits, TheNitty Gritty Dirt Band
No DiceNoakes, RabNolan, Bernie
Nolans, TheNolen & CrossleyNomads (Folk), The
NormalNorrlåtarNorth, Freddie
NorthwindNostalgia (70S)Nottingham Barbers' Shop
NovaNovalisNovato Frank Band
NTPNu Art QuartetNucleus
Nudge NudgeNuggetsNuns, The
NutzNylons, TheNyro, Laura
O'Brien, DekeO'Connor, TomO'Day, Alan
O'Donnell, JoeO'Hara, JohnO'Hearn Patrick
O'Keefe, DannyO'List, DavidO'Sullivan, Gilbert
OakOats, WildObelisk
OberonOcasek, RicOccasional Few, The
Occasionally DavidOceanOcean, Humphrey
Ochil Players, TheOdds & EndsOff The Wall
Offenbach (Rock)Ogan, Gary & Lamb, BillOgerman, Claus
Old GoldOld Metropolitan BandOld Pete & John Christie
Old Swan Band, TheOliver, DavidOlivor, Jane
Omartian, MichaelOmartian, Michael And StormieOmega
On The AirOn The Seventh DayOne Hundred Ton And A Feather
One The JugglerOne Way TicketOne-Eyed Jack
Onyeabor, WilliamOpen RoadOrange And Blue
Orange Blossom SoundOrange PeelOregon
OrexisOrient ExpressOriginal Sound Track, The
Orion (Elvis)Orion The HunterOrkestra
Orlando, Tony & DawnOrleansOrrall, Robert Ellis
Oshik Levy & Naftaly AlterOsibisaOskar, Lee
Osmond, JimmyOtis, ShuggieOtway & Barrett
Our KidOut Of DarknessOutcasts
Outlaws, The (US)Overstreet, TommyOwen, Ray
Owens, TonyOZ MagazineOzo
OzzieP.P. & The PrimesPaay, Patricia
Pablo CruisePacific DriftPacific Eardrum
Pacific Gas & ElectricPack DavidPack, The (Pop)
Pack, The (Punk)Page & PlantPage, Gene
PagliaroPainterPalladino, Pino
Palmer, TomPanPan Am Steel Band, The
Pan, RebeccaPaoPapa Nebo
Par Lindh ProjectParanoids, TheParchment
Paris, FreddiePark, SimonParker, Alan
Parker, GrahamParker, JohnnyParker, Ken
Parker, WinfieldParks, Van DykeParrish & Gurvitz
Parsons, GeneParton, DesmondParvarim, The
Pascal, FrancoisePasha, Jimmy And Hi-Shots, ThePaskett, Dave
Pasqua, AlanPastures NewPat Thomas (Ghanaian)
PatchPatterson, KelleePatto
Patton, RobbiePaul, BillyPaul, Lyn
Pavlov's DogPaycheck, JohnnyPayne, Freda
Payne, GordonPazPaz, Osnat
Peabody, DavePeaches & HerbPeanuts
Pearls, ThePearse, JohnPeckers, The
Peebles, AnnPeek, KevinPeelers, The
Peeping Tom Spasm Band, ThePegg, Bob & Strutt, NickPegg, Carolanne
Pelosi, MauroPendergrass, TeddyPenetrators (Garage Rock), The
Penguin Cafe OrchestraPenn, DanPense, Lydia
Pentangle, thePeople (UK)Peoria Jazzband
Peppermint Rainbow, ThePeppers, ThePercy And Them
Perrey, Jean-JacquesPerry, BarbaraPerry, Greg
Persip, CharlesPersuasions, ThePerth County Conspiracy
Pertwee, JonPete York's Percussion BandPeters, Brian
Phantom Rocker & SlickPhase FivePhiladelphia Flyers
Philadelphia Woodwind QuintetPhilip John LeePhillips, Glenn
Phillips, JeffPhillips, NoelPhillips, Shawn
