| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| #1 Defender | (80'S), Treatment |
(80S), Bodycount | (90S), Pockets | (Damn) This Desert Air |
(Danish), Dune | (Indie), Barb | (Indie), Eastwood |
(Indie), Fresh | (Indie), Lincoln | (Indie), Lois |
(Japan), Mono | (U.S.), Corduroy | (UK), Wallflowers |
+/- (Plus / Minus) | +44 | :( [colonopenbracket] |
[ME] | 1 Giant Leap | 1, Primary |
10,000 Things | 1000 Mexicans | 10LEC6 |
12 Rods | 12 Rounds | 13 At Midnight |
1300 Drums | 13th Hour | 14Th, July |
18 Wheeler | 18th Dye | 1919 |
1975, The | 1990's | 1St |
2 Bears, The | 2 By Bukowski | 2 Lost Sons |
2:54 (Two Fifty Four) | 22-20s | 25th Of May |
2nd Gen | 3 Car Garage | 3 Colours Red |
3 Dream Bag | 3 Generations Walking | 3½ Minutes |
35 Summers | 360'S | 3Ds |
3hird light | 3ringcircus | 3Speed Automatic |
4 Of Us | 4 Scott | 4.A.D. |
45'S, The | 45s | 48 Chairs |
50 Foot Wave | 52nd Street | 611 |
67 | 6ths, The | 7 Worlds Collide |
7, Monkey | 70 Gwen Party | 747s |
77:78 | 8 Storey Window | 81 Mulberry |
97'S, Old | 99 Change Hands | A Blaze Of Feather |
A Camp | A Change Of Pace | A Fine Frenzy |
A Giant Dog | A Hawk And A Hacksaw | A House |
A Loose Confederation Of... | A Perfect Circle | A Popular History Of Signs |
A Quiet Revolution | A R Kane | A Riot Of Colour |
A Rocket To The Moon | A Smile And A Ribbon | A Special Pillow |
A Split-Second | A Witness | A's, The |
A-Lines, The | A-Sun Amissa | A.A.Williams |
A.C Newman | A.C. Marias | A.C.Temple |
A.D., Catherine | A.K.A.s, The | A.P.B. |
A.R.E. Weapons | AAAK | Aaron West And The Roaring Twenties |
Abandoned Pools | ABBC | Abbott, Luke |
Abe Vigoda | Aberdeen | Aberfeldy |
Ablemesh | Abraham, Ben | Abrahams, Leo |
Absent Kid | Absentee | Absolut Null Punkt |
AC Acoustics | AC Temple | Academy One |
Accidental, The | Accidente | Ace [Skunk Anansie] |
Acetone | Acid, The | Ackermans, The |
Acorn, The | Acrobat | Act (Norway) |
Action Action | Action Painting! | Action Plan |
Action Swingers | Active Child | Actress Hands |
Acupuncture | Acutes, The | Ada Lea |
Adam Forkner | Adamson, Barry | Add N To (X) |
Addict | Addict, Noise | Adele |
Adem | Adjágas | Adom |
Adorable | Ads, Small | Ads, The |
ADULT. | Adventure Babies | Adventures In Stereo |
Adverse, Anthony | Aero Flynn | Aerogramme |
Affect, Shiva | Afflecks Palace | Afro, Jack |
After Hours | After The Fire | Afterparty, The |
Age Of Chance | Age Of Jets | Agent Blue |
Agnes | Agnostic Mountain Gospel Choir | Agust, Daniel |
Ahab | Ahmed, Ilyas | Air Cav |
Air Miami | Air Traffic | Airborne Toxic Event, The |
Airiel | Airportman | Airstream |
Akela And The Cubs | Akira | Akron/Family |
Al Qadiri, Fatima | Alabama 3 | Alarmist |
Albania | Albarn, Damon | Album Leaf, The |
Alchemicals | Alela Diane | Alessi's Ark |
Alexander | Alexander 23 | Alexandria Quartet, The |
Alexisonfire | ALF | Alfa9 |
Algernon Cadwallader | Ali Love | Alice Donut |
Alice, Crazy | Alice, Wolf | Alien Sex Fiend |
Alien Stadium | Aliens, The (Soul) | Alison's Halo |
Alive, Half | Alkaline | Alkaline Trio |
All | All About Chad | All About Eve |
All American Rejects, The | All New Adventures Of Us, The | All Smiles |
All The Young | All Time Low | All Traps Set |
All Tvvins | All We Are | All-American Rejects, The |
Allah-Las | Allen, Lily | Allez Allez |
Alligator | Allison, Clay | Allman Brothers Band |
Allman, Gregg | Allo Darlin' | Allon, Tim |
Along, Hop | Alpha Machine, The | Alpha Male Tea Party |
Alphane Moon | Alpines | Alps, The |
Alt-J | Altar Boys, The | Altastate |
Altered Hours, The | Alterkicks | Alternative Tentacles |
Alvvays | Always | Always August |
Amandine | Amateur Night In The Big Top | Amazing Snakeheads, The |
Amazons, The | Ambarchi, Oren | Amber Run |
Amberlites | Ambitious Beggars | Ambulance Ltd |
Amen Dunes | American Analog Set, The | American Hi-Fi |
American Music Club | American Pleasure Club | American Ruse, The |
American Scene, The | American Standard Band | American TV Cops |
Americans, North | Amfm | Amidon, Sam |
Amigo The Devil | Amiina | Amor, Novo |
Amp | Amp, Cyclic | Ampersand |
Ampersands, The | Ampetameanies, The | Amplifier |
Ampop | Amsterdam | Amusement Parks On Fire |
Ana Da Silva | Ana Johnsson | Anastasia Screamed |
Anberlin | Anchoress, The | Ancient Cities |
And Also The Trees | And None Of Them Knew They Wer | Andalusian Aria |
Andersen, Steindor | Anderson, Brett | Anderson, Stewart |
Andrew Bird & Madison Cunningham | Andrew W.K. | Andy Summers & Robert Fripp |
Anemo | Angel Corpus Christi | Angel Tech |
Angelfish | Angelica | Angels & Airwaves |
Angora | Anhrefn | Animal Collective |
Animal Crakers | Animal Grotesque | Animal Kingdom |
Animal Magic | Animals That Swim | Anjali |
Anna | Annalise | Annie Anxiety Bandez |
Annie Christian | Annuals | Anodyne |
Anohni & The Johnsons | Anomoanon | Anorak Girl |
Another Sunny Day | Ant (00s) | Antelopes, The |
Anteros | Anthroprophh | Anti Group, The |
Antifamily | Antiseptic Beauty | Antlers, The |
Anxious | Apartment | Apartment 26 |
Apes, Pigs & Spacemen | Aplin, Gabrielle | Apollo Junction |
Apollo Landing | Apoptygma Berzerk | Apostle Of Hustle |
Apparat | Apple Boutique | Apple Creation, The |
Apple Mosaic | Apples In Stereo, The | Apples, The |
Appliance | Applicators, The | Apre |
April March | April Showers | Aqua Fortis |
