
View all Genre's  

'Igginbottom(60s), Icarus(60S), Leviathan
(70S), Espiritu(70S), Factory(70S), Hug
(70S), Octopus(Australian), Cybotron(Jazz), Placebo
(Prog), Kino[70S], Grace[Metal], Utopia
[WITCH], Weintendtocausehavoc13, Dimentia13th Floor Elevators
21st Century Schizoid Band2nd Vision3
4.A.D.64 Spoons84, Equipe
9.30 FlyA Band Called OA Foot In Coldwater
A Perfect CircleA.B.SkhyAbercrombie, John
Abrahams, MickAbsolut Null PunktAbsolute Elsewhere
Adelbert Von DeyenAesmahAetherius
AffinityAfter The BurialAfter The Fire
Airey, KeithAislesAkkerman, Jan
Al Et AlAlan Franklin Explosion, TheAlan Parsons Project, The
AlkatrazAllan, DavieAllen, Daevid
AlmendraAlps [Space Rock], TheAlquin
AlustriumAmazing Friendly AppleAmber, Forever
AmbergrisAmberian DawnAmbrosia
Ambulators, TheAMERICAN GYPSY (PROG)Amon Düül
Anak BayanAnantaAncient Grease
Anderson Bruford Wakeman HoweAnderson Harley & BattAnderson, Ian
Anderson, JadeAnderson, JonAnderson, Miller
AndromedaAndwella's DreamAndy Summers & Robert Fripp
Animals As LeadersAntarktisAnthem (70S)
Anvil Flutes & Capricorn VoiceAnyone's DaughterAnywhere
AppleAppletree Theatre, TheAppleyard, Peter
AquasergeArabs In AspicArc
Arc Of LifeArcadiumArk
ARK (Prog Metal)ArkangelArkansaw, Jolliver
Armageddon (70s)Arrows, TheArs Nova
ArtArt BearsArthur, Syd
ArzachelAsfaltoAsh Ra Tempel
AshkanAshton Gardner & DykeAshton, Tony
AssagaiAsterixAstra [00s Rock]
Astral NavigationsAtacamaAtlantic Records
AtlantisAtollAtomic Rooster
Auger, BrianAugie MarchAunt Mary
AuracleAuriAuric, Georges
Australian Pink Floyd, TheAvantra, OpusAve Rock
AxeAxiom (Oz)Axiom Funk
Azusa Plane, TheBabe RuthBach, Steve
BadgerBags, LuxuriousBainbridge, Harvey
Baker Gurvitz Army, TheBaker, GingerBallantyne, David
Bamble BBancoBangor Flying Circus
Banks, PeterBarber, PatriciaBarclay James Harvest
Bardens, PeterBarracudas, TheBarratt Band, The
Barre, MartinBarrett, SydBatoh, Masaki
Baxter, ShaunBBC Radiophonic Workshop, TheBeardfish
Beaver & KrauseBeck, GordonBeckett
Beggar's OperaBelew, AdrianBeliever
Bell + ArcBell, MaggieBellaïche, Alain
Beltane FireBenBeneath Fire & Smoke
Bent ArcanaBergendyBerlin, Jeff
Besnard Lakes, TheBetweenBetween The Buried And Me
Bevis And TwinkBevis Frond, TheBicycle, Orange
Big BerthaBig Big TrainBig Boy Pete
Big CarrotBig SleepBilly T.K.'s Powerhouse
Birth ControlBirthaBitter Suite
Black MidiBlack Oak ArkansasBlack Spirit
Black Sun EnsembleBlack WidowBlackbirds,The
BlackfieldBlackfootBlackmore's Night
Blackwater JunctionBlanking Machine, TheBlind Illusion
Blitzoids, TheBlodwyn PigBlond
Blonde On Blonde (60s)Blood And RosesBloontz
BloqueBlossom ToesBlue Amazon