Phoenix (US)Phoenix, PaulPick, Svika
Pickett, CourtlandPickettywitchPickford, Ed
Pickford, PixPieroPierre Henry & Spooky Tooth
Pierre Moerlen's GongPiglets, ThePigs, The
Pigsty Hill Light OrchestraPilditch, ColinPilot
Pinder, MichaelPinhas, RichardPink Fairies, The
Pink FloydPinkees, ThePioneers, The (Reggae)
Planets. The (Steve Lindsey)PlanxtyPlatina, The
Platinum HookPlayerPlayer [1]
Players Association, ThePlaythings, ThePlimsouls, The
Plod, P.C.Pluto (70s)Pluto (UK)
Poet & The One Man BandPoint BlankPoint Of View
Pointed SticksPointer Sisters, ThePointer, Bonnie
Polce, JohnPoliker, YehudaPolite Force
Polland, PamelaPollock, HarveyPolydor Records
Pomeranz, DavidPonderosa Twins + OnePoor-Mouth, The
Pop, ThePopulationPorcaro, Mike
PortchalicePorter, GeorgePositiva
Pot LiquorPotter, NicPousette-Dart Band
PoussezPower Of ZeusPower Play
Power, DuffyPozo Seco Singers, ThePratt, Andy
PreludePresidents, ThePreskett, Graham
Preston, Don (Guitar)Preston, Don (Keyboards)Pretty Maids
Pretty PurdiePretty Things, ThePrettyboy
Previn, DoryPRHPrice Ringers, The
Price, JimPrice, RayPrince Buster
Principal Edwards Magic TheatrPrine, JohnPrior, Maddy
Prior, Maddy & Tabor, JunePrism (Canadian)Prisonaires, The
Pritchard, DavidPrivate Eye (Rock)Private Lines
PrivateerProblem ChildProcol Harum
Progress Organisation, ThePromisesProphet
Prophet, RonnieProudfootProvidence
PuhdysPulsarPulver, Judi
Punishment Of LuxuryPupoPure Prairie League
Purim, FloraPursey, JimmyPussycat
PuzzlePVC2Python Lee Jackson
Quads, TheQuantrell, JohnnyQuantum Jump
Quarterman, JoeQuatermassQuatro, Michael
Quattlebaum, DougQuazarQuicksand (Prog)
Quicksilver Messenger ServiceQuiet MelonQuin, Richard
Quint (Pop)QuintessenceQuintet The
Quintet, TheRabbitRachabane, Barney
Racing CarsRadiator (70s)Radiators [Oz], The
Radio Actors, TheRafferty, JimRafoot
Ragab, SalahRagsRagtimers, The
Rahming, PatrickRailingsRain
Rain (Psych)Rainbow, ChristopherRainbows
Rainford, TinaRalphs, MickRam & Tam
Ram JamRamasesRamblers, The (70s)
Rambow, PhilipRamsey, Willis AlanRance Allen Group
Ranchers, TheRandall, ElliottRandazzo, Teddy
Randy Pie & FamilyRankin, CaseyRare Amber
Rare BirdRare Gems OdysseyRaspberries
RatchellRationals, TheRats, The (70s)
Rattlesnake AnnieRavan, GenyaRaven, Jon
Ravenscroft, RaphaelRavitz, YehudithRaw Material
Ray Owen's MoonRay, Goodman & BrownRay, Harry
RaydioRaz, RuhamaRazmataz
RCRRead, John DawsonReading Festival, The
Real ABBA Gold, TheRealists, TheReality Band And Show, The
Record CollectorRecord Players, TheRecords, The
Red Clay Ramblers, TheRed HerringRed Line Explosion
Redbone, LeonRedding, NoelReds, The
