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Strange Daze '97

HAWKWIND / VARIOUS ARTISTS Strange Daze '97 (2009 UK 33-track 2-CD album set - 'Strange Daze '97' is an audio record of the first Space Rock Festival to take place in America. As can be expected Hawkwind take centre stage on this two-disc set which presents the bands on CD1 in chronological order as they appeared at the festival. The headliners however are kept for CD2. Former Hawkwind member Nik Turner appears fronting the band Far Flung where he performs three full songs including '25,000 Feet Per Second', 'Soul Herder' and 'Opa Loka')

Price Info
Product Availability Currently Unavailable - You can request the next copy of this item
Release Date 10th Aug 2009
Release Year 2009 - 16 years ago
Condition Unless stated otherwise in the description above, all items are in at least excellent condition - so please read our descriptions carefully. We try to sell items as close to Mint condition as possible, and many will indeed be close to brand new and/or unplayed. Others may be 'used' - and all will meet our strict grading and are 100% guaranteed.
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Format 2 CD album set (Double CD)
Record Label Voiceprint
Complete Stock List Go to Hawkwind
Product Catalogue No PGVP003CD
Music Genre Progressive, 60s Rock, 70s Artists, 70s Rock, Psychedelic
Country Comes from UK Comes from 'UK'
Tracklisting & More Information

1. Awakening [Gaia Avatara]
2. Rooms Of Shord [Red Giant]
3. Green Acid [Nucleon]
4. New Arrival [ST 37]
5. Holographic Caves [Architectural Metaphor]
6. Evanwalker P.I.M [FI]
7. Laminate My Organ Donor Card [Bionaut]
8. Pre Millenium Transmissions [Freak Element]
9. Harbour Of Infinity [Melting Euthoria]
10. Burning Inside [Born To Go]
11. Faerienot Space [Quarkspace]
12. Soft Martian [Alien Planetscapes]
13. The Stream [Drumplay]

1. Kauai [Hawkwind]
2. Assassins Of Allah [Hawkwind]
3. Brainstorm [Hawkwind]
4. In Your Area [Hawkwind]
5. 25,000 Feet Per Second [Far Flung with Nik Turner]
6. Soul Herder [Far Flung with Nik Turner]
7. Opa Loka [Far Flung with Nik Turner]

with excerpts from:
8. Alien Planetscapes - Radiation King
9. Architectural Metaphor - Kairds
10. Bionaut - Re-Laminate My Organ Donor Card
11. F/I - Evan Walker P.I.M.
12. Quarkspace - Faerienot Space
13. Melting Euphoria - Celestial Hysteria
14. St37 - Translunar Injection
15. Gaia Avatara - Sunrise
16. Born To Go - Burning Inside
17. Nucleon - Green Acid
18. Red Giant - Rooms Of Shord
19. Nick Riff's Freak Element - Vagabond Unknown
20. Drumplay - The Stream

Recording Artist Hawkwind
Product Title Strange Daze '97
Product Information Hawkwind Strange Daze '97 UK 2 CD album set (Double CD).
Language All tracks are sung in English, unless otherwise stated in our description.
Additional info
Artists Related To Alan Davey, Barney Bubbles, Big Amongst Sheep, Dave Brock, Dharma Blues, Harvey Bainbridge, High Tide, Huw Lloyd-Langton, Inner City Unit, Magic Muscle, Michael Moorcock, Nik Turner, Opal Butterfly, Pinkwind, Psychedelic Warriors, Robert Calvert, Simon House, Space Ritual, Spacehead, Steve Swindells, The Compromise, The Imperial Pompadours, The Maximum Effect, The Radio Actors, Tribe Of Cro, Underground Zer0
Product Barcode 604388721924
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