artists beginning with 'C'

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Carey, MariahClapton, EricColdplay
Culture Club Costello, ElvisCher 
Carpenters Carlisle, Belinda Cream 
Cult Cooper, Alice Cure
Crowded HouseCollins, PhilCorrs
Crow SherylCranberries, The Cocteau Twins 
Chemical Brothers, The Clash 

all artists

C Cat Trance C Duncan C Of E 
C&C Music Factory C'mon Tigre C'Vello 
C, Danny C, DEEP C-Bank 
C-Block C-Clamp C-Jags 
C-Pij C. A. Quintet, The C. Spencer Yeh 
C.C. Catch C.C. Motiff C.C.C.P. 
C.I.A. C.J. & Co. C.O.B. 
C.O.R. feat Mike Nova C.S.A. C.S.M. 
C2T Hype CA Quintet Ca$hflow 
Caan, James Cab, The Caballé, Montserrat 
Caballero, Don Cabaret Voltaire Cabasa 
Cabbage Cabbageboy Cabballero 
Cabello, Camila Cable Cablecar 
Cables, George Cables, The Cabrel, Francis 
Cabrera, Jorge Cabrera, Ryan Cacciapaglia, Roberto 
Cáceres, Emilio Cacia, Paul Cacique 
Cacoon, Velvet Cacophony Cactus Black 
Cactus County Cactus Rain Cactus World News 
Cadaver Cadaveric Fumes Cadaveric Incubator 
Cadbury Sisters, The Cadd, Brian Caddick, Bill 
Caddy Caddy, Alan Cadena, Papo 
Cadena, Tony Cadeo, Fanny Cadets, The 
Cadillac Cadillac Three, The Cadillac, Vince 
Cadillacs, The Cado Belle Cadogan, Susan 
Cads, The Caesar Caesar's Palace 
Caesar, Shirley Caesars Caesars (Rock), The 
Caesars (Soul), The Caezar Caezars, The 
Café Crème Café Jacques Cafferty, John 
Cage The Elephant Cage, John Cagedbaby 
Cagle, Buddy Cagney And Lacee Cagney, James 
Cahen, Faton Cahill, Patricia Caillat, Colbie 
Cain, Henry Cain, Jeffrey Cain, Jonathan 
Cain, Tane Caina Caine, Andrew 
Caine, General Caine, Marti Caine, Michael 
CAIOLA, AL Cair Paravel Cairns, Forrie 
Cairo Cairo Cairo Gang, The 
Cajsa, Lisa Cajun Blues Cajun Dance Party 
Cajun, R. Cake Cake, The 
Calamity Jane Calcagno, Riley Calchakis, Los 
Caldera (70s) Caldera (Dance) Calderone, Victor 
Caldwell, Bobby Caldwell, Charles Cale, J.J. 
Cale, John Caledonia Jazzband Calender 
Calender Dream, The Calexico Calhoon 
Calhoun, Slim Caliban Calico 
Calico String Band, The Califone California Guitar Trio, The 
California Music California, Mr. California, Randy 
Californian Raisins, The Californians, The Caliman, Hadley 
Calimbo Steel Band Calix, Mira Call 
Call Girls, The Call Super Call, Alex 
Call, Freedom Call, Master's Callaghan, John 
Callahan, Bill Callas, Maria Calle, Oscar 
Callender, Fil Callicott, Joe Callier, Terry 
Calligram Callinan, Kirin J Calling, The 
Callow, Simon Calloway, Cab Calloway, Rickey 
Callum Easter Calogero Calotherm CD cleaning cloth 
Calotherm record cleaning clot Calston Rhythm Initiative Calvert & West 
Calvert, Eddie Calvert, Leon Calvert, Robert 
Calvi, Anna Calvi, Gérard Calvin, Misha 
Calypson, Mister Calyx Cam 
Cam'Ron Camacho's Project Camarata, Tutti 
Camber Camberwell Butterflies Camberwell Now, The 
Cambridge Buskers, The Cambridge Crofters, The Cambridge Strings, The 
Camel Camen Cameo 
Camera 3 Camera Obscura Camera Obscura (GER) 
Camera Obscura (Punk) Camerata Of London, The Cameron Men, The 
Cameron, Andy Cameron, Angus Cameron, Argo 
Cameron, Isla Cameron, James Cameron, John 
Cameron, John Allan Cameron, Ken Cameron, Rafael 
Cameron, Ray Camille Camilo, Michel 
Camisra Camoflauge Camouflage 
Camp Lo Camp Sophisto Camp, Chuck 
Camp, Phleg Camp, Summer Campag Velocet 
Campaign, Domination Campbell, Al Campbell, Alex 
Campbell, Ali Campbell, Christine Campbell, Cornell 
Campbell, Dallas Campbell, Eamonn Campbell, Eddie C. 
Campbell, Ellie Campbell, Errol Campbell, Ethna 
Campbell, Evrol Campbell, Glen Campbell, Ian 
Campbell, Isobel Campbell, Jo Ann Campbell, John 
Campbell, Ken Campbell, Kerry Campbell, Larry 
Campbell, Lori Campbell, Martin Campbell, Michael 
Campbell, Michael Edward Campbell, Naomi Campbell, Pat 
Campbell, Phil Campbell, Phil Campbell, Stan 
Campbell, Tevin Campbell, William Campbell-Lyons, Patrick 
Campbells, The Camper Van Beethoven Campfire Girls 
Campi, Ray Camplight, BC Campoli, Alfredo 
Can Can't Swim Canada, Subhumans 
Canadian Brass Canadians Canavan, Mike 
Cancer Cancer Bats Candela 
Candi Candidate Candido 
Cándido Y Las Super Estrellas Candle Candle Thieves, The 
Candlebox Candlemass Candles, The 
Candlestick Park Candlewick Green Candoli, Conte 
Candoli, Pete Candy Candy 
Candy Flip Candy Machine Candy, Glass 
Candy, Icho Candy, Rock Candyflip 
Candyland Candymen, The Candyskins, The 
Cane 141 Cane Hill Canibus 
Canis Major Cann, Bob Cann, Jacquii 
Cannanes, The Canned Heat Canned Heat & Hooker, John Lee 
Canned Rock Cannibal & The Headhunters Cannibal Corpse 
Cannibal Ox Cannibals, The Canning, Michael 
Cannon & Ball Cannon, Ace Cannon, Conroy 
Cannon, Freddy Cannon, Gus Cannon, Pete 
Canny Fettle Cano, Eddie Canola 
Cantelli, Guido Canteloube, Joseph Cantels, The 
Canterbury Canterbury Music Festival, The Canticle 
Cantilena Piano Quartet Cantique Lépreux Cantoma 
Cantona, Eric Cantor, Eddie Cantrell, Blu 
Cantrell, Jerry Cantrell, Laura Cantu-Ledesma, Jefre 
Canute Canvas Canyons, Blasted 
Cap N Jazz Capaldi, Jim Capaldi, Lewis 
Capdown Cape, Joey Capercaillie 
Capital J Capital Lights Capitol K 
Capitol Records Capitols, The Capocci, Pat 
Capon, Jean Charles Capone Capone -N- Noreaga 
Capones, The Capp, Frank Capp, Frank & Pierce, Nat  
Cappadonna Cappel, Larry Cappella 
Cappelli, Rachele Cappo Caprice 
Capricorn Capris, The Capsize 
Capstan Capstick, Tony Captail Soul 
Captain Captain & Tennille Captain America 
Captain Beaky Captain Beefheart & Magic Band Captain Beyond 
Captain Billy's Dream Machine Captain Hollywood Project Captain Howdy 
Captain Jack Captain Matchbox Whoopee Band Captain Sensible 
Captain Sinbad Captain Video Captain Zap And The Motortown  
Captain Zorro Captains Of Industry Capuano 
Car Bomb Car Seat Headrest Car Vs. Driver 
Car, Le Cara, Irene Carabali 
Caracara Caram, Ana Caramba 
Caramel Caravan Caravan Palace 
Caravan, Jimmy Caravans, The Caravelles, The 
Caravelli Carawan, Guy Carbon / Silicon 
Carbon Based Lifeforms Carbone, Laura Carbono, Abelardo 
Carcasses, Bobby Carcinoid Carcrash International 
Carcuss Card, Michael Cardenas, Luis 
Cardi B Cardiac Arrest Cardiacs 
Cardiff City FC Cardigans, The Cardinal 
