| | |
| | 'B' Girls, The |
(70S), Blackstone | (70S), Espiritu | (70S), Factory |
(70S), Fancy | (70S), Fluff | ? & The Mysterians |
100% Pure Poison | 20th Century Steel Band | 21st Creation |
2nd Vision | 3 | 4.A.D. |
5000 Volts | 52nd Precinct | 5th Ball Gang |
9.30 Fly | 90 Degrees | A Band Called George |
A Band Called O | A Foot In Coldwater | A La Carte |
A&M Records | A's, The | A.A.B.B. |
Abba | Abednego And The Piccadilly St | Abercrombie, John |
Abertillery Orpheus Male Choir | Abrahams, Mick | Abramson, Ronney |
Absolute Elsewhere | Ace | Achor |
Ackles, David | Acme Attractions | Act 1 |
Adam, Mark | Adams, Arthur | Adams, Don |
Adams, Kirri | Addrisi Brothers | Advertising |
Aerial | Af-Tab's | Affinity |
African Music Machine | Afrique | Afro Akino |
Afro-Cuban Band | Agincourt | Agitation Free |
Agony Bag | Aguaturbia | Ainbusk Singers |
Ainley, Charlie | Airey, Keith | Airmail |
Aka The Max Demian Band | Akkerman, Jan | Al Brown + Skin, Flesh & Bones |
Alabama State Troupers | Alan Parsons Project, The | Alan Peters Orchestra And Chor |
Albatross | Alberstein, Chava | Albert, Morris |
Alberto Y Lost Trios Paranoias | Albion Band, The | Alexander, David |
Alexander, Steve | ALF | Alfalpha |
Alfie Khan Sound Orchestra | Algy Lord Gray | Ali, Abraham |
Alias Ron Kavana | Allal, Corinne | Allen Collins Band |
Allen, Christie | Allen, Daevid | Allen, Peter |
Allen, Tony | Allen, Vee | Allens, The |
Alleyne, Wendy | Allman Brothers Band | Allman Joys, The |
Allman, Duane | Allman, Gregg | Almond, Johnny |
Althia & Donna | Amanda | Amazonas |
Amazorblades | Ambergris | Amboy Dukes, The (US) |
Ambrose, Amanda | Ambulators, The | America |
American Flyer | American Standard Band | Amesbury, Bill |
Amin, Idi | Amon Düül | Amps, Kym |
Anarchic System | Ancient Grease | Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe |
Anderson Harley & Batt | Anderson, Al | Anderson, Carl |
Anderson, Christian | Anderson, Gurney | Anderson, Ian |
Anderson, Jade | Anderson, Jon | Anderson, Laurie |
Anderson, Lynn | Anderson, Miller | Anderson, Udell |
Anderssen, Anne | Andraé Crouch & The Disciples | Andrea True Connection |
Andrews, Harvey | Andromeda | Andy Bown |
Andy Fraser | Andy Summers & Robert Fripp | Andy, Horace |
Ange | Angel (Sweet) | Angel, Johnny |
Angels, The (Oz) | Angie | Angiolini, Renato |
Anne-Karine | Annexus Quam | Anointed, The |
Ant, Adam | Anthony, George | Anthony, Miki |
Antony, Miki | Antorchas | Anyone's Daughter |
Apollo | Apollo 100 | Appaloosa |
Appleyard, Peter | April | Aquavitae |
Ar Log | Arabesque | Arc |
Archer, Robert | Archer, Ron | Archie Bell & The Drells |
Areas, Jose 'Chepito' | Ariel, Meir | Arizona |
Armada Orchestra, The | Armageddon (70s) | Armand, Renee |
Armour, Matt | Armpit Jug Band, The | Armstrong, Frankie |
Arnau, Brenda | Arnold, Horacee | Arnold, Stan |
Arnold-Martin-Morrow | Arpeggio | Arrington, Steve |
Arrogant Adams | Art Attacks, The | Art Bears |
Arthur, Dave & Toni | Arthurs, Andy | Arto/Neto |
Artzi, Shlomo | Arzachel | Asfalto |
Ash (1970s) | Ash Ra Tempel | Ash, Vic |
Ashcroft, Johnny | Ashdown, Doug | Ashley, Steve |
Ashton Gardner & Dyke | Ashton, Tony | Ashworth, Richard |
Aslan (Folk) | Asleep At The Wheel | Assembled Multitude, The |
Assoziation Hagaw | Astor & The Potentials | Astral Navigations |
Atacama | Atari, Gali | Atkin, Pete |
Atlanta Rhythm Section | Atlantic Crossing Drum & Pipe | Atlantic Records |
Atlantis | Atmosfear | Atoll |
Atomic Rooster | Attempted Moustache | Atterson, Alex |
Atwell, Billy | Audience | Audsley, Mick |
Aunt Mary | Auracle | Aurra |
Australian Crawl | Automatic Man | Automatics |
Autopilot | Autumn | Avant Gardener |
Avengers, The | Axe (70s) | Axe (Rock) |
Axel F | Axiom (Oz) | Ayers, Kevin |
Ayers, Roy | Aztec Two-Step | Azteca |
B. Baker Chocolate Co. | B.Z.N. | Baba And Roddy |
Baba, Meher | Babe Ruth | Baby Grand (70s) |
Baby Huey | Bachelors, The | Back Door |
Back Seat Driver | Back Street Crawler | Bad Company |
Bad Habits, The | Badge & Company | Badger |
Bagatelle | Bags (Punk), The | Bain, Aly |
Baker Gurvitz Army, The | Baker, Betty | Baker, Carroll |
Baker, Ginger | Baker, Hylda & Mullard, Arthur | Baker, Mickey |
Baker, Tom | Bakersfield | Balance (Funk) |
Balderdash | Balin, Marty | Ballantyne, David |
Ballard, Russ | Balli Latino | Bamble B |
Banbarra | Band, The | Bandit |
Bank | Banks & Hampton | Banks, Homer |
Banks, Peter | Banks, Rose | Bap |
Bar-Kays | Barbara & The Browns | Barbieri, Gato |
Barde | Barden, Gary | Bardens, Peter |
Barish, Jesse | Barker, Dave | Barker, Les |
Barking Light Orchestra | Barlow, Randy | Barnes, Cheryl |
Barnes, Kathy | Barnes, Richard | Baronet, The |
Barracudas, The | Barre, Martin | Barrere, Paul |
Barrett, Gavin | Barrett, Syd | Barrie, J.J. |
Barry De Vorzon | Barry Walker's Smackee | Barton, Tony |
Bashan, Igal | Bashers, The | Bastow, Trevor |
Batdorf & Rodney | Bates, Billy | Batteaux |
Battiato, Franco | Battin, Skip | Baxter, Jeff |
Bay City Rollers | Beachcomber | Bears, The |
Beau | Beaver & Krause | Beavers, Jackey |
Beck, Bogert & Appice | Becker, Walter | Beckett |
Beckett, Peter | Bedford, Chuck | Bedlam |
Beggar's Opera | Beginning Of The End, The | Begley, Philomena |
Bela, Fleck | Belew, Adrian | Bell & James |
Bell + Arc | Bell, Alan | Bell, Benny |
Bell, Chris | Bell, Delia & Grant, Bill | Bell, Eric |
Bell, Maggie | Bells, The | Belmonde, Pierre |
Ben | Benelux And Nancy Dee | Bennett, Chris |
Bennett, Fay | Benno, Marc | Benny |
Benny & Tina | Benson, Gary | Bensusan, Pierre |
Berger, Michel | Berger, Wolf | Berline, Byron |
Berté, Loredana | Besse, Anne-Marie | Best Of British |
Best, Adam | Bethnal | Betjeman, Sir John |
Betts, Dickey | Betty Joe | Between |
Bevan, Bev | Bewes, Rodney | Bias, Joe |
Biddu | Big Bertha | Big Boy Tomato |
Big Brass Band, The | Big Brother & The Holding Co. | Big Carrot |
Big Daisy | Big Hair | Big Johns Rock 'n' Roll Circus |
Big Star | Big Trouble (70s) | Big Wah-Koo, The |
Big Wheel | Big Youth | Biggs, Barry |
Bilbo Baggins | Bill & Taffy | Billmus, Trevor |
Billy Beethoven | Billy Karloff Band | Bimbo Jet |
Binky Baker & The Pit Orchestr | Binzi | Bionic Boogie |
Bird, Tony | Birtha | Birtles & Goble |
Bishop, Elvin | Bishop, Randy | Bishops, The (70s) |
Bismuth | Bitch | Bits & Pieces |
Bitter Almond | Bitter Suite | Bizjoe |
Bjerre, Lindsay | Black And White | Black Blood |
Black Gorilla | Black Ice | Black Pearl |
Black Ram & Dynamics | Black Tie | Black Widow |
Black, Sam | Blackberries | Blackbirds,The |
Blackbyrds, The | Blackfoot | Blackley, Alan |
Blacklock, Kelvin | Blackmore's Night | Blackthorn |
Blackwater Junction | Blackwell, Vic | Blade, Andy |
Blair Emry | Blair, Sandra | Blake, Peter (Pop) |
Blake, Tim | Bleechers, The | Blegvad, Peter |
Blessings in Disguise | Bliss Band, The | Block, Rory |
Blodwyn Pig | Blonde On Blonde (60s) | Blood Sweat & Tears |
Bloodstone | Bloom, Ken | Bloomfield, Mike |
Bloomfield, Mike & Kooper, Al | Bloomfield, Steve | Bloomsbury Set, The |
Bloontz | Blount, Michael | Blow Fly |
Blue (70s) | Blue Beard | Blue Bishops, The |
Blue Cheer | Blue Goose | Blue Haze |
Blue Swede | Blue, Barry | Blue, David |
Blues Band, The | Blues Delivery | Blues Man Willie |
Blunt Instrument | Bob & Carole Pegg | Bob & Earl |
Bob Johnson & Pete Knight | Body, Soul & Spirit | Boetcher, Curt |
Bofill, Angela | Bogart | Bogart (German) |
Bolan, Marc | Bolcom, William | Bolton, Polly |
Bombers | Bonaparte, Eli | Bonaroo |
Bond & Brown | Bond, Peter | Bones |
Bonnet, Graham | Bonney, Graham | Bonnie Bramlett |
Bonoff, Karla | Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band, The | Boogie Man Orchestra, The |
Bookham And Riskett | Boone, Daniel | Boone, Debby |
Boone, Lelly | Boones Farm | Boones, The |
Boothe, Ken | Booz, Emmanuel | Boppers, The |
Borderline Country Band, The | Bothy Band, The | Botkin Jr., Perry |
Boulaye Patti | Boule, Christian | Box Of Frogs |
Box Tops, The | Boxer | Boyzz, The |
Bozzio Levin Stevens | Bradshaw, Terry | Brady, Phil |
Brainbox (Focus) | Brainticket | Bram Stoker |
Bram Tchaikovsky | Bramlett, Delaney | Bran |
Brand X | Brand, John | Brandsteder, Ron |
Branduardi, Angelo | Brant, Mike | Brass Monkey (70s) |
Braun, Arthur | Bread | Breakers, The |
Breant, Francois | Breath, Faithful | Breck, Freddy |
Bremner, Billy | Brenda & The Tabulations | Brendon |
Brenner, Eve | Brewers Droop | Brides Of Funkenstein, The |
Bridger, Bobby | Brinsley Schwarz | Bristol, Johnny |
Britton, Vicki | Brock, Jim | Brockett, Jaime |
Broken Glass | Broken Home | Bromberg, David |
Brook, Julian | Brooker, Gary | Brookes, Paul |
Brooks | Brooks, Bernie | Brooks, Dianne |
Brooks, Elkie | Brooks, Pattie | Brooks, Terry |
Broth | Brotherhood Of Breath | Brothers |
Brothers And The Sisters, The | Brothers Johnson, The | Brothers Of Soul |
Brown Bomber Steel Band, The | Brown, Arthur | Brown, Friday |
Brown, Jim Ed | Brown, Leroy | Brown, Pete (Jazz) |
Brown, Pete (Piblokto) | Brown, Peter | Brown, Polly |
Brown, Shirley | Brown, Teddy | Brown, Veda |
Brown, Vicki | Browne, Abigail | Browne, Duncan |
Browne, Jackson | Browne, Mack & Brothers, The | Browne, Severin |
Browne, Thomas F. | Brownsville Banned | Broza, David |
Bruce, Jack | Bruford, Bill | Bryant, Felice & Boudleaux |