Blue CheerBlue PhantomBlues Magoos
Blythe, ArthurBobak, Jons, MaloneBody
Boetcher, CurtBolan, MarcBonaldi & Billier
Bond & BrownBonzo Dog Doo Dah Band, TheBoomerang
Booz, EmmanuelBorn Of OsrisBoule, Christian
Bowness, TimBoxerBoyle, Gary
Bozzio Levin StevensBrainBrainbox (Focus)
BrainticketBram StokerBramlaan
BranBrand XBrauer, Arik
Bread, Love And DreamsBreant, FrancoisBreath, Faithful
Breretons, TheBrett, PaulBrock, Jim
Broken GlassBrooker, GaryBrooks, Bernie
Brooks, TerryBrothBroughton's Rules
Brown, ArthurBrown, Pete (Jazz)Brown, Pete (Piblokto)
Browne, DuncanBruce, JackBruford, Bill
Bubble PuppyBuffalo, KingBulldog Breed
Bunn, RogerBurnin Red IvanhoeBurnin' Red Ivanhoe
Burrell, BozByrd, DonaldByron, David
ByzantiumCalifornia, RandyCalvert, Robert
CamelCameron, JohnCampbell-Lyons, Patrick
CanCapitol RecordsCaravan
Caravan, JimmyCardigans, TheCarlos, Walter
Carol Of HarvestCaspianCatapilla
Cathode, RayCBS RecordsCentipede
ChainChakraChalard, Jacky
Charisma RecordsCharlatans U.S.A.Chasing The Monsoon
Chemical AliceChild, TheChildren, The
ChoraleChris Cutler & Fred FrithChristiansen, Bjorn
Christmas, KeithChurch Of The Cosmic SkullChurchill, Chick
CityCity, The (80s)Clague
ClancyClark-HutchinsonClaypool Lennon Delirium, The
Claypool, LesClear Blue SkyClear Light
ClearlightClimax Blues BandClockwork Orange, The
CloudkickerCloudland CanyonClouds
CochiseCoffey, DennisColaiuta, Vinnie
Colbeck, RicColombo, RobertoColosseum
Colosseum IIcoloursColtrane, John
ConfessorContinuumContortionist, The
Cooper Temple Clause, TheCooper, LindsayCooper, Mike
Coryell, LarryCosmic Dead, TheCoulam, Roger
CovenCowboys, GalacticCox, Billy
Coxhill, LolCoyne, KevinCoyne, Kevin & Krause, Dagmar
CQNCraftCrane, Vincent
Cranium PieCrayola SummerCredo
CressidaCrime Sound Orchestra, TheCross, David
Crystal PhoenixCulpeper's OrchardCurly Curve
CurrentsCurved AirCUS
CynicCzukay, HolgerDada
Daddy LonglegsDaemoniaDagaband
Daily Flash, TheDaltonDamn The Machine
Damnation Of Adam BlessingDan Ar BrazDance Gavin Dance
DandelionDandelion RecordsDando Shaft
Dantalian's ChariotDarryl Way's WolfDatura4
Daughters Of AlbionDavid Van TieghemDavid, The
Davis, MilesDavis, SandyDawn Of Ouroboros
Day Of PhoenixDay Of The PhoenixDe André, Fabrizio
Dean, RogerDear Hunter, TheDear Mr Time
Death, SuddenDefenders, TheDelaney, Eric
DeliriumDelta LadyDemby, Constance
Demick & ArmstrongDesmond, AndyDetective
DeuterDeviants, TheDevil's Slingshot
Di Meola, AlDib Cochran & The EarwigsDickens
Do.Ré.MiDoctor Feelgood (UK)Dog Soldier
Doggerel BankDonati, VirgilDr Brown
Dr Strangely StrangeDr. ZDream (70s)
Dream Academy, TheDream, FlameDreamers Nightmares