Cardinals (Folk), The Cardinals, The Cardle, Matt 
Cardone, Nathalie Care Caretaker Race, The 
Caretaker, The Carey, Dave Carey, Mariah
Carey, S. Carey, Tony Cargill, Henson 
Cargo Cargoe Carib Beats, The 
Caribou Carignan, Jean Carillo 
Carioca Carl And Carla Carl Davis & The Chi-Sound Orc 
Carla Bruni Carla Stephens Carle, Bill 
Carle, Frankie Carle, Les Carlebach, Shlomo 
Carless, Ray Carlile, Brandi Carlin, George 
Carlin, Joanna Carlini's World Of Strings Carlisle, Belinda 
Carlisle, Bob Carlisle, Jim Carlisles, The 
Carll, Hayes Carllile, Thumbs Carlo Mombelli 
Carlos, Don Carlos, Walter Carlos, Wendy 
Carlos,Roberto Carlson, Dave Carlson, Dylan 
Carlson, Shanna Carlton Carlton And The Shoes 
Carlton Melton Carlton Showband Carlton, Carl 
Carlton, Larry Carlton, Steve Carltons, The 
Carly Rae Jepsen Carmack, Chris Carman, Paul 
Carmel Carmel, Amadeo Carmela 
Carmen, Eric Carmen, Phil Carmen, Tracey 
Carmets, The Carmichael, Hoagy Carmichael, Ian 
Carmichael, Ralph Carmina-Quartett Carn, Doug 
Carn, Jean Carnabeats, The Carnabys, The 
Carnal Tomb Carnation Carnations 
Carne, Jean Carnegie, Kim Carner, Loyle 
Carnes, Kim Carney, Harry Carney-Hild-Kramer 
Carnie & Wendy Wilson Carnifex Carniss, Ysanne 
Carnival Carnival Art Carnival Season 
Carnival, L.A. Carnival, The (Latin) Carnival, The (Pop) 
Carnivore Caro Caro, Nydia 
Carol Carol Hitchcock Carol Of Harvest 
Carol Vorderman Carola Carolan, Mary Ann 
Carolina Chocolate Drops Carolina Liar Caroline K 
Caroline Know, The Caroline Munro Carols, The 
Caronte Carosone, Renato Carousels, The 
Carpathian Carpathian Forest Carpenter Brut 
Carpenter, Bob Carpenter, Cliff Carpenter, John 
Carpenter, John Alden Carpenter, Karen Carpenter, Mary Chapin 
Carpenter, Richard Carpenter, Sabrina Carpenter, Thelma 
Carpenters Carpettes, The Carpool Tunnel 
Carr, Andre Carr, Cathy Carr, Georgia 
Carr, Ian Carr, James Carr, John 
Carr, Kate Carr, Leroy Carr, Linda 
Carr, Mike Carr, Pearl & Johnson, Teddy Carr, Pete 
Carr, Romey Carr, Valerie Carr, Vikki 
Carr, Wynona Carrà, Raffaella Carrack, Paul 
Carradine, David Carradine, Keith Carrageen 
Carrara, Émile Carrasco, Joe "King" Carreras, José 
Carrey, Jim Carrie Carrie Ann 
Carrion Spring Carroll, Andrea CARROLL, BAIKIDA 
Carroll, Bob Carroll, Cath Carroll, Dara 
Carroll, David Carroll, Diahann Carroll, Dina 
Carroll, Gina Carroll, Johnny Carroll, Lewis 
Carroll, Liz Carroll, Marc Carroll, Pat 
Carroll, Porter Carroll, Ronnie Carroll, Toni 
Carruthers, Ben Carry On Cars & Trains 
Cars, The Carson Wells Carson, Jeannie 
Carson, Joe Carson, Johnny Carson, Martha 
Carson, Mindy Carson, Willie  Carstens, Arno 
Cartañá, Alex Carte Blanche Carter Cash, June 
Carter Family, The Carter USM Carter, Aaron 
Carter, Anita Carter, Benny Carter, Betty 
Carter, Carlene Carter, Chris Carter, Clarence 
Carter, Deana Carter, Derrick Carter, Diane 
Carter, Elliott Carter, John Carter, Lisa 
Carter, Lynda Carter, Martin Carter, Mel 
Carter, Mick Carter, Nell Carter, Nick (Backstreet Boys) 
Carter, Ralph Carter, Ron Carter, Valerie 
Carter, Wilf Carter-Lewis & The Southerners Carthy & Swarbrick 
Carthy, Eliza Carthy, Martin Cartoone 
Cartoons Cartwright, Dave Caruso, Dick 
Caruso, Enrico Carvalho, Beth Carvells, The 
Carver, Johnny Cary, Tristram Casablanca 
Casablanca (1970s) Casablanca, Paris Casablancas, Julian 
Casadesus, Robert Casadesus, Robert and Gaby Casal 
Casale, Rossana Casals, Pablo Casanovas, The 
Casbah Club, The Casby, Freddy Cascada 
Cascades, The Cascading Strings, The Case 
Case, Ed Case/Lang/Veirs Casey 
Casey, Al Cash And Carry Cash Money & Marvelous 
Cash Pussies Cash, Alvin Cash, Andrew 
Cash, Brent Cash, Joanne Cash, Johnny 
Cash, Sharon Cash, Tommy Cashman & West 
Cashman, Pistilli & West Cashmere Casi 
Casino Casino [00s] Casino Royales, The 
Casino, Conjunto Casinos, The Casiopea 
Casiotone For The Painfully Al CasIsDead Casket Lottery, The 
Caskets Caspar Caspar Babypants 
Casper, Nova Caspi, Matti Caspian 
Cassandra Cassandra Complex, The Cassanelli, Marco 
Cassels Cassidy Cassidy, David 
Cassidy, Shaun  Cassie Cassini, Leonard 
Cassius Cast Cast From Casualty 
Cast Of Cheers, The Castaway Stones, The Castaways, The (60s) 
Castaways, The (70s) Castell, Lacksley Castells, The 
Castellucci, Bruno Castle Kings, The Castle, Charles 
Castle, David Castle, Mike Castle, Roy 
Caston & Majors Castor, Jimmy Castro 
Castro, Nick & The Young Elder Castro, Veronica Castro-Neves, Mario 
Casual Casual Sex Casualeers, The 
Casuals, The Casualties Of Cool Casualties, Capitalist 
Casualties, The Casualty Cat 
Cat Ballou Cat Empire, The Cat On Form 
Cat Power Cat's Eyes Cat's Miaow 
Cat's Miaow, The Cat, Fantastic Catacomb 
Catalani Cataldi, Claudio Catalogue Yearly Subs 
Cataneo, Pancho Catani, Patric Catapilla 
Catatonia Catch Catch 
Catch ['80S Pop Duo], The Catch Fire Catch Twenty-Two 
Catchers Cate Bros Cateran, The 
Caterwaul Cates, The Catfish (Oz) 
Catfish (US) Catfish And The Bottlemen Catharsis 
Cathedral Cathedral Brass Catherine 
Catherine Deneuve Catherine Philip Catherine Wheel 
Catheters, The Cathode Ray Eyes Cathode, Ray 
Catingub, Matt Catley, Bob Catmen 
Cato Salsa Experience Cato, Connie Cato, Lorraine 
Cats 'N' Jammer Kids, The Cats And Cats And Cats Cats Eyes 
Cats In Boots Cats In Space Cats Pyjamas 
Cats, The Cats, Top Cattaneo, Hernan 
Cattle & Cane Cattle Decapitation Catto, Malcom 
Cattouse, Nadia Cauchemar Caudel, Stephen 
Caught In The Act Caught In The Act - Rock Cauldron 
Causa Sui Cause & Effect Cause4concern 
Caustic Lime Caustic Soda Caustic Window, The 
CaVa CaVa Cavalera Cavaliere, Felix 
Cavaliers [80S], The Cavaliers Unlimited, The Cavaliers, The 
Cavallaro, Carmen Cavalli, Pierre Cavallo, Jimmy 
Cavanagh, Danny CAVE Cave In 
Cave Stompers, The Cave, Nick Cavedogs, The 
Caveman Caveman Shoestore Cavern Of Anti-Matter 
Cavern Sound Caves, The Cavill, Jai 
Cay Cayenne Cayne, Carol 
Cazals Cazazza, Monte CBI 
CBS Records CCC CCE 
CCL CCP CD Quick Spray (Accessory) 
CD Quick Wipes (Accessory) CD Re CD Repair Kit (Accessory) 
CD Resealable Slv (Accessory) CD Trays (Accessory) CDB 
Cease To Exist Ceberano, Kate Cecelia, St. 