Bryant, John | Bryars,Gavin | Buari |
Buchanan, Roy | Buckle, Bob | Buckley, Tim |
Buckwheat | Budd, Roy | Buddy Odor Stop, The |
Buffet, Jimmy | Bulldog | Bunk Dogger |
Bunyan, Vashti | Buoys, The | Burch, Vernon |
Burdon, Eric | Burnette, Billy | Burnette, Rocky |
Burnin' Red Ivanhoe | Burning | Burns, Eddy |
Burrito Deluxe | Burundi Black | Bush, Johnny |
Bushwhackers & Bullockies Band | Business (Power Pop), The | Buskers, The |
BUSTER BROWN (70S) | Buttercups, The | Butterscotch |
Butts Band | Buzz | Bygraves, Anthony |
Bygraves, Max | Byrds | Byrne Packie & Shaljean Bonnie |
Byrne, Jerry | Byron, David | Byzantium |
C.J. & Co. | Cacia, Paul | Cadd, Brian |
Caddick, Bill | Cadillac, Vince | Cado Belle |
Cadogan, Susan | Cahill, Patricia | Cain, Jeffrey |
Cair Paravel | Caldera (70s) | Cale, J.J. |
Cale, John | Calender | Calhoon |
Calico | California Music | California, Randy |
Calvert, Robert | Camel | Cameron, Andy |
Cameron, Angus | Cameron, John Allan | Cameron, Ken |
Campbell, Cornell | Campbell, Ethna | Campbell, Michael Edward |
Campbell-Lyons, Patrick | Can | Canavan, Mike |
Canned Heat | Canned Heat & Hooker, John Lee | Cannon & Ball |
Capaldi, Jim | Capitol Records | Capitols, The |
Captain & Tennille | Captain Beaky | Captain Beefheart & Magic Band |
Captain Beyond | Captain Billy's Dream Machine | Captain Video |
Caravan | Carbon / Silicon | Cargoe |
Carl Davis & The Chi-Sound Orc | Carlin, Joanna | Carlisle, Jim |
Carlos,Roberto | Carman, Paul | Carmen, Eric |
Carmen, Phil | Carmets, The | Carn, Doug |
Carniss, Ysanne | Carnival, The (Latin) | Carpettes, The |
Carrà, Raffaella | Carradine, David | Carroll, Pat |
Carter, Martin | Carter, Nell | Carter, Ralph |
Cartwright, Dave | Casablanca (1970s) | Cascading Strings, The |
Cash And Carry | Cash Pussies | Cashman & West |
Cashman, Pistilli & West | Caspi, Matti | Cassidy, Shaun |
Castle, David | Castle, Mike | Caston & Majors |
Castor, Jimmy | Catch | Cate Bros |
Catfish (Oz) | Catherine Philip | Cats Eyes |
CBS Records | CCL | Celebrated Artists Band |
Celebrated Ratliffe Stout Band, The | Celi Bee & The Buzzy Bunch | Centipede |
Cerrone, Jean-Marc | Chain | Chain Gang |
Chairmen Of The Board | Chalker, Bryan | Chalkitis, Harris |
Chalkitis, Harry | Challenor, Jackie | Chamberlain, Cathy |
Chambers, Jimmy | Chamfort, Alain | Champlin, Bill |
Chandeliers, The | Chaney, Ken | Change (Glam) |
Chanson | Chanter Sisters, The | Chapman, Michael |
Chapman, Roger | Chappelle, Helen | Chapter Three |
Charisma Records | Charlemagne Palestine | Charlene |
Charles, Bobby | Charles, Ronnie | Charlie |
Charne, Billy | Chaser | Chater, Kerry |
Cheeks, Judy | Cheetah (Reggae) | Chemical Alice |
Chequered Past | Cherry Pickers, The | Chestnutt, Vic |
Cheviot Ranters, The | Cheynes | Chicken Shack |
Chicory Tip | Chief Checker | Child |
Chilliwack | Chilton, Alex | China [70s] |
China Street | Chladil, Milan | Chosen Few, The |
Chris Stein | Christenson, Terry | Christian |
Christian, Neil | Christiansen, Bjorn | Christie |
Christie, David | Christie, John | Christie, Susan |
Christmas, Keith | Christophe | Christopher, Jordan |
Christopher, Lyn | Chubukos, The | Chuck Brown & Soul Searchers |
Chula Vista | Chunky, Novi & Ernie | Churchill, Chick |
Cigarettes, The | Cinquetti, Gigliola | Cipollina, John |
Circles, The | Cirkus | Cissel, Chuck |
Citi | City | City Boy |
City Waites, The | Civvy Street | Claggers |
Clague | Claire | Clancy |
Clapton, Eric | Clark, Gene | Clark, Guy |
Clark, Louis | Clark, Mike | Clarke, Allan |
Clarke, Johnny | Clarke, Stanley | Clay, Tom |
Clayton, Obie | Clayton, Paul | Clayton, Steve |
Clean Living | Cleaners From Venus, The | Clearlight |
Clements, Vassar | Clemons, Clarence | Cleves School Choir, The |
Cliff Jackson & The Naturals | Climax | Climax Blues Band |
Clinton, Davy | Cloud | Clouds |
CMU | Coast (Soul) | Coast Road Drive |
Coates, Odia | Cobham, Billy | Cochise |
Cockerel Chorus | Cocky | CoCo (Pop) |
Coffey, Dennis | Cognac | Cohen, David Bennett |
Cohen, Leonard | Colaiuta, Vinnie | Colby,Mark |
Cold Blood | Colder, Ben | Cole, Billy |
Coleman, Gary B.B. | Collective Horizontal | Collier, Graham |
Collins, Jeff | Collins, Judy | Collins, Tommy |
Colombo, Pia | Colorado | Colosseum |
Colosseum II | Colours Of Love | Coltrane, Chi |
Combe Raleigh Countryfolk | Commander Cody | Comus |
Con Funk Shun | Coney Hatch | Congos, The |
Congregation, The | Connections, The | Consumer Rapport |
Contempt | Continuum | Contraband (Folk) |
Cooder, Ry | Cooke, Roger James | Cool Bananas |
Cooper Brothers | Cooper, Bo | Cooper, Graham |
Cooper, Henry | Cooper, Mike | Cope, Susan |
Copeland, Ruth | Copperhead (John Cipollina) | Cops, The |
Cordettes Steel Orchestra | Corliss | Cornelius (US) |
Cornelius Brothers & Sister Ro | Coronados, The | Corries, The |
Cortinas, The | Cory Band, The | Cosmic Gal |
Costa Pinto, Jorge | Costandinos, Alec R. | Cotton, Gene |
Coulam, Roger | Coulson Dean McGuinness Flint | Coulson, Dennis |
Count Bishops, The | Count Prince Miller | Counter Points |
Counterfeit Stones, The | Counterpoint | Country Cousins |
Country Funk | Counts, The (70s) | Courtney, Lou |
Cousins, David | Coven | Covington, Julie |
Cowboys International | Cowsill, the | Cowsills, The |
Cox, Billy | Cox, Paul | Coxhill, Lol |
Coyne, Kevin | Coyne, Kevin & Krause, Dagmar | CQN |
Crack, The | Craddock, Billy 'Crash' | Crane, Les |
Crane, Vincent | Cray, Robert | Crazy Cavan & Rhythm Rockers |
Crazy Horse | Creach, Papa John | Creation (Funk) |
Creative Source | Creedence Clearwater Revival | Creep, The |
Cressida | Crisp | Cristiana |
Croce, Jim | Crocker, Barry | Crocodile Tears |
Croft, Penny | Crooked Oak | Crosby, David |
Crosby, David & Nash, Graham | Crosby, Stills & Nash | Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young |
Cross & Ross | Cross Country | Cross, David |
Crossfires | Crow | Crown Heights Affair, The |
Crozier, Trevor | Cruisers, The (70s) | Crunch |
Crusaders, The | Crushed Ice | Crutcher, Bettye |
Cryer | Crystal Grass | CTI All-Stars |
Cuby + Blizzards | Cuddly Toys | Culliton Mahoney, John |
Cummings, Burton | CUNHA | Cunico, Gino |
Curly Curve | Curly, Alexander | Curtis Knight Zeus |
Curtis, Clem | Curved Air | Cy & Lara |
Czukay, Holger | D' Kasermandln | D'Albuqerque, Michael |
Da Hool | Da Vinci, Paul | Dada |
Daddy Longlegs | Dalby, Dave | Dalla, Lucio |
Dalton, Lacy J | Daltrey, Roger | Damron, Dick |
Dan The Banjo Man | Dana Scott And The Crown Folk | Dance With A Stranger |
Dandelion Records | Dangerfield, Rodney | Daniel Sentacruz Ensemble |
Daniel, Erroll | Daniel, Godfrey | Danny King's Mayfair Set |
Dansette Damage | Danta | Daphne's Flight |
Daring, Mason & Stahl, Jeanie | Darling & Street | Darling (70s) |
Darren, Jenny | Darrow, Chris | Dassin, Joe |
Daughters Of The Kingdom | Dave Warner's From The Suburbs | Davey, Shaun |
David & Rozaa | David Alexandre, Winter | David And Goliath |
David And Jonathan | David Clayton-Thomas | David Liebman & Richard Beirac |
David, Dwight | Davidson, Paul | Davies, Alun |
Davies, Dave | Davies, Ray (Kinks) | Davies, Ron |
Davies, William | Davis, Betty | Davis, Billy |
Davis, Clifford | Davis, Darlene | Davis, Geater |
Davis, Helen | Davis, Jesse 'Ed' | Davis, Mac |
Davis, Sandy | Davis, Spencer | Dawe, Tim |
Dawkins, Jimmy | Dawn Chorus | Daydé |
Dazzle | dB's, The | De André, Fabrizio |
De Blanc | De Coverley, Roger | De Los Rios, Waldo |
De Paul, Lynsey & Moran, Mike | De Young, Cliff | De-Sykes, Stephanie |
Deacon, George & Ross, Marion | Dead End Kids | Deadbeats, The |
Deaf School | Dean, Angella | Dean, Mel |
Dean, Roger | Dear Mr Time | Debbie And The Dreamboats |
Decameron | Decca | Dee, Dave |
Dee, Graham | Dee, Kiki | Dee, Richard Henry |
Del-Lords, The | Delaney & Bonnie | Delbert & Glen |
Delicato, Paul | Delirium | Dell, Joey |
Dells, The | Delpech, Michel | Delroy & Sporty |
Demian | Demick & Armstrong | Demob |
Demon Fuzz | Denjean, Claude | Depressions, The |
Derek And The Dominos | Derrick & Paulette | DeSario, Teri |
DeShannon, Jackie | Design | Desmier |
Desmond, Andy | Desperate Bicycles, The | Destroy All Monsters |
Detective | Detonators, The | Detours |
Detroit | Detroit Sound, The | Deuter |
Devito, Karla | Dewdrop, Daddy | Diamond Reo |
Diamond, Dyan | Diamond, Gregg | Diana Ross & The Supremes |
Diaz, Joaquin | Dib Cochran & The Earwigs | Dickens |
Dickinson, Sandra | Dicky Hart And The Palpitation | Dictators The |
Dilcher, Cheryl | Dimech, Jeanette | Dion |
Direct Current | Disco Orchestral | Disco Tex And The Sex-O-Lettes |
Discotheque | Disney, Walt | Disturbed [70s] |
Diversions, The | Dixie Dregs | Dizzy Heights |
Djian, Boris | DJM Records | Dobro, Jimmy |
Doc & Merle Watson | Doce Mas, Los | Doctor Father |
Doctor Feelgood (UK) | Doctors Of Madness | Dodgers, The |
Dog Soldier | Doggerel Bank | Doherty, Denny |
Dole, The | Doll, The | Dolphin |
Domenic Troiano Band, The | Donahue, Jerry | Donaldson, Eric |
Donnelly, Phillip | Donnie & Joe Emerson | Donny & Marie Osmond |
Donohue, Dane | Donovan | Doobie Brothers, The |
Doors | DOORS | Dorane, Mike |
Doucette | Douglas, Carl | Dowe, Brent |
Downbeats, The | Downing, Al | Doyle, Peter |
Dozier, Lamont | Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Titch | DP's, The |
