60s rock

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(60s), Icarus(60S), Leviathan
[1960S], Green100 Proof Aged In Soul13th Floor Elevators
21st Century Schizoid Band4 Instants, The4.A.D.
49th Parallel9.30 FlyA New Generation
A Passing FancyA&M RecordsAbednego And The Piccadilly St
Abrahams, MickAcademy, TheAcid Gallery
ActionAdam & EveAdams, Danny
Addicts, TheAerovons, TheAfter Tea
Alamo, FrankAlan Franklin Explosion, TheAlexander, Willie
Allan, DavieAllen, BobbyAllen, Daevid
Allen, Dave (Blues)Allmen JoyAlmond, Johnny
Amazing Blondel, TheAmazing Friendly AppleAmbulators, The
Amen CornerAmerican BluesAmerican Breed, The
American SpringAmon DüülAnan
Anderson, IanAndromedaAndromeda, Felius
Angel, JohnnyAnglosAnimals, The
Annoux, Jean-ClaudeAnswers, TheApostolic Intervention, The
Areas, Jose 'Chepito'ArgentArnold, P.P.
Ars NovaArtArt Movement, The
Artwoods, TheArtzi, ShlomoArzachel
Ashton Gardner & DykeAshton, TonyAssociation, The
Asylum ChoirAtlantic RecordsAttraction, The
Au-Pair, TheAudienceAuger, Brian
Ayers, KevinB. Bumble & The StingersB.Z.N.
Baba, MeherBabbity BlueBachs, The
Back Street BandBackwaterBad Boys, The
Baker, GingerBaker, MickeyBaldry, Long John
Balin, MartyBall, LindaBallantyne, David
Bamboo (60s)Band, TheBar-Kays
Bardens, PeterBaron, CarlBarre, Martin
Barrett, SydBarron, RonnieBats
Bats, The (60s Irish)Bats, The (60s SA)BBC Radiophonic Workshop, The
Beach Boys, TheBeacon Street UnionBean, George
Beatles, TheBeauBeau Brummels
Beck, JeffBeckett, PeterBeckett, Stuart
Beckies, TheBeefeatersBell, Maggie
Bennett, Cliff & Rebel RousersBennett, RudiBerkeley Kites, The
Best, PeteBev, JohnnyBevan, Bev
Big BerthaBig Boy PeteBig Brother & The Holding Co.
Big CarrotBig Wah-Koo, TheBill Plummer And The Cosmic Br
Billy And The KidsBird, IvorBishop, Elvin
Blackbirds,TheBlackjacks, TheBlades Of Grass, The
Blair EmryBlazersBlendells, The
Blind Boy GruntBlind FaithBlodwyn Pig
BlondBlood Sweat & TearsBloomfield, Mike
Bloomfield, Mike & Kooper, AlBlossom ToesBlue Ash
Blue CheerBlue FloydBlue Goose
Blue HorizonBlue MinkBlue Mountain Eagle
Blue Ridge Rangers, TheBlue Stars, TheBlues Magoos
Blues Project, TheBlunstone, ColinBob Crewe Generation, The
Bobak, Jons, MaloneBobby And LaurieBobby Angelo And The Tuxedos
Bobby Fuller FourBocky And The VisionsBoetcher, Curt
Bolan, MarcBond, GrahamBonniwell Music Machine
Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band, TheBoots, TheBoss Tweads
Boston Tea Party, TheBostweeds, TheBow Street Runners (U.S.)
Bown, AlanBoyce, TommyBoyce, Tommy & Bobby Hart
Boyle, BillyBozzio Levin StevensBramlett, Delaney
Brandon, VernBrass Ring, TheBrewer & Shipley
Brincos, LosBrogues, TheBrooker, Gary
Brown, ArthurBrown, Pete (Jazz)Brown, Pete (Piblokto)
Browne, DuncanBruce, JackBruce, Tommy
Bubble PuppyBuccaneers, TheBuckley, Tim
BuddahBuffalo SpringfieldBull, Sandy
Bulldog BreedBurdon, EricButterfield Blues Band, The
Butterfield, PaulByrd, Joe & The Field HippiesByrds
Bystanders, TheC. A. Quintet, TheCadd, Brian
Café CrèmeCake, TheCale, John
California, RandyCampbell-Lyons, PatrickCanned Heat
Canned Heat & Hooker, John LeeCapaldi, JimCapitol Records
Captain Beefheart & Magic BandCarib Beats, TheCarlos, Walter
CartooneCatherine PhilipCats Pyjamas
CBS RecordsCCLCedars, The
CelebrationChains, TheChallengers, The (US)
Chambers Brothers, TheChamfort, AlainChancis, The
Changin' Times, TheChantays, TheChaplin, Blondie
Chapman, MichaelCharismaCharlatans U.S.A.