Cecil Cecilio & Kapono Cedars, The 
Cedric West Guitar Ensemble Cee Lo Green Cee-Lo 
Celebrate The Nun Celebrated Artists Band Celebrated Ratliffe Stout Band, The 
Celebration Celebration Celebration Singers, The 
Celebrity Skin Celentano, Adriano Celeste (Metal) 
Celeste, Marina Celestia Celestin, Oscar 
Celi Bee & The Buzzy Bunch Célia Celia & The Mutations 
Celibate Rifles, The Cell Celldweller 
Celtic FC Celtic Frost Celtic Woman 
Celtus Cement Cenobyte 
Cenotaph Centaurus Center, City 
Centerfold Centipede Centory 
Central Command Group Central Europe Performance Central Line 
Central, Soul Centro-Matic Centry 
Centuries Century, Stax Ceramic Hobs 
Cerebral Ballzy Cerebral Bore Cerebral Fix 
Cerebral Rot Cerebus Ceremony 
Ceremony, Blood Cerletti, Marco Cermakk 
Cerquetti, Anita Cerrone, Jean-Marc Certain General 
Cervenka, Exene Cesana, Otto Cetera, Peter 
Ceyleib People, The CH415 Cha Cha 2000 
Cha Cha Cohen Chabrier, Emmanuel Chacksfield, Frank 
Chacon, Eddie Chad & Jeremy Chad Kroeger 
Chad Smiths Bombastic Meatbats Chad's Tree Chadbourne, Eugene 
Chadwick, Guy Chadwick, Mark Chagall Guevara 
Chai-Am Chain Chain Gang 
Chain Of Flowers Chain Of Strength Chain Reaction 
Chains, The Chainsaw Chainsaw Kittens 
Chainsaws, Vanilla Chainsmokers, The Chairlift 
Chairmen Of The Board Chairs, The Chaisson, Greg 
Chait, Rabbi Baruch Chaka Demus & Pliers Chakachas, Les 
Chakiris, George Chakk Chakra 
Chalard, Jacky Chalets, The Chalfant, Kevin 
Chaliapin, Feodor Chalk Circle Chalk Hands 
Chalker, Bryan Chalkitis, Harris Chalkitis, Harry 
Challan, Annie Challengers, The (UK) Challengers, The (US) 
Challenor, Jackie Chalmers, Jorja Chaloff, Serge 
Chaloner, Sue Cham Chamandy, Chantal 
Chambao Chamber Jazz Sextet Chamber, Warp 
Chamberlain Chamberlain, Anne Chamberlain, Cathy 
Chamberlain, Richard Chambers Brothers, The Chambers, Guy 
Chambers, Jimmy Chambers, Kasey Chambers, Neon 
Chambers, Paul Chameleon Chameleons 
Chameleons Vox Chamfort, Alain Champ's Boys Orchestra 
Champaign Champion Champion Doug Veitch 
Champion, Eternal Champion, Jason Champlin, Bill 
Champs Champs, The Chan, Agnes 
Chan, Jackie Chancis, The Chandeliers, The 
Chandell, Tim Chandler Gene & Acklin Barbara Chandler, Gary 
Chandler, Gene Chandler, Gene & Butler, Gerry Chandler, George 
Chandler, Jeff Chandler, Kerri Chandler, Omar 
Chandra, Sheila Chandru Chanel 
Chanelle Chaney, Ken Change (Glam) 
Changed, Short Changes, The Changin' Times, The 
Changing Faces Changing Shape Chann, Jacqui 
Channel Channel 3 Channel 6 
Channel Live Channel Three Channel Tres 
Channel, Bruce Channels, Black Channels, The 
Channing, Carol Chanson Chantal, Caprice 
Chantays, The Chante, Keshia Chantelles, The 
Chantells Chantels, The Chanter Sisters, The 
Chantilly Chantilly Lace Chants R & B 
Chants, The Chao, Manu Chaos 
Chaos Magic Chaos U.K. Chaotic Dischord 
Chaparrals, The Chapel Club Chapelle, Pola 
Chapin Sisters, The Chapin, Harry Chaplin, Blondie 
Chaplin, Charlie Chaplin, Charlie (Reggae) Chaplin, Michael 
Chaplin, Tom Chapman Family, The Chapman, Ben 
Chapman, Kingsley Chapman, Michael Chapman, Roger 
Chapman, Tracy Chappell Library Chappelle, Helen 
Chaps, The Chapter 11 Chapter And The Verse 
Chapter House, The Chapter Three Chapterhouse 
Chaquico, Craig Chaquito Charade 
Charalambides Charden, Eric Charette, Brian 
Charge Charge (Blues) Charice 
Charig, Mark Chariot Chariot, The 
Charisma Charisma Records Charizma 
Charlatan Charlatans U.S.A. Charlatans, The 
Charlebois, Robert Charlemagne Palestine Charlene 
Charles & Eddie Charles Bobo Shaw Charles Dance 
Charles Randolph Grean Charles Ross Reggae Combo Charles, Bobby 
Charles, Buddy Charles, Chili Charles, Don 
Charles, Elaine Charles, Kelly Charles, Pearl 
Charles, Ray Charles, Ronnie Charles, Sonny 
Charles, Suzette Charles, Sweet Charles, Teddy 
Charles, Tina Charles-Valentin Alkan Charleston Chasers, The 
Charleston Trio, The Charlesworth, Dick Charlesworth, Dick 
Charley Charlie Charlie & The Wide Boys 
Charlie And May Charlie Boyer And The Voyeurs Charlie Hunter Trio 
Charlie Parkas, The Charlie Sexton Sextet Charlie's Angels 
Charlots, Les Charlotte Adigéry & Bolis Pupul Charlotte Day Wilson 
Charlotte De Witte Charlottefield Charlottes, The 
Charlton Athletic FC Charlton, Jack Charly Lownoise 
Charm School Charmaines, The Charme 
Charmers, Lloyd Charms, The Charne, Billy 
Charnel Altar Charo Charogne Stone 
Charon Charpentier, Jacques Charpentier, Marc Antoine 
Chart, The Charta 77 Chartists, The 
CharVoni Chas & Dave Chas & J.I. 
Chasar Chase Chase & Status 
Chase (Jazz) Chase, Chevy Chase, Tommy 
Chaser Chasing The Monsoon Chastain 
Chastity Belt Chat Pile Château Flight 
Chateaux Chater, Kerry Chatfield, John 
Chatham County Line Chatham Forts, The Chatham, Rhys 
Chatmon, Sam Chats, The Chatshow 
Chatten, Grian Chatter B Chatton, Brian 
Chaucer, Geoffrey Chaudhuri, Debabrata Chaudhuri, Debu 
Chaurasia, Hariprasad Chaussettes Noires, Les Chausson, Ernest 
Chavales De España, Los Chaves, Juca Chavez 
Chávez, Carlos Chavez, Ingrid Chayanne 
Chayfin, Ray Chazbo Chazz 
Che Che & Ray Che'Nelle 
Cheap & Nasty Cheap And Nasty Cheap Curls 
Cheap Red Cheap Trick Cheatahs 
Cheaters, The Cheatham, Oliver Cheba, Eddie 
Check It Out Checker, Chubby Checkmates, Ltd. The 
Checks, The Cheek Cheek, The 
Cheeks, Judy Cheeky Boy Cheeky Girls 
Cheepskates Cheepskates, The Cheerleaders, The 
Cheese People Cheese, Richard Cheetah (Reggae) 
Cheetah (Rock) Cheetah Chrome Cheetahs, The 
Chefs (Funk), The Chefs, The Cheifs 
Chekasin, Vladimir Chelo Chelsea 
Chelsea (French) Chelsea FC Chelsea Grin 
Chelsea Smiles, The Chemical Alice Chemical Brothers, The 
Chemical Crew Chemical People Chemise 
Chemist Chemistry Experiment, The Chemistry Set 
Chenaux, Eric Chenier, C.J. Chenier, Clifton 
Chequered Past Chequers, The Cher 
CHER Cheri Cherish 
Cherkassky, Shura Cherokees, The Cherrelle 
Cherry (Dutch) Cherry (UK) Cherry Blades 
Cherry Boys, The Cherry Cherry Cherry Forever 
Cherry Ghost Cherry People, The Cherry Pickers, The 
Cherry Poppin' Daddies Cherry Smash Cherry Smash, The 
Cherry Vanilla Cherry, Ava Cherry, Don 
Cherry, Don (Singer) Cherry, Eagle Eye Cherry, Jimmy 
Cherry, Neneh Cherryfalls Cherrymoon Trax 
Cherrystones Cherryville, The Cherubini, Luigi 
Cherubs Chesapeake Minstrels, The Chesney, Kenny 
Chesnokov Chesnut, Jim Chesnutt, Vic 
Chess Club Chess Records Chessie 
Chest Chesterfield Kings, The Chesterfields 
Chestnutt, Vic Chet Faker Chevalier Brothers, The 
Chevalier, Maurice Chevalier, Yannick Chevallier, Christian 
Chevette Cheviot Ranters, The Chevy 
Chew Chew Lips Chewy 
ChéyAnne Cheyenne Cheyne 
Cheynes Cheynes, The Chez Damier 
Chi-Ali Chi-Lites, The Chia Pet 
Chic Chicago Chicago Bears Shufflin' Crew  
Chicago Blues Allstars Chicago Blues Reunion Chicago Bob & The Shadows 
Chicago Gangsters, The Chicago Jazz Giants, The Chicago Loop, The 
Chicago People Chicago Symphony Orchestra Chicago, Roy 
Chicane Chichester Cathedral Choir Chichos, Los 
Chick Chickasaw Mudd Puppies Chicken Chest 
Chicken Lips Chicken Scratch Chicken Shack 
Chickenfoot Chicks Chicks On Speed 
Chickweed Chicory Tip Chiddy Bang 
Chief Chief Checker Chiefs of Relief 
Chieftains, The Chieftones, The Chiffons, The 
Chikinki Child Child Bite 
Child Of Lov, The Child's Play Child, Desmond 
Child, Jane Child, Lorraine Child, The 
Childers, Tyler Childhood Childish Gambino 
Childish, Billy Childre, Lew Children Of 7, The 
Children Of Birchwood Grove School Children Of Bodom Children Of Fall 
Children Of Planet Earth Children Of The Bong Children Of Tomorrow 
Children Of Zeus Children, Brian's Children, Dooms 
Children, Father's Children, The Childs, Billy 
Childs, Euros Childs, Toni Chiles & Pettiford 
Chilingirian String Quartet Chilliwack Chills, The 
Chilton, Alex Chimaira Chimera 
Chimes (50S), The Chimes, The (60s) Chimes, The (90s) 
Chimp Chimp, Part Chin, Clive 
Chin, Tsai Chin-Chin Chin-Loy, Herman 
China China [70s] China [80s] 
China [AOR] China Black China Crisis 
China Doll China Drum China Philharmonic Orchestra  
China Street Chinaco, Capitan Chinai, Alisha 
Chinatown Chinatown Slalom Chinese Classical Music Orch. 