Dr Demento | Dr John | Dr. Strut |
Dr. Z | Drake, Nick | Dransfield, Robin & Barry |
Dread Orchestra, The | Dreadnaughts, The | Dream Academy, The |
Dream Police | Dream, Flame | Dreams (70s) |
Drew, Jimmy | Drifterfolk | Drifters, The |
Driftwood (Pop) | Driscoll, Julie | Driscoll, Julie & Auger, Brian |
Droids | Drops, Scarlet | Druid |
Drumbo | Drummond, Pete | Dschinn |
Dubliners, The | Dubois, Ja'net | Ducks Deluxe |
Ducks, The | Dude | Dudek, Les |
Duff, Barbara | Duffo | Duffy (Prog) |
Duggie Briggs Band, The | Duke & The Drivers | Duke Jupiter |
Dum-Dum | Dummer, John & April, Helen | Dunamis |
Duncan, Celena | Duncan, Johnny | Duncan, Lesley |
Duncan, Leslie | Dundas, David | Dunkley, Errol |
Dunn, Willie | Dunphy, Sean | Duplicates, The |
Dusk | Dutch Rhythm Steel & Showband | Duteil, Yves |
Dutertre, Jean-François | Dwight Tilley Band | Dylan, Bob |
Dynamic Superiors | Dyrections, All | Dyson, Ronnie |
Dzyan | Eagles | Earl Thomas Conley |
Earth & Fire | Earthbound (Prog) | East Coast |
East Of Eden | East, Chris | Easter, Mitch |
Eavis, Michael | Eberson, Jon | Eckstein, Gary & Beger, Meny |
Eclipse | Edgar Broughton Band, The | Edge, Graeme |
Edison Lighthouse | Edmunds, Dave | Edward H. Dafis |
Edwards, Adina | Edwards, Alton | Edwards, Jonathan |
Edwards, Max | Edwards, Rupie | Edwin Hawkins Singers, The |
Eel Pie All Stars | Egan, Joe | Egan, Walter |
Egg | Egg Cream | Eggs Over Easy |
Eikhard, Shirley | Einstein Arik & Hanoch Shalom | Einstein Arik & Levy Shem-Tov |
Einstein, Arik | El Coco | El Din, Hamza |
Elastic Band, The (60s) | Elbert, Donny | Electric Dolls |
Electric Flag, The | Electric Indian, The | Electric Light Orchestra |
Electric Samurai | Electronic Chambre Ensemble | Eleison, Kyrie |
Elektrik Cokernut | Element Of Crime, The | Elharar, Dudu |
Elijah | Elkin, Gilly | Elliman, Yvonne |
Ellington, Marc | Ellingtons, The | Elliott, Brian |
Ellis | Ellis, Alton | Ellis, Hortense |
Ellis, Matthew | Ellis, Steve | Ellison, Willie |
Elmo & Patsy | Elrick, George | Elton Motello |
ELTONJ | Embryo | Emcee 5 |
Emergency | Emerson Lake & Palmer | Emerson, Keith |
EMI Records | Emotions, The (Soul) | Emperor Rosko |
Enchantment | Enfants De Dieu, Les | England |
England Dan & John Ford Coley | English Country Blues Band | English, Scott |
Enid, The | Ennis, Séamus | Eno, Brian & Byrne, David |
Ensemble Instrumental | Entwistle, John | Epileptics, The |
Era, Nuova | Erazerhead | Ericson, Joe |
Eroc | Errico, Greg | Errisson, King |
Errol 'Flabba' Holt | Eruption (Funk) | Ervin, Wilbert |
Escudos, Los | Esposito, Tony | Esprit De Corps |
Esquivel, Juan Garcia | Essence | Essential Bop |
Essex, David | Estelle, Don | Etheridge, John |
Evan Johns & The H-Bombs | Evans, Buck | Evans, Dave (Folk) |
Evans, Richard | Evans, Terry | Everett, Chad |
Everyday People (70s) | Everyday People, The | Evolution (70S) |
Ewell Castle School Music Group | Exile | Exits, The |
Expectations, Great | Exploding Seagulls | Explosives, The |
Expose [Rock] | Expressos, The | F.B.I. |
Fabre, Jacques | Fabulous Poodles, The | Fagan, Scott |
Fagen, Donald | Fahey, Brian | Fahnbulleh, Miatta |
Fair, Yvonne | Fairbane, Eileen | Fairways, The |
Falconer, Roderick | Fältskog, Agnetha | Family |
Family Of Love | Fanfayre | Fania All Stars |
Fanny (70s) | Fanny (90s) | Faragher Brothers, The |
Farner, Mark | Farquahr | Farr, Gary |
Farrar, John | Farrell, Brian | Fascinations, The |
Fat Grapple | Fat Mattress | Faust |
Faye, Alma | Faze-O | FBI |
Fear | Feder, Don | Feel |
Fellows, Graham | Fender, Freddy | Fenwick, Ray |
Fergus | Ferris Wheel | Ferry, Catherine |
Fessor Funk | Fessor's Session Boys | Festival |
Fiction, Eddie | Fiddler's Dram | Fiddler, John |
Fields (70s) | Fields, George | Fila Brazillia |
Finch (Dutch) | Fine, Wendy | Finesse |
Fingerprintz | Fingertips | Finlayson, Willy |
Finn Kalvik | Finn MacCuill | Finnigan, Mike |
Fire (70s) | Firebird (70s) | Firefall |
Firm, The (Rock) | Firmani, Peter | First Choice |
First Class, The | First Family, The | Fish Co. |
Fishbaugh, Fishbaugh And Zorn | Fisher, Morgan | Fisher, Ray |
Fisherfolk, The | Fitch, John & Associates | Fitzgerald, Patrik |
Fitzgerald, Scott | Five Dollar Shoes | Flack, Roberta & Bryson, Peabo |
Flakes | Flaky Pastry | Flame |
Flame (US) | Flaming Ember, The | Flaming Youth |
Flash & The Board Of Directors | Flash (70s) | Flash And The Pan |
Flasher | Flatbackers, The | Flatbush |
Flavor | Fleetwood, Mick | Fletcher, Guy |
Flibbertigibbet | Flight | Flint (Rock) |
Flint, Berni | Floaters, The | Floating Opera |
Flock | Flower | Flowers And Frolics |
Flowers, Herbie | Fludd | Fluff |
Flying Machine, The | Flying Saucers | Fogerty, John |
Fogg | Foggy Dew-O, The | Foley, Ellen |
Folklore Di Romagna | Folkloristas, Los | Fontaine, Brigitte |
Fontaine, Nola | Fontana, Eddie | Fools Gold |
Fools, S.S. | Forbert, Steve | Ford, Dean |
Ford, Robben | Ford, Ted | Forde, John |
Foreign Intrigue | Forever More | Forman, David |
Fortt, Dave | Foster, Chris | Foster, Mo |
Fotomaker | Four Of A Kind | Four Tops, The |
Fowler, Pete | Fox | Fox, Noosha |
Fox, The (Prog) | Fox, The (Psyche) | Foxy |
Frame | Framus Five, The | Franc, Peter |
Franchi, Sergio | Francis, Ritchie | Francis, Sid |
Francisco, Don | Franck, Claude | François, Claud |
Frank 'N' Stein | Frank, Stanley | Franklin, Carolyn |
Franks, Michael | Frantique | FRE |
Fred Hanna And The Laganmen | Free (Rock) | Free Beer |
Free For All Inspirational Ch. | Free Spirit | Freedom Singers |
Freeman, Dave | Freemen, The | Freeway |
Freiberg, David | French Frith Kaiser Thompson | Frenzy (Pop) |
Freres Farago, Les | Fresh (1970s) | Fresh Flavor |
Fresh Meat | Freshmen | Frey, Glenn |
Fricke, Janie | Frida | Friedman, Dean |
Friendly Enemies | Friends Of Distinction, The | Friendship Train |
Fripp, Robert | Fripp, Robert & Eno, Brian | Frisaura, Lorraine |
Frog | Froggatt, Raymond | Front |
FRost, Boz | Frumpy | Fruupp |
Fry, Tristan | Frye, David | Fuchsia |
Fugain Et Le Big Bazar | Fumble | Fun 4 |
Funky People | Furey, Eddie & Finbar | Furey, Lewis |
Fusion Orchestra | Fuze | Fuzz [Disco], The |
Fuzzy Duck | G. C. Cameron | Gabor, B.B. |
Gadd, Steve | Gaines, Steve | Gal, Ricki |
Galadriel | Galdston & Thom | Gall, France |
Gallagher And Lyle | Gallagher, Rory | Gallery |
Galliard | Gallowglass Ceili Band, The | Galper, Hal |
Galway, James | Gambale, Frank | Gambler |
Gangsters, The | Garbo's Celluloid Heroes | Garcia, Jerry |
Gardner, Kay (US) | Garfunkel, Art | Garner, Billy |
Garner, Gigi | Garrett, Lee | Garrett, Tommy |
Garrie, Nick | Garson, Mike | Gary Gordon Quartet, The |
Gary's Gang | Gasolin' | Gass, The |
Gates, David | Geduldig Und Thimann | Geesin, Ron |
Gene & Marty, MacLellan & Reno | Gentle Giant | Gentlemen & Their Ladies |
Gentles, Bill | George K Band | George, Barbara |
George, Earl | George, Lowell | George-Edwards Group, The |
Geraldine | Geronimo Black | Gerrard, Denny |
Gerry And The Pacemakers | Ghost, The (70s) | Gibbs, Joe |
Gibney, Eamon | Gibson, Wayne | Giggetty |
Giggles | Gilbert, John | Gilder, Nick |
Giles, Giles & Fripp | Gilla | Gillan Glover |
Gillespie, Dana | Gillies, Stuart | Gilmour, David |
Gilstrap, Jim | Gina X | Ginger Ale |
Gingerbread | Gladiators, The (Wrestling) | Gladstone |
Glass House, The | Glass Torpedoes | Glastonbury |
Glencoe | Glenn, Bobby | Glitter Band, The |
Glitter, Gary | Global Village Trucking Comp | Gloomys, The |
Gloria Mundi | Glories, The | Glover, Sue |
Gnidrolog | Goblin | Goebbels Heiner & Harth Alfred |
Goffin, Louise | Golden Earring | Goldie & The Gingerbreads |
Golding, John | Goliath | Golliwogs, The |
Gomes, Pepeu | Gonads Memorial Challenge Band | Gong |
Gong Savana | Gonzalez | Good News |
Good Old Boys, The | Good Rats | Goodhand-Tait, Phillip |
Gooding, Cuba | Goodison, johnny | Goodman, Dickie |
Goodman, Steve | Goodson, C.L. | Goodthunder |
Goodwin, Ken | Goody Goody | Gordon McCullough And His Scot |
Gordon The Moron | Gordon, Robert | Gordon, Trevor |
Gorham, Scott | Gorilla Grip | Gorillas, The |
Gotham | Gottsching Manuel | Goya, Francis |
Grace, Brendan | Graham, Ernie | Graham, Larry |
Grainger, Gary | Grand Funk Railroad | Grand Hotel |
Grand Julot, Le | Grandad's Army | Grandmothers, The |
Grant, Josie | Grass Roots, The | Grateful Dead |
Graves, Carl | Gravy Train | Gray, Dobie |
Great Jones | Great Uncle Fred | Greatest Little Soul Band |
Green, Kathe | Green, Peter | Greenaway, Roger |
Greene, Jeanie | Greene, Sarah | Greene, Ted |
Greenmantle | Greenslade | Greenslade, Dave |
Greensleeves Country Dance Ban | Greenway | Greenwood, Mick |
Greger | Gregson, Clive | Grey, Mal & Flight 56 |
Greyhound | Griffin, Billy | Griffin, James |
Griffin, Ken | Griffith Park Collection, The | Griffith, Glenda |
Griffiths, Joe | Griffiths, Marcia | Grill, Rob |
Grimaldi / Zeiher | Grimmett, Steve | Grimms |
Grinder Switch | Grisman, David | Grobschnitt |
Groce, Larry | Gronenthal, Max | Groovie Goolies |
Gross, Henry | Grossman, Steve | Grosvenor, Luther |
Groucutt, Kelly | Groundhogs, The | Group Therapy |
Growl | Grumble | Gruppo Sportivo |
Gryphon | Guardian | Guccini, Francesco |
Guercio, James William | Guess Who, The | Guitar Techniques |
Guitarist Magazine | Guns For Hire | Guru Guru |