Aqualung | Arab Strap | Arbor Labor Union |
Arcade Fire | Arcades, Amber | Archer, Iain |
Archers Of Loaf | Archie & The Bunkers | Archie Bronson Outfit |
Architecture In Helsinki | Arcs, The | Arctic Monkeys |
Ariel Pink | Arms, Crazy | Armstrong, Billie Joe |
Army Of Me | Army Of Summer, The | Arnalds, Olafur |
Arnaulds, Olof | Arnold | Arrogant Adams |
Art Brut | Art Company, The | Art Objects |
Art Of Fighting | Artery (80s) | Arthur 2 Stroke & Chart Com. |
Arthur Beatrice | Arthur Russell | Arthur, Syd |
Arthurs, Andy | Article 58 | Arturo |
Aryan Aquarians, the | Ascension | Asgeir |
Ash | Ash (Japanese) | Ash, Daniel |
Asha Vida | Ashbies, The | Ashcroft, Richard |
Asher D & Daddy Freddy | Ashley Park | Ashok |
Ashtray | Asian Kung-Fu Generation | Aslan (Indie) |
Asobi Seksu | Asphalt Ribbons | Aspidistra |
Assassins, The | Assembly Line People Program | Astbury, Ian |
Asteroids, The | Astor, Pete | Astral |
Astrid | Astrids, The | Astronaut |
Astronautalis | Asylums | At The Drive-In |
Ataris | Ataxia | Ateed |
Athlete | Atlantic Dash | Atlas |
Atlas Genius | Atlas Sound | Atmosphere (Hip Hop) |
Atoms For Peace | Attack In Black | Attempted Moustache |
Attic Lights | Attica Riots | Atwell, Billy |
Au Revoir Simone | Aubrey Lemmon | Auctioneer, Edsel |
Audience [US Indie], The | Audioweb | Auerbach, Dan |
Auf Der Maur, Melissa | Augie March | Augustines |
Auld, Ben | Aurora Paralysis | Ausgang |
Austra | Australian Crawl | Autamata |
Authentics, The | Autobahn | Autohaze |
Autokat | Automatic Dlamini | Automatic, The |
Automatics | Automatics (Spanish) | Autopilot |
Autopop | Autres, Les | Autumn Defense, The |
Autumns, The | Avant Gardeners, The | Avengers, The |
Avett Brothers, The | Avi Buffalo | Avo-8 |
Avril | Axiom Funk | Azalia Snail |
Azar Swan | Aztec Camera | Azusa Plane, The |
B Flower | B-52's The | B-Team |
Baader Meinhof | Baba Looey | Baba, Shey |
Babacar | Babeheaven | Bablicon |
Baby A | Baby Animals | Baby Birkin |
Baby Buddha | Baby Chaos | Baby Dave |
Baby Men, The | Baby Strange | Baby Tooth |
Babybird | Babyshambles | Bachelor Pad |
Bachelor Pad, The | Bachmann, Eric | Back Street Crawler |
Back to The Planet | Backseat Lovers, The | Backwater |
Bad Caesar | Bad Company | Bad Karma Beckons |
Bad Lieutenant | Bad Religion | Bad Sounds |
Bad Things | Bad Tune Men | Baddies, The |
Badfish | Badgeman, The | Badger, Mike |
Badgers, The | Badgewearer | Badly Drawn Boy |
Badmarsh & Shri | Badru, Aisha | Bag O Shells |
Bager, Kenneth | Bagpipe Operation | Bags, Luxurious |
Bailter Space | Bakar | Baker, Julien |
Balaam And The Angel | Balance And Composure | Balcony Stars, The |
Ball, Edward | Ballboy | Balloon |
Ballroom | Balthazar | Bam Balams, The |
Bam Bam & The Calling | Bambi Slam, The | Band Of Blacky Ranchette, The |
Band Of Holy Joy | Band Of Holy Joy, The | Band Of Outsiders |
Band Of Skulls | Band Of Susans | Bandit Queen |
Bang Bang Machine | Bangsters, The | Banjo Or Freekout |
Bank Robbers, The | Banks, Paul | Banquet |
Barat, The | Barbeau, Anton | Barbel |
BARCELONA | Bare Jr. | Bark Psychosis |
Barker, Sophie | Barlow, Lou | Barnabys |
Barwick, Julianna | Baseball Boys | Basement, The |
Bashi, Kishi | Basic Plumbing | Basinger |
Bassman, Pete | Basti | Bastille |
Bastro | Bat For Lashes | Bates, Martyn |
Bathers, The | Batmen, The | Bats, The (NZ) |
Battersea | Battle | Battles |
Bauhaus | Bawl | Baxendale |
Baxter Dury | Baxter, Tom | Bay, James |
Bazan, David | Bdrmm | Be Your Own Pet |
Beabadoobee | Beach | Beach Baby |
Beach Bunny | Beach Fossils | Beach House |
Beach Skulls | Beach Slang | Beachbuggy |
Beaches, Dirty | Beachheads | Beachwood Sparks |
Beady Eye | Beak | Beal, Willis Earl |
Beans On Toast | Bear Hands | Bear Quartet, The |
Bear's Den | Bear, Panda | Beat (US), The |
Beat Freaks | Beat Hotel, The | Beat The Sharks |
Beatbox, Ancient | Beatglider | Beatings |
Beatitudes, The | Beatnik Beatch | Beatnik Filmstars |
Beats For Beginners | Beaty Heart | Beautiful Americans, The |
Beautiful Happiness | Beautiful New Born Children | Beautiful Pea Green Boat |
Beautiful People | Beauty Room, The | Beauty Shop, The |
Beck | Becketts | Bedhead |
Bedouin Soundclash | Bedroom | Bedtime For Toys |
Bee Vamp | Bee, Maple | Beef |
Beekeepers, The | Beep Beep | Beep Seals, The |
Bees, The (00s) | Beginner's Mynd, The | Beguiled, The |
Beirut | Bell Book & Candle | Bell Orchestre |
Bell X1 | Bell, Andy (90s) | Bellatrix |
Belle & Sebastian | Belle, Amy | Belles, The |
Bellrays, The | Bellringers | Belltower, The |
Belmondo | Belong | Ben & Jason |
Ben Folds | Ben Folds Five | Ben Kweller |
Ben's Brother | Bench | Bendall's Box |
Beneath Fire & Smoke | Benjamin Francis Leftwich | Benjamin Kitestring |
Bennet | Benny Profane | Benson, Brendan |
Bent Shapes | Bergland, Bond | Berkeley |
Berlin, Jeff | Bernhardts, The | Bertei, Adele |
Besnard Lakes, The | Besotted, The | Best Coast |
Best Friends | Beta Band, The | Betchadupa |
Beth Jeans Houghton | Beths, The | Bette Davis & The Balconettes |
Better Oblivion Community Center | Better Than Ezra | Bettie Serveert |
Beulah | Bevis And Twink | Bevis Frond, The |
Bewitched | Beyond The Wizards Sleeve | Bez |
Biafra, Jello | Bible ~The | Bible For Dogs, The |
Biff Bang Pow! | Biffy Clyro | Big Black |
Big Boy Tomato | Big Bud | Big Cash Prizes |