Reece, ColinReed, Cale & NicoReed, Lou
Reed, VivianReekers, EdwardReemer, Sandra
Reffold, StuartRehmann, BenyReid, Clarence
Reid, MikeReid, NeilReid, Terry
Reilly, PaddyRelf, BobRelf, Jane
Remington, RitaRenaissanceRenanim Choir, The
Renato Sellani & Gianni BassoRentals [70S], TheRepairs
ReparataReR MegacorpRescue Co. No. 1
Rev, MartinRevelation RockersRex Barker And The Ricochets
Reynolds, BarryReynolds, L. J.Rhino
RhinocerosRhoades, DarrylRhodes, Emitt
Rhythm Butchers, TheRhythm HeritageRhythm Makers
Rice, BoydRice, TimRice-Milton, Terry
Rich FeverRichard 'Dimples' FieldsRichard T. Bear
Richard, CliffRichards 'N' WilliamsRichards, Digby
Richards, EmilRichards, JohnRichards, Nikki
Richards, TurleyRichman, JonathanRichmond, Dannie
Rick DankoRiechmann, WolfgangRiff-Raff
Rifkin, JoshuaRight Kind, TheRighteous Flames, The
Riley, TerryRimshotsRingo
Rio Grande BandRio Grande OrchestraRiopelle, Jerry
RippleRippy, Rodney AllenRitchie, Tony
Rivers, JohnnyRivvits, TheRoad
RoadmasterRobbins, KateRobert John Godfrey
Roberts, AndyRoberts, AustinRoberts, Chrissy
Roberts, MalcolmRoberts, PaulRoberts, Rick
Robertson, MickRobertson, RobbieRobeson, Paul
Robillard, DukeRobinson, JoyceRobinson, Vicki Sue
Rock BottomRock Island LineRock Workshop
Rock, MickRocketRocket 88
Rocket From The TombsRockets, The (Rock)Rockin' Jimmy And The Brothers
Rockman, WaltRocky Sharpe & The ReplaysRod And Tish, Mike And Joe
Rod Taylor (Country)Roden, JessRodgers, Jimmie (Rock & Roll)
Rodgers, PaulRodney & The BrunettesRodriguez, Antonia
Rodriguez, JohnnyRodriguez, SixtoRoedelius, Hans-Joachim
Rogers, DavidRogers, LynnRogers, Ted
RogueRohmann, ChrisRokotto
Roland, PaulRolfe, NickyRolling Stone
Rolling Stones, TheRoman, MurrayRôme
RomualdRonald, TonyRoogalator
RoomRoomful Of BluesRoots
RosaRose, BiffRose, Doreen
Rose, TonyRosenberg, MarianneRoses Are Red
Rosetta Stone (Pop)Rosie (70s)Ross
Ross, DannyRoss, DrewRossall, John
Rotary ConnectionRothman, PaulRothwell, Linda
Rough DiamondRough RidersRoundtree
Rowan & MartinRowe, BobRowe, Keith
Roy Kirby Paragon Jazz BandRoy St. JohnRoyals, The
RSO RecordsRubber BandRuben And The Jets
Rubettes, TheRuby And The Party GangRudi
Rudich, ArikRuffin, BruceRufus & Chaka Khan
Rumour, The Rundgren, ToddRunner
Rush, TomRussell, LeonRustic Hinge
Rutles, TheRyan, JameyRyan, Paul
Ryder, J.S.S.O.Saatchi, Phil
Sabato, DovSadista Sisters, TheSadistics
Saffron (Folk)SagaSagram
SaharaSahm, DougSailcat
SailorSain, OliverSaint James William
Saint Prix, DédéSaint-PreuxSaints & Sinners (70s)
SalamanderSalami, AdemolaSallon, Philip
SamuraiSanderson, DannySands, Evie
Sandy CoastSanford & SakerSanford & Townsend