Chaussettes Noires, LesCheetahs, TheCherokees, The
Cherry SmashCheynes, TheChicago Blues Reunion
Chicken ShackChild, TheChildren, The
Chilton, AlexChocolate Watch Band, TheChoir
Chris Ravel And The RaversChristian, NeilChristine Perfect
ChrysalisChurchill, ChickCipollina, John
Circus (Dutch)Circus MaximusCity Preachers, The
City, The (80s)CJ3: Crimson Jazz TrioClapton, Beck & Page
Clapton, EricClark, GeneClark-Hutchinson
Clarke, AllanClarke, JamesClayton Squares, The
Clayton, SteveClear LightCliff Jackson & The Naturals
Cliffters, TheCliqueClockwork Orange, The
CloudsClover, TimothyCohen, David Bennett
Cohen, LeonardCollage, TheColorfull Seasons
ColosseumColours Of LoveColton, Tony
Company, CarriageCompromise, TheCopperfield
Copperhead (John Cipollina)Cordell, RitchieCords, The
Corporation, TheCougars, TheCoulam, Roger
Count VictorsCounterfeit Stones, TheCountry Hams, The
County, HarlanCousins, DavidCoussins, Ray
Crabby AppletonCrackersCrane, Vincent
Crawford, DonCrawford, JimmyCream
Creedence Clearwater RevivalCressidaCrickets, The
Critters, TheCrome Syrcus, TheCrosby Pevar Raymond
Crosby, DavidCrosby, David & Nash, GrahamCrosby, Stills & Nash
Crosby, Stills, Nash & YoungCrumley, PatCunico, Gino
Cupid's InspirationCymbal, JohnnyCyrkle
D'Abo, MikeDaily Flash, TheDale, Dick
Dallon, MikiDaltrey, RogerDamnation Of Adam Blessing
Dando ShaftDaniels, CharlieDanny & The Juniors
Danny King's Mayfair SetDantalian's ChariotDarrow, Chris
Daughters Of AlbionDave Clark Five, TheDavey, Alan
David, TheDavies, CyrilDavies, Dave
Davies, Ray (Kinks)Davies, RonDavis, Clifford
Davis, SpencerDavis, SteveDe Groot, Keith
De La Torre, LosDeccaDecision, The
Dee, TommyDeep, TheDefenders, The
Deputies, TheDeviants, TheDib Cochran & The Earwigs
Dickens, CharlesDickie Rock & Miami ShowbandDimensions (US), The
Dimples, TheDionDirty Strangers
Disc & Music EchoDixon, HughDobro, Jimmy
Doc Thomas GroupDolenz, Jones, Boyce & HartDolenz, Micky
Don And DeweyDon And The GoodtimesDonovan
DOORSDoorsDouble Feature
Douglas, Robb And DeanDownliners SectDr John
Dr Strangely StrangeDr. West's Medicine Show & JBDriscoll, Julie
Driscoll, Julie & Auger, BrianDrops, ScarletDrumbo
Duals, TheDuffy's NucleusDumar, Johnny
Dummer, John & April, HelenDuncan, GaryDurham, Terry
Dylan, BobE-TypesEagles, The (UK)
Earth IslandEast Of EdenEasterling, Skip
Easybeats, TheEclectionEdge, Graeme
Edward, VinceEel Pie All StarsEinstein, Arik
Eire ApparentElastick Band, TheElectric Flag, The
Electric Prunes, TheElizabethEllis, Matthew
Elvin Bishop Group, TheEmbryoEmpire, Neptunes
Enchanted Forest, TheEngel, ScottEnglish, Scott
Entwistle, JohnEpstein, BrianEric Burdon & The Animals
Erickson, RokyEternal Triangle - 60sEternity's Children
Excels, TheEyes Of BlueEyes, The
Fairfield ParlourFairweather-Low, AndyFairytale, The
Falling Leaves, TheFamilyFamily Dogg, The
Family Tree, TheFamous Jug Band, TheFankhauser, Merrell
Fantastic Dee-Jays, TheFapardoklyFardon, Don
Farlowe, ChrisFaron's FlamingosFarquahr