Big City Rock | Big Damn Crazyweight | Big Dipper |
Big Eyes Family Players, The | Big F, The | Big Flame |
Big Hard Excellent Fish | BIG Heat | Big Heavy Stuff |
Big Hello | Big House | Big Leaves |
Big Linda | Big Moon, The | Big Paintings, The |
Big Pink, The | Big Red Bus | Big Red Machine |
Big Red Sun | Big Satan, Inc. | Big Self |
Big Smile | Big Stick | Big Sur |
Big Talk | Big Thief | Big Troubles |
Big White Stairs | Big Zap! | Bigger Lovers, The |
Bigod 20 | Bikini Atoll | Bikini Kill |
Bile | Bilge Pump | Billie The Vision & The Dancer |
Billy And The Boingers | Billy Karloff Band | Billy MacKenzie |
Billy Mahonie | Billy Satellite | Billy Talent |
Binary Collective, The | Binky Baker & The Pit Orchestr | Birch, Gina |
Bird And The Bee, The | Bird, Lady | Birdie |
Birdland | Birds | Birdskin |
Birdy | Birth Of Joy | Birthday Massacre, The |
Birthday Party, The | Bishi | Bishops, The (00s) |
Bitch Magnet | Biting Tongues | Bitstream |
Bitter Ruin | Bitter Springs, The | Bivouac |
Bizhiki | Blab Happy | Black Affair |
Black Angels, The | Black Arts, The | Black Atlantic, The |
Black Bananas | Black Belles, The | Black Box Recorder |
Black Car | Black Country, New Road | Black Daniel |
Black Dice | Black Earth, The | Black EG |
Black Eyes | Black Francis | Black Grape |
Black Heart Procession | Black Heart Procession, The | Black Honey |
Black Kids | Black Lips | Black Lipstick |
Black Lungs | Black Midi | Black Moth Super Rainbow |
Black Mountain | Black Nielson | Black Peaks |
Black Prairie | Black Queen, The | Black Ramps |
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club | Black September | Black Star |
Black Strobe | Black Tambourine | Black Velvets, The |
Black Wire | Black, Dan | Black, Small |
Blackbud | Blackeyed Susans, The | Blackfield |
Blacklands | Blacklight Chameleons | Blackout, The |
Blackouts | Blades, The | Blaenavon |
Blah Blah Blah | Blair 1523 | Blake Babies |
Blake, Katharine | Blakes, The | Blakfish |
Blameless | Blanche | Bland, Christian |
Blanket (Rock) | Blanking Machine, The | Blasko, Sarah |
Blaue Blume | Blazetroopers | Blazing Apostles, The |
Bleach | Bleached | Bleachers |
Bleed | Bleeding Heart Pigeons | Blessa |
Blessed Ethel | Blessing | blessthefall |
Blind Mr Jones | Blind Pilot | Blind Shake, The |
Blinders, The | Blindside | Blink 182 |
Blitz | Blitz Kids | Blitzoids, The |
BLOC PARTY | Blom, Pip | Blonde Redhead |
Blonde, Born | Blondelle | Blondes |
Blondshell | Blood And Roses | Blood Arm, The |
Blood Brothers (Rock) | Blood Brothers, The | Blood Circus |
Blood Cultures | Blood On The Saddle | Blood On The Wall |
Blood Red Shoes | Blood Sausage | Blood, Weyes |
Bloomsbury Set, The | Blossoms | Blow Pops, The |
Blow-Up | Blown | Bloxx |
Blubber | Blubberhouse | Blue Aeroplanes, The |
Blue Chieftains, The | Blue In Heaven | Blue Man Group |
Blue Ontario, The | Blue Orchids | Blue Roses |
Blue Siege | Blue Yonder | Bluebear, The |
Bluebird | Bluebirds, The | Bluebottle Kiss |
Blueboy | Blueburn | Blueprint Blue |
Blues Lawyer | Blueskins, The | Bluetones |
Blumfeld | Blumm, F.S. | Blunderbuss |
Blunt, Dean | Blunt, James | Blur |
Blusher | Blyth Power | BMX Bandits |
BNQT | Bo Ningen | Bôa |
Boa, Philip | Boa, Phillip | Boat, Shrimp |
Bob | Bob And Vi | Bob Vylan |
Bobby Lees, The | Bodeans | Bodega |
Bodhi-Beat Poets, The | Bodines | Body/Head |
Boeckner | BOG-SHED | Bohicas, The |
Böhn Legion | Boilermaker | Bok Bok |
Bollweevils, The | Bolshoi, The | Bomb |
Bomb Disneyland | Bomb Party | Bomb Pops |
Bombay Bicycle Club | Bombino | Bon Iver |
Bon Marche | Bonaparte's | Bond, PJ |
Bonde Do Role | Bone-Box | Boneless Ones, The |
Boneyard | Boniface | Bonnacons Of Doom |
Bonnie Prince Billy | Bonniesongs | Bonny Prince Billy |
Boo Radleys, The | Booji Boy High | Book Of Lists, The |
Booker, Benjamin | Bookhouse Boys, The | Boom In The Diamond Industry |
Boorays, The | Boorer, Boz | Boot Camp |
Bootfare | Booth And The Bad Angel | Booth, Tim |
Boots For Dancing | BOP | Border Crossing |
Boredoms | Borghesia | Borland, Adrian |
Born Ruffians | Boss Hog | Boston Manor |
Boucher, Butterfly | Bouquet | Bourgie Bourgie |
Bowerbirds | Bowery Electric | Bowlfish |
Box Car Racer | Boxed In | Boxer Rebellion, The |
Boy | Boy Crisis | Boy Hairdressers, The |
Boy Kill Boy | Boyd Rice & Frank Tovey | Boyfriend |
Boyfriends (00S), The | Boyfriends (70s), The | Boygenius |
Boyracer | Boys | Boys Don't Cry |
Boys Forever | Boys From Nowhere | Boys, Viagra |
BoySetsFire | BPA The | Bracken |
Bracket | Bradfield, James Dean | Bradford |
Bragg, Billy | Braid | Braids |
Brain Donor | Brainiac | Brains, The |
Brakes (00s) | Bram Tchaikovsky | Brambilla |
Brand New Friend | Brandon Steep | Brandtson |
Brassy | Bratmobile | Brave New World (Indie) |
bravecaptain | Bravery, The | Brawlers |
Braxton, Tyondai | Breaching Vista | Breaker |
Breaks Co-Op | Breathless (Indie) | Breed |
Breekout Krew, The | Bremner, Billy | Brian |
Brian Jonestown Massacre, The | Brian Molko | Brick Layer Cake |
Bricks | Bricolage | Brides Of Ashton, The |
Brides Of Destruction | Bridewell Taxis, The | Bridge Gang, The |
Bridgers, Phoebe | Brigade | Bright Calm Blue |
Bright Eyes | Bright Light Social Hour, The | Bright Like Ice |
Bright Space, The | Bright Young Museum Workers | Bright, Bette |
Brightblack Morning Light | Brighter | Brigid Mae Power |