Guru's, The | Gurvitz, Adrian | Gustafson, Johnny |
Gwendal | Gyedu Blay Ambolley & Zantoda | Gygafo |
Gypsy | Gypsy Love | Hackamore Brick |
Hackensack | Hadley, Bob | Halfbreed |
Hall, Jimmy | Hall, Tom T. | Hambrick, John |
Hamill, Claire | Hamilton, Dirk | Hammill, Peter |
Hammond, Albert | Hampshire Concert Brass | Hampshire, Keith |
Hands, Golden | Hanna, Bobby | Hanna-Fontana Band, The |
Hannibal | Hanoch, Shalom | Hansson, Bo |
Hanwell Band, The | Happy Daze Crew | Happy The Man |
Hard Meat | Hardie, Sebastian | Hardin, Eddie |
Hardman, Rosie | Hargrove, Linda | Harlequin Mass |
Harless, Sandy | Harley Quinne | Harley, Steve & Cockney Rebel |
Harmonia | Harmonium | Harmony Sisters, The |
Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes | Harold Y Su Banda | Harper, Don |
Harper, Roy | Harpo | Harris, Jet |
Harris, Johnny | Harris, Oscar | Harris, Roy |
Harrison, Mike | Harrold, Melanie | Harrop, Cathie |
Harry J. All Stars | Harry Toledo And The Rockets | Hart, Kim |
Hart, Mickey | Hart, Mike | Hart, Tim |
Hart, Tim & Prior, Maddy | Harvest Label | Harvest Tyme |
Harvey, Alex | Harvey, Don | Harvey, Richard |
Harwood, Chris | Haskell, Gordon | Haslam, Annie |
Hate | Hatfield And The North | Hathaway, Donny |
Haven, Jim | Havenstreet | Havermans, Cyril |
Hawkins, Ronnie | Hawkwind | Hawn, Goldie |
Haworth, Bryn | Haycock, Pete | Hayles, Lou |
Haynes, Reg | Haystacks Balboa | Hayward, Justin |
Hayward, Justin & Lodge, John | Haywood, Kitty | Haywood, Leon |
Haze | Hazel And Ruth | Hazes, André |
Hazzard, Tony | Head East | Head, Tony |
Headpins | Heads Hands & Feet | Heads Together |
Headstone | Heart And Soul | Heath, Eira |
Heaven (70s) | Heavy Metal Kids | Hebric |
Hector (Glam) | Hedayat, Dashiell | Hegarty, Dermot |
Hellhound | Hello | Hello People |
Hello Sailor | Helm, Levon | Helmerson, Anders |
Helms, Jimmy | Henderson, Finis | Henderson, Marian |
Henderson, Michael | Henderson, Willie | Hendrix, Jimi |
Henley, Don | Henn, Peter | Henry Cow |
Henry, Freddy | Henry, John | Henry, Paul |
Hensley, Ken | Henson | Hep Stars, The |
Herbs | Here And Now | Herman Ze German |
Hernandez, Patrick | Hero's | Hewson, Richard |
Hi Rhythm | Hi-Gloss | Hi-Tension |
Hiatt, John | Hicks, Jimmy | Hidden Strength |
Higgins, Gary | High Broom | High Cotton |
High Inergy | High Mountain Hoedown | High Numbers |
Hightower, Rosetta | Highway | Hill, Chris |
Hill, Eric | Hillage, Steve | Hiller & Kaye |
Hiller, Mitch | Hillman, Chris | Hillsiders |
Hilo, Don | Hinds, Camelle | Hine, Rupert |
Hines, Tim | History Of Rock, The | Hitchcock Russell |
Hitchcock, Robyn | Hitchcock, Stan | Hitters, The |
Ho, Don | Hoagy Pogey | Hobbits, The |
Hodaya Trio, The | Hodge, Catfish | Hodgson, Danny |
Hoenig, Michael | Hog Heaven | Hog, Ground |
Hokus Poke | Holden, Mark | Holden, Randy |
Holder, Ram John | Holien, Danny | Holland, Amy |
Holland, Maggie | Holland-Dozier | Hollier, Tim |
Hollies | Hollins And Starr | Hollow, Ken |
Holloway, Ross | Holly And The Italians | Hollywood Brats, The |
Hollywood Crestas | Hollywood Stars, The | Holman, Roger |
Holmes, Christine | Holmes, Rupert | Holocaust |
Holt, Ashley | Holt, John | Hombre |
Home | Honey Monster | Hookfoot |
Hoola Bandoola Band | Hooper, Stix | Hootenanny Singers |
Hope, Ellie | Hopkins, Linda | Hopkins, Nicky |
Hopper, Hugh | Horrorcomic | Horseflies, The |
Hot Hits | Hot Ice | Hot Rocks |
Hot Thumbs O'Riley | HOT.R.S. | Hotlegs |
Hour Glass, The | House, Bill | Howard, Bill |
Howe, Catherine | Howe, Steve | Howell, Reuben |
Howlett, Roger | Hoyle, Linda | Hudson Brothers, The |
Hudson Ford | Hues Corporation, The | Hugh Featherstone Blyth |
Hughes, Bill | Hughes, Garry | Hughes, Mandy Ann |
Hull Alan | Humble Pie | Humblebums, The |
Hummingbird | Humphrey, Ange | Humphrey, Paul |
Hungerford, Val | Hungry Chuck | Hunt & Turner |
Hunt, Marsha | Hunt, The | Hunter, Carol |
Hunter, Robert | Hurley, Michael | Hurtt, Phil |
Husband, Gary | Hush (Australian) | Husky |
Hustler (70s) | Hutch, Willie | Hydra |
Hyman, Phyllis | I Jog & The Tracksuits | I Muvrini |
I Profeti | I Santo California | I-Royals, The |
I.G.'s, The | Ian & Sylvia | Ian, Janis |
Ides Of March, The | Idle Race | Idol Fret |
Idols, The (Jerry Nolan) | If (Jazz Rock) | Iggy Pop |
Ignerents, The | Iguana | Ikafa, Leiah |
Il Guardiano Del Faro | Il Rovescio Della Medaglia | Ilanit |
Impact Of Brass, The | Imperial Pompadours, The | Imperials, The (Gospel) |
In Crowd | Incognito | Incredible String Band, The |
Independent Folk | Independent Movement, The | Independents, The |
Indian Summer | Inga Rumpf | Ingland, Brian |
Inner City Unit | Inner Mind, The | Inner Sleeve (70S) |
Innervision | Innes, Neil | Innocents, The |
Instant Funk | Intelligents, The | Intentions, The |
Ireland, John | Iris, Donnie | Irish Rovers, The |
Iron Butterfly | Irvine, Weldon | Irwig, Judy |
Isaac, Anthony | Islam, Yusuf | Island Records |
Isle Of Wight | It's A Beautiful Day | Itchy Fingers |
Ithaca | Ivers, Peter | Izumiya, Shigeru |
J. Geils Band, The | J.C. | J.J. Band |
Jabberwock | Jack Sass Band, The | Jack Sinclair Showband, The |
Jack The Lad | Jack, Robin | Jack-Knife |
Jackie | Jackie And Bridie | Jacks, Susan |
Jacks, Terry | Jacks, Zenda | Jackson |
Jackson Heights | Jackson, Carl | Jackson, J. J. |
Jackson, Lee | Jacqui And Bridie | Jade Warrior |
Jagger, Chris | Jagger, Mick | Jaggerz, The |
Jags, The | Jah Woosh | Jake |
Jam The | Jamaicans, The | James Boys, The |
James Gang, The | James Walsh Gypsy Band | James, Jacky |
James, John (Folk) | James, Michael | Jameson, Nick |
Jameson, Stephen | Jamison | Jan Dukes De Grey |
Jan Park Band, The | Jane | Jane Aire & The Belvederes |
Jankel, Chas | János, Bródy | Janus, Noel |
Jap, Philip | Jardine, Johnny | Jarman, Geraint |
Jasmin-T | Jasper Wrath | Javells, The |
Jaw Harp John | Jay Dee | Jay, Martin |
Jazz Carriers | Jeff, Heavy | Jeffreys, Garland |
Jellybread | Jenkins, Johnny | Jenkins, Karl |
Jennings, W. & Nelson, W. | Jeremiah | Jeremy |
Jericho | Jericho Jones | Jermz, The |
Jerome | Jeronimo | Jerusalem |
Jesters, The (70s) | Jet Bronx & The Forbidden | Jethro Tull |
Jets (Punk), The | Jimmy Edwards And The Profile | Jiving Juniors, The |
JJG | Jo Jo Bennett | Jo Jo Zep And The Falcons |
Jo Mama | Jo'burg Hawk | Joans, John Paul |
Jobson, Eddie | Jody Grind | Joe Soap |
Joe, Calypso | Joel Scott Hill, John Barbata, | John & Ernest |
John And Rosalind | John Dummer Blues Band, The | John Scott Cree |
John Spencer's Louts | John The Postman | John Verity Band |
John's Children | John, Aleksander | John, Andrew |
John, Clive | Johnny G | Johnny K |
Johnny Reggae | Johnny Thunders Heartbreakers | Johns, Bibi |
Johns, Mark | Johns, Sammy | Johnson (Funk), Howard |
Johnson, Angela | Johnson, Curt | Johnson, Luther (1) |
Johnson, Luther (2) | Johnson, Marv | Johnson, Michael |
Johnson, Robert (70s) | Johnson, Samuel Jonathan | Johnston, Tom |
Johnstone, Davey | Joli, France | Jolly Tinkermen, The |
Jon St. James | Jonathan Swift (US) | Jones, Billy |
Jones, Gloria | Jones, Heather | Jones, Jerry |
Jones, Louis (Blues Boy) | Jones, Mordicai | Jones, Rickie Lee |
Jones, Tamiko | Jones, Tammy | Jones, Tim |
Jooks | Joplin, Janis | Jordan, Lonnie |
Jordan, Marc | Jordan, Steve | Josef K |
Joseph, Marcus | Joseph, Margie | Josh |
Joyce, Cathy | JSD Band | Judas Jump |
Judy Gee & The Classmates | Juicy Groove | Juicy Lucy |
Julie And Gordon | Juluka | Jumble Lane |
Jump, The | Jungle Juice | Jungle Rock |
Jupp, Mickey | Justin & Wylde | Justine |
K, Krissi | K-Nine, James | K. Sara |
K.C. & The Sunshine Band | Kalinich, Stephen John | Kamahl |
Kandidate | Kansas Hook | Karas, Paul |
Karen Cheryl | Karen Novotny X | Kat, Krazy |
Kate | Katina | Katydids |
Katz, Mickey | Kavanagh, Niamh | Kaveret |
Kay, Ted | Kay-Gees | Kayak |
Kaye, Gloria | Kaye, Kaplan | Kayne, Harry |
KBC | Keating, John | Keats |
Keef Hartley Band, The | Keen, Speedy | Keeping, Charles |
Keith & Darrell | Kelly, Casey | Kelly, Jo-Ann |
Kelly, Jonathan | Kelly, Paul | Kelly, Peter D. |
Kelsey, Dave | Keltner, Jim | Ken Ufton & Harmony Hawaiians |
Kennedy, Grace | Kennedy, Jerry | Kenny, Gerard |
Kent, Paul | Kenton, Rik | Kerr, Richard |
Kerruish, John | Kershaw, Rusty | Kevin Hocking Singers |
Key Largo | Keyboards, The | Khaled, Cheb |
Khalsa String Band, The | Kicking Mule | Kiddywinks |
Killermeters | Killermeters, The | Killing Floor |
Killjoys, The | Kilminster, Dave | Kimber, Bill |
Kinane, Paul | Kincade | Kind Hearts And English |
King Crimson | King Earl Boogie Band | King Harvest |
King's Musik, The | King's Singers, The | King, Bobby |
King, Brenton | King, Carole | King, Ricky |
King, Tracey | King, Wayne | Kingfish |
Kings Of Hearts, The | Kinks | Kinney, Fern |
Kirby | Kirkland, Bo And Davis, Ruth | Kirsh, Les |
Kirwan, Danny | Kitajima, Osamu | Kitter, Roger |
Klaatu | Kleiger, Frank | Klemmer, John |
Knebworth | Knees, The | Knievel, Evel |
Knight, Brian | Knight, Frederick | Knight, Gladys & The Pips |
Knight, Jean | Knighton, Reggie | Knowledge |
Knox | Koffie And James | Kokomo (70s) |
Koloc, Bonnie | Kongas | Kongos, John |
Kooper, Al | Kooymans, George | Körberg, Tommy |
Kortchmar, Danny | Kosmin, Lee | Kossoff, Kirke, Tetsu & Rabbit |
Kossoff, Paul | Kracker | Krajewski, Seweryn |