Farr, GaryFarren, MickFear Itself
Feathers, CharlieFederals, TheFelix, Mike
FenwyckFever TreeFickle Pickle
FieldsFields, ErnieFifth Column, The
Fifth Order, TheFire (70s)Firesign Theatre, The
First Gear, TheFisher, MatthewFive By Five
Flaming Ember, TheFleetwood, MickFletcher, Guy
Fleur De Lys, LesFloating BridgeFogerty, John
Fontana, WayneFord TheatreFord, Dean
FormatFortt, DaveFour Seasons, The
Fox, The (Psyche)Frampton, PeterFrançois, Claud
Fraternity Of ManFREFreaks Of Nature, The
Freddie & The DreamersFree (Rock)Freedman, J. A.
Freedom, TheFrijid PinkFroggatt, Raymond
Front Line, TheFrost, TheFrugal Sound
Fun And Games, TheGallagher, RoryGambler
GameGame, TheGame, The (60s)
Gandalf (US)Garden Of Eden (60s)Garfunkel, Art
Gary Street & The FairwaysGass, TheGeneration Gap, The
Gentrys, TheGerrard, DennyGestures
Gibbons, SonnyGibney, EamonGibson, Wayne
GidianGilley, MickeyGilmer, Jimmy & The Fireballs
Gilmour, DavidGiltrap, GordonGinger Ale
GladGodz, TheGoldie & The Gingerbreads
Golliwogs, TheGongGonks, The
GonnGood Earth, TheGood Old Boys, The
Goose Creek SymphonyGordian Knot, TheGordon, Rosco
Gothic HorizonGracious!Granahan, Gerry
GrapefruitGrass Roots, TheGrateful Dead
Gray, DorianGreat SocietyGreat Uncle Fred
Green, PeterGreenbaum, NormanGreenberg, Phil
Greene, TedGremlins, TheGriffin, Sylvia
Griffin, TheGriffith Harter Union, TheGrimms
Groundhogs, TheGroup Image, TheGrumpus, Bo
Gryphon (Psych)Guess Who, TheGuitarist Magazine
Gulgowski, WlodekGun, TheGunner, Jim
Guv'ners, TheGypsyH.P. Lovecraft
Hahn, JerryHairbandHall, Bob
Hamilton Movement, TheHamilton StreetcarHammers, The
Happenings, TheHappy MagazineHapshash & The Coloured Coat
Harbour Lites, TheHardin & YorkHardin, Eddie
Hardtimes, TheHarper, RoyHarpers Bizarre
Harris, JohnnyHarris, ScottHarris, Wee Willie
Harrison, GeorgeHarsh RealityHarvest Label
Harvey Matusow's Jews Harp BanHassles, TheHavens, Richie
HawkwindHaymarket SquareHayward, Justin
Hayward, Justin & Lodge, JohnHe 6Hearts And Flowers
Heath HampsteadHeavy JellyHedgehoppers Anonymous
Hellions, TheHelm, LevonHelp Yourself
Henderson, Scott (60s)Hendrix, JimiHenske, Judy & Yester, Jerry
Herbal MixtureHerd, TheHi-Fi's, The
High NumbersHightower, DeanHillman, Chris
Hinkley, TimHistory Of Rock, TheHMS Bounty
Hobbits, TheHolliesHolly, Buddy
Hollywood Persuaders, TheHolmes, JakeHoly Modal Rounders
HoneysHoodoo Rhythm DevilsHook, The
Hopkins, NickyHopper, HughHoratio
Hot Dog Stand, TheHoward, BrianHudson Brothers, The
Hugg, MikeHuman Beinz, TheHumble Pie
Hummingbird, MartinHungerHunter, Dave
Hunters, TheHurvitz, SandyHussain, Zakir
Ian Green RevelationIbexIce, Dry
Ides Of March, TheIdle RaceIguanas, The
Illinois Speed PressIllinois Speed Press, TheImmediate Label
Imperials, The (Gospel)In Crowd, TheIn-Sect, The
Incredible String Band, TheInner Space, TheInnes, Neil
Insect Trust, TheIntentions, Granny'sIpsissimus
Iron ButterflyIsland RecordsIsle Of Wight
It's A Beautiful DayIV, ClassicsJ.C.
