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GANDALF Gandalf (Monster rare 1969 US 10-track stereo vinyl LP
with rainbow rimmed Capitol label design, pasted picture sleeve. A
psychedelic holy grail from this super obscure New York band who
released just one longplayer which, due to an indifferent label and
poor distribution [many copies were sent out with the wrong record
inside the sleeve!], sank without trace. Unlike many 'lost classics' this
one doesn't disappoint; although consisting mainly of covers [three by
Tim Hardin and several by the Turtles songwriting team Alan Gordon &
Garry Bonner], it has a distinct musical identity not unlike Odyssey &
Oracle era Zombies - yes, that good. For pressing and condition info
see more info....
Last copy in stock. Order now for shipping on Tuesday 1st April
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Alternative artists: None
Gandalf Vinyl LP Records & Albums And Gandalf CD Albums & CD Singles