Chinese National Song & Dance Chingas, Johnny Chingy 
Chinouriri, Rachel Chiodos Chip & Donnie 
Chip, Chip Chipmunks, The Chippendales, The 
Chippington, Ted Chisel Chisel, The 
Chisholm, George Chitragupta Chittison, Herman 
Chladil, Milan Chloe Chloé 
Choc Stars Chocolat's Chocolate 
Chocolate Dandies, The Chocolate Elephants Chocolate Layers 
Chocolate Milk Chocolate Puma Chocolate Watch Band, The 
Choice Choice Choice Four, The 
Choice M.C. Choice, New Choir 
Choir (80S), The Choir Invisible Choir Of Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, The 
Choir Of Ely Cathedral, The Choir Of Magdalen College Choir Of Seaford College 
Choir Of St. John's College Choir Of Young Believers Choir Vandals 
Choirboys Choke Chomp 
CHON Choo Choo Train Chopin 
Chopp Master Flopp Chopper Harris Chopyn 
Chorale Chorchazade Chordettes, The 
Chords Choristers Of Bath Abbey, The Choro Club 
Chorzempa, Daniel Chosen Few Chosen Few, The 
Chosen One's Chosen Ones, The Chow Chow 
Chowdhury, Salil Chrash Chris & Cosey 
Chris 'The Glove' Taylor Chris And The Students Chris Bickley And The Reef Petroleum Band 
Chris Cacavas & Junkyard Love Chris Cutler & Fred Frith Chris Ravel And The Ravers 
Chris Richards And The Subtractions Chris Robinson Chris Shiflett & The Dead Peas 
Chris Spedding Chris Stein Chris, Peter 
Christ On Parade Christ. Christensen, Alex 
Christenson, Terry Christer Christi, Ellen 
Christian Christian & Steenhuis Christian Death 
Christian Travelers Christian, Charlie Christian, Garry 
Christian, Neil Christian, Paul Christian, Roger 
Christians Christians, Filthy Christiansen 
Christiansen, Bjorn Christicide Christie 
Christie Brothers Stompers Christie Front Drive Christie, David 
Christie, John Christie, Julie Christie, Lou 
Christie, Sonia Christie, Susan Christie, Tony 
Christien Christien Brothers, The Christine And The Queens 
Christine Joy White Christine Perfect Christine's Cat 
Christlieb, Pete Christmann, Günter Christmas 
Christmas, Keith Christoff, Boris Christoph De Babalon 
Christophe Christopher Lee Christopher Milk 
Christopher Morris Band Christopher O'Riley Christopher William Stoneking 
Christopher, Bryn CHRISTOPHER, DOV Christopher, Gavin 
Christopher, Jordan Christopher, Lyn Christophers, Ben 
Christy, June Chromatics Chrome 
Chrome Molly Chronicles Of Intense Chronicles Of Narnia, The 
Chronicles, Groove Chronixx Chrysalis 
Chrysanthemum Ragtime Band Chrystal Belle Scrodd Chthe'ilist 
Chubby And The Gang Chubukos, The Chuchro, Josef 
Chuck Chuck And Gideon Chuck Brown & Soul Searchers 
Chuck Higgins & His Mellotones Chucks, The Chug 
Chula Vista Chumbawamba Chumley 
Chumps, The Chung, Kyung-Wha Chungking 
Chunk Chunk! No, Captain Chunk Chunky, Novi & Ernie 
Chupa Cabra Church Girls Church Of Disgust 
Church Of Raism Church Of The Cosmic Skull Church, Charlotte 
Church, Eric Church, Eugene Church, The 
Churchburn Churcher, J Churchill, Chick 
Churchill, Winston Churchills, The Chuzzlewit 
CHVDS Chvrches Chyna 
Chynn, Tami Chyp-Notic Ciani, Suzanne 
Ciapa Rusa, La Ciara Cibbo Matto 
Cicada Ciccolini, Aldo Ciccone Youth 
Ciccone, Don  Cicero Cicero, Eugen 
Cienda Honduras, La Cigarettes After Sex Cigarettes, The 
Ciggie Witch Cigliano, Fausto Cignol 
Cilea, Francesco Cilmi, Gabriella Cimarons, The 
Cimarosa, Domenico Cinch, The Cincotti, Peter 
Cinder Cinderella Cindy 
Cindy & Bert Cindy & The Saffrons Cindy Bullens 
Cindytalk Cinecyde Cinema 
Cinema Cinema Bizarre Cinema, Paradise 
Cinematic Orchestra, The Cinematics, The Cinerama 
Cinnamon Cinnamon Smith Cinnamon, Gerry 
Cinnamond, Robert Cinquetti, Gigliola Cipollina, John 
Cipriani, Stelvio Circa Survive Circa Waves 
Circa: Circle Circle Of Dead Children 
Circle Takes The Square Circle, Family Circle, Vicious 
Circles, The Circles, The Circuit 
Circuit Des Yeux Circuits Circulus 
Circus Circus (Dutch) Circus Devils 
Circus Diablo Circus In Reverse Circus Maximus 
Circus Normal Circus Of Power Cirez D 
Cirith Ungol Cirkus CirKus [Neneh Cherry] 
Cirque Du Soleil  Cirrus Cissel, Chuck 
Citations, The Citi Citi, Brik 
Citizen Citizen Fish Citrus Groove 
City City And Colour City Boy 
City Heat City High City Lights Band, The 
City Of Caterpillar City Preachers, The City Waites, The 
City, Naked City, Owl City, The (60s) 
City, The (80s) CIV Civello, Chiara 
Civic, Civil Civil Wars, The Civil, Alan 
Civvy Street CJ3: Crimson Jazz Trio Ckid 
CKY Claggers Clague 
Clail, Gary Clair & Super Eight Claire 
Claire, Valerie Clairmel Clairo 
Clam Abuse Clams Clams Casino 
Clan Of Xymox Clan, The Clancy 
Clancy Brothers & Tommy Makem Clancy Eccles Allstars Clancy Eccles Jnr 
Clancy, Willie Clangers, The Clannad 
Clanton, Jimmy Clap Machine Clap Your Hands Say Yeah 
Clapp, Allen Clapton, Beck & Page Clapton, Eric
Clapton, Richard Clare College Singers, The Clare, Alex 
Clare, Kenny Claremont Country Dance Band,  Clarence 'Guitar' Sims 
Clarendonians, The Claret, Cathy Clarinet Summit, The 
Clarity, Clarence Clark Sisters, The Clark Springs 
Clark, Alice Clark, Anne Clark, Buddy 
Clark, Charlie Clark, Chris Clark, Chris 
Clark, Curtis Clark, Dee Clark, Gary 
Clark, Gavin Clark, Gene Clark, Guy 
Clark, Hannah Lou Clark, John Clark, Louis 
Clark, Mike Clark, Nigel Clark, Petula 
Clark, Roy Clark, Sanford Clark, Sonny 
Clark, Terri Clark-Hutchinson Clarke & Ware Experiment, The 
Clarke, Allan Clarke, Augustus 'Gussie' Clarke, Christopher 
Clarke, Dave Clarke, Freddy Clarke, Gilby 
Clarke, James Clarke, Johnny Clarke, Kenny 
Clarke, Kenny & Boland, Francy Clarke, Lloyd Clarke, Rick 
Clarke, Rona Clarke, Rozlyne Clarke, Sharon Dee 
Clarke, Stanley Clarke, Stanley & Duke, George Clarke, Tony 
Clarke, Vince Clarke, William Clarkesville  
Clarkie, Little Clarkson, Kelly Clash 
Clash, Johnny Class Of '64, The Class War 
Classic Crime, The Classic Rock Classical Mechanics 
Classical Winds Classics, Minor Classics, The (Reggae) 
Classics, The (Vox) Classix Nouveaux Classmates, The 