Dreams (70s)Drive Red 5Drowsy
DruidDschinnDuffy (Prog)
Duffy, ScruffyDulcimerDummer, John & April, Helen
DzyanE, WilliamEarth & Fire
Earth And FireEarth IslandEarth Opera
East Of EdenEastwoodEavis, Michael
Eberson, JonEcho CityEcholyn
Economique, EnsembleEctomorph, TheEdge Of Sanity
Edwards HandEdwin, ColinEela Craig
EggEkatarina VelikaElastick Band, The
Electra (Prog)Electric Crayon Set, TheElectric Prunes, The
Electric WurmsElegyEleison, Kyrie
Elias HulkElizabethEllis, Don
Ellis, MatthewEloyEluveitie
EmbryoEmergencyEmerson Lake & Palmer
Emerson, KeithEmperorEmpire, Neptunes
Empress ADEmtidiEnchant
Endle St. CloudEnergyEngland
Enid, TheEno, Brian & Byrne, DavidEnraptured Records
EnslavedEntourage Music & Theatre Ensemble, TheEpidemics, The
Epitaph, BlueEpstein, BrianEra, Nuova
ERRAErra, GiancarloEskaton
EspersEstes Brothers, TheEtheridge, John
Evan Johns & The H-BombsEven, SiegesEvening
Everyday People (70s)Everyday People, TheEvil Blizzard
Excursion, TheExperiênciaExplorers Club
Explorers, GalacticExplosion, DavidExtradition
ExumaFabre, JacquesFaine Jade
Fairfield ParlourFairytale, TheFalsini, Franco
FamilyFamily Dogg, TheFamily, Ngozi
Fantasy (Prog)Fantasy - USFarquahr
Farrell, JoeFarren, MickFat Grapple
Faulkner, NewtonFeeling, TheFenwick, Ray
Ferrari, LucFever The GhostFields
Fields (70s)Fier, AntonFinch (Dutch)
Fire (70s)Fisher, MorganFive Day Rain
FlairckFlash (70s)Flasher
Fleur De Lys, LesFlicks, SlasherFlower Kings, The
Flowers, DeadFlowers, HerbieFlux
Flyte Reaction, TheFocusFontaine, Brigitte
ForestForever MoreFormula 3
Fortunate SonsFossati, IvanoFox, The (Prog)
Fox, The (Psyche)FrameFrank Fish And The Fins
FREFreak KitchenFred
Fred Bison Five, TheFree (Rock)Freedom
FreewayFreiberg, DavidFrench Frith Kaiser Thompson
Fresh (1970s)Fresh MaggotsFripp, Robert
Fripp, Robert & Eno, BrianFrith, FredFrogmorton
Frohmader, PeterFrostFrost (Prog)
Fruits De MerFrumpyFruupp
FuchsiaFührs & FröhlingFungus (70s)
Fuse OneFusion OrchestraFuzzy Duck
GaladrielGalahadGallagher, Rory
GalliardGameGandalf (SWE)
Gandalf (US)Gandalf's FistGants, The
GarfieldGarrick, DavidGarybaldi
Gasparyan, DjivanGass, TheGazpacho
Gentle GiantGerman OakGhost
Ghost, The (70s)Giles, Giles & FrippGilgamesh
Gillan GloverGilmour, DavidGinhouse
Gipsy LoveGlastonburyGluck, Jeremy
GnidrologGoat (Swedish)Goblin
Goblin, NewGoddess Of FortuneGods Ultimate Noise
Gods, TheGoebbels Heiner & Harth AlfredGojira
Gold, Frankincense + Disk-DrivGolden AvatarGolden Dawn, The (US)
Golden EarringGolden GirlsGolden Palominos, The
Good TigerGoodhand-Tait, PhillipGoodrick, Mick
GoodthunderGorilla GripGothic Horizon
Gottsching ManuelGouryellaGracious!