Brilliant Corners | Brincando De Deus | Brinkman |
Brinks, Stanley | Bristols, The | Britanys, The |
British Whale | Broadcast | Broadway Project |
Broccoli | Broderick, Peter | Brodsky, Stephen |
Broken Arm | Broken Bells | Broken Family Band, The |
Broken Home | Broken Jug, The | Broken Penis Orchestra, The |
Broken Records | Broken Social Scene | Broken Twin |
Bromheads Jacket | Bromley, Thomas | Broncho |
Bronze Age Fox | Brosseau, Tom | Brotherhood, The |
Brothers Christ, The | Brothers In Sound | Brothers Of Craig |
Brothers With Different Mothers, The | Brothers, Tren | Broudie Ian |
Broughton, David Thomas | Brown V.V. | Brown, Findlay |
Brown, Ian | Brubaker | Bruce, Gabriel |
Brucken, Claudia & Poppy, A | Bruise | Brun, Ane |
Brunettes, The | Bruno, Franklin | Bryars,Gavin |
Bryden, Nell | Bubblegum Lemonade | Bubblemen |
Buck 65 | Buck Pets, The | Buck, Arthur |
Buck, Peter | Buck-O-Nine | Budapest |
Budd, Jersey | Buddha On The Moon | Budgie Jacket |
Budnubac | Buell, Bebe | Buff Medways, The |
Buffalo Killers | Buffalo Tom | Buffets, The |
Buffseeds | Bugbear | Bugg, Jake |
Bugjuice | Build, New | Built To Spill |
Bulkhead | Bull | Bull |
Bull Goose Loony | Bulldozer Crash | Bullet For My Valentine |
Bully | Bullyrag | Bunny Summer |
Bunnygrunt | Burn | Burn Halo |
Burning Brides | Burning Hell, The | Burningpilot |
Burns, Eddy | Burnt Lump Orchestra | Burrows, Andy |
Burton, Sam | Busch, Tara | Bush League All-Stars |
Bushido | Busters Allstars | Butler, Bernard |
Butler, Will | Buttercup | Butterflies Of Love, The |
Butterfly Child | Butterglory | Butterglove |
Butthole Surfers | Buxom | By Coastal Cafe |
By The Sea | Byrds Of Paradise | Byrne, George |
C Cat Trance | C-Clamp | C-Jags |
C-Pij | Cabbage | Cable |
Cablecar | Cactus Rain | Cadbury Sisters, The |
Cadillac | Cadillac, Vince | Caesar |
Caesars | Caesars (Rock), The | Cage The Elephant |
Cagney And Lacee | Caine, Andrew | Cairo |
Cajun Dance Party | Cake | Calamity Jane |
Calcagno, Riley | Calender Dream, The | Calexico |
Califone | Calix, Mira | Call, Alex |
Callahan, Bill | Callinan, Kirin J | Calling, The |
Calston Rhythm Initiative | Camberwell Now, The | Camera 3 |
Camera Obscura | Camp, Summer | Campag Velocet |
Campbell, William | Camper Van Beethoven | Camplight, BC |
Can't Swim | Canadians | Candidate |
Candle Thieves, The | Candles, The | Candlestick Park |
Candy Machine | Candy, Glass | Candyland |
Candyskins, The | Cane 141 | Cannanes, The |
Canola | Cantels, The | Canterbury |
Cap N Jazz | Capdown | Cape, Joey |
Capitol Records | Captail Soul | Captain |
Car Seat Headrest | Caramel | Carbon / Silicon |
Cardiacs | Cardigans, The | Cardinal |
Cardle, Matt | Care | Caretaker Race, The |
Carey, S. | Caribou | Carlile, Brandi |
Carly Rae Jepsen | Carnabys, The | Carniss, Ysanne |
Carnival Art | Carnival Season | Carolina Liar |
Caroline K | Caroline Know, The | Carpettes, The |
Carpool Tunnel | Carrasco, Joe "King" | Carrie |
Carroll, Cath | Carter USM | Casablancas, Julian |
Casanovas, The | Casino [00s] | Casiotone For The Painfully Al |
Casket Lottery, The | Cassandra Complex, The | Cassels |
Cast | Cast Of Cheers, The | Castaway Stones, The |
Casual Sex | Cat Ballou | Cat Empire, The |
Cat On Form | Cat Power | Cat's Eyes |
Cat's Miaow | Cat's Miaow, The | Catani, Patric |
Catatonia | Catchers | Catfish And The Bottlemen |
Catherine | Catherine Wheel | Cathode Ray Eyes |
Cato Salsa Experience | Cats And Cats And Cats | Caustic Soda |
Cavaliers, The | Cave, Nick | Cavedogs, The |
Caves, The | Cay | Cazals |
Cecil | Cee Lo Green | Celebration |
Celibate Rifles, The | Celtus | Centro-Matic |
Certain General | Cervenka, Exene | Cha Cha 2000 |
Cha Cha Cohen | Chadwick, Guy | Chagall Guevara |
Chain Gang | Chainsaw Kittens | Chairlift |
Chairs, The | Chalets, The | Chalk Hands |
Chalmers, Jorja | Chameleons | Champs |
Changed, Short | Changes, The | Channel 6 |
Chapel Club | Chaplin, Tom | Chapman Family, The |
Chapman, Kingsley | Chapter And The Verse | Chapterhouse |
Charalambides | Charlatans, The | Charlie Boyer And The Voyeurs |
Charlie Sexton Sextet | Charlottes, The | Charta 77 |
Chastity Belt | Chatten, Grian | Chatton, Brian |
Chavez | Cheap And Nasty | Cheap Curls |
Cheap Red | Cheatahs | Cheaters, The |
Checks, The | Cheek, The | Cheese People |
Chefs, The | Chemical People | Chemistry Experiment, The |
Cherry Blades | Cherry Boys, The | Cherry Forever |
Cherry Ghost | Cherry Smash, The | Cherryfalls |
Cherubs | Chesnutt, Vic | Chess Club |
Chest | Chesterfields | Chet Faker |
Chewy | Chia Pet | Chickasaw Mudd Puppies |
Chicken Scratch | Chicks | Chickweed |
Chief | Chikinki | Childhood |
Childs, Euros | Chills, The | Chimera |
Chimp | Chin-Chin | China Drum |
China Street | Chippington, Ted | Chisel |
Chisel, The | Chocolate Layers | Choice |
Choir Of Young Believers | Choir Vandals | Choke |
Chomp | Choo Choo Train | Chosen Few |
Chow Chow | Chrash | Chris Cacavas & Junkyard Love |
Chris Shiflett & The Dead Peas | Chris Spedding | Christiansen |
Christie Front Drive | Christine's Cat | Christophers, Ben |
Chrystal Belle Scrodd | Chuck | Chug |
Chumbawamba | Chunk | Chupa Cabra |
Church Girls | Church Of Raism | Church, The |
Churcher, J | Chuzzlewit | Chvrches |
Cicada | Cigarettes After Sex | Ciggie Witch |
Cinder | Cindytalk | Cinematic Orchestra, The |