Claud Claudia Claudia T 
Claudios, Los Clausen, Thomas Clave, La 
Clawfinger Clawfist Singles Club Clay, Cassius 
Clay, Darcy Clay, Joe Clay, Judy 
Clay, Otis Clay, Tom Clayderman, Richard 
Clayhill Claypool Lennon Delirium, The Claypool, Les 
Clayton Brothers, The Clayton Squares, The Clayton, Adam 
Clayton, Buck Clayton, Doctor Clayton, Merry 
Clayton, Mike Clayton, Obie Clayton, Paul 
Clayton, Steve Clayton, Vikki Clayton, Willie 
Cle Clea Clea & Mcleod 
Clean Bandit Clean Cut Kid Clean George IV 
Clean Living Cleaners From Venus, The Clear Blue Sky 
Clear Light Clear Spot Clearlake 
Clearlight Clearwater, Eddy Cleary, Jon 
Clebanoff, Herman Clee-Shays Cleese John 
Clegg, John Clegg, Johnny Clemencic Consort 
Clement Marfo & The Frontline Clement, Jack Clementine, Benjamin 
Clements, Vassar Clemmons, Angela Clemons, Clarence 
Cleo Cleopatra Cleopatrick 
Clerkes Of Oxenford, The Cleveland Orchestra, The Cleveland, Barry 
Cleveland, Jimmy Cleveland, Shana Cleves School Choir, The 
Clewer, Janey Cliburn, Van Click 
Click Click Click Five, The Click, The 
Client Clientele CLIENTELE, THE 
Cliff Jackson & The Naturals Cliff, Jimmy Clifford John And Julia 
Clifford, Billy Clifford, Buzz Clifford, Linda 
Clifford, Mataya Clifford, Mike Cliffters, The 
Cliffy Davis Goodtime Band, Th Clifton White And His Royal Knights Clifton, Bill 
Climax Climax Blues Band Climax Jazz Band 
Climb, The Climbers, The Climie Fisher 
Climie, Simon Cline, Alex Cline, Patsy 
Cline, Tammy Clinic Clint Eastwood & General Saint 
Clint Eastwood (Reggae) Clinton Clinton, Davy 
Clinton, George Clinton, Larry Clinton, Larry [Jazz] 
Clinton, Larry [R&B] Clipping. Clipse 
Clipz Clique Clique Girlz 
Clive Langer And The Boxes Clive Pig And The Hopeful Chin Clivilles & Cole 
Cloakroom Clock Clock DVA 
Clock Opera Clock Strikes Thirteen Clockhouse, The 
Clocks Clockwork Orange, The Clockwork Radio 
Clogs Cloher, Jen Clooney, George 
Clooney, Rosemary Clor Close 
Close Lobsters Close, Glenn Cloud 
Cloud Control Cloud Nothings Cloud One 
Cloud Room, The Cloudberry Jam cLOUDDEAD 
Cloudkicker Cloudland Canyon Clouds 
Clouds (Indie) Clouseau Clouser, Charlie 
Clout, The Cloven Hoof Clover 
Clover, Timothy Clovers, The Clower, Jerry 
Clown Clown Alley Clowns & Helden 
Club 69 Club 8 Club House 
Club Nouveau Club Quintet, The Club Tango 
Club, Hot Club, Pajama Club, Scream 
Club, Slow Clubb Clubland 
Clubsound Clubspy Clune, Jackie 
Clutch Clutha, The Clyde Valley Stompers, The 
Clyde, Cat Clyde-Evans, John Clyne, Jeff & Carr, Ian 
Co*bra Co-Operation 
Coachmen, The Coade Coal Chamber 
Coal Porters The Coast Coast (Indie) 
Coast (Soul) Coast Road Drive Coast To Coast 
Coast, Marshmallow Coasters, The Coasts 
Coastwatchers, The Coates, Eric Coates, Odia 
Coathangers, The Cobain, Kurt Cobalt 
Cobb, Arnett Cobb, Jimmy Cobb, Junie C. 
Cobb, Willie Cobbers Cobblers Last 
Cobham, Billy  Cobine, Al Cobra 
Cobra Starship Coburn Cocciante, Riccardo 
Cochemea Cochise Cochran, Eddie 
Cochran, Hank Cochran, Jackie Lee Cochran, Wayne 
Cochrane, Brenda Cochrane, Tom Cock & Bull Band, The 
Cock Robin Cockburn, Bruce Cocker & Lazonby 
Cocker, Joe Cockerel Chorus CocknBullKid 
Cockney Rejects Cockneys, The Cocktail Cabinet, The 
Cocky Coco (Dance) CoCo (Pop) 
Coco And The Bean Coco Electric Coco Steel & Lovebomb 
Coco Tea Coco, Chris Cocoa Brovaz 
Cocoa Tea Coconuts, The CocoRosie 
Coctails, The Cocteau Twins Cod Head 
Code Code Of Honor Code Orange 
Code Red Codeine Codeine Velvet Club 
Codina, Caspa Codona Cody Chesnutt 
Cody J. Martin Coe, David Allan Coe, Jamie 
Coe, Jimmy Coe, Peter Coe, Tony 
Coedcae School Choir Llanelli Coetzee, Basil Coffee 
Coffee Bar Skifflers, The Coffey, Cath Coffey, Dennis 
Coffin Break Coffin Mulch  Coffin Nails, The 
Coffin Rot Coffins Cogan, Alma 
Cogasm (feat Robert Smith) Cognac Cognitive 
Cognizance Coheed And Cambria Cohen, Adam 
Cohen, Alan Cohen, David Bennett Cohen, Ishar & The Alpha-Beta 
Cohen, Johnny Cohen, Keith Cohen, Leonard 
Cohen, Myron Cohn, Al Cohn, Al & Sims, Zoot 
Cohn, Marc Cohran, Philip Coil 
Coil, Pat Coilguns Coin Under Tongue 
Coin, Christopher Coitus Coke Bust 
Coker, Dolo Cokes, Ray Coki 
Coko (ex SWV vocalist) Cola Boy (Sarah Cracknell) Colaiuta, Vinnie 
Colbeck, Ric Colbert, Stephen Colby, Maximillian 
Colby,Mark Cold Cold Blood 
Cold Chisel Cold Comfort Cold Crush Brothers 
Cold Cuts, The Cold Dance Cold Hand Band 
Cold Hard Truth Cold Pumas Cold Shoulder 
Cold Sweat Cold War Kids Cold Water Flat 
Cold World Cold Years Coldbones 
Coldburn Coldcut Colder 
Colder, Ben Coldharbourstores Coldplay
ColdWorld Cole, Andy (Actor) Cole, Andy (Football) 
Cole, Ann Cole, Billy Cole, BJ 
Cole, Bobby Cole, Buddy Cole, Cam 
Cole, Cheryl Cole, Cozy Cole, Freddie 
Cole, Holly Cole, J. Cole, Jerry 
Cole, Joe Cole, Jude Cole, Keyshia 
Cole, Lloyd Cole, Louis Cole, M J 
Cole, Maria Cole, Nat King Cole, Natalie 
Cole, Paula Cole, Richie Cole, Stranger 
Cole, Tony Cole, Xhosa Colein 
Coleman, Bill Coleman, Durell Coleman, Earl 
Coleman, Gary B.B. Coleman, George Coleman, Gloria 
Coleman, Jim Coleman, King Coleman, Michael 
Coleman, Ornette Coleman, Steve Coleman, Zoey 
Colenso Parade Coleridge-Taylor Coles, Johnny 
Colin Reece & Friends Coliseum Collage (Disco) 
Collage, The Collapsed Lung Collard, Jean-Philippe 
Collard, Jean-Phillipe Collective Horizontal Collective Soul 
Collective, Next Collective, Rend Collectors, The 
Colleen Collegium Aureum Collegium Musicum Pragense 
Collen, Sharon Collett, Jason Collette 
Collette, Buddy Collier, Graham Collier, Jacob 
Collier, Mitty Collier, Rachel Colliery Band, The 
Collins Kids, The Collins, Albert Collins, Big Roger 
Collins, Bootsy Collins, Cal Collins, Clancy 
Collins, Dave Collins, Dick Collins, Dorothy 
Collins, Edwyn Collins, Glenda Collins, Jeff 
Collins, Joan Collins, Johnny Collins, Joyce 
Collins, Judy Collins, Larry Collins, LaShawn 
Collins, Lewis Collins, Lula Collins, Lyn 