GrannieGravy TrainGreatest Show On Earth, The
Green CarnationGreen Hornets, TheGreen Ray, The
Green, KatheGreensladeGreenslade, Dave
GreenWood, NicholasGrey Lady DownGrid / Fripp, The
Grimes, CarolGrimmsGringo
GrobschnittGroundhogs, TheGroup Therapy
Grupos AmigosGruppo D'AlternativaGryphon
GTO'sGuns & ButterGuru Guru
Guru, AmonGurvitz, AdrianGygafo
Gypsy LoveHackensackHadjidakis, Manos
Haeffner, NickHairbandHaken
HalfbreedHällasHamilton Streetcar
Hamm, StuartHammill, PeterHampton Grease Band
HannibalHansson, BoHappy Daze Crew
Happy The ManHapshash & The Coloured CoatHard Meat
Hardie, SebastianHardin & YorkHarford, Chris
HarkHarle, JohnHarlequin Mass
HarmoniumHarper, RoyHarrison, Gavin
Harsh RealityHart, MikeHarvest Label
Harvey Matusow's Jew's HarpHarvey, RichardHaskell, Gordon
Haslam, AnnieHassles, TheHatfield And The North
HawkwindHaystacks BalboaHayward, Justin & Lodge, John
HazeHead MachinesHeads Hands & Feet
HeadstoneHeadwaiterHearts And Flowers
Hedayat, DashiellHeldonHelmerson, Anders
HelpHelp YourselfHendrix, Jimi
Henry CowHenry FoolHenry, Pierre
Henske, JudyHensley, KenHere And Now
Hero'sHeron, MikeHester, Carolyn
Hey ColossusHi-FiHietala, Marco
High BroomHillage, SteveHinkley, Tim
History Of Rock, TheHitchcock, RobynHoelderlin
Hoenig, MichaelHog HeavenHokus Poke
Holden, RandyHoldsworth, AllanHolien, Danny
Hologram People, TheHolt, AshleyHoly Modal Rounders
HomeHonolulu Mountain DaffodilsHook, Nick
Hook, TheHookfootHooky
Hoola Bandoola BandHope Peter & Podmore JonathanHopper, Hugh
Hot Thumbs O'RileyHow We LiveHowe, Steve
Howl The GoodHu, TheHull Alan
Human Beast, TheHuman Instinct, TheHussain, Zakir
Hutcherson, BobbyHydravionI Drive
I PoohI ProfetiIamthemorning
IbisIbis (Swedish)Iceburn
Ides Of March, TheIf (Jazz Rock)Igra Staklenih Perli
IguanaIhsahnIl Guardiano Del Faro
Il Rovescio Della MedagliaIl SistemaIll Wind
Ilous & DecuyperImmediate LabelImperial Pompadours, The
In The NameIndelible MurtcepsIndian Summer
Inga RumpfInner Space, TheInnes, Neil
Insect Trust, TheInsomnia, PregnantInsomnium
Intergalactic Touring BandInterloperIntervals
IQIsland RecordsIsle Of Wight
IsotopeItchy FingersJ.J. Band
Jack Of GeeksJackman, DavidJackson Heights
Jackson, LeeJackson, Ronald ShannonJade (70s)
Jade WarriorJadisJane
Jane Getter PremonitionJanusJason Crest
JasperJasper WrathJay, Jay B.
Jazz Couriers, TheJazz JuiceJBK
Jelly Jam, TheJenkins, KarlJeremiah
Jericho JonesJerusalemJerusalem
Jethro TullJJGJo'burg Hawk
Jobson, EddieJody GrindJoe Soap
John Dummer Blues Band, TheJohn's ChildrenJohn, Andrew
John, CliveJones, GloriaJonsi
Judas JumpJuicy LucyJukka Tolonen
Julian's TreatmentJulyJumbo (Italian)