Sansone, JohnnySantamaria, MongoSantana
Santana, JorgeSanto, PaulSantos, Larry
Sapodilla PunchSarney, JoySarofeen And Smoke
Sarr BandSarstedt Brothers, TheSarstedt, Robin
SassafrasSasssSatan's Rats
SatisfactionSatton, LonSaturday Night Band
SaturnaliaSaunders, LarrySaunders, Merl
Savage ProgressSavage Rose, TheSavoy (70s)
Savoy BrownSawyer, RaySax Maniax
Sax, UrbanSaxon, AlSayers, Pete
SBBScabs (70S), TheScaggs, Boz
ScalliwagScaniazzSchaffer, Janne
Schenkel, CalScherman, TheoScherrie & Susaye
Schlaks, StevenSchloss, CynthiaSchnitzler, Conrad
Schock, HarrietSchungeScientist
Scofield, TomScopeScorpions
Scot, ColinScott, AndyScott, Bon
Scott, CalvinScott, Jeff & Marc, JosefScott, Peggy
Scott, Peggy & Benson, Jo JoScott, TomScottish Fiddlers, The
Scotty (70s)ScreamerScrounger
ScullionSeals, DanSeathrough
SeatrainSeawindSebastian, John
Second Coming, The (60s)Second Generation, TheSecond Layer
Secret AffairSecret OysterSecret Policeman's Ball, The
Seebach Band, TheSegarini, BobSelectors, The
Sellars, MarilynSembello, MichaelSensational Alex Harvey Band
Sesto, CamiloSeven Ages Of Man, TheSéverine
Sex BeatlesSha-Rae, BillyShades
ShadowfaxShakaneShake, Billy
Shakespeare, WilliamShakin' StevensShamir, Ephraim & Astar
Shane, StephenShanghai (Mickey Green)Shannon (Funk)
Shape Of The RainShapes, TheSharks, The
Sharon PeopleSharpe, SundayShaw, Marlena
Shearston, GarySheephouseShegui
Sheikettes, TheSheila & B DevotionSheila And Clyde
ShelbyShelley, PeterShelter, Jimme
Shema KolenuShemer, NaomiShepherds Bush Comets, The
Shepp, ArchieSheppard, T. G.Shepstone & Dibbens
Sherman, BobbySherrySheshet
Shifman, YehudaShifrin, SusanShillingford Mill
Shine, BrendanShinn, DonShirts, The
Shoe Suede BluesShooterShorrock, Glenn
Short, BrianShortyShow Of Hands (Prog)
Shwn Wodw!SidanSidran, Ben
Siebel, PaulSievey, ChrisSiffleur Montagne Chorale Of Dominica, The
Siffre, LabiSilly WizardSilver Bow, The
Silver ConventionSilver MetreSilver, Platinum & Gold
SilverheadSimmons, JeffSimmons, Mickey
Simms Brothers BandSimms Brothers Band, TheSimon & Garfunkel
Simon, CarlySimon, KeithSimon, Lowrell
Simon, PaulSimon, YvesSimpkins, Darnell
Simpson, SteveSimpson, ValerieSinai, Arik
Sinceros, TheSinclair, RichardSindelfingen
Sinfield, PeteSingleton, CharlieSins Of Satan
SiouxSir Douglas QuintetSir Henry (& His Butlers)
Sir Joe Quarterman & Free SoulSir Lord BaltimoreSiren
SiriusSirkel & Co.Sister Pat Hall
SistersSisters LoveSitting Bull
Skifs, BjörnSkin AlleySky (70s)
Sky (John Williams)Sky, PatrickSkyband
SladeSlapp HappySlave
Slave (Folk)Slow ChildrenSlowload
Sly & The Family StoneSmiley, BrettSmirks, The