J.D. ShortJackson, LeeJaded Hearts Club, The
James & JeremiahJames Gang, TheJameson, Bobby
JanusJasmin-TJason Crest
Javaloyas, LosJay & The AmericansJeeps, The
Jefferson AirplaneJefferson, George PaulJericho Jones
Jethro TullJodimarsJody Grind
John Dummer Blues Band, TheJohn's ChildrenJohnson, Bryan
Johnson, ClaudeJohnston, BruceJokers, The
Jones, BeverleyJones, Casey & The GovernorsJones, Davy
Jones, GloriaJones, PaulJoplin, Janis
Joy Of CookingJoy UnlimitedJSD Band
JulyJumpin' Gene SimmonsJunior's Eyes
Just Four MenKakKaleidoscope (UK)
Kaleidoscope, The (US)Kalinich, Stephen JohnKantner, Paul
Kash, MurrayKaye, MaryKeef Hartley Band, The
Kelley, PeterKennelmusKeys, Bobby
Khans, TheKilroy, PatKing Clam & The Marine Band
KinksKinsmen, TheKirkland, Eddie
Kirwan, DannyKnack, TheKnack, The (60s)
KnebworthKnickerbockers, TheKnight, Brian
Knight, CurtisKoobasKooper, Al
Korner, AlexisKosinec, TonyKrajewski, Seweryn
Krieger, RobbyKweskin, JimKytes
LaceLaflamme, DavidLaine, Denny
Lane, PattieLane, RonnieLankchan, Hip
Leary, TimothyLeavesLee, Alvin
Lee, ArthurLee, BarryLee, Jackie (US M)
Left Banke, TheLegends (Jazz)Lennon, John
Les IrrésistiblesLes Rallizes DenudesLes Yper Sound
Levon And The HawksLewis And Clarke ExpeditionLewis, Bobby (R&R)
Lewis, PeterLiberty RecordsLicari, Danielle
Lightnin' RedLincoln, PhilamoreLindley, David
Linhart, BuzzLinn CountyListening
Lite, TheLittle Boy BluesLittle Free Rock
Little John (70S)LITTLE MACK SIMMONSLittle Phil & The Nightshadows
Lively OnesLiverpool Scene, TheLiving Children
Living GuitarsLivingstone, JeanLodge, John
Lost & FoundLothar And The Hand PeopleLove
Love ChildrenLove Generation, TheLove Sculpture
Love, MikeLovin' Spoonful, TheLow Rocks
LR RocketsLucas, MattLynton, Jackie
Lyons & MaloneMackay, RabbitMaclean, Bryan
Mad RiverMaerz, MarionMagic Band
Magic CarpetMagic Christians, TheMagic Lanterns, The
Magic ValleyMahavishnu Orchestra, TheMajority, The
Mama LionMamas & Papas, TheMan
Man DokiMandel, HarveyMandrake
Mandrake Paddle SteamerMann, BarryMann, Manfred
Manyeruke, MachanicMaresca, ErnieMark, Jon
Markstein, StapleyMarmalade, TheMarriage, Left-Handed
Marriott, SteveMarshall Tucker Band, TheMartyn, John & Beverley
MashmakhanMason, DaveMason, Nick
Masterminds, TheMasters, SammyMatadors, The (R&R)
May, PhilMayall, JohnMC5
McCartney, PaulMcCoys, TheMcCulloch, Danny
McCullough, HenryMcDonald, Country JoeMcGough & McGear
McGuinn & HillmanMcGuinn, RogerMcIvor, David
McKenzie, AliMcKuen, RodMcLagan, Ian
McLaughlin, JohnMcLeod, RoryMcPhatter, Clyde
McPhee, Tony 'T.S.'McVie, ChristineMcVie, John
MDBMeasles, TheMedicine Head
Meehan, TonyMelcher, TerryMelody Maker
Melton, BarryMerrell And The ExilesMerrill, Buddy
Merry Go RoundMerseybeats, TheMethuselah
Mick Fleetwood Blues Band, TheMicrobeMighty Avengers, The (UK)
Mike Stuart SpanMilan (60s)Miles, Buddy