Krause, Bernie | Krieger, Robby | Kristine |
Kristofferson & Coolidge | Kryl, Karel | Krypton Tunes |
Kubinec, David | Kulick, Bruce | Kursaal Flyers, The |
L'Orchestre Electronique | L. J. Johnson | L.A. Express |
L.A. Four, The | L.A. Jets | L.T.D. |
La Belle Epoque | La Costa | La Crème, Cathy |
La Dusseldorf | La Seconda Genesi | La Seine |
Laari | Ladder, The | Lady |
Lafayette Afro-Rock Band | Laflamme, David | Laing, Shona |
Lake | Lake, Greg | Lakeside |
Lamb (70s) | Lamb, Kevin | Lambert, Dennis |
Lane, Jimmy D. | Lane, Ronnie | Larry The Lamb |
Larson, Nicolette | Las Grecas | Last Poets, The |
Last, Robert | Last, The | Late Show, The |
Latte E Miele | Laurie Dean Singers, The | Lava [Norwegian] |
Lavender Hill Mob | Lavi, Daliah | Lavie, Aric |
Law, The | Lawrence, Vicki | Laws, Eloise |
Lawson, Juliet | Lazy Racer | Le Forestier, Maxime |
Lea, Jim | Leander, Mike | Lear, Amanda |
Leary, Timothy | Lee, Alvin | Lee, Bruce |
Lee, Bunny | Lee, Freddie 'Fingers' | Lee, John |
Lee, Otis | Lee, Roberty | Lee-Peach, Emma |
Leer Brothers, The | Legacy Of Lies | Legend |
Legendary Masked Surfers | Legends Of Jazz, The | Legs |
Legs Diamond | Leno, Sam | Leon, Craig |
Leonard, John & John Squire | Leroy, James | Lesley, Mike |
Let It Rock | Let's Active | Levinson, Paul |
Levy, O'Donel | Levy, Oshik | Lewie, Jona |
Lewis, David | Lewis, Lew | Leyton Buzzards, The |
Liberty Records | Licari, Danielle | Lieberman, Lori |
Lieutenant Pigeon | Light Of The World | Lighthouse |
Lightnin' Rod | Lightning Raiders | Limey |
Limit (70s), The | Limmie And Family Cookin' | Limousine |
Lincoln, Philamore | Linda & The Funky Boys | Linda Carr & The Love Squad |
Lindisfarne | Lindley, David | Lindop, Robert |
Lindsay, Jimmy | Linton Kwesi Johnson | Little Bob Story |
Little Feat | Little Fred | Little John (70S) |
Little Village | Little, Marie | Little, Syd & Large, Eddie |
Liverpool Echo | Liverpool Express | Liverpool Scene, The |
Livgren, Kerry | Living Brass | Livingston Taylor |
Livingstone, J.C. | Lloyd Webber, Julian | Lloyd, Carol |
Lloyd, Floyd | Lloyd, Ian | Lloyd-Langton, Huw |
Loadstone | Lobo | Lockran, Gerry |
Locksmith | Loco | Locomotiv GT |
Locomotive | Lodge, John | Loggins, Dave |
Lomond Folk | London Percussion Ensemble | London Stadium Orchestra, The |
Lone Star | Long Hello | Long Tall Shorty |
Long, Lionel | Long, Robert | Longdancer |
Longmuir, Alan | Looking Glass | Lopez, Chico |
Lord Funny | Lord Kitchener | Lord, Benny |
Lords Of Percussion, The | Los 5 Del Este | Los Diablos |
Los Jaivas | Los Reales Del Paraguay | Lost Generation, The |
Lost Gonzo Band, The | Lothar And The Hand People | Lou And Hollywood Bananas, The |
Love And Money | Love And Tears | Love Club |
Love Generation | Love International | Love Machine (70S), The |
Love Of Life Orchestra | Love Sounds | Love Symphony Orchestra, The |
Love, Sylvia | Lovehorn | Lovelady, Bill |
Lovemakers, The | Lovette, Eddie | Loving Awareness |
Lowe, Jez | LRD | Lucifer |
Lucy | Lulu Boys, The | Lumley, Robin |
Lundy, Carmen | Lupu, Radu | Lutha |
Luther | Luther Kent & Trick Bag | Luv Machine |
Luxury Item, The | Lyle McGuinness Band | Lyle, Bobby |
Lynne, Jeff | Lynyrd Skynyrd | M. Frog |
Mabsant | MacArthur, Neil | MacDonald, Gavin |
MacDonald, Ralph | Macgregor, Mary | Machines |
Mack, Lonnie | Mackay, Andy | MacKay, Bruce |
Mackay, Rabbit | Maclean And Maclean | Maclean, Dougie |
MacLeod, Bobby | Macleod, Robert | MacNeil, Rita |
MacPherson, Bruce | MacTavish, David | Mad Hatters, The |
Mad Jocks & Englishmen | Mad Lads, The (60s) | Made In Sweden |
Madeline Bell | Madhouse (1970s) | Madison (UK) |
Madrigal (Folk) | Madrigal (Rock) | Mageean, Jim |
Magenta (Folk) | Magenta (Pop) | Maggie & Terry Roche |
Magic | Magic Bus (70s) | Magic Lady |
Magic Moments | Magic Touch | Magna Carta |
Magnum Bonum | Magnus, Teddy | Mahlathini |
Maiden Theatre Group, The | Majenta | Makin, John |
Malcolm, Carl | Malicorne | Malone, Wil |
Malopoets | Mama Lion | Man |
Man Doki | Manasseh | Mandrake Paddle Steamer |
Manfred Mann's Earth Band | Manhattan Transfer, The | Manhattans, The |
Manifold, Keith | Mankind | Mann, Carl |
Mann, John | Mannheim Steamroller | Manning, Bernard |
Manning, John | Manning, Linda | Mannoia, Fiorella |
Mansell Chorale, The | Mansell, Frank | Manset, Gerard |
Manson, Jeane | Mapleoak | Maran, Mike |
Marc Seaberg | Marcia & Lloyd | Marcovicci, Andrea |
Marcus | Mardi Gras | Marie, Teena |
Marigold's, Dr. | Marina Del Rey | Marionettes |
Marismeños, Los | Mark, Jon | Mark-Almond |
Markopoulos, Yannis | Markstein, Stapley | Marrakesh |
Marriott, Steve | Marsden, Gerry | Marshall Hain |
Marshall, Jimmy | Marshall, Laurie | Marshall, Mike & Anger, Darol |
Marshall, Tony | Martell, Ray | Mårtenson, Lasse |
Marter, Johnny | Marti Webb | Martin And The Brownshirts |
Martin Circus | Martin, Bobbi | Martin, Dave |
Martín, Juan | Martinez, Hirth | Martini, Mia |
Martinique | Martyn Ford Orchestra | Martyn, John |
Marvin Welch & Farrar | Marvin, Hank | Mas, Carolyne |
Mash, The | Mason Proffit | Mason, Barbara |
Mason, Dave | MASON, GILLY | Mason, Nick |
Mass Production | Masser, Michael | Masterswitch |
Matadors, The (Reggae) | Matata | Matching Mole |
Mate, Bodgers | Matheson, Andrew | Mattea, Kathy |
Matthew & The Mandarins | Matthews Southern Comfort | Matthews, David |
Matthews, Ian | Matthews, Julie | Matthews, Milt |
Matti Caspi & Sasha Argov | Matuška, Waldemar | Max Webster |
Maxwell, Chas & Carol | May, Nick | May, Phil |
May, Simon | Mayall, John | Maze (US) |
Mbulu, Letta | MC5 | McAuley, Jackie |
McBride, Frankie | McCafferty, Dan | McCall C.W. |
McCann, Peter | McCann, Terry | McCarthy, Lyn And Graham |
McClellan, Mike | McClure, Chris | McConnell & Morton |
McConville, Tom | McCoo, Marilyn & Davis, Billy | McCorkle, Susannah |
Mccoy, Dan | McCrae, George | McCrae, George & Gwen |
McCrae, Gwen | McCulloch, Jimmy & White Line | McDonald & Giles |
McDonald, Ian | McDonald, Rory | McDonald, Shelagh |
McFarland, Tom | McGee, Bobby | McGee, Parker |
McGilpin Bob | McGinlay, Kevin | McGoldrick, Anna |
McGuinn & Hillman | McGuinn, Clark & Hillman | McGuinn, Roger |
McGuinness Flint | McKay, Delsey | McKay, Freddie |
McKendree Spring | McKenna Mendelson Mainline | McKenna, Val |
McKenzie, Maurice | McKeown, Les | McKuen, Rod |
McLauchlan, Murray | McLean, Don | McLean, Penny |
McLelland, Sandy | McLeod, Rory | McNabb, Ian |
McNeill, Sylvia | McNeir, Ronnie | McPhee, Tony 'T.S.' |
McPherson, Gillian | McQuay, Herb | McVay, Ray |
McVie, Christine | McVie, John | Mead, Sister Janet |
Meadows, Mark | Meal Ticket | Meco |
Medicine Head | Meditations, The | Medium Wave Band, The |
Medusa | Mehler, John And Nash, Kenneth | Meisner, Randy |
Melfi Boys, The | Melody And Lane | Melody Maker |
Melophonia | Melting Pot | Memphis, Chuck |
Menace | Mercer, Tony | Merlin |
Merrell And The Exiles | Merritt, Max | Merryweather, Neil |
Messiah (70s) | Mey, Frederik | Micare, Franklin |
Mice, The | Michaels, Gordon | Michaels, Hilly |
Michaels, Lee | Michel, Claude | Michell, Keith |
Michelsen, Anne Dorte | Mick Dorey And The Sirens | Mick Fleetwood Blues Band, The |
Mickey & The Heartbeats | Micus, Stephan | Middle Of The Road |
Middleton, Max | Midnight Flyer | Midnight Movers, The |
Midnight Sun | Midnite Cruiser | Midwinter |
Mighty Two, The | Mike Theodore Orchestra, The | Mike Vernon |
MIKEOLD | Miles, Buddy | Miles, John |
Militant Barry | Milk 'n' Cookies | Milk And Honey |
Miller, Angie | Miller, Dale | Miller, Frankie (Rock) |
Miller, Jacob | Miller, John | Miller, Larry |
Miller, Lloyd (Reggae) | Miller, Margie | Miller, Rodney |
Millican And Nesbitt | Millionaires, The | Mills, Frank |
Mills, Pat | Mills, Stephanie | Mills-Cockell, John |
Mingus Dynasty | Mirabai | Miracles, The |
Mirk | Mirror, Danny | Mirrors (UK Punk), The |
Mitchell, Ian | Mitchell, Joni | Mitchell, Marty |
Mitchell, Mitch | Mitchell, Sam | Mitchell, Stanley |
Mixtures, The | Moat Brothers Country Band | Mob (Funk), The |
Mocedades | Mod, Joe | Moe Tucker |
Moffatt, Katy | Moffitt, Peter | Mohawk, Essra |
Moloney, Mick | Mom And Dads, The | Mom's Apple Pie |
Moments And Whatnauts | Moments, The | Moments, The (70s) |
Mongrel (70s) | Monkman, Francis | Monochrome Set, The |
Monroe, Gerry | Monsoon (70S) | Montana |
Montanas, The | Monte Carlo | Montgomery, Bobby |
Montgomery, James | Moody Blues, The | Moon, Keith |
Moonlighters, The | Moonrider | Moore, Anthony |
Moore, Bob | Moore, Bobby | Moore, Curley |
Moore, Dorothy | Moore, Jeff | Moore, Matthew |
Moore, Michael | Moore, Tim | Moorhouse, Alan |
Moran, Gayle | Moran, Mike | Morange & Fertier |
Moraz, Patrick & Bruford, Bill | More, Mandy | Moreira, Moraes |
Morgan (Prog) | Morgan, Dave | Morgan, Scott |
Morgan, Tim | Morganfield, Big Bill | Morning |
Morris, Gerry | Morris, Greg | Morris, Roger |
Morrish, Ken | Morrison, Jim | Morrison, Van |
Morrissey Mullen | Mosalini, Juan José | Mose Jones |
Moses, Jamie | Mother Earth (60S) | Mother Gong |
Mother Hen | Moths | Motivation |
Mottau, Eddie | Mountain | Mountain Ash Band |
Mouse | Move, The | Movies, The |
Mowrey Jnr & Watson | Mr. Bloe | Mu |
Muckram Wakes | Mud | Mudcrutch |
Mull, Martin | Mumfie Gang, The | Mumma Bear |
Mundell, Hugh | Mundi, Coati | Munich Machine |