Smith & SonSmith Perkins SmithSmith, Anthony
Smith, CalSmith, CarrieSmith, Connie
Smith, EthelSmith, HurricaneSmith, Margo
Smith, MarthaSmith, RexSmith, TV
Smith, WhisperingSmith, William D.Smither, Chris
SmithySmokeSmoke (70s)
Smoker, JoelSmokey 007Smokie
SnafuSnakefingerSnakeman Show
SneakersSnivelling Shits, TheSnow, Michael
Soccio, GinoSociety Of SevenSoft Heap
Softones, TheSofTouchSolera, Dino
Solid Gold BandSolid Gold CadillacSolo, Bobby
Solomon, DianeSomething RealSomething Special
Son, JahSons & LoversSons Of Champlin
Sons Of HeroesSons Of Robin StoneSore Throat (Power Pop)
Soul Brothers [SA]Soul Children, TheSoul Fox Orchestra, The
Soul Makers, TheSoul Rebels, TheSoul Response
Soul, DavidSoulé, GeorgeSoulmates, The
SoundsSounds Of Lancashire, TheSouth Bank Orchestra, The
South, JoeSouther Hillman Furay BandSouther, John David
Southern ComfortSouthern PacificSouthern, Al
Southern, RonjiSouthroad ConnectionSouthwind
Sovereign CollectionSovereign Singers, TheSpace (Tremeloes)
Space ArtSpaghetti Head (70s)Sparrow
Specter, DaveSpeed (Punk)Speed, Glue & Shinki
Spelman, OrsaSpence, BarringtonSpheres
SpiderSpin (Dutch)Spinach Power
Spinners, TheSpiritSpirit Of John Morgan
Spiro GyraSpiteriSpivak, Dubby
SpookeySpooky ToothSports, The
SpringwaterSpyro GyraSquare Set, The
Square, ParadiseSquire, ChrisSRT
St. Clements WellsSt. KeverneSt. Louis Hounds, The
StaccStack WaddyStackridge
Stadium DogsStaffell, TimStanley Steamer
Stanshall, VivianStarbuckStarcastle
StardriveStarr Bounds, TheStarr, Edwin
Starr, FreddieStarr, RingoStarr, Ruby
Starry Eyed And LaughingStartraxStatchil
States, TheStaymer, HansStealers Wheel
Steam ShuttleSteamhammerSteel Mill
Steel PulseSteeleye SpanSteenhuis, Wout
SteeplechaseSteinberg And KellySteneker, Ben
Stephen, HenryStephenson's RocketStephenson, Van
SteppenwolfSteppin' OutSteps Ahead
StepsonStereotypes, TheSterling
Steve Brown Band, TheSteve Miller Band, TheSteve Tilston
Stevens, BrettStevens, CatStevens, Jimmy
Stevens, JohnStevens, RayStevens, Rick
Stevens, SandyStevens, StuStevens, Terri
Stevenson, GeoffStewart, AlStewart, Allan
Stewart, BobStewart, J.J.Stewart, Roman
StiffStilettos, TheStill Life [70s]
Stills, StephenStills-Young Band, TheStillwater
Stitch, JahStoat, TheStokes, Simon
Stone AngelStone The CrowsStoned Circus
StonedelightStoneham, HarryStories
Storm (Reggae)Storyteller (70s)Straker, Peter
Strange DaysStrangers, RankStrapps
Strawbs, TheStrayStray Dog
StreakStreakersStreet Noise
Street TalkStreet, MelStreetheart
StringbandStromme, CarolStrunk, Jud
Stuart, MaryStudStuff
StukasStukas, TheStyvers, Laurie
SubsSubway Sect, TheSue & Sunny
SugarloafSuite SteelSullins, Jim