Millenium, TheMiller, BobbieMilwaukee Coasters, The
Ministry Of Sound, TheMirror, TheMisunderstood
Mitchell, EddyMitchell, MitchMixtures, The
Moby GrapeMojo MenMonahan, Stephen
Monarchs, TheMoney, ZootMonkees
MontageMontanas, TheMonument
Moody Blues, TheMoon's TrainMoon, Keith
Moon, LarryMoondogMoorhouse, Alan
Moraz, Patrick & Bruford, BillMorgan MusicMorgen
Morning DewMorning Glory (US)Morris, Gerry
Morris, RussellMorrison, JimMott
Mott The HoopleMount RushmoreMourning Reign
Mouse & The TrapsMove, TheMoving Sidewalks
Mr. T & The Coffeehouse 5MuMure, Billy
Music EmporiumMusic Explosion, TheMusic Machine
Mustang, LosMustang, TheMutantes
Mycroft, TimMynah Birds, TheMyrth
Nantos, Nick & His FireballersNash, GrahamNashville Five, The
NazzNeighb'rhood Childr'nNelson, Sandy
Neon Philharmonic OrchestraNero And The GladiatorsNerve, The
Nesmith, MichaelNew Colony SixNew Jump Band, The
New Musical ExpressNew York Public LibraryNewman, Randy
Newmark, AndyNewton, WayneNicholls, Allan
Nicholls, BillyNichols, Roger & Small CircleNico
Nicol, JimmyNilsmen, TheNirvana (UK)
Nits, TheNix-NomadsNomadi
Noonan SteveNoone, PeterNorthwest Company
Nova Local, TheNRBQO'Hara, John
O'Keefe, DannyOasis (US)October Country
Odyssey, TheOlaOldham, Andrew Loog
Open Mind, TheOptimistas, LosOrange Bicycle, The
Orange PeelOrioles, FeldersOrlando (60s)
Orphan EggOther Half, TheOtis, Shuggie
Outsiders, TheOwen, RayOZ Magazine
P.F. SloanP.P. & The PrimesPaige, Joey
Palmer, CarlPanama Limited Jug BandPaper Garden, The
ParadeParaffin Jack Flash LimitedParks, Michael
Parks, Van DykeParlophoneParsons, Gene
PattoPaupersPeace Choir
Peacemakers, ThePeanutsPearls Before Swine
Pebbles, ThePeel, David & Lower East SidePeep Show, The
Pentangle, thePeople (UK)People (US)
People Like UsPeppermint CircusPeppermint Rainbow, The
Peppermint Trolley, ThePeppermint, DannyPerkins, Polly
Pete Kelly's SoulutionPeter And The WolvesPeter Jay And The Jaywalkers
Peters, JohnnyPhillips, GregoryPhillips, Shawn
Pickett, NickPierre Henry & Spooky ToothPierre Moerlen's Gong
Pinder, MichaelPink Fairies, ThePink Floyd
PlainsongPlastic PennyPlastic Penny, The
Please (Psych)PlexusPoet & The One Man Band
Poets, The (Irish 60s)Poets, The (UK 60s)Polite Force
Polydor RecordsPoor, ThePop Tops, The
Portebello ExplosionPositivaPotter, Nic
Powder [US]Powerpack, ThePreston, Don (Guitar)
Preston, Don (Keyboards)Pretty Things, ThePRH
Pride, DickiePrincipal Edwards Magic TheatrProcession
Procol HarumPudding, ThePupils, The
Pussyfoot, ThePuzzle (1960S)Quatermass
QuicksilverQuicksilver Messenger ServiceQuiet Five, The
Quiet MelonQuillQuinn, Carole
QuintessenceRainbow FfollyRandazzo, Teddy
Rapp, TomRare AmberRare Bird
Rascals, The (60s)Rationals, TheRats, The (60s)
RavenReading Festival, TheRecord Collector
Red Crayola, TheRedcaps, TheRedding, Noel