Cinematics, The | Cinerama | Cinnamon |
Cinnamon Smith | Circa Waves | Circuit Des Yeux |
Circuits | Circus Devils | Circus Diablo |
Circus In Reverse | Circus Normal | Citizen |
Citizen Fish | Citrus Groove | City, Owl |
City, The (80s) | Civil Wars, The | Clair & Super Eight |
Clairo | Clams | Clap Your Hands Say Yeah |
Clapp, Allen | Clark, Anne | Clark, Charlie |
Clark, Gavin | Clark, Hannah Lou | Clark, Nigel |
Clarke, Dave | Classic Crime, The | Claud |
Clawfist Singles Club | Clayhill | Claypool Lennon Delirium, The |
Claypool, Les | Clayton, Mike | Clea & Mcleod |
Clean Cut Kid | Clean George IV | Cleaners From Venus, The |
Clear Spot | Clearlake | Clement, Jack |
Cleopatrick | Click Click | Client |
Clientele | CLIENTELE, THE | Cliffy Davis Goodtime Band, Th |
Climb, The | Climbers, The | Clinic |
Clinton | Clock Opera | Clock Strikes Thirteen |
Clockhouse, The | Clocks | Clockwork Radio |
Clogs | Close Lobsters | Cloud Control |
Cloud Nothings | Cloud Room, The | Cloudberry Jam |
cLOUDDEAD | Clouds (Indie) | Clouser, Charlie |
Clown | Clown Alley | Club 8 |
Club Tango | Club, Pajama | Club, Scream |
Club, Slow | CMAT | co.uk |
Coachmen, The | Coade | Coast |
Coast (Indie) | Coasts | Cobalt |
Cobra Starship | CocknBullKid | Coco And The Bean |
Coco Electric | CocoRosie | Codeine Velvet Club |
Cody Chesnutt | Cogasm (feat Robert Smith) | Cohen, Johnny |
Cola Boy (Sarah Cracknell) | Colbert, Stephen | Cold Pumas |
Cold Shoulder | Cold War Kids | Cold Water Flat |
Coldharbourstores | Coldplay | Colenso Parade |
Collapsed Lung | Collective Soul | Collective, Next |
Collett, Jason | Collins, Edwyn | Colorama |
Colorblind James And The Death | Colorblind James Experience | Colorfast, Overwhelming |
Coloring Book | Colors Out Of Time, The | Colour |
Colour Me Pop | Colour Of Fire | Colour, The |
Colourbox | Colours (Indie) | Column, Personal |
Comanechi | Comateens | Come |
Come (Indie) | Come Ons, The | Comet Gain |
Comfort | Comic Romance | Coming Back To You |
Commando's, Howling | Commercials, The | Company She Keeps, The |
Composers, The | Compound Red | Computerclub |
Computerman | Computers, The | Comsat Angels, The |
Concrete Blonde | Concretes, The | Condo Fucks |
Coneheads | Confetti | Congregation |
Connelly, Chris | Conner | Constance, Connie |
Constantines | Consumer Electronics | Contempo |
Controlled Bleeding | Controller.Controller | Conway Story, The |
Cook Da Books | Cook, Bobby | Cook, Hollie |
Cook, Will Joseph | Cooking Vinyl | Cool Ghouls |
Cooler Than Jesus | Coolies, The | Coombes, Gaz |
Cooper Temple Clause, The | Cop Shoot Cop | Cope, Julian |
Copernicus | Coping Saw | Copperpot Journals, The |
Copy Haho | Coral | Coral, The |
Cord | Core! | Corgan, Billy |
Corn Dollies | Corn Dollies, The | Corndolly |
Cornelius (Jap) | Cornershop | Cornerstones, The |
Cornshed Sisters, The | Correcto | Corridor |
Corrigan | Cortez Loop, The | Cosines |
Cosmetique | Cosmic Rough Riders | Cosmo |
Cosmos, Frankie | Costa, Matt | Costello, Elvis |
Cotton Jones | Cottonmouth | Cougar |
Coughlan, Cathal | Coulton, Jonathan | Council, The |
Counterfeit | Counterfeit. | Counting Crows |
Cours Lapin | Courteeners, The | Courtney & Western |
Courtney Love (Band) | Courtney, Barns | Courtney, Martin |
Cousin | Cousteau | Cowboy & Spin Girl |
Cowboy Junkies | Cowtown | Coxon, Graham |
Coydogs, The | Crabstick | Crack Cloud |
Cracker | Cracknell, Sarah (St Etienne) | Crackout |
Craddock, Steve | Cradle | Cradle, The |
Cradleyard | Craft Spells | Craft, Kyle |
Craig, Robbie | Crain, Samantha | Cranberries, The |
Cranebuilders | Cranes | Cranium Pie |
Crash | Crash Convention | Crashland |
Crashlands | Cravats, The | Crave, The |
Crawlers | Crawling Chaos | Crayola Summer |
Crayon | Crayon Fields, The | Crazy Eddie & Q.Q. Freestyle |
Crazyhead | Creamers, The | Creams, The |
Create! | Creation Records | Creatures, The |
Creedle | Creeper Lagoon | Creepers, Huxton |
Creepoid | Creepy Morons | Crescendo |
Crescent | Crescenzo, Casey | Crest |
Cribs, The | Crime & The City Solution | Crimea, The |
Crisis Party | Crispy Ambulance | Cristina |
Criteria | Crocodiles | Croll, Dan |
Cronin, Mikal | Crookes, The | Cross My Heart |
Crows | Crows, The (Indie) | Crowsdell |
Crozier, John | Crucifucks, The | Cruel Sea, The |
Cruise, Vera | Crumb | Crumbox |
Crunt | Crust | CRX |
Crystal Castles | Crystal Fighters | Crystal Garden, The |
Crystal Method The | Crystal Stilts | Crystal Trip |
CSS | Cub | Cuban Heels, The |
Cube (90s) | Cubes, The | Cuckoo |
Cuckooland | Cuckoos, The | Cud |
Cuddly Toys | Cuff | Cult |
Cult, The | Cults | Cummings, Grace |
Cunniff, Jill | Cuomo, Rivers | Cupid Mount Etna |
Cupol | Cupp, Pat | Cure |
Current 93 | Curse, Betty | Curtains, The |
Curve | Cushin, Andrew | Custom |
Cut Copy | Cut Cut Emma | Cut Worms |
Cutterblade | Cutting Edge | Cybermen, The |
Cygnet Ring, The | Cymbals Eat Guitars | Cynics |
Cynics (2), The | D'Ecco, Art | D'Eliso, Gino |
D.A.F. | d.ash | D.D Dumbo |
D.N.A. Doll | D.O.T., The | D4, The |
Da Vincis, The | Dacus, Lucy | Dad Punchers |
Dadd, Rachael | Daisy Chainsaw | Daisy Hill Puppy Farm |
Dakota Oak Trio | Dali's Car | Dali, Miranda |
Dallas Crane | Dambuilders, The | Damien Done |
Damnarms | Damon & Naomi | Dams Of The West |
Dan Baird & The Homemade Sin | Dan Le Sac Vs. Scroobius Pip | Dan, 3RD |