Sullivan, Big JimSullivan, MichaelSun
Sun RaSun TreaderSunchariot
Sunday FunniesSunnySunny Jim Band
Sunshine (70s)Sunshine On The WorldSupersister (70s)
SupertonicSurface NoiseSurprise Sisters, The
Survival KitSusana, GracielaSusie
Sutherland Brothers & QuiverSutherland, GibbySuzette
Swan ArcadeSwan, BillySwan, Black
Swann, BettyeSwarbriggs Plus Two, TheSweepers, The
Sweet CreamSweet Dreams (70s)Sweet Honey In The Rock
Sweet SensationSweet ThunderSweet Thursday
Swell MapsSwift, JonathanSwindells, Steve
Swing ThingSwingalongs, TheSwingle II
SwitchSwitch (Motown)Sylvers, The
Sylvester's Juke BoxSylvester, TerrySymarip
T-SlamT-SquareT.P. Orchestre Poly-Rythmo
T.U.S.H.Table, TheTabor, June & Simpson, Martin
Tagg, EricTaggettTaï Phong
Taj MahalTalbot, BillyTalila
Talk Of The TownTalley, JamesTallulah
TamouzTanamo, LordTannahill Weavers, The
Tanned LeatherTanner, MarcTantra
Tarbuck, JimmyTarney Spencer Band, TheTarry, Michael
Tartan HordeTasavallan PresidenttiTaste
Tate, TroyTavaresTavori, Shimi
Taw Folk, TheTawnaTaylor, Alex
Taylor, AllanTaylor, DickTaylor, Doug
Taylor, EddieTaylor, JamesTaylor, Jeremy
Taylor, KokoTaylor, MartinTaylor, Tyrone
TC James & The Fist-O-Funk OrcTea & SymphonyTeach-In
Teacher's PetTearjerkers, TheTeaze
Teen BeatsTeesside Fettlers, TheTelephone
Tempchin, JackTempestTemple City Kazoo Orchestra
Tempo, NinoTempo, Nino & Stevens, AprilTempus Fugit
Ten Years AfterTennent - MorrisonTequila Mockingbird C.E.
Tequila!Terry & The PiratesTerry Dactyl And The Dinosaurs
Tex Williams And The SundownerTexas Tornados, TheThackray, Jake
The Fourth WayThe Grease BandThe Mekons
The Po' BoysThe TigersThee Image
Thieves (1970S)Thomas St. John & Winston JThomas, B.J.
Thomas, Creepy JohnThomas, DonThomas, Guthrie
Thomas, IanThomas, JeffThomas, Mickey
Thomas, NickyThomas, RayThomas, Vaughan
Thomopoulos, AndreasThompson, BarbaraThompson, Carroll
Thompson, Chris (Folk)Thompson, Chris (MM)Thompson, Lincoln
Thompson, LindaThompson, Linda G.Thompson, Richard
Thompson, RobbinThompson, SydneyThor
Thorpe, T.J.Thrasher, EiriThree Dog Night
ThreewheelThreshold LabelThunderbird American Indians
Thurston, BobbyTiboldi, MariaTierra
Tiger B. SmithTimeTimepiece
Timmy And The TulipsTin HueyTin Tin
Tiny AliceTippett & TraceyTippetts, Julie
TitanicToby BeauToday's People
Toe FatToffoletti, GuidoToland, Marie
Tom TomTomita, IsaoTommy Tutone
TomorrowTomorrow's EditionTonics, The
TonightTonto's Expanding Head BandTonton Macoute
TontrixTony Camillo's BazukaTony Nelson's Cool Country
ToolsTop Of The PopsTop, Janik
Topping, FrankTorontoTouch (70s)
Touch, MagneticTower Of PowerTowers, Jesse
Towers, LeeTownshend, PeteTownshend, Simon