Juniper LeafJust, SaintK2 (Prog)
Ka, AndreasKahvas JuteKaipa
KakKalaKaleidoscope (UK)
Kaleidoscope, The (US)Kansas HookKarat
KBCKeating, JohnKeats
Keef Hartley Band, TheKeneally, MikeKenso
Kent, P.C.Kent, PaulKern, Renate
KestrelKey, MindKGB
KhanKiasmosKikagaku Moyo
Killing FloorKinane, PaulKincade
King CrimsonKing Earl Boogie BandKing Gizzard And The Lizard Wi
King Of KingsKing, RegKingdom Come (Arthur Brown)
Kings Of Oblivion, TheKirchin, BasilKistenmacher, Bernd
KitaroKlaus, KrügerKlone
KlusterKnifeworldKnight Area
Kolyadin, GlebKoobasKornfeld, Artie
Krause, BernieKrause, DagmarKryptästhesie
L.A. JetsLa Seconda GenesiLa Seine
LadyLandmarqLane, Lana
Lanzetti, BernardoLard FreeLast Exit
Last ExitLast Poets, TheLast, The
Latte E MieleLaughing Windows, TheLauten, Elodie
LavaLawnmower DethLawrence, Derek
Laze, TheLe Système CrapoutchikLeaf Hound
Lee, AlvinLehmkuhl, DonaldLeigh, Andrew
Lemon Twigs, TheLeprousLes Yper Sound
Leslie, DesmondLesser KeyLiar
LifesignsLight (Irish)Limbs, Shy
LimeyLindisfarneLindley, David
Liquid Sound CompanyLiquid Tension ExperimentListen (70s)
Little Phil & The NightshadowsLiverpool EchoLiverpool Scene, The
LoadstoneLockwood Top Vander WidemannLocomotive
Lodge, TheLollipop Shoppe, TheLondon Percussion Ensemble
Lone StarLong Distance CallingLong Hello
Loomis, JeffLords Of Thyme, TheLos Gatos Negros
Lost HorizonLothar And The Hand PeopleLotus (Sweden)
Lounge Lizards, TheLove DecadeLove, Tandy
LuciferLucifer's FriendLunaire, Pierrot
Lunatic SoulLuthaLuv Machine
Luz, LaLynch, DavidM. Frog
MacArthur, NeilMachiavelMacTavish, David
Mad RiverMadder LakeMade In Sweden
MaduraMagenta [Christina Murphy]Magic Bus (Prog)
Magic CarpetMagic MixtureMagic Mushroom Band, The
Magic PieMagic Roundabout, TheMagma
Magna CartaMagnitude 9 Magnog
MagusMahavishnu Orchestra, TheMahavishnu Project, The
MaidaValeMajority, TheMalone, Wil
Mammut (70's)ManMan Doki
Man, YawningMandalabandMandingo
Mandrake Memorial, TheManfred Mann's Earth BandMann, Geoff
Mannheim SteamrollerMaran, MikeMarcos Resende & Index
MareekoMark Kelly's MarathonMarkusfeld, Alain
MarmozetsMarshall, Mike & Anger, DarolMarsupilami
Martin's Magic SoundsMashmakhanMason, Nick
Massiera, Jean-PierraMaster's ApprenticesMatching Mole
MaterialMatfield And The PondMaurice & Noble
Maurice & WalterMay, NickMay, Phil
MaybeshewillMazzy StarMcAuley, Jackie
MCCOOL, FYNNMcDonald & GilesMcDonald, Ian
McKenna Mendelson MainlineMcLaughlin, DiMeola & De LuciaMcLaughlin, John
McPhee, Tony 'T.S.'Meader, VaughnMergener, Peter
Merryweather, NeilMeshuggahMessage (German)
MetabolistMetamorfosisMi Generacion
Michajlov, AngeloMighty BabyMikael, St.