Dananananaykroyd | Dance Chapter | Dancing Did, The |
Dandelion Adventure | Dandelion Fire | Dandelion Records |
Dando, Evan | Dandy Warhols, The | Dandys, The |
Danger Gens | Dangerdoom | Dangerfield, Fyfe |
Daniel, Broder | Danmass | Danny & The Champions Of The W |
Danny George Wilson | Dansdepartementet | Dante Elephante |
Dappled Cities | Dark Blue | Dark City |
Dark Globes | Dark Horses | Darker My Love |
Darkness | Darkness & Jive | Darlia |
Darling | Darling Buds, The | Darlingheart |
Dart | Dartz | Dartz! |
Daryll-Ann | Dashboard Confessional | Dashboard Saviors, The |
Datarock | Daughn Gibson | Daughter |
Dave Grohl | Dave Howard Singers, The | Dave Kusworth |
Dave McCabe & The Ramification | David J | David R Black |
David Roter Method | Davidson, Marie | Davidsons, The |
Davis, Kate | Dawes | Dawn Of The Replicants |
Dawson | Dawson Kelly, Nic | Dawson, Julian |
Dawson, Richard | Day Behaviour | Daylight |
Days | Days Of The New | Daytona |
Daytrader | Daytripper | Daytrippers, The |
Dazzling Killmen | DC Fontana | DCL Locomotive |
ddd | De Rosa | De Staat |
Dead 60's, The | Dead Air | Dead By Sunrise |
Dead Combo | Dead Disco | Dead Famous People |
Dead Kids | Dead Leaf Echo | Dead Man's Bones |
Dead Neighbours | Dead Otter | Dead Poet Society |
Dead Rabbits | Dead Weather, The | Deadbeats, The |
Deadeye Dick | Deadly Avenger | Deadly Engines, The |
Deadly Hume, The | Deadly Snakes, The | Deal, Big |
Deal, Kim | Deap Vally | Dear Eskiimo |
Dear Hunter, The | Dear Reader | Dearly |
Dearly Beheaded | Dears, The | Death And Vanilla |
Death Cab For Cutie | Death Cult | Death From Above 1979 |
Death Of Lovers | Death Of The Neighbourhood | Death Ramps |
Death Set, The | Debut Magazine | Deceivers, The |
Decemberists, The | Deckard | Decline Of The Reptiles |
Deconstruction | Decorators, The | Decoy Men, The |
Dee, Johnny | Deep Cops | Deep Elem |
Deeper | Deer Tick | Deerhoof |
Deerhunter | Deez, Darwin | Deftones |
Dega Breaks | Dekka Danse | Del Fuegos |
Del The Funky Homosapien | Del-Bloods | Del-Byzanteens, The |
Delays | Delgado, Gabi | Delgados |
Delicate Vomit | Delicious Monster | Delightful Little Nothings |
Delines, The | Delirious? | Delirium Jar |
Delmonas, The | Delmontes | Delphic |
Delta | Delta 72, The | Delta Spirit |
Deluxe, Sixteen | Deluxe, Velo | Deluxor |
DeMarchi, Suze | DeMarco, Mac | Demeter |
Demob Happy | Dempsey | Denizens |
Dennis Greaves & The Truth | Dens, Lower | Dentists |
Department Of Eagles | Departure Lounge | Departure, The |
Deptford Goth | Derelicts, The | Derrero |
Deru | Desaparecidos | Desert |
Desert Eagle Discs | Desert Mountain Tribe | Desert Wolves, The |
Desk | Desperado | Desperate Bicycles, The |
Desperate Journalist | Destroy All Monsters | Destroy Boys |
Destroy The Boy | Destroyer | Detroit Cobras, The |
Detroit Social Club | Deus | Devant, David & Spirit Wife |
Devastations | Devendra Banhart | Deviant |
Deviants, The | Devil's Jukebox, The | Devil, The |
Devine & Statton | Devine, Richard | DeVotchKa |
Dex Dex Ter | Dexters | DFA |
Dharma Drive | Diagram Brothers, The | Diagrams |
Dials, The | Diamanda Galas | Diamond Watch Wrists |
Diamond Youth | Diastole | Dibidim |
Dick Diver | Dickinson, Rob | Didjits |
Die Cheerleader | Die Form | Die So Fluid |
Die! Die! Die! | Diff'rent Darkness | Diff'rent Stripes |
Difference Engine | Difference, The | Different Strokes |
Dig | Diggers | Digital Dump |
Diiv | Dillinger Escape Plan | Dillon Fence |
Dillon, Sandy | Dilly Dally | Dingus Khan |
Dinner Ladies, The | Dinosaur Jr | Dinosaur Pile-Up |
Dios | Dipsomaniacs | Direct Hits |
Direction, The | Directorsound | Dirt Devils |
Dirtbombs, The | Dirty Hands | Dirty Little Faces |
Dirty Little Rabbits | Dirty Perfect | Dirty Pretty Things |
Dirty Projectors | Dirty Rivers, The | Dirty Stop Out |
Dirty Sweets, The | Dirty Three | Disappears |
Disco 2000 | Discount Chiefs | Discounts, The |
Disheveled Cuss | Dislocation Dance | Disorientee, The |
Disposable Heroes Of Hiphopris | Dissociatives, The | Dissolve |
Distillers, The | Distophia | Distractions, The |
District, Kerrier | Districts, The | Ditch Croaker |
Ditch Witch | Ditto, Beth | Ditz |
Dive Dive | Divers | Divine Comedy, The |
Divine Horsemen | Dizzy Q Viper | DJ Metatron |
DJ Spinbad | DJ Z-Trip | Django Black Ensemble, The |
Django Django | DK7 | DM3 |
DMA's | DNA (UK) | DNA (US) |
Dntel | Do Make Say Think | Do Me Bad Things |
Do Re Mi | Do.Ré.Mi | Doctor & The Medics |
Doctors Children, The | Dodgems, The | Dodgy |
Does It Offend You, Yeah? | Dog | Dog Hunch |
Dog Is Dead | Dogbones, The | Dogbowl |
Dogs | Dogs | Doherty, Pete |
Doldrums | Doldrums, Black | Dole |
Dole, The | Doleful Lions, The | Doll By Doll |
Dolls, Soho | Dolly Mixture | Dolores Haze |
Domino Rally | Domino, Anna | Don Broco |
Don Mandarin | Donderevo | Done Lying Down |
Donnelly, Dan | Donnelly, Stella | Donots |
Dons Of Quixote | Donuts, The | Donwood, Stanley |
Doolittle, Eliza | Doomtree | Dopapod |
Doppelgänger | Dos Cafundós | Dosen, Stephanie |
Double Dagger | Double, The | Dougall, Rose Elinor |
Dough Rollers, The | Douglas, Charles | Dowie, John |
Download | Downsiders, The | Doyenne |
Dr Dog | Dr Phibes & The House Of Wax | Dr. Bloodmoney |
Drab City | Draft, The | Drag The River |
Dragon Ash | Dragonette | Dragons (Indie) |