Toy PlanetToyah & FrippTrace
Track RecordsTrader HorneTraffic
Trammps, TheTrampolinTrash (70s)
Trash (Punk)TrashmonkTraum, Artie
Traum, HappyTravellers, TheTravis (70s)
Travis, PaulTreatmentTreatment, Steve
Trede, GerhardTree People, TheTrees
Tregger, YanTremblers, TheTrepte, Uli
Tretow, Michael B.Tribe (70s)Tribes, The
TributeTrifleTrigger (70S)
TrillionTrimmer & JenkinsTrinidad Oil Company
Trinidad Steel OrchestraTrinityTrio Arava
Trio Bulgarka, TheTritonsTriumph
TriumviratTroiano, DomenicTrolls, New
TrooperTropea, JohnTrower, Robin
Trower, Robin & Bruce, JackTroy, DorisTruckaway, William
Trucks, DerekTrue Reflection, TheTrust (French)
Trythall, GilTseva Tari TrioTubes
Tucker, JuniorTucker, RichardTucker, Tanya
Tucker, TerryTucky BuzzardTuff, Tony
TulsaTunes, CrabTureck, Rosalyn
Turner, Ike & TinaTurner, NikTurner, Pierce
Turner, SpyderTurtle, HenryTurtles, The
Tyla GangTyla, SeanTyrone & Carr
U-RoyU.K.U.K. Joe
U.N.I.V.E.R.S.E., TheUjimaUltrafunk
Uncle Jim's MusicUnicornUnicorn, The
Union ExpressUnit SixUnited Jazz + Rock Ensemble
Universal EnergyUniversal Sounds OrchestraUnlimited Touch
UppUrge, TheUtopia (German)
Utopia (US)V, FormulaV.I.P.'s
V.S.O.P.Valenti, JohnValentino
Valves, TheVan Der Graaf GeneratorVan Der Linden, Rick
Van Dijk, LouisVan Dyke, ConnyVan Dyke, Vonda
Van Leer, ThijsVan Rooyen, LaurensVan Zant, Johnny
Vandenbos, ConnyVander Ark, BrianVander, Christian
Vaness, TheoVangelder-Smith, CherrieVanilla Fudge
Vannelli, GinoVanwarmer, RandyVarenne, Michel
VariationVariations (Reggae)Various - Prog & Psych
Various - Soul & FunkVarious-DiscoVarious-Magazines & Newspapers
Vega, AlanVega, TátaVel-Vets, The
Velez, MarthaVelline, Robert ThomasVeloso, Caetano
Velvet GloveVelvet OperaVelvet Underground
Verheyen, CarlVerityVermeulen, Hans
Vertigo LabelVian, PatrickVicious White Kids, The
Vielleux Du BourbonnaisVigrass & OsborneVilard, Hervé
ViletonesVincent, JamesVinegar Joe
VineyardViolinskiVirtuoses Roumains Les
Virtzberg, IlanVisitor 2035Voerkel, Urs
VoizVoormann, KlausVorhaus, David
Voulzy, LaurentVoyagerVulcans (Reggae)
Wackerman, ChadWackers, TheWagon, Chuck
Wagoner Porter & Parton DollyWagoner, PorterWailer, Bunny
Waits, TomWake, TheWakelin, Johnny
Wakeman, RickWalker, Jerry JeffWalker, Joe Louis
Walker, LarringtonWalker, LesWalker, Ronnie
Walker, SammyWall, AlwynWallace, George Jr.
Wallace, IanWallbank, RaymondWallenstein
Waller, MickyWallis, LarryWalsh, Brock
Walsh, JoeWalters, DaveWando
Wansel, DexterWard, ClaraWard, Clifford T.
Warhol, AndyWarhorseWarm Gun
Warnes, JenniferWarren, JamesWarriors, The
Warsaw PaktWashington, DeborahWashington, George E.