Reed, Cale & NicoReed, LouReid, Terry
RejoiceRelf, KeithRenbourn, John
Revere, Paul & The RaidersRhythm Jesters, TheRice-Milton, Terry
Richard Kent Style, TheRichards, DigbyRichmond, Dannie
Rick DankoRicky Livid And The Tone DeafsRies, Tim
Rinus' GarageRios, MiguelRip Chords, The
Rising Storm, TheRitchie, TonyRivers, Dick
Rivers, JohnnyRivers, Tony & Castaways, TheRivieras, The
Robertson, RobbieRobinson, AlvinRobinson, Floyd
Rock 'N' Roll Revival ShowRock WorkshopRocker's Revenge
Rockets, The (Crazy Horse)Rockin' HorseRockin' Rebels, The
Rolling StoneRolling Stones, TheRôme
Rose Garden, TheRose, BiffRoth, Arlen
Roving Kind, TheRoyal Guardsmen, TheRubber Band, The
Ruben And The JetsRugbys, TheRundgren, Todd
Running ManRush, TomRuskin Spear, Roger
Russell, LeonRutles, TheSagittarius
Sahm, DougSaint-PreuxSaints, The (60s)
Sainty, RussSalvation (60s)Sanders, Ed
Sanders, RicSands, EvieSandy Coast
Sanson, VeroniqueSantanaSavoy Brown
SchadelScott, SimonSea Train
Search Party, TheSearchers, TheSebastian, John
Secrets, TheSedgewick, MikeSeeds, The
Segarini, BobSha Na NaShades Of Blue, The
Shades Of Morley BrownShadow mannShadows Of Knight, The
Shafto, BobbyShakey VickShane And The Shane Gang
Shanghai (Mickey Green)ShangoShankar, Ananda
Sheridan, TonySherman, BobbyShindigs, The
Short, BrianShow Stoppers, TheShubert
Shut Downs, TheShy Ones, TheSidekicks, The
SignsSilver Apples, TheSilver Metre
Silver Thunders, TheSimmons, MackSimon & Garfunkel
Simon Dupree & The Big SoundSimon, PaulSimpson, Steve
Sims, CarlSims, Frankie LeeSinnermen & Sara
Sinx MitchellSir Douglas QuintetSir Lord Baltimore
Sir Percy QuintetSky SaxonSlavin, Martin
Slick, GraceSmall FacesSmith
Smith, 'Legs' LarrySmith, HurricaneSmith, Mike
SmokeSmoke (70s)Smokestack Lightnin'
Snow White And The DwarfsSoft MachineSoft Mountain
Solid Gold CadillacSomeonesSonics, The
Sons Of ChamplinSons Of Champlin, TheSons Of Heroes
Sopwith CamelSounds Of Les And Barry, TheSounds Orchestral
Space RitualSpades, TheSpanky & Our Gang
Spectres, TheSpence, SkipSpencer, Sonny
SpiritSpirit Of John MorganSpooky Tooth
Sportsmen, TheSPPSpriguns
SpringSRCSt. John Green
StackStack WaddyStained Glass
Stalk-Forrest Group, TheStanshall, VivianStarr, Jack (R&R)
Starr, RingoSteampacketSteel River
Steeleye SpanSteppenwolfSteve Colt Paradox
Steve Miller Band, TheStewart, AlStewart, Billy
Still Life [60s]StillrovenStills, Stephen
Stirling, Peter LeeStoller, RhetStone Pillow
Stone The CrowsStoughton, DavidStrange, Billy
Strawberry Alarm ClockStrawbs, TheSugar Blues Band
SugarloafSullivan, EdSundowners, The
SunforestSunshine Company, TheSuperfine Dandelion, The
Sutcliffe, StuartSuzie & Irwin, Big DeeSwamp Rats, The
Sweet SmokeSylvester, TerrySynanthesia
Syndicate Of SoundT-2T-Rex
TagesTages, TheTaj Mahal
Tarry, MichaelTasteTaylor, Chip
