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Live Chronicles

HAWKWIND Live Chronicles (1994 Canadian limited edition 29-track double CD which also includes a reprint of Michael Moorcock's 'The Dreaming City' as a second booklet, fat jewel case picture sleeve GCDHA-0136-2)

Price Info
Product Availability Currently Unavailable - You can request the next copy of this item
Release Year 1994 - 31 years ago
Condition Unless stated otherwise in the description above, all items are in at least excellent condition - so please read our descriptions carefully. We try to sell items as close to Mint condition as possible, and many will indeed be close to brand new and/or unplayed. Others may be 'used' - and all will meet our strict grading and are 100% guaranteed.
Shipping Cost Add item to your basket to see shipping quote
Format 2 CD album set (Double CD)
Record Label Griffin
Complete Stock List Go to Hawkwind
Product Catalogue No GCDHA-0136-2
Music Genre 70s Rock, Progressive, 70s Artists, 60s Rock, Psychedelic
Country Comes from Canada Comes from 'Canada'
Tracklisting & More Information

The Chronicle Of The Black Sword 1:53
Song Of The Swords 3:09
Dragons And Fables 3:09
Narration 0:45
The Sea King 4:07
Dead God's Homecoming 1:31
Angels Of Death 4:42
Shade Gate 3:49
Rocky Paths 2:52
Narration (Elric The Enchanter Pt. 1) 0:55
The Pulsing Cavern 2:14
Master Of The Universe 4:00
Dragon Song 1:32
Dreaming City 4:29
Choose Your Masques 4:51
Fight Sequence 3:23
Assault And Battery 3:39
Sleep Of A Thousand Tears 4:37
Zarozinia 4:16
Lords Of Chaos (The Demise) 1:00
The Dark Lords / Wizards Of Pan Tang 3:19
Moonglum (Friend Without A Cause) 4:40
Elric The Enchanter Pt. 2 2:26
Needle Gun 4:07
Conjuration Of Magnu 1:52
Magnu 3:16
Dust Of Time 2:30
The Final Fight 1:27
Horn Of Fate (Destiny) 6:38

Recording Artist Hawkwind
Product Title Live Chronicles
Product Information Hawkwind Live Chronicles Canada 2 CD album set (Double CD).
Language All tracks are sung in English, unless otherwise stated in our description.
Additional info Deleted - A deleted or out-of-print item is one that is no longer manufactured. However, we stock thousands of out-of-print formats and we specialise in tracking down out-of-print, deleted and hard-to-find releases.
Artists Related To Alan Davey, Barney Bubbles, Big Amongst Sheep, Dave Brock, Dharma Blues, Harvey Bainbridge, High Tide, Huw Lloyd-Langton, Inner City Unit, Magic Muscle, Michael Moorcock, Nik Turner, Opal Butterfly, Pinkwind, Psychedelic Warriors, Robert Calvert, Simon House, Space Ritual, Spacehead, Steve Swindells, The Compromise, The Imperial Pompadours, The Maximum Effect, The Radio Actors, Tribe Of Cro, Underground Zer0
Product Barcode 054421013620
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