Drahla | Drakkar Sauna | Draper, Paul |
Drawstring | Draytones, The | Dream (80S), The |
Dream City Film Club | Dream Command | Dream Wife |
Dream, Maggie's | Dream, The | Dreamers Nightmares |
Dreamgrinder | Dreams, Wildest | Drenge |
Dresden Dolls, The | Dressing Room, The | Dressy Bessy |
Drever, Kris | Drift (90s), The | Drifter (feat Shaun Ryder) |
Drinking Electricity | Drinks | Drips, The |
Drive (US) | Drive Like Jehu | Drive Thru |
Drive-By Argument | Drive-By Truckers | Driven, The |
Driver 67 | Drizzle | Droge, Pete |
Drone | Droolian | Drop |
Drop City | Drop Nineteens | Drops, Scarlet |
Drowning Pool | Drowsy | Drug Church |
Drug Free America | Drugstore | Drum, The |
Drummond, Bill | Drums, The | Dry Cleaning |
Dry The River | Du Blonde | Duane Ripley And His Go-Go Set |
Dub Narcotic Sound System | Dub Pistols | Dub Sex |
Dub Syndicate | Dub War | DuBarrys, The |
Dubious Brothers | Dubliners, Young | Dubstar |
Ducktails | Duckworth Lewis Method, The | Duckworth, Sam |
Duels | Duet Emmo | Duff, Patrick |
Duffo | Duffy (Pop) | Duggie Briggs Band, The |
Duke & The King, The | Duke Special | Dukes Of Hang-Gliding, The |
Dum Dum Girls | Dum.Dums | Dumb Numbers |
Dump | Dumptruck | Dune (Danish Indie Rock Band) |
Dunebuggy | Dungen | Dunlap, Slim |
Duo | Dupont Circles, The | Durden, Forgive |
Dust Galaxy | Dustball | DUSTdevils |
Duster | Dustins Bar Mitzvah | Dutch Uncles |
Dweeb | Dwyer, David | Dwyer, John |
Dyaks, The | Dykeenies, The | Dylans |
DZ Deathrays | E (pre Eels) | Eagleowl |
Eagulls | Earl Brutus | Earlies, The |
Early Year | Early Years, The | Earth |
Earth The Californian Love | Earthmen, The | Earwig |
East River Pipe | East Village | East West |
Easter, Mitch | Eastern Conference Champions | Eastern Dark, The |
Eastern Hollows | Eastern Lane | Easy |
Easy Life | Easyworld | Eat |
Eat Fast | Eat Lights Become Lights | Eating Out |
Eavis, Michael | Ebony Bones! | Echelon |
Echo & The Bunnymen | Echobelly | Echoboy |
Ecki | Ecstasy Of Saint Theresa, The | Ed Kuepper |
Ed's Redeeming Qualities | Eden (Oz) | Eden (UK) |
Eden House, The | Edge (Oasis), The | Edison, Combustible |
Editors | Edsel Auctioneer, The | Education, New |
Edward The Second | Eels | Eerie Wanda |
Efterklang | Eggman | Eggplant |
Eggs | Eggstone | Egyptian Hip Hop |
Eiafuawn | Eight Rounds Rapid | Eighteen Visions |
Eighteenth Day Of May | Eighthundred | Eitzel, Mark & Buck, Peter |
Ekatarina Velika | Eksen Trick Brick Band | El Guincho |
El Hula | El Nino | El Presidente |
El Seven | EL-P | Elastica |
Elavator Suite | Elbow | Elcka |
Elder Island | Elected, The | Electra, Justine |
Electrafixion | Electrasy | Electrelane |
Electric Cinema, The | Electric Crayons | Electric Guitars |
Electric Love Hogs | Electric Mainline, The | Electric Music AKA |
Electric Six | Electric Soft Parade, The | Electric Sound Of Joy |
Electric Wurms | Electric Youth | Electronic |
Electroscope | Electroset | Elefant |
Elektra | Element Of Crime | Elephant |
Elephant (90s) | Elephants | Elevate |
Elevator | Ella Guru | Elle Milano |
Elle S'appelle | Elliot Minor | Elliott, Matt |
Ellis, Nick | Ellis, Warren | Ellister, Jack |
Elti-Fits | Elviss | EMA |
Emancipator | Emanuel | Emarosa |
Embassy | Embrace | Emer |
Emerald Down, The | Emerson, Darren | EMF |
Emily | Emily's Sassy Lime | Emmy The Great |
Emotionals, The | Emperor Julian | Emperor Of Ice Cream |
Empire Of The Sun | Empire! Empire! (I Was A Lonely Estate) | Empress |
Empty Pools | End Of Fashion | End, The (00s) |
Enemy, The | Engerica | Engine Room, The |
Engineers | English Evenings | English Teacher |
Enick, Jeremy | Enigk, Jeremy | Eno, Brian & Byrne, David |
Enraptured Records | Enter Shikari | Enter The Haggis |
Envelopes | Envy & other Sins | Envy Corps, The |
Envy Of The State | EOB | Epic Soundtracks |
Epic45 | Epworth, Mary | Erectus Monotone |
ERIC RANDOM & THE BEDLAMITES | Eric's Trip | Error |
Errors | Esben And The Witch | Escape The Fate |
Eskimo Joe | Eskimo, One | Eskobar |
Esmerelda's Kite | Esoteric | ESP Summer |
Espectrostatic | Esposito, Tony | Essence, The |
Essential Logic | Esser | Estrons |
Eternal (Sarah Records) | Ether | Ethereal And The Queer Show |
Eton Crop | Eugene + The Lizards | EUGENIUS |
Eula | European Toys | Eva Luna |
Evans The Death | Eve's Plum | Eve, Annie |
Evelyn Tremble | Even | Even As We Speak |
Evening | EvEns, Stephen | Evens, The |
Ever | Everest The Hard Way | Evergreen |
Evergreen Dazed | Every Move A Picture | Everyday People (90s) |
Everyday Tragedy | Everyone Asked About You | Everything Everything |
Everything Is Made In China | Evil Cowards | Evil Queens, The |
Evil Superstars | Evol | Ex Cops |
Ex-Action Figures | Excepter | Excessive Force |
Exclamation Pony | Executive Slacks | Exhaust |
ExileInside | Exist | Exit |
Exit 13 | Exit Calm | Exit-Stance |
ExLovers | Exodus, Kid | Experimental Audio Research |
Experimental Pop Band | Exploding White Mice | Explorers Club, The |
Explosions In The Sky | Exposure | Exquisites, The |
Extra Glenns, The | Extremes, The | Exuberants, The |
Eye, Lovely | Eyeless In Gaza | Eyelids |
Eyes Adrift | Eyes Of Others | Ezio |
F, Simon | F.S.K. | Fabulous Nobody, The |
Fabulous Poodles, The | Fabulous Pop Tarts, The | Face To Face (80s Pop) |
Factory | Factory Floor | Fad Gadget |
Failure | Fair, Jad | Faith Healers Th' |