Murphey, Michael | Murphy, Arthur | Murphy, Elliot |
Murphy, Elliott | Murphy, Walter | Murray, Billy |
Murray, Phil | Muscles | Mushroom |
Mushroom Records | Music Asylum, The | Music Box |
Music Doctors, The | Music Explosion | Musica Elettronica Viva |
Mutants | Mutter Slater | Myatt, John |
Myrdhin | Mystery Maker | Mystic Merlin |
Mystic Siva | N.W.10 | Na Filí |
Nails, The | Nancy | Nariz, Wazmo |
Nash, Graham | Nasty Pop | Natchband |
National Health | National Shinguard Company | Natural Acoustic Band |
Natural Magic | Naturals, The (US 70s) | Nature Zone |
Nautyculture | Naylor, Jerry | Nazz |
Nazzaro, Gianni | Ndugu And The Chocolate Jam Co | Neal, Chris |
Neely, Don | Neil, Christopher | Nektar |
Nelson Arion, The | Nelson, Tracy | Nervebreakers |
Nerves, The | Nestor, Pam | Netteswell Youth Band |
Network | Neu | Neutrons, the |
Neuwirth, Bob | New Cactus Band, The | New Censation |
New Firm, The | New Golden Guitar Orchestra | New Hawaiians, The |
New Heavenly Blue | New Musical Express | New Riders Of The Purple Sage |
New Seekers, The | New Victory Band | New World |
New York Blondes, The | New York Port Authority | New York Rock & Roll Ensemble |
New York Rock Ensemble, The | Newberry III, Booker | Newby, Pete |
Newcastle Big Band | Newman, Dave | Newman, Denny |
Newman, Randy | Newman, Tom | Newmark, Andy |
News From Babel | Newson, Jeremy | Newton Howard, James |
Newton, Wood | Newtown Neurotics | Nice, The |
Nichols, Penny | Nichols, Rosemary | Nicholson, Roger |
Nick Carter (Piano) | Nick Simper's Fandango | Nicky & The Dots |
Nicky James | Nico | Nicol And Marsh's Easy Street |
Nicole (DE) | Niedecken, Wolfgang | Night |
Nighthawks, The | Nightingale, Anne | Nightingale, Maxine |
Nightshade | Nikki Sudden | Nile, Willie |
Nirvana (UK) | Nits, The | Nitty Gritty Dirt Band |
No Dice | Noakes, Rab | Nolan, Bernie |
Nolans, The | Nolen & Crossley | Nomads (Folk), The |
Normal | Norrlåtar | North, Freddie |
Northwind | Nostalgia (70S) | Nottingham Barbers' Shop |
Nova | Novalis | Novato Frank Band |
NTP | Nu Art Quartet | Nucleus |
Nudge Nudge | Nuggets | Nuns, The |
Nutz | Nylons, The | Nyro, Laura |
O'Brien, Deke | O'Connor, Tom | O'Day, Alan |
O'Donnell, Joe | O'Hara, John | O'Hearn Patrick |
O'Keefe, Danny | O'List, David | O'Sullivan, Gilbert |
Oak | Oats, Wild | Obelisk |
Oberon | Ocasek, Ric | Occasional Few, The |
Occasionally David | Ocean | Ocean, Humphrey |
Ochil Players, The | Odds & Ends | Off The Wall |
Offenbach (Rock) | Ogan, Gary & Lamb, Bill | Ogerman, Claus |
Old Gold | Old Metropolitan Band | Old Pete & John Christie |
Old Swan Band, The | Oliver, David | Olivor, Jane |
Omartian, Michael | Omartian, Michael And Stormie | Omega |
On The Air | On The Seventh Day | One Hundred Ton And A Feather |
One The Juggler | One Way Ticket | One-Eyed Jack |
Onyeabor, William | Open Road | Orange And Blue |
Orange Blossom Sound | Orange Peel | Oregon |
Orexis | Orient Express | Original Sound Track, The |
Orion (Elvis) | Orion The Hunter | Orkestra |
Orlando, Tony & Dawn | Orleans | Orrall, Robert Ellis |
Oshik Levy & Naftaly Alter | Osibisa | Oskar, Lee |
Osmond, Jimmy | Otis, Shuggie | Otway & Barrett |
Our Kid | Out Of Darkness | Outcasts |
Outlaws, The (US) | Overstreet, Tommy | Owen, Ray |
Owens, Tony | OZ Magazine | Ozo |
Ozzie | P.P. & The Primes | Paay, Patricia |
Pablo Cruise | Pacific Drift | Pacific Eardrum |
Pacific Gas & Electric | Pack David | Pack, The (Pop) |
Pack, The (Punk) | Page & Plant | Page, Gene |
Pagliaro | Painter | Palladino, Pino |
Palmer, Tom | Pan | Pan Am Steel Band, The |
Pan, Rebecca | Pao | Papa Nebo |
Par Lindh Project | Paranoids, The | Parchment |
Paris, Freddie | Park, Simon | Parker, Alan |
Parker, Graham | Parker, Johnny | Parker, Ken |
Parker, Winfield | Parks, Van Dyke | Parrish & Gurvitz |
Parsons, Gene | Parton, Desmond | Parvarim, The |
Pascal, Francoise | Pasha, Jimmy And Hi-Shots, The | Paskett, Dave |
Pasqua, Alan | Pastures New | Pat Thomas (Ghanaian) |
Patch | Patterson, Kellee | Patto |
Patton, Robbie | Paul, Billy | Paul, Lyn |
Pavlov's Dog | Paycheck, Johnny | Payne, Freda |
Payne, Gordon | Paz | Paz, Osnat |
Peabody, Dave | Peaches & Herb | Peanuts |
Pearls, The | Pearse, John | Peckers, The |
Peebles, Ann | Peek, Kevin | Peelers, The |
Peeping Tom Spasm Band, The | Pegg, Bob & Strutt, Nick | Pegg, Carolanne |
Pelosi, Mauro | Pendergrass, Teddy | Penetrators (Garage Rock), The |
Penguin Cafe Orchestra | Penn, Dan | Pense, Lydia |
Pentangle, the | People (UK) | Peoria Jazzband |
Peppermint Rainbow, The | Peppers, The | Percy And Them |
Perrey, Jean-Jacques | Perry, Barbara | Perry, Greg |
Persip, Charles | Persuasions, The | Perth County Conspiracy |
Pertwee, Jon | Pete York's Percussion Band | Peters, Brian |
Petra | Pezband | Ph.D. |
Phantom Rocker & Slick | Phase Five | Philadelphia Flyers |
Philadelphia Woodwind Quintet | Philip John Lee | Phillips, Glenn |
Phillips, Jeff | Phillips, Noel | Phillips, Shawn |
Phoenix (US) | Phoenix, Paul | Pick, Svika |
Pickett, Courtland | Pickettywitch | Pickford, Ed |
Pickford, Pix | Piero | Pierre Henry & Spooky Tooth |
Pierre Moerlen's Gong | Piglets, The | Pigs, The |
Pigsty Hill Light Orchestra | Pilditch, Colin | Pilot |
Pinder, Michael | Pinhas, Richard | Pink Fairies, The |
Pink Floyd | Pinkees, The | Pioneers, The (Reggae) |
Pirates | Pistol | Plainsong |
Planets. The (Steve Lindsey) | Planxty | Platina, The |
Platinum Hook | Player | Player [1] |
Players Association, The | Playthings, The | Plimsouls, The |
Plod, P.C. | Pluto (70s) | Pluto (UK) |
PM | POC | Poco |
Poet & The One Man Band | Point Blank | Point Of View |
Pointed Sticks | Pointer Sisters, The | Pointer, Bonnie |
Polce, John | Poliker, Yehuda | Polite Force |
Polland, Pamela | Pollock, Harvey | Polydor Records |
Pomeranz, David | Ponderosa Twins + One | Poor-Mouth, The |
Pop, The | Population | Porcaro, Mike |
Portchalice | Porter, George | Positiva |
Pot Liquor | Potter, Nic | Pousette-Dart Band |
Poussez | Power Of Zeus | Power Play |
Power, Duffy | Pozo Seco Singers, The | Pratt, Andy |
Prelude | Presidents, The | Preskett, Graham |
Preston, Don (Guitar) | Preston, Don (Keyboards) | Pretty Maids |
Pretty Purdie | Pretty Things, The | Prettyboy |
Previn, Dory | PRH | Price Ringers, The |
Price, Jim | Price, Ray | Prince Buster |
Principal Edwards Magic Theatr | Prine, John | Prior, Maddy |
Prior, Maddy & Tabor, June | Prism (Canadian) | Prisonaires, The |
Pritchard, David | Private Eye (Rock) | Private Lines |
Privateer | Problem Child | Procol Harum |
Progress Organisation, The | Promises | Prophet |
Prophet, Ronnie | Proudfoot | Providence |
Puhdys | Pulsar | Pulver, Judi |
Punishment Of Luxury | Pupo | Pure Prairie League |
Purim, Flora | Pursey, Jimmy | Pussycat |
Puzzle | PVC2 | Python Lee Jackson |
Quads, The | Quantrell, Johnny | Quantum Jump |
Quarterman, Joe | Quatermass | Quatro, Michael |
Quattlebaum, Doug | Quazar | Quicksand (Prog) |
Quicksilver Messenger Service | Quiet Melon | Quin, Richard |
Quint (Pop) | Quintessence | Quintet The |
Quintet, The | Rabbit | Rachabane, Barney |
Racing Cars | Radiator (70s) | Radiators [Oz], The |
Radio Actors, The | Rafferty, Jim | Rafoot |
Ragab, Salah | Rags | Ragtimers, The |
Rahming, Patrick | Railings | Rain |
Rain (Psych) | Rainbow, Christopher | Rainbows |
Rainford, Tina | Ralphs, Mick | Ram & Tam |
Ram Jam | Ramases | Ramblers, The (70s) |
Rambow, Philip | Ramsey, Willis Alan | Rance Allen Group |
Ranchers, The | Randall, Elliott | Randazzo, Teddy |
Randy Pie & Family | Rankin, Casey | Rare Amber |
Rare Bird | Rare Gems Odyssey | Raspberries |
Ratchell | Rationals, The | Rats, The (70s) |
Rattlesnake Annie | Ravan, Genya | Raven, Jon |
Ravenscroft, Raphael | Ravitz, Yehudith | Raw Material |
Ray Owen's Moon | Ray, Goodman & Brown | Ray, Harry |
Raydio | Raz, Ruhama | Razmataz |
RCR | Read, John Dawson | Reading Festival, The |
Real ABBA Gold, The | Realists, The | Reality Band And Show, The |
Record Collector | Record Players, The | Records, The |
Red Clay Ramblers, The | Red Herring | Red Line Explosion |
Redbone, Leon | Redding, Noel | Reds, The |
Reece, Colin | Reed, Cale & Nico | Reed, Lou |
Reed, Vivian | Reekers, Edward | Reemer, Sandra |
Reffold, Stuart | Rehmann, Beny | Reid, Clarence |
Reid, Mike | Reid, Neil | Reid, Terry |
Reilly, Paddy | Relf, Bob | Relf, Jane |
Remington, Rita | Renaissance | Renanim Choir, The |
Renato Sellani & Gianni Basso | Rentals [70S], The | Repairs |
Reparata | ReR Megacorp | Rescue Co. No. 1 |
Residents | Resonance | Reunion |
Rev, Martin | Revelation Rockers | Rex Barker And The Ricochets |
Reynolds, Barry | Reynolds, L. J. | Rhino |
Rhinoceros | Rhoades, Darryl | Rhodes, Emitt |
Rhythm Butchers, The | Rhythm Heritage | Rhythm Makers |
Rice, Boyd | Rice, Tim | Rice-Milton, Terry |
Rich Fever | Richard 'Dimples' Fields | Richard T. Bear |
Richard, Cliff | Richards 'N' Williams | Richards, Digby |
Richards, Emil | Richards, John | Richards, Nikki |
Richards, Turley | Richman, Jonathan | Richmond, Dannie |
Rick Danko | Riechmann, Wolfgang | Riff-Raff |
Rifkin, Joshua | Right Kind, The | Righteous Flames, The |
Riley, Terry | Rimshots | Ringo |
Rio Grande Band | Rio Grande Orchestra | Riopelle, Jerry |