Wasted YouthWaterWater Into Wine Band
Waterloo And RobinsonWaters, MiraWaters, Roger
Waterson, Lal & MikeWaterson, MikeWatkins, Geraint
Watkins, LovelaceWatson, GeneWatts 103Rd Street Rhythm Band
Watts, TrevorWavesWaybill, Fee
Waymon, SamWayne, NancyWeatherly, Jim
Weathermen, TheWeaver, PattyWeb, The
Webb, SusanWebber, AJWeber, Eberhard
Wedlock, FredWeeks, WillieWeir, Bob
Weirdos, TheWeisberg, TimWeiss, Otto
Welch, BobWelch, BruceWeldon, Maxine
Welles, BillyWellings, BillWellington
Wellins, BobbyWendroff, MichaelWerewolves
Werner, DavidWerth, HowardWerther
Wess And Ghezzi, DoriWest Stars Steel Band, TheWest, Albert
West, LeslieWestbrook, MikeWestbrook, Roger
Weston, GlennWet WillieWetton, John
Wha-KooWhatnauts, TheWheater, Tim
WhimseyWhispers, TheWhitcomb, Ian
White HeatWhite L. E. & Dillon Lola JeanWhite Lightnin'
White On BlackWhite PlainsWhite, Alan
White, BarryWhite, Josh Jr.White, Kieran
White, TamWhite, Tony JoeWhite, Trevor
Whitehead, CharlieWhitfield, RobertWhitlock, Bobby
Whitmore, IainWhitney, MarvaWhitren, Jaki
Whitten, DannyWhiz, Mr. G.Who
WidowmakerWigan's Chosen FewWild Angels
Wild Thing, TheWild ThymeWild Turkey
Wild WallyWilde ThreeWilde, Eugene
Wilding/BonusWillard, KellyWilliam Goldstein & The Magic
Williams Bros.Williams Brothers (Soul), TheWilliams, Alan
Williams, BobbyWilliams, CharlieWilliams, John (Guitarist)
Williams, JohnnyWilliams, KennyWilliams, Lenny
Williams, MargaretWilliams, MoonWilliams, Norman
Williams, Paul (US)Williams, RayWilliams, Ricky
Williams, RogerWilliams, TraceyWilliamson, John
Williamson, NicholWilliamson, RobinWilson (70s), Tony
Wilson, DelroyWilson, FreddyWilson, Joe
Wilson, Larry JonWilson, MaryWilson, Meri
Wilson, SharkWilson, TimothyWilson, Tony
WindmillWindows (70s)Winds Of Change
Wing And A Prayer Fife & DrumWingfield, PeteWinkies, The
Winslow, PeteWinsor, Martin & Sullivan, RedWinter (70S)
Winter, EdgarWinter, JohnnyWinwood, Steve
Wirtz, MarkWizzardWolfe Tones, The
Wood, BrentonWood, HaydenWood, Ronnie
Wood, RoyWood, TedWoods Band, The
Woods, Gay & TerryWoodward, EdwardWoolfson Eric
Woolley, ShepWorks, TheWorld Service
World, TheWRAXWright, Bobby
Wright, GaryWright, RickWright, Stevie
Wright, TommyWriting On The WallWurman, Hans
WXPNWyatt, RobertWylie, Popcorn
Wyngarde, PeterWyomingX Certificate
Xhol CaravanXitXPP
YachtsYamashta, StomuYamashta, Winwood & Shrieve
Yamasuki's, TheYates, TomYatha Sidhra
Yellow DogYellow Payges, TheYellowjackets
Yellowstone And VoiceYesYES
Yin & YanYoder, GregYonkers, Michael
You (Punk)Youlden, ChrisYoung & Renshaw
Young Bucks, TheYoung Generation, TheYoung Ones, The
Young, Jesse ColinYoung, JonathanYoung, Kenny
Young, NeilYoung, RettaYoung, Robert
Young, RoyYoung, SteveYoung, Tommie
Youngbloods, TheYovel, HananYr Hwntws
Z.O.U.ZacchaeusZacharias, Helmut
Zager, MichaelZakatek, LennyZamfir, Gheorghe
Zap-PowZappa Plays ZappaZappa, Dweezil
Zappa, FrankZara, VincentZaradin, John
Zavaroni, LenaZazou, HectorZee
Zeeland, JaapZelkowitz, GoldieZero (70s)
Zevon, WarrenZig-ZagZimmerman, Tucker
Zipps, TheZodiac (Pop)Zohra
Zooms, TheZukie, TapperZulema

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