Collins, Michael Collins, Pauline Collins, Peter 
Collins, PhilCollins, Rodger Collins, Selah 
Collins, Shirley Collins, Shirley & Dolly Collins, Simon 
Collins, Tommy Collins, Tyler Collins, Willie 
Collinson, Dean Collis, Ronnie Collision 
Collister, Christine Collocutor Colman Brothers, The 
Colombier, Michel Colombo, Lou Colombo, Pia 
Colombo, Roberto Colon, Willie Colonel 
Colonel Abrams Colonel Bagshot Colonel Elliott & The Lunatics 
Color Fred, The Color Me Badd Color Morale, The 
Colorado Colorama Colorblind James And The Death 
Colorblind James Experience Colorfast, Overwhelming Colorfull Seasons 
Coloring Book Colors Colors Out Of Time, The 
Colors, The Colosseum Colosseum II 
Colour Colour Me Pop Colour Of Fire 
Colour Of Love, The Colour Supplement Colour, The 
Colourbox Colourfield The Colourhaus 
Colourman colours Colours (Indie) 
Colours [90S] Colours Of Love Coloursound 
Colt Seaver Colter, Jessi Colton, Graham 
Colton, Tony Coltrane, Alice Coltrane, Chi 
Coltrane, John Coltrane, Robbie Columbia Brothers 
Columbia Symphony Orchestra Columbus Circle Column, Personal 
Colvin, Shawn Colwell, Jack Colyer, Ken 
Coma Coma Comanechi 
Comateens Combat 84 Combe Raleigh Countryfolk 
Combichrist Combs, Luke Combustibles, The 
Come Come (Indie) Come Ons, The 
Comeback Kid Comedown, The Comedy Players, The 
Comet Gain Comet Is Coming, The Comets On Fire 
Comfort Comic Relief Comic Romance 
Comic Strip, The Comidas, China Coming Back To You 
Comity Comma, Meemo Command All-Stars, The 
Command Decision Commander Cody Commando's, Howling 
Commendables Commentators, The Commercials, The 
Commitments, The Commodo Commodores 
Common Common Round, The Common, Jonnie 
Commoners, The Communards Community, Jazz 
Como, Perry Compagnie Nationale De Danses Compagnons De La Chanson, Les 
Company Company 2 Company Flow 
Company Of Wolves Company She Keeps, The Company, Carriage 
Complex Composers, The Compost 
Compound Red Compromise, The Comptons Most Wanted 
Compulsive Gamblers Computerclub Computerman 
Computers, The Comsat Angels, The Comstock, Bobby 
Comus Con Funk Shun Con-Chords, The 
Conan Concatenatus Concentus Musicus Wien 
Concept, The Conception Concert Arts Orchestra 
Concert Band Of The R.A.A.F. Concertgebouw Orchestra, The Concerto Amsterdam 
Concord All Stars, The Concrete Blonde Concrete Sox 
Concrete Winds Concretes, The Concretism 
Condo Fucks Condon, Eddie Condor 
Condor, Silver Coneheads Conexion Latina 
Coney Hatch Confederates Jazzband, The Confessor 
Confetti Confetti's Confidence Man 
Conflict Congo Ashanti Roy Congos, The 
Congregation Congregation, The Congress 
Congress (Jazz-Funk) Conjunto Crema Conjunto Pro Arte De Flautas Dulces 
Conjurer Conlee, John Conley, Arthur 
Conley, Brian Conn Bobby Connection, Creative 
Connection, Disco Connection, Family Connection, V.I.P. 
Connections, The Connells, The Connelly, Chris 
Connelly, Peggy Conner Conner, Will 
Connick, Harry Conniff & Butterfield Conniff, Ray 
Connor, Chris Connor, Edric Connor, Sarah 
Connor, Tim Connors, Bill Connors, Norman 
Connors, Stompin' Tom Conquering Lion Conqueroo, The 
Conqueror Conrad, Jess Conrad, Tony 
Conscience, Deformed Conscious Minds, The Consett Citizen's Choir, The 
Consolidated Consort Of Musicke, The Consortium 
Conspiracy Of Equals Conspirators Constance, Connie 
Constant Sound, The Constantine Constantine, Eddie 
Constantines Constellation Orchestra Constraint 
Constricted Consuelo, Ann Consumer Electronics 
Consumer Rapport Contact Contact Field Orchestra 
Contact-U Contaminated Conte, Nicola 
Contempo Contemporary Music Ensemble Of Contempt 
Conti, Bill Conti, Mirian Conti, Tom 
Continent Number 6 Continental Miniatures Continental Op, The 
Continentals, The Continuum Continuum (Ambient) 
Contortionist, The Contours, The Contraband (Folk) 
Contraband (Rock) Control Control Freaks 
Control, Lyndal Controlled Bleeding Controller.Controller 
Controllers, The Converge Convert 
Convertion Convict Conway Brothers, The 
Conway Story, The Conway, Deborah Conway, Lee 
Conway, Russ Conway, Steve Conwell, Jimmy 
Conwell, Tommy Coo, Coo Cooder, Ry 
Coogan, Steve Cook Da Books Cook, Barbara 
Cook, Beryl Cook, Betsy Cook, Bobby 
Cook, David Cook, Elizabeth Cook, Hollie 
Cook, John & Margie Cook, Little Joe Cook, Melville 
Cook, Norman Cook, Peter Cook, Peter & Moore, Dudley 
Cook, Planet Cook, Robin Cook, Will Joseph 
Cook, Yan Cooke, Arnold Cooke, Roger James 
Cooke, Sam Cooke, Samona Cooke, Steve 
Cookie And Cupcakes, The Cookie Crew Cookies, The 
Cookin' On 3 Burners Cooking Vinyl Cool Bananas 
Cool Cats, The Cool Down Zone Cool Ghouls 
Cool Hand Flex Cool Jack Cool James 
Cool, Phil Cool, Ricky Cooler Kids 
Cooler Than Jesus Cooley, Ron Coolidge, Priscilla 
Coolidge, Rita Coolies, The Coolio 
Cooltempo Cooltempo Unlimited Orchestra Coombes, Gaz 
Coon-Sanders Nighthawks, The Cooney, Michael Coope, Anastasia 
Cooper Brothers Cooper Clarke, John Cooper Temple Clause, The 
Cooper, Al Cooper, Alice Cooper, Amanda 
Cooper, Bernadette Cooper, Bo Cooper, Bob 
Cooper, Dana Cooper, Don Cooper, Erland 
Cooper, Graham Cooper, Henry Cooper, Jerome 
Cooper, Jimmy Cooper, Joseph Cooper, JP 
Cooper, Lindsay Cooper, Michael Cooper, Mike 
Cooper, Tommy Cooper, Wilma Lee Cop Shoot Cop 
Copas, Cowboy Cope, Julian Cope, Kenneth 
Cope, Susan Copeland Copeland, Johnny 
Copeland, Kenny Copeland, Ruth Copeland, Stewart 
Copenhagen Symphony Orchestra Copernicus Coping Saw 
Copland, Aaron Copley, Al Copper Family, The 
Copper, Bob Copperfield Copperfield, David 
Copperhead (John Cipollina) Copperhead (Metal) Copperman, Ross 
Copperpot Journals, The Cops 'N Robbers Cops, The 
Copy Cats Copy Haho Cora, Tom 
Coral Coral, The Corals, The 
Corbett, Harry H. Corbett, Ronnie Corbin Hanner Band, The 
Corbitt, Jerry Corboz, Michel Corchado, Manny 
Cord Cordae Cordell, Frank 
Cordell, Kim Cordell, Phil Cordell, Ritchie 
Cordet, Louise Cordettes Steel Orchestra Cords, The 
Corduroy Core Core! 