Ripple | Rippy, Rodney Allen | Ritchie, Tony |
Ritz | Ritzi | Rivendell |
Rivers, Johnny | Rivvits, The | Road |
Roadmaster | Robbins, Kate | Robert John Godfrey |
Roberts, Andy | Roberts, Austin | Roberts, Chrissy |
Roberts, Malcolm | Roberts, Paul | Roberts, Rick |
Robertson, Mick | Robertson, Robbie | Robeson, Paul |
Robillard, Duke | Robinson, Joyce | Robinson, Vicki Sue |
Rock Bottom | Rock Island Line | Rock Workshop |
Rock, Mick | Rocket | Rocket 88 |
Rocket From The Tombs | Rockets, The (Rock) | Rockin' Jimmy And The Brothers |
Rockman, Walt | Rocky Sharpe & The Replays | Rod And Tish, Mike And Joe |
Rod Taylor (Country) | Roden, Jess | Rodgers, Jimmie (Rock & Roll) |
Rodgers, Paul | Rodney & The Brunettes | Rodriguez, Antonia |
Rodriguez, Johnny | Rodriguez, Sixto | Roedelius, Hans-Joachim |
Rogers, David | Rogers, Lynn | Rogers, Ted |
Rogue | Rohmann, Chris | Rokotto |
Roland, Paul | Rolfe, Nicky | Rolling Stone |
Rolling Stones, The | Roman, Murray | Rôme |
Romuald | Ronald, Tony | Roogalator |
Room | Roomful Of Blues | Roots |
Rosa | Rose, Biff | Rose, Doreen |
Rose, Tony | Rosenberg, Marianne | Roses Are Red |
Rosetta Stone (Pop) | Rosie (70s) | Ross |
Ross, Danny | Ross, Drew | Rossall, John |
Rotary Connection | Rothman, Paul | Rothwell, Linda |
Rough Diamond | Rough Riders | Roundtree |
Rowan & Martin | Rowe, Bob | Rowe, Keith |
Roy Kirby Paragon Jazz Band | Roy St. John | Royals, The |
RSO Records | Rubber Band | Ruben And The Jets |
Rubettes, The | Ruby And The Party Gang | Rudi |
Rudich, Arik | Ruffin, Bruce | Rufus & Chaka Khan |
Rumour, The | Rundgren, Todd | Runner |
Rush, Tom | Russell, Leon | Rustic Hinge |
Rutles, The | Ryan, Jamey | Ryan, Paul |
Ryder, J. | S.S.O. | Saatchi, Phil |
Sabato, Dov | Sadista Sisters, The | Sadistics |
Saffron (Folk) | Saga | Sagram |
Sahara | Sahm, Doug | Sailcat |
Sailor | Sain, Oliver | Saint James William |
Saint Prix, Dédé | Saint-Preux | Saints & Sinners (70s) |
Salamander | Salami, Ademola | Sallon, Philip |
Samurai | Sanderson, Danny | Sands, Evie |
Sandy Coast | Sanford & Saker | Sanford & Townsend |
Sansone, Johnny | Santamaria, Mongo | Santana |
Santana, Jorge | Santo, Paul | Santos, Larry |
Sapodilla Punch | Sarney, Joy | Sarofeen And Smoke |
Sarr Band | Sarstedt Brothers, The | Sarstedt, Robin |
Sassafras | Sasss | Satan's Rats |
Satisfaction | Satton, Lon | Saturday Night Band |
Saturnalia | Saunders, Larry | Saunders, Merl |
Savage Progress | Savage Rose, The | Savoy (70s) |
Savoy Brown | Sawyer, Ray | Sax Maniax |
Sax, Urban | Saxon, Al | Sayers, Pete |
SBB | Scabs (70S), The | Scaggs, Boz |
Scalliwag | Scaniazz | Schaffer, Janne |
Schenkel, Cal | Scherman, Theo | Scherrie & Susaye |
Schlaks, Steven | Schloss, Cynthia | Schnitzler, Conrad |
Schock, Harriet | Schunge | Scientist |
Scofield, Tom | Scope | Scorpions |
Scot, Colin | Scott, Andy | Scott, Bon |
Scott, Calvin | Scott, Jeff & Marc, Josef | Scott, Peggy |
Scott, Peggy & Benson, Jo Jo | Scott, Tom | Scottish Fiddlers, The |
Scotty (70s) | Screamer | Scrounger |
Scullion | Seals, Dan | Seathrough |
Seatrain | Seawind | Sebastian, John |
Second Coming, The (60s) | Second Generation, The | Second Layer |
Secret Affair | Secret Oyster | Secret Policeman's Ball, The |
Seebach Band, The | Segarini, Bob | Selectors, The |
Sellars, Marilyn | Sembello, Michael | Sensational Alex Harvey Band |
Sesto, Camilo | Seven Ages Of Man, The | Séverine |
Sex Beatles | Sha-Rae, Billy | Shades |
Shadowfax | Shakane | Shake, Billy |
Shakespeare, William | Shakin' Stevens | Shamir, Ephraim & Astar |
Shane, Stephen | Shanghai (Mickey Green) | Shannon (Funk) |
Shape Of The Rain | Shapes, The | Sharks, The |
Sharon People | Sharpe, Sunday | Shaw, Marlena |
Shearston, Gary | Sheephouse | Shegui |
Sheikettes, The | Sheila & B Devotion | Sheila And Clyde |
Shelby | Shelley, Peter | Shelter, Jimme |
Shema Kolenu | Shemer, Naomi | Shepherds Bush Comets, The |
Shepp, Archie | Sheppard, T. G. | Shepstone & Dibbens |
Sherman, Bobby | Sherry | Sheshet |
Shifman, Yehuda | Shifrin, Susan | Shillingford Mill |
Shine, Brendan | Shinn, Don | Shirts, The |
Shoe Suede Blues | Shooter | Shorrock, Glenn |
Short, Brian | Shorty | Show Of Hands (Prog) |
Showdown | Shrink | Shusha |
Shwn Wodw! | Sidan | Sidran, Ben |
Siebel, Paul | Sievey, Chris | Siffleur Montagne Chorale Of Dominica, The |
Siffre, Labi | Silly Wizard | Silver Bow, The |
Silver Convention | Silver Metre | Silver, Platinum & Gold |
Silverhead | Simmons, Jeff | Simmons, Mickey |
Simms Brothers Band | Simms Brothers Band, The | Simon & Garfunkel |
Simon, Carly | Simon, Keith | Simon, Lowrell |
Simon, Paul | Simon, Yves | Simpkins, Darnell |
Simpson, Steve | Simpson, Valerie | Sinai, Arik |
Sinceros, The | Sinclair, Richard | Sindelfingen |
Sinfield, Pete | Singleton, Charlie | Sins Of Satan |
Sioux | Sir Douglas Quintet | Sir Henry (& His Butlers) |
Sir Joe Quarterman & Free Soul | Sir Lord Baltimore | Siren |
Sirius | Sirkel & Co. | Sister Pat Hall |
Sisters | Sisters Love | Sitting Bull |
Skifs, Björn | Skin Alley | Sky (70s) |
Sky (John Williams) | Sky, Patrick | Skyband |
Slade | Slapp Happy | Slave |
Slave (Folk) | Slow Children | Slowload |
Sly & The Family Stone | Smiley, Brett | Smirks, The |
Smith & Son | Smith Perkins Smith | Smith, Anthony |
Smith, Cal | Smith, Carrie | Smith, Connie |
Smith, Ethel | Smith, Hurricane | Smith, Margo |
Smith, Martha | Smith, Rex | Smith, TV |
Smith, Whispering | Smith, William D. | Smither, Chris |
Smithy | Smoke | Smoke (70s) |
Smoker, Joel | Smokey 007 | Smokie |
Snafu | Snakefinger | Snakeman Show |
Sneakers | Snivelling Shits, The | Snow, Michael |
Soccio, Gino | Society Of Seven | Soft Heap |
Softones, The | SofTouch | Solera, Dino |
Solid Gold Band | Solid Gold Cadillac | Solo, Bobby |
Solomon, Diane | Something Real | Something Special |
Son, Jah | Sons & Lovers | Sons Of Champlin |
Sons Of Heroes | Sons Of Robin Stone | Sore Throat (Power Pop) |
Soul Brothers [SA] | Soul Children, The | Soul Fox Orchestra, The |
Soul Makers, The | Soul Rebels, The | Soul Response |
Soul, David | Soulé, George | Soulmates, The |
Sounds | Sounds Of Lancashire, The | South Bank Orchestra, The |
South, Joe | Souther Hillman Furay Band | Souther, John David |
Southern Comfort | Southern Pacific | Southern, Al |
Southern, Ronji | Southroad Connection | Southwind |
Sovereign Collection | Sovereign Singers, The | Space (Tremeloes) |
Space Art | Spaghetti Head (70s) | Sparrow |
Specter, Dave | Speed (Punk) | Speed, Glue & Shinki |
Spelman, Orsa | Spence, Barrington | Spheres |
Spider | Spin (Dutch) | Spinach Power |
Spinners, The | Spirit | Spirit Of John Morgan |
Spiro Gyra | Spiteri | Spivak, Dubby |
Spookey | Spooky Tooth | Sports, The |
SPP | Spriguns | Spring |
Springwater | Spyro Gyra | Square Set, The |
Square, Paradise | Squire, Chris | SRT |
St. Clements Wells | St. Keverne | St. Louis Hounds, The |
Stacc | Stack Waddy | Stackridge |
Stadium Dogs | Staffell, Tim | Stanley Steamer |
Stanshall, Vivian | Starbuck | Starcastle |
Stardrive | Starr Bounds, The | Starr, Edwin |
Starr, Freddie | Starr, Ringo | Starr, Ruby |
Starry Eyed And Laughing | Startrax | Statchil |
States, The | Staymer, Hans | Stealers Wheel |
Steam Shuttle | Steamhammer | Steel Mill |
Steel Pulse | Steeleye Span | Steenhuis, Wout |
Steeplechase | Steinberg And Kelly | Steneker, Ben |
Stephen, Henry | Stephenson's Rocket | Stephenson, Van |
Steppenwolf | Steppin' Out | Steps Ahead |
Stepson | Stereotypes, The | Sterling |
Steve Brown Band, The | Steve Miller Band, The | Steve Tilston |
Stevens, Brett | Stevens, Cat | Stevens, Jimmy |
Stevens, John | Stevens, Ray | Stevens, Rick |
Stevens, Sandy | Stevens, Stu | Stevens, Terri |
Stevenson, Geoff | Stewart, Al | Stewart, Allan |
Stewart, Bob | Stewart, J.J. | Stewart, Roman |
Stiff | Stilettos, The | Still Life [70s] |
Stills, Stephen | Stills-Young Band, The | Stillwater |
Stitch, Jah | Stoat, The | Stokes, Simon |
Stone Angel | Stone The Crows | Stoned Circus |
Stonedelight | Stoneham, Harry | Stories |
Storm (Reggae) | Storyteller (70s) | Straker, Peter |
Strange Days | Strangers, Rank | Strapps |
Strawbs, The | Stray | Stray Dog |
Streak | Streakers | Street Noise |
Street Talk | Street, Mel | Streetheart |
Streetwalkers | Stretch | Strife |
Stringband | Stromme, Carol | Strunk, Jud |
Stuart, Mary | Stud | Stuff |
Stukas | Stukas, The | Styvers, Laurie |
Subs | Subway Sect, The | Sue & Sunny |
Sugarloaf | Suite Steel | Sullins, Jim |
Sullivan, Big Jim | Sullivan, Michael | Sun |
Sun Ra | Sun Treader | Sunchariot |
Sunday Funnies | Sunny | Sunny Jim Band |
Sunshine (70s) | Sunshine On The World | Supersister (70s) |
Supertonic | Surface Noise | Surprise Sisters, The |
Survival Kit | Susana, Graciela | Susie |
Sutherland Brothers & Quiver | Sutherland, Gibby | Suzette |
Swan Arcade | Swan, Billy | Swan, Black |
Swann, Bettye | Swarbriggs Plus Two, The | Sweepers, The |
Sweet Cream | Sweet Dreams (70s) | Sweet Honey In The Rock |
Sweet Sensation | Sweet Thunder | Sweet Thursday |
Swell Maps | Swift, Jonathan | Swindells, Steve |
Swing Thing | Swingalongs, The | Swingle II |
Switch | Switch (Motown) | Sylvers, The |
Sylvester's Juke Box | Sylvester, Terry | Symarip |
Sympho-State | T-2 | T-Rex |
T-Slam | T-Square | T.P. Orchestre Poly-Rythmo |