Mike Corbett & Jay Hirsh With Mike Gunn, TheMIKEOLD
Miles, BuddyMiles, JohnMiller, Phil
Miller, Roger (80s)Mindcrime, Operation:Minnemann, Marco
Mint TattooMiracle (2000'S)Mirror, The
MisunderstoodMnemicMob (Funk), The
MoeTarMoney, ZootMongol
MontageMontanas, TheMontgomery, Roy
MonumentMonumentsMood Six
Moon ToothMoonflowers, TheMoonloop
MoonriderMoorcock, MichaelMooseheart Faith S G Band
Morange & FertierMoraz, Patrick & Bruford, BillMorgan (Prog)
MorgenMorningMorning Dew
Morning GloryMorning Glory (US)Morrigan, The
Morris, RogerMorse, NealMother Gong
Mouzon, AlphonzeMovements, CrystalizedMozian, Roger King
MuffinMulti-StoryMurlocs, The
MushroomMusic EmporiumMusica Elettronica Viva
Mutter SlaterMystery MakerMystic Moods, The
Mystic SivaNash The SlashNational Health
Natural Acoustic BandNatural Born GroovesNe Obliviscaris
NEBULOSANeil On ImpressionNektar
NeuNeutrons, theNew Heavenly Blue
New Music Consort, TheNew York Rock Ensemble, TheNewman, Denny
Newman, TomNice, TheNicely, Nick
Nick Carter (Piano)Nickel CreekNine Days' Wonder
NiningashiNirvana (UK)Nishioka, Howard
NocturnusNodens IctusNorman Haines Band, The
North Atlantic OscillationNorthlaneNorthwind
NurtNutzO'Donnell, Alison
O'Donnell, JoeO'List, DavidObliveon
Oceans Of SlumberOdinOggum
Okay TemizOktagonOkumoto, Ryo
Olavide, BegoñaOld GoldOmartian, Michael
Omartian, Michael And StormieOmegaOmnium Gatherum
On The Seventh DayOnce & Future BandOneida
Open Mind, TheOpen RoadOpeth
OraOrange Alabaster Mushroom, TheOrange Peel
Orb, Alice'sOregonOrford, Martin
OrganumOrion The HunterOrme, Le
OsannaOseOsiris (Prog)
Our TribeOut Of DarknessOutside
Owens, JimmyOxley, TonyOZ Magazine
Pacific EardrumPain Of SalvationPaisleys, The
Palace Of Light, ThePalermo, EdPan
Pan (Danish)Panama Limited Jug BandPancake
PanthersPapa NeboPaper Bubble
Paper Garden, ThePaperhousePar Lindh Project
ParameterParish HallParker, Evan
Parker, HenryParlour Band, TheParrish & Gurvitz
Pavlov's DogPaxPBK
PeacepipePeart, NeilPell Mell (German)
PendragonPentangle, thePeople (UK)
People Band, ThePereo, ArtifexPererin
Periferia Del MondoPeripheryPermanent Clear Light
Perrey, Jean-JacquesPeterson, 'Hannibal' MarvinPfarmers
Physics House Band, ThePickett, NickPiel De Pueblo
Pierre Henry & Spooky ToothPierre Moerlen's GongPineapple Thief, The
Pinhas, RichardPinhead NationPink Fairies, The
Pink FloydPink Mice, ThePINK TURNS BLUE
Plank, ConnyPlasticlandPlatinumweird
Please (Psych)PlusPluto (70s)
Pluto (UK)Pohjola, PekkaPôle
Police, BrainPolite ForcePolvo
Popol VuhPopol Vuh (Norwegian)Porcupine Tree
PositivaPotter, NicPowell, Andrew
Powerman 5000Praise Space ElectricPresage
Preston, Don (Keyboards)Pretty Things, ThePRH
Prime Movers, The (UK)Prince Quick MixPrincipal Edwards Magic Theatr
Procol HarumProducersProgress
Progress Organisation, TheProphetProvidence
Psychedelic WarriorsPulsarPure Reason Revolution
Pyramid, TheQuadrant, ThirdQuail, Jo
QuangoQuantum JumpQuasar
QuatermassQuatro, MichaelQuicksand (Prog)
Quiet WorldQuiet, ForceQuintessence
RabbittRachel’s BirthdayRadio Moscow (UK)
RagnarökRain ParadeRainbow Ffolly
Rainy DayRakeRamases
RamsesRandom HoldRare Amber
Rare BirdRava, EnricoRaw Material
Ray Owen's MoonRazmatazRed (Progressive)
Red DirtRed Temple SpiritsRedding, Noel
RenaissanceRenbourn, JohnReR Megacorp
ResidentsReverberiRexroth, Kenneth
Rice, Larry 'Sunshine'Richards, EmilRichter, Max
Ricotti, FrankRider, CircuitRiff Raff [UK]
Riff-RaffRiis, BjornRiley, Howard
Riley, TerryRings Of SaturnRiptyde
RitualRivendellRivers, Sam
RiversideRobert BerryRoches, The
Rockin FooRoedelius, Hans-JoachimRoger & Wendy
Rogers, WayneRoland, PaulRomantics, The
Rondat, PatrickRoomRosenbach, Museo