Taylor, DickTea CompanyTea Company, The
Technical Space Composers CrewTedesco, TommyTen Wheel Drive
Ten Years AfterTerauchi, TakeshiTerminator X
Termites, The (60s)Terry & The PiratesTexans, The
The Fourth WayThe Holy MackerelThe Indians (60S)
The Merchants Of DreamThe N' BetweensThe T-Bones
The V.I.P.sTheeThem
Things To ComeThird Ear BandThird Rail, The
Third World, TheThomas, JeffThomas, Ray
Thompson, BarbaraThompson, Chris (MM)Thorinshield
Thoughts And WordsThree Dog NightThree Souls In My Mind
Threshold LabelThrillington, PercyThunderclap Newman
TimeboxTimes (60s), TheTintern Abbey
Tiny TimTitanicToad
Toad HallToggery Five, TheTomcats
Tommy Smith & The Laughing KinTomorrowTomorrow's People
Tonto's Expanding Head BandTorr, MichèleToussaint, Allen
Townsel SistersTownshend, PeteTR-5
Track RecordsTrade Winds, TheTradewinds (Pop Psych), The
TrafficTrajan AlanTrashmen, The
Trax FourTrendsetters LimitedTriffids, The (60s)
TrilogyTripsichordTro, Marcus
Troggs, TheTrout, TheTrower, Robin & Bruce, Jack
Truckaway, WilliamTruth (60s), TheTucker, Cy
Tucky BuzzardTuneful Trolley, TheTurner, Ike & Tina
TwinkTyphoons, TheUltimate Spinach
Underdogs, TheUnderground All-StarsUnicorn
Unit Four Plus TwoUnited Sons Of AmericaUnited States Double Quartet
United States Of America, TheUnited Travel ServiceUnknown Artist (Tuba Records)
Unspoken Word, TheUsUsher, Gary
Utopia (US)V, FormulaVacant Lot, The
Vagrants, TheValenti, DinoValhalla
Valli, FrankieVan Der Graaf GeneratorVan Der Linden, Rick
Vanilla FudgeVanovsky, ZalmanVariation
Various - Rock & MetalVarious ArtistsVarious-Cars & Motor Sports
Various-Doo-Wop & VocalVarious-Hip Hop & RapVarious-Magazines & Newspapers
Vartan, SylvieVejtablesVelvet Opera
Velvet UndergroundVentures, TheVertigo Label
Vickers, MikeVillageVillage Stompers, The
Visconti, TonyViscounts, TheVolcanos, The
Voormann, KlausWailers, TheWalton, Dave
WarhorseWarren Davis Monday Band, TheWasserman, Rob
Waters, RogerWatts 103Rd Street Rhythm BandWayne Fontana & Mindbenders
Wayne, CarlWayne, PatWe Five
We The PeopleWeb, TheWedgwoods, The
Welles, BillyWells, CoryWells, Houston
West Coast Pop Art ExperimentaWest KeithWestbrook, Mike
Whitcomb, IanWhoWigwam (Prog)
Wild TurkeyWilde Flowers, TheWilde Three
Wiley, T.C.Wilhelm, MikeWilliams, Mason
Williamson, RobinWillie And The Red Rubber BandWilson, Brian
Wilson, CarlWilson, DennisWilson, Don Lee
Wilson, JimmyWilson, LeeWilson, Ronnie
Winter, JohnnyWinwood, SteveWood, Chris
Wood, RonnieWoodstockWRAX
Wright, RickWriting On The WallWyatt, Robert
YardbirdsYellow Payges, TheYester, Jerry
Yo Ho Wah 13York, RustyYoulden, Chris
Young BloodYoung Rascals, TheYoung, Kenny
Youngbloods, TheZakary ThaksZappa Plays Zappa
Zappa, FrankZeeZelkowitz, Goldie
Zephyrs, The (60s)ZiorZipps, The
Zombies, The

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