Faith, Paloma | Fake Ideal | Fake Male Voice |
Fake Problems | Falconer, Andy | Falkner, Jason |
Fall Out Boy | Falling Joys | Fallon, Brian |
Fallout Trust | Falls | False Advertising |
Family Cat | Family Fodder, The | Family Friends |
Family Gotown | Family Rain, The | Family Silver, The |
Family Way, The | Famous Monsters, The | Famous Names |
Fan Death | Fanfarlo | Fang, Sin |
Fangclub | Fans Of Kate | Far |
Farina | Farm, The | Farrenheit |
Fashion Central | Fashion, The | Fast Floor |
Fastball | Fat | Fat Freddys Drop |
Fat Lady Sings, The | Fat Tulips | Fatal Charm |
Fatal Flowers, The | Fatal Gift | Father John Misty |
Fatherson | Fauves, The | Faux Hoax |
Favez | Fawcett, Dave | Fawn, Charlie |
Faze Action | Fdel | Fear Of Flying |
Fear Of Men | Fear Of Music | Feast |
Featherman | February | Feeder |
Feedtime | Feeling, The | Feet |
Feist | Felice, Simone | Feline |
Feline Jive | Fell City Girl | Fellow Reptiles |
Felt | Felt Pilotes | Fence, The |
Fender, Sam | Fenech-Soler | Fenn |
Feral | Fergie | Fergus |
Ferree, Benjy | Feud | Fever Ray |
Fever Tree, The | Fever, The | Feverdream |
Fiasco, General | Fiat Lux | Ficek, Adam |
Fiction [Indie] | Fiction Family | Fiction Plane |
Fiction, Eddie | Fiddlehead | Fidelity Jones |
Fidget | Fidlar | Field Mice |
Field Music | Field Report | Field Trip, The |
Fields (Indie) | Fields Of The Nephilim | Fier, Anton |
Fierce Panda | Fiery Furnaces, The | Fifty Third Card, The |
Fight Like Apes | Fight! (Various Artists) | Figurines |
Fiji: | Fike, Dominic | Film School |
Film, The | Filter | Filthy Friends |
Fin | Finch (US) | Finest Hours, The |
Fingerprintz | Fingers, Crooked | Finitribe |
Fink | Finkers, The | Finn, Craig |
Fionn Regan | FIR | Fire Engines |
Fire Party | Fire Theft, The | Fire, The |
Firebrand | Firebrand Boy | Firehose |
Firewoodisland | Firm, The (Rock) | First Aid Kit |
First Church Of Napoleon Solo | First Priority | First Things First |
Fischer, Wild Man | Fish Out Of Water | Fishmonkeyman |
Fishwife | Fite, Time | Fitzgerald, Patrik |
Fitzsimmons, William | Five Darrens | Five For Fighting |
Five O'clock Heroes | Five Thirty | Fizzgig |
FK9 | Flake Music | Flaming Mussolinis |
Flamingods | Flamingoes | Flamingos, The |
Flannery, Mick | Flat Worms | Flatmates |
Fleas | Fleece | Fleeingnewyork |
Fleet Foxes | Fleming, Don | Flesh |
Flesh For Lulu | Fleshtones, The | Flicks, Slasher |
Flies, The | Flight Commander, The | Flights Of The Conchords |
Flinch | Flipper | Flipron |
Flips, The | Float | Float Up CP |
Flobots | FloFilz | Flood |
Flood, Mike | Floors + Walls | Floors, The |
Floozy Drippy's | Florence + The Machine | Flower Gang |
Flower Sermon | Flower, Squirrel | Flowered Up |
Flowerpot Men, The [Indie] | Flowers | Flowers For Agatha |
Flowers In The Dustbin | Flowers Of Hell, The | Flowers, Brandon |
Flowers, Happy | Flowers, Persian | Fluf |
Fluffy | Fluid Ounces | Fluid, The |
Flume | Flux Of Pink Indians | Fly Ashtray |
Flying Lizards, The | Flying Lotus | Flying Medallions, The |
Flying Nuns | Flying Padovani's, The | Flying Saucer Attack |
Flying Vinyl [Label] | Flynn, Johnny | Flyscreen |
Flyte | Foals | Foe |
Foehn | Foetus (+incarnations of) | Foffo Spearjig |
Fog | Foggo's Skasters Mark | Foil |
Fold, The | Folding Money Talks | Folick, Miya |
Folk Devils | Follakzoid | Fonda 500 |
Fontaine, Brigitte | Foo Fighters | Foolproof |
Fools Dance | Fools, The | For Against |
For Those I Love | Ford, David | Ford, Frazey |
Ford, Gia | Foreign Born | Foreign Press |
Forest Giants | Forest Green | Forest, Tom |
Forkeye | Forrests | Forster Robert |
Forsyth, Keeley | Fort Lauderdale | Fort Vine |
Fortune | Fortune Drive | Forty Fives, The |
Forward Russia | Foster The People | Fotomoto |
Fountainhead, The | Fountains Of Wayne | Four Tet |
Fourteen Iced Bears | Fourth Party | Fox Cubs |
Foxboro Hot Tubs | Foxes | Foxes In Fiction |
Foxface | Foxing | Foxygen |
Fragile Friends | Fraites, Jeremiah | Frame, Roddy |
Frames | Francois & The Atlas Mountains | Francois And The Atlas Mountains |
Frank And Walters, The | FRANK BLAKE | Frank Chickens |
Frank Fish And The Fins | Frank Ocean | Frank Popp Orchestra, The |
Frank, Stanley | Franke | Frankie & The Heartstrings |
Franklin, Adam | Frankmusik | Franks, Billy |
Frantic Elevators, The | Fraser A. Gorman | Fratellis, The |
Frausdots | Fray, The | Frazer, Paula |
Freak Baby | Freak Party | Freaks Of Desire |
Freakwater | Freaky Realistic | Fred & Toody |
Free Throw | Freed Unit, The | Freedom Cruise, The |
Freefall | Freeform | Freelance Hellraiser, The |
Freelance Whales | Freeloaders | Freight Train |
French Films | French Kicks | French Toast |
Frente | Frenzy | Freschard |
Fresh & Onlys, The | Fresh Touch | Fretblanket |
Fretwell, Stephen | Freya Aswynn | Friday, Gavin |
Fridge | Fried | Friedberger, Matthew |
Friendly Fires | Friends (UK) | Friends (US) |
Friends Again | Friends Of The Bride | Friends Of The Family |
Friends, Fickle | Friends, Suggested | Frightened Rabbit |
Fringe [Indie], The | Fripp, Robert & Eno, Brian | Frog Eyes |
Frogs, The | Frontální Porucha | Fronteers |
Froom, Mitchell | Frost, Edith | Frost, Liam |
Frozen Geese | Fruit | Fruit Bomb |
Fryars | Fuck | Fuck Buttons |
Fudge (Indie) | Fuel (Indie) | Fujiya & Miyagi |
Full Time Men | Fun Party | Fun Patrol |
Fun. | Funeral For A