Rough DiamondRough RidersRoyal Hunt
RPWLRuben And The JetsRumplestiltskin
RunestaffRunning ManRuphus
Russell, GeorgeRussell, RayRustic Hinge
Rutles, TheSacrifice Poles, TheSaddar Bazaar
Safety Fire, TheSagaSahara
Sakamoto, ShintaroSakini, LailaSakuma, Masahide
SalamanderSam Apple PieSampson, Dave
Samuel ProdySandalwoodSanders, Pharoah
Sarofeen And SmokeSatisfactionSaturnalia
Savage Rose, TheSavoy BrownSax, Urban
SBBSchon & HammerSchory, Dick
Schroder, RobertSchroeder, JohnSchunge
Scofield, JohnScot, ColinScreaming Tea Party
ScroungerScudieroSe Delan
Sea Nymphs, TheSeagullmenSebastian, Kit
Second Coming, The (60s)Secret OysterSendelica
Seven Ages Of Man, TheSeventh WonderSex Gang Children
SexwitchSFFShade Empire
Shadows Of Knight, TheShaktiShamblemaths
Shangaans, TheSheshetShinn, Don
Ship Of FoolsShorter, WayneShow Of Hands (Prog)
Shrieve, MichaelShylockSilber, Ariel
Silver Apples, TheSilver MetreSinclair, Richard
SindelfingenSinfield, PeteSinkane
Sir Henry (& His Butlers)Sir Lord BaltimoreSiren
Sitting BullSkin AlleySkip Bifferty
Sky, ZekeSlapp HappySlasher Film Festival Strategy, The
Slave (Folk)Sleep TokenSlender Loris
SlowboneSmoke (70s)Snafu
SnakefingerSnakeman ShowSneaky Pete Klienlow
Soft HeapSoft MachineSoft Shoe
Solar PlexusSolid Gold CadillacSólstafir
SolsticeSolutionSomeone's Band
Sons Of ApolloSoord, BruceSopwith Camel
Sorrows, TheSound Of ContactSound, Pärson
Souster, TimSouthern Contemporary Rock Assembly, TheSpace (Tremeloes)
Space OperaSpace RitualSpace Spectrum, The
SpaceheadSpectrumSpectrum, The
Speed, Glue & ShinkiSpheeris, JimmieSpheres
SpiritSpirit Of John MorganSpirits, Brown
Spiro GyraSpiteriSpock's Beard
Spooky ToothSpreadeagleSpriguns
SpringSpurSpyro Gyra
Spys (US)Square, ParadiseSquire, Chris
St. Louis Hounds, TheStaccatos, TheStack Waddy
StackridgeStalk-Forrest Group, TheStallion
Stanley SteamerStanshall, VivianStarcastle
StardriveStatus MinorSteel Mill
Stephen David HeitkotterSteppes, TheSteve Maxwell Von Braund
Steve Took's ShagratSteve Yorks Camelo PardalisStevens, John
Stewart, Dave & Gaskin, BarbarStill Life [70s]Stone Angel
Stone The CrowsStoned CircusStonedelight
Storm CorrosionStrange DaysStravinsky, Igor
StrayStray DogStretch
String Driven ThingStrobeStuermer, Daryl
SubArachnoid SpaceSubotnik, MortonSugarloaf
Sun DialSun RaSundance
Sunday FunniesSunglasses After DarkSunn O)))
Superfine Dandelion, TheSupersister (70s)Supertonic
SustaynSwallow The SunSweet Smoke
Sweet ThursdaySweet ToothSweetwater
SwegasSwift, Jonathansymphonic slam
Syn, TheSynanthesiaSyncrisis
T.C. MaticTagesTaï Phong
TakoTales Of JustineTamas
TamouzTangent, TheTantalus
Tasavallan PresidenttiTasteTaurus 5
Taylor, DickTeaTea & Symphony
Tea CompanyTechnical Space Composers CrewTempest
Tempus FugitTenTen Seconds
Ten Years AfterTesseracTTextures
The Birds Of SatanThe FuzztonesThe Holy Mackerel
The Savage ResurrectionThe V.I.P.sThe Way We Live
Thee ImageThemis, JohnThird Ear Band
Third Rail, TheThird World WarThomas, Creepy John
Thompson, BarbaraThorinshieldThose Who Celebrate
Three Man ArmyThree Souls In My MindThreshold
ThunderdukTiger B. SmithTiger Moth Tales
Tippett, KeithTitanicTitus Groan
ToadToe FatTofani, Paolo
TomorrowToms, LukeTonto's Expanding Head Band
Toto Torquati Toy PlanetToyah & Fripp
TraceTrack RecordsTractor
TrafficTrajan AlanTranceform
Trans-Siberian OrchestraTransatlanticTrashmonk
Treecreepers, TheTregger, YanTrepte, Uli
TriadeTribe Of CroTrifle
TrillionTrilogyTrimble, Bobb
TripsichordTristano, LennieTristeza
TriumviratTrojan Horse (00s)Trolls, New
Tropea, JohnTropical Fuck StormTrower, Robin
TrúbrotTrue WestTruk
Tucky BuzzardTudor LodgeTumor, Yves
Turilli, LucaTurner, AaronTurner, Nik
Twelfth NightTwinkU.K.
Unbroken SpiritUncle Acid & The DeadbeatsUnder The Sun
Underground All-StarsUnderground Set, TheUnderground Zer0
Undermind, PrimordialUneven StructureUnicorn
Union Carbide ProductionsUnited Jazz + Rock EnsembleUnited States Of America, The
United States Of Existence TheUnivers ZeroUniversal Energy
Unspoken Word, TheUtopia (German)Utopian Fields
Vacant Lots, TheValentfoeValhalla
ValhallaVan Der Graaf GeneratorVan Der Linden, Rick
Van Leer, ThijsVander, ChristianVanilla Fudge
Varèse, EdgardVariations, LesVarious - Prog & Psych
Various - Soul & FunkVarious-Ambient & ElectronicaVeil Of Maya
VejtablesVektorVelez, Martha
Velvet OperaVenus In FursVermonster
Vertigo LabelVesperoVian, Patrick
Victor Brox And Annette BroxVincent, JamesVineyard
VinterseaViolinskiVisible Wind
Visitor 2035Vitous, MiroslavVoerkel, Urs
Voice Of The Seven WoodsVoicesVoidCeremony
VoizVOLAVorhaus, David
VoyagerVulcans (Reggae)Vulgar Unicorn
Wagner, AdrianWakan, KanWake, The
Wakeman, OliverWakeman, RickWalker, Fen
Wall, WailingWallace, IanWallis, Larry
Warm DustWarriors, TheWatanabe, Kazumi
Watch, TheWatchOut!Water
Waters, RogerWatkins, KitWatts, Trevor
Wayne, BruceWe All TogtherWeb
Webb, CassellWebber, AJWebcore
Weber, EberhardWegmüller, WalterWerth, Howard
West KeithWest, LeslieWestbrook, Mike
Wetton, JohnWheeler, KennyWhile Heaven Wept
Whitcomb, IanWhite Moth Black ButterflyWhite Noise
White, AlanWicked Lady, TheWidemann, Benoît
Wigwam (70s)Wigwam (Prog)Wild Thing, The
Wild TurkeyWilde Flowers, TheWilding/Bonus
WildlifeWilhelm, MikeWilliamson, Robin
Wilson, StevenWindhandWindy & Carl
Winstone, NormaWinterseaWitherscape
Wizards Of TwiddlyWobblerWolstenholme, Woolly
Wooden HorseWooden O, TheWord Of Life, The
World Of OzWright, GaryWright, Rick
Writing On The WallWyatt, RobertXenakis, Iannis
Xhol CaravanXPPYaghmaei, Kourosh
Yamashta, Winwood & ShrieveYatha SidhraYellow Payges, The
Yellowstone And VoiceYesYES
YESYester, JerryYonkers, Michael
Yvosky, FernandoZ.O.U.Zacchaeus
Zager & EvansZakarriasZalatnay, Sarolta
ZaoZappa Plays ZappaZappa, Frank
Zazou, HectorZedZee
Zipps, TheZooZoyd, Art

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