Corea Hancock Corea, Chick Corelli, Arcangelo 
Corelli, Franco Corgan, Billy Cork, Peter 
Corkscrew Corley, Al Corliss 
Cormack, Arthur Corn Dollies Corn Dollies, The 
Corndolly Corneille (Soul Artist) Cornelia 
Cornelius & Cretu Cornelius (Jap) Cornelius (US) 
Cornelius Brothers & Sister Ro Cornelius, Patrick Cornelius, Peter 
Cornell, Chris Cornell, Lyn Cornells 
Corner, Philip Cornershop Cornerstones, The 
Corniche Cornish, Dale Corns, Arnold 
Cornshed Sisters, The Cornwell, Hugh Coro Della S.A.T. 
Corona Coronados, The Coronation Street 
Coroner Coronets, The Corpo-Mente 
Corporation Of One Corporation, The Corps Of Royal Engineers 
Corpse Grinders Corpse Grinders (Punk) Corpse, Cannabis 
Corpses As Bedmates Corpus Rottus Corr, Andrea 
Corr, Sharon Correction Correcto 
Corrette, Michel Corridor Corrie Folk Trio, The 
Corries, The Corrigan Corrigan, Briana 
Corrigan, Pete Corrosion Of Conformity Corrs
Corrupted Corry, Joel Corsten Ferry 
Cortes, Joaquin Cortese, Dominic Cortex, Alex 
Cortez Loop, The Cortez, Dave 'Baby' Cortez, John 
Cortijo Vista Verde, El Cortinas, The Cortini, Alessandro 
Cortot, Alfred Corvettes, The Cory Band, The 
Cory Wells [Singer-songwriter] Coryell, Larry Cosby, Bill 
Cosentino, Saro Cosey Fanni Tutti Cosgrove, Miranda 
Cosines Coslow, Sam Cosma, Vladimir 
Cosmetics Cosmetique Cosmic Baby 
Cosmic Brain Cosmic Dead, The Cosmic Eye 
Cosmic Gal Cosmic Gate Cosmic Ground 
Cosmic Jokers, The Cosmic Psychos Cosmic Rough Riders 
Cosmic Soup Sound System Cosmic Thoughts Cosmic Trip Advisors, The 
Cosmo Cosmo Notch Cosmo, Tony 
Cosmos, Frankie Cosmotheka Cossi 
Cossi Anatz Cossotto, Fiorenza Cossu, Scott 
Costa Pinto, Jorge Costa, Antony Costa, Don 
Costa, Eddie Costa, Gal Costa, Matt 
Costa, Nikka Costandinos, Alec R. Costanzo, Jack 
Costello, Cecilia Costello, ElvisCostner, Kevin 
Cott, Gerry Cottars, The Cotten, Joseph 
Cottler, Irv Cotton Jones Cotton, Billy 
Cotton, Gene Cotton, James Cotton, Joseph 
Cotton, King Cotton, Lloyd And Christian Cotton, Mike 
Cotton, Paul Cotton, Roger Cottonmouth 
Couch Flambeau Couch, Suzanne Cougar 
Cougars, The Cough Coughlan, Cathal 
Coughlan, Mary Coulam, Roger Coull String Quartet, The 
Coulson Dean McGuinness Flint Coulson, Dennis Coulter, Clifford 
Coulton, Jonathan Counce, Curtis Council, The 
Count & Sinden, The Count Basie & Sarah Vaughan Count Bishops, The 
Count Buffalos Count Five Count Indigo 
Count Ossie & The Mystic Revel Count Prince Miller Count Sidney And His Dukes 
Count Victors Count Victors, The Count, The 
Countach, The Counter Points Counterfeit  
Counterfeit Stones, The Counterfeit. Countermine 
Counterparts Counterpoint Counting Crows 
Country Cousins Country Deputies Country Fiddle Band 
Country Funk Country Gazette  Country Hams, The 
Country Joe & The Fish Country Lee Green Countrymen, The 
Counts, The (50s) Counts, The (70s) County Wayne & Electric Chairs 
County, Cook County, Harlan County, Jayne 
Coup, The Couperin Courage Of Lassie, The 
Cours Lapin Coursil, Jacques Court Yard Hounds 
Courteeners, The Courtenay, Tom Courtneidge And Hulbert 
Courtney & Western Courtney Love (Band) Courtney, Barns 
Courtney, Bill Courtney, Lou Courtney, Martin 
Courtney-King, Barbara Courvale, Keith Cousin 
Cousin Emmy And Her Kinfolk Cousin Joe Cousins, David 
Cousins, Diane Cousins, The Cousins, Tina 
Coussins, Ray Cousteau Cousteau, Jacques 
Coutarel, Jean Couture, Charlélie Couza, Jim 
Covay, Don Cove Coven 
Coven Coven, Randy Coventry Cathedral Boys' Choir 
Coventry City FC Cover Girls (UK) Cover Girls, The 
Cover Girls, The (US) Cover Up Coverdale Page 
Coverdale, Cindy Coverdale, David Coveri, Max 
Coves Covey, Julien Covington, Bucky 
Covington, Julie Cowan, Joel Coward Brothers 
Coward, Noël Cowboy Cowboy & Spin Girl 
Cowboy Junkies Cowboy Killers Cowboys International 
Cowboys, Galactic Cowboys, London Cowell, Simon 
Cowell, Stanley Cowie, Edward Cowley, Patrick 
Cows Cowsill, the Cowsills, The 
Cowtown Cox, Billy Cox, Carl 
Cox, Courtney Cox, Deborah Cox, Gerard 
Cox, Harry Cox, Ida Cox, Jess 
Cox, Laura Cox, Margie Cox, Michael 
Cox, Paul Cox, Peter Coxhill, Lol 
Coxon, Graham Coydogs, The Coyne, Kevin 
Coyne, Kevin & Krause, Dagmar CQN Craaft 
Crabby Appleton Crabstick Crack Cloud 
Crack The Sky Crack, The Cracker 
Crackers Crackin' Cracknell, Sarah (St Etienne) 
Crackousrockanroll Crackout Crackpot 
Craddock, Billy 'Crash' Craddock, Steve Cradle 
Cradle Of Filth Cradle, The Cradleyard 
Craft Craft (Metal) Craft Spells 
Craft, Kyle Craft, M. Craig Snyder & Lix 
Craig T. Cooper Craig, Carl Craig, Charles 
Craig, Robbie Craig, Ryan Craig, Wendy 
Crain, Samantha Cramer, Floyd Cramps, The 
Cranberries, The Crane River Jazzband Crane, Brian 
Crane, Les Crane, Stephen Crane, Vincent 
Cranebuilders Cranes Cranium Pie 
Cranks, Chrome Crannog Cranston, Lamont 
Crash Crash Baptists, The Crash Convention 
Crash Test Dummies Crash, Johnny Crashland 
Crashlands Crass Cravats, The 
Crave, The Craven, Beverley Craven, Gemma 
Crawdaddys, The Crawford, Caroline Crawford, Carolyn 
Crawford, Cindy Crawford, Don Crawford, Hank 
Crawford, Ian Crawford, Jimmy Crawford, Johnny 
Crawford, Michael Crawford, Randy Crawford, Ray 
Crawford, Sugarboy Crawler Crawlers 
Crawling Chaos Cray, Robert Crayola Summer 
Crayon Crayon Fields, The Crayonettes, The 
Craze Craze, Harry Crazy 
Crazy Arm Crazy Backwards Alphabet Crazy Cavan & Rhythm Rockers 
Crazy Eddie & Q.Q. Freestyle Crazy Frog Crazy Gang, The 
Crazy Gods Of Endless Noise Crazy Horse Crazy House 
Crazy P Crazy Pink Revolvers Crazy Town 
Crazyfists, 36 Crazyhead CREA 
Creach, Papa John Cream Cream (Club) 
Creamers, The Creaming Jesus Creams, The 
Creamy Create! Creation (Funk) 
Creation (Indie) Creation (Norwegian) Creation Factory, The 
Creation Rebel Creation Records Creation Steppers 
Creation, The Creations [90S], The Creations, Stone 
Creations, The Creative Source Creature Creature 
Creatures, Beautiful Creatures, The Creatures, The (60s) 
Credit To The Nation Credo Creed 
Creed, Helios Creedence Clearwater Revival Creedle 
Creeggan, Andy Creek, The Creem Circus 
Creep Creep Show Creep, The 
Creeper Creeper Lagoon Creepers, Huxton 
Creepoid Creeps, The Creepshow, The 
Creepy Morons Cremator Crematory Stench 
Crème Caramel Crenshaw, Marshall Crent 
Creole Choir Of Cuba, The Crescendo Crescent 
Crescenzo, Casey Crespo, Elvis Cressida 
Crest Crests, The Cretin 
Cretones, The Cretu, Michael Crew Cuts, The 
Crew, Cash Crew, The Crew, Wrecking 
Crewsy Fixers, The Cribbins, Bernard Cribs, The 
Cricket Crickets, The Crime 
Crime & The City Solution  Crime In Stereo Crime Sound Orchestra, The 
Crimea, The Criminal Element Orchestra Crimson Glory 
Crimson League Crippled Black Phoenix Crisis 
Crisis Party Crisis, Reality Crisix 
Crisp Crisp, Quentin Crispell, Marilyn 
Crispy & Co Crispy Ambulance Criss, Peter 
Criss, Sonny Cristiana Cristina 
Cristina Y Hugo Critchinson, John Criteria 
Critic, Lip Critics Group, The Critters, The 
Cro-Mags Crobot Croce, A.J. 