T.U.S.H. | Table, The | Tabor, June & Simpson, Martin |
Tagg, Eric | Taggett | Taï Phong |
Taj Mahal | Talbot, Billy | Talila |
Talk Of The Town | Talley, James | Tallulah |
Tamouz | Tanamo, Lord | Tannahill Weavers, The |
Tanned Leather | Tanner, Marc | Tantra |
Tarbuck, Jimmy | Tarney Spencer Band, The | Tarry, Michael |
Tartan Horde | Tasavallan Presidentti | Taste |
Tate, Troy | Tavares | Tavori, Shimi |
Taw Folk, The | Tawna | Taylor, Alex |
Taylor, Allan | Taylor, Dick | Taylor, Doug |
Taylor, Eddie | Taylor, James | Taylor, Jeremy |
Taylor, Koko | Taylor, Martin | Taylor, Tyrone |
TC James & The Fist-O-Funk Orc | Tea & Symphony | Teach-In |
Teacher's Pet | Tearjerkers, The | Teaze |
Teen Beats | Teesside Fettlers, The | Telephone |
Tempchin, Jack | Tempest | Temple City Kazoo Orchestra |
Tempo, Nino | Tempo, Nino & Stevens, April | Tempus Fugit |
Ten Years After | Tennent - Morrison | Tequila Mockingbird C.E. |
Tequila! | Terry & The Pirates | Terry Dactyl And The Dinosaurs |
Tex Williams And The Sundowner | Texas Tornados, The | Thackray, Jake |
The Fourth Way | The Grease Band | The Mekons |
The Po' Boys | The Tigers | Thee Image |
Thieves (1970S) | Thomas St. John & Winston J | Thomas, B.J. |
Thomas, Creepy John | Thomas, Don | Thomas, Guthrie |
Thomas, Ian | Thomas, Jeff | Thomas, Mickey |
Thomas, Nicky | Thomas, Ray | Thomas, Vaughan |
Thomopoulos, Andreas | Thompson, Barbara | Thompson, Carroll |
Thompson, Chris (Folk) | Thompson, Chris (MM) | Thompson, Lincoln |
Thompson, Linda | Thompson, Linda G. | Thompson, Richard |
Thompson, Robbin | Thompson, Sydney | Thor |
Thorpe, T.J. | Thrasher, Eiri | Three Dog Night |
Threewheel | Threshold Label | Thunderbird American Indians |
Thundermug | Thunderthighs | Thundertrain |
Thurston, Bobby | Tiboldi, Maria | Tierra |
Tiger B. Smith | Time | Timepiece |
Timmy And The Tulips | Tin Huey | Tin Tin |
Tiny Alice | Tippett & Tracey | Tippetts, Julie |
Titanic | Toby Beau | Today's People |
Toe Fat | Toffoletti, Guido | Toland, Marie |
Tom Tom | Tomita, Isao | Tommy Tutone |
Tomorrow | Tomorrow's Edition | Tonics, The |
Tonight | Tonto's Expanding Head Band | Tonton Macoute |
Tontrix | Tony Camillo's Bazuka | Tony Nelson's Cool Country |
Tools | Top Of The Pops | Top, Janik |
Topping, Frank | Toronto | Touch (70s) |
Touch, Magnetic | Tower Of Power | Towers, Jesse |
Towers, Lee | Townshend, Pete | Townshend, Simon |
Toy Planet | Toyah & Fripp | Trace |
Track Records | Trader Horne | Traffic |
Trammps, The | Trampolin | Trash (70s) |
Trash (Punk) | Trashmonk | Traum, Artie |
Traum, Happy | Travellers, The | Travis (70s) |
Travis, Paul | Treatment | Treatment, Steve |
Trede, Gerhard | Tree People, The | Trees |
Tregger, Yan | Tremblers, The | Trepte, Uli |
Tretow, Michael B. | Tribe (70s) | Tribes, The |
Tribute | Trifle | Trigger (70S) |
Trillion | Trimmer & Jenkins | Trinidad Oil Company |
Trinidad Steel Orchestra | Trinity | Trio Arava |
Trio Bulgarka, The | Tritons | Triumph |
Triumvirat | Troiano, Domenic | Trolls, New |
Trooper | Tropea, John | Trower, Robin |
Trower, Robin & Bruce, Jack | Troy, Doris | Truckaway, William |
Trucks, Derek | True Reflection, The | Trust (French) |
Trythall, Gil | Tseva Tari Trio | Tubes |
Tucker, Junior | Tucker, Richard | Tucker, Tanya |
Tucker, Terry | Tucky Buzzard | Tuff, Tony |
Tulsa | Tunes, Crab | Tureck, Rosalyn |
Turner, Ike & Tina | Turner, Nik | Turner, Pierce |
Turner, Spyder | Turtle, Henry | Turtles, The |
Twink | Twinn | Tycoon |
Tyla Gang | Tyla, Sean | Tyrone & Carr |
U-Roy | U.K. | U.K. Joe |
U.N.I.V.E.R.S.E., The | Ujima | Ultrafunk |
Uncle Jim's Music | Unicorn | Unicorn, The |
Union Express | Unit Six | United Jazz + Rock Ensemble |
Universal Energy | Universal Sounds Orchestra | Unlimited Touch |
Upp | Urge, The | Utopia (German) |
Utopia (US) | V, Formula | V.I.P.'s |
V.S.O.P. | Valenti, John | Valentino |
Valves, The | Van Der Graaf Generator | Van Der Linden, Rick |
Van Dijk, Louis | Van Dyke, Conny | Van Dyke, Vonda |
Van Leer, Thijs | Van Rooyen, Laurens | Van Zant, Johnny |
Vandenbos, Conny | Vander Ark, Brian | Vander, Christian |
Vaness, Theo | Vangelder-Smith, Cherrie | Vanilla Fudge |
Vannelli, Gino | Vanwarmer, Randy | Varenne, Michel |
Variation | Variations (Reggae) | Various - Prog & Psych |
Various - Soul & Funk | Various-Disco | Various-Magazines & Newspapers |
Vega, Alan | Vega, Táta | Vel-Vets, The |
Velez, Martha | Velline, Robert Thomas | Veloso, Caetano |
Velvet Glove | Velvet Opera | Velvet Underground |
Verheyen, Carl | Verity | Vermeulen, Hans |
Vertigo Label | Vian, Patrick | Vicious White Kids, The |
Victim | Victoria | Video |
Vielleux Du Bourbonnais | Vigrass & Osborne | Vilard, Hervé |
Viletones | Vincent, James | Vinegar Joe |
Vineyard | Violinski | Virtuoses Roumains Les |
Virtzberg, Ilan | Visitor 2035 | Voerkel, Urs |
Voiz | Voormann, Klaus | Vorhaus, David |
Voulzy, Laurent | Voyager | Vulcans (Reggae) |
Wackerman, Chad | Wackers, The | Wagon, Chuck |
Wagoner Porter & Parton Dolly | Wagoner, Porter | Wailer, Bunny |
Waits, Tom | Wake, The | Wakelin, Johnny |
Wakeman, Rick | Walker, Jerry Jeff | Walker, Joe Louis |
Walker, Larrington | Walker, Les | Walker, Ronnie |
Walker, Sammy | Wall, Alwyn | Wallace, George Jr. |
Wallace, Ian | Wallbank, Raymond | Wallenstein |
Waller, Micky | Wallis, Larry | Walsh, Brock |
Walsh, Joe | Walters, Dave | Wando |
Wansel, Dexter | Ward, Clara | Ward, Clifford T. |
Warhol, Andy | Warhorse | Warm Gun |
Warnes, Jennifer | Warren, James | Warriors, The |
Warsaw Pakt | Washington, Deborah | Washington, George E. |
Wasted Youth | Water | Water Into Wine Band |
Waterloo And Robinson | Waters, Mira | Waters, Roger |
Waterson, Lal & Mike | Waterson, Mike | Watkins, Geraint |
Watkins, Lovelace | Watson, Gene | Watts 103Rd Street Rhythm Band |
Watts, Trevor | Waves | Waybill, Fee |
Waymon, Sam | Wayne, Nancy | Weatherly, Jim |
Weathermen, The | Weaver, Patty | Web, The |
Webb, Susan | Webber, AJ | Weber, Eberhard |
Wedlock, Fred | Weeks, Willie | Weir, Bob |
Weirdos, The | Weisberg, Tim | Weiss, Otto |
Welch, Bob | Welch, Bruce | Weldon, Maxine |
Welles, Billy | Wellings, Bill | Wellington |
Wellins, Bobby | Wendroff, Michael | Werewolves |
Werner, David | Werth, Howard | Werther |
Wess And Ghezzi, Dori | West Stars Steel Band, The | West, Albert |
West, Leslie | Westbrook, Mike | Westbrook, Roger |
Weston, Glenn | Wet Willie | Wetton, John |
Wha-Koo | Whatnauts, The | Wheater, Tim |
Whimsey | Whispers, The | Whitcomb, Ian |
White Heat | White L. E. & Dillon Lola Jean | White Lightnin' |
White On Black | White Plains | White, Alan |
White, Barry | White, Josh Jr. | White, Kieran |
White, Tam | White, Tony Joe | White, Trevor |
Whitehead, Charlie | Whitfield, Robert | Whitlock, Bobby |
Whitmore, Iain | Whitney, Marva | Whitren, Jaki |
Whitten, Danny | Whiz, Mr. G. | Who |
Widowmaker | Wigan's Chosen Few | Wild Angels |
Wild Thing, The | Wild Thyme | Wild Turkey |
Wild Wally | Wilde Three | Wilde, Eugene |
Wilding/Bonus | Willard, Kelly | William Goldstein & The Magic |
Williams Bros. | Williams Brothers (Soul), The | Williams, Alan |
Williams, Bobby | Williams, Charlie | Williams, John (Guitarist) |
Williams, Johnny | Williams, Kenny | Williams, Lenny |
Williams, Margaret | Williams, Moon | Williams, Norman |
Williams, Paul (US) | Williams, Ray | Williams, Ricky |
Williams, Roger | Williams, Tracey | Williamson, John |
Williamson, Nichol | Williamson, Robin | Wilson (70s), Tony |
Wilson, Delroy | Wilson, Freddy | Wilson, Joe |
Wilson, Larry Jon | Wilson, Mary | Wilson, Meri |
Wilson, Shark | Wilson, Timothy | Wilson, Tony |
Windmill | Windows (70s) | Winds Of Change |
Wing And A Prayer Fife & Drum | Wingfield, Pete | Winkies, The |
Winslow, Pete | Winsor, Martin & Sullivan, Red | Winter (70S) |
Winter, Edgar | Winter, Johnny | Winwood, Steve |
Wirtz, Mark | Wizzard | Wolfe Tones, The |
Wood, Brenton | Wood, Hayden | Wood, Ronnie |
Wood, Roy | Wood, Ted | Woods Band, The |
Woods, Gay & Terry | Woodward, Edward | Woolfson Eric |
Woolley, Shep | Works, The | World Service |
World, The | WRAX | Wright, Bobby |
Wright, Gary | Wright, Rick | Wright, Stevie |
Wright, Tommy | Writing On The Wall | Wurman, Hans |
WXPN | Wyatt, Robert | Wylie, Popcorn |
Wyngarde, Peter | Wyoming | X Certificate |
Xhol Caravan | Xit | XPP |
Yachts | Yamashta, Stomu | Yamashta, Winwood & Shrieve |
Yamasuki's, The | Yates, Tom | Yatha Sidhra |
Yellow Dog | Yellow Payges, The | Yellowjackets |
Yellowstone And Voice | Yes | YES |
Yin & Yan | Yoder, Greg | Yonkers, Michael |
You (Punk) | Youlden, Chris | Young & Renshaw |
Young Bucks, The | Young Generation, The | Young Ones, The |
Young, Jesse Colin | Young, Jonathan | Young, Kenny |
Young, Neil | Young, Retta | Young, Robert |
Young, Roy | Young, Steve | Young, Tommie |
Youngbloods, The | Yovel, Hanan | Yr Hwntws |
Z.O.U. | Zacchaeus | Zacharias, Helmut |
Zager, Michael | Zakatek, Lenny | Zamfir, Gheorghe |
Zap-Pow | Zappa Plays Zappa | Zappa, Dweezil |
Zappa, Frank | Zara, Vincent | Zaradin, John |
Zavaroni, Lena | Zazou, Hector | Zee |
Zeeland, Jaap | Zelkowitz, Goldie | Zero (70s) |
Zevon, Warren | Zig-Zag | Zimmerman, Tucker |
Zipps, The | Zodiac (Pop) | Zohra |
Zon | Zones | Zoo |
Zooms, The | Zukie, Tapper | Zulema |