Croce, Jim Crochet, Evelyne Crocker, Barry 
Crockett, Alison Crocodile Tears Crocodiles 
Croft, Penny Crofters, The Croisette 
Croisille, Nicole Croker, Brendan Croll, Dan 
Crom Cromagnon Band, The Crombie, Tony 
Crome Syrcus, The Cromer, Austin Cromlech 
Cronin, Mikal Cronshaw, Andrew Crooked Oak 
Crookes, The Crooks, The Cropdusters, The 
Cropper, Steve Croque Madame Crosby & Armstrong 
Crosby & Clooney Crosby Pevar Raymond Crosby, Bing 
Crosby, Bob Crosby, Carol Crosby, David 
Crosby, David & Nash, Graham Crosby, Edward Crosby, Gary 
Crosby, Stills & Nash Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young Cross & Ross 
Cross Country Cross Me Cross My Heart 
Cross The Cross, Christopher Cross, David 
Cross, Jimmy Cross, Nathaniel Cross, Sandra 
Cross, Theon Crossfaith Crossfire 
Crossfires Crossley, Paul Crossman, Rudie 
Crouch, Andraé Crouch, Stanley Crow 
Crow People Crow SherylCrow, Joe 
Crowbar Crowbar Crowcuss 
Crowd, The Crowded HouseCrowder*Band, David 
Crowe, Bobby Crowe, Russell Crowell, Rodney 
Crowforce Crowley, Jimmy Crowley, Kacy 
Crown Crown Heights Affair Crown Heights Affair, The 
Crown Jewel Defense Crown Jewels Crown Magnetar  
Crown Of Thorns (Electro) Crown Of Thorns (Rock) Crown Of Thornz 
Crown The Empire Crown, The Crownhate Ruin, The 
Crowns, The Crownshift Crows 
Crows, The Crows, The (50s) Crows, The (Indie) 
Crowsdell Crozier, John Crozier, Trevor 
CRU Crucibles, The Crucifix 
Crucifixion Crucifucks, The Crudup, Arthur 'Big Boy' 
Cruel Hand Cruel Sea, The Cruella De Ville 
Cruelty Cruger, Freddie Cruise, Julee 
Cruise, Tom Cruise, Vera Cruisers, The (70s) 
Cruisers, The (90s) Crum, Simon Crumb 
Crumb, George Crumbox Crumbsuckers 
Crumley, Pat Crunch Crunt 
Crurifragium Crusaders, Minyo Crusaders, The 
Crush (70s) Crush (90s) Crush, Bobby 
Crushed Ice Crust Crustation 
Crutcher, Bettye Crux Cruz, Celia 
Cruz, John Cruz, Taio CRX 
Cry Before Dawn Cry No More Cry Of Love 
Cry Wolf Cry, The Cryan' Shames, The 
Crybaby's Cryer Cryhavoc 
Cryin' Shames, The Cryogenic Cryptic Diffusion 
Cryptic Force Cryptic Slaughter Crys 
Crystal Crystal & Runnin' Wild Crystal Antlers 
Crystal Castles Crystal Fighters Crystal Garden, The 
Crystal Grass Crystal Lake  Crystal Method The 
Crystal Palace FC Crystal Phoenix Crystal Set, The 
Crystal Stilts Crystal Thoughts  Crystal Trip 
Crystal Vortex Crystal Waters Crystal, Billy 
Crystalites, The Crystals, The CSS 
CTI All-Stars Cua, Rick Cuadro Flamenco De Zambra, El 
Cub Cuba Cuban Heels, The 
Cube (80S) Cube (90s) Cubedo Y De Malaga 
Cubedo, Manuel Cuber, Ronnie Cubes, The 
Cubic 22 Cubicolor Cuby + Blizzards 
Cuccurullo, Warren Cuckoo Cuckooland 
Cuckoos, The Cud Cuddly Toys 
Cuff Cuff Links, The Cugat, Xavier 
Cul De Sac Culbertson, Clive Culley, Frank 
Culliton Mahoney, John Cullum, Jamie Culpeper's Orchard 
Cult Cult (Funk Soul), The Cult 48 
Cult Club Cult Des Ghoules Cult Figures 
Cult Leader Cult Maniax, The Cult Of Dom Keller, The 
Cult Of Fire Cult Of Luna Cult, Cargo 
Cult, Primal Cult, The Cults 
Cultural Roots Cultural Vibe Culture 
Culture Culture Beat Culture Club 
Culture Shock Culture Shock (Dance) Culture, Ghost 
Culture, Smiley CULTUREC Cultured Pearls 
Cumberland Clan, The Cumberland Three, The Cumgirl8 
Cummings, Burton Cummings, Grace Cummings, Simon 
Cuneta, Jenn CUNHA Cunico, Gino 
Cunliffe, Bill Cunniff, Jill Cunningham, Chris 
Cunningham, Earl Cunningham, Larry Cunningham, Rosalie 
Cunts Cuomo, Rivers Cup O' Kindness, The 
Cupid Mount Etna Cupid's Inspiration Cupijó, Mestre 
Cupol Cupp, Pat Cuppa T, The 
CureCuriosity Killed The Cat Curless, Dick 
Curley, Carlo Curly Curve Curly, Alexander 
Curran, Tim Currant Kraze Curren$y 
Current Current 93 Current Affairs 
Currents Currentzis, Teodor Currie, Billy 
Currie, Cherie & Marie Currie, Justin Curro Amaya Dancers, The 
Curry, Clifford Curry, Denzel Curry, Tawanna 
Curry, Tim Curse Of Cain Curse Of Lono 
Curse, Betty Curse, Surf Cursed 
Cursive Curson, Ted Curtains, The 
Curtess, Buddy Curtin, Dan Curtis Knight Zeus 
Curtis Liggins Indications, The Curtis, Amy Curtis, Chantal 
Curtis, Clem Curtis, Debbie Curtis, Jamie Lee 
Curtis, Mac Curtis, Nick Curtis, Sonny 
Curtis, T.C. Curtis, Winston Curtiss Maldoon 
Curtola, Bobby Curve Curved Air 
Curzon, Clifford CUS Cushin, Andrew 
Cushing, John Cussick, Ian Custom 
Cut Cut 'N' Move Cut And Dry Band, The 
Cut Chemist Cut Copy Cut Cut Emma 
Cut Iowa Network Cut La Roc Cut Master DC 
Cut The Q Cut Worms Cut, Clear 
Cut-Back Cut-Outs, The Cute Is What We Aim For 
Cutler, Ivor Cutler, Jon Cutt, Rough 
Cutterblade Cutting Crew Cutting Edge 
Cutugno, Toto CV Gate Cy & Lara 
Cyanide Cyanide Pills Cyberaktif 
Cyberchrist Cybermen, The Cybersecrecy 
Cybin Cybotron Cyclefly 
Cyclobe Cyclone Cyclopean 
Cyclops Cygnet Ring, The Cymande 
Cymbal, Johnny Cymbaline, The Cymbals 
Cymbals Eat Guitars Cymbeline, The Cymone, Andre 
Cyne Cynic Cynics 
Cynics (2), The Cynthia Lennon Cynthia M 
Cypress Hill Cyrille, Andrew Cyrkle 
Cyrus, Billy Ray Cyrus, Miley Cytotoxin 
Czarface Czech Nonet Czech Philharmonic Orchestra 
Czech Wind Quintet Cziffra, György CZR 
Czukay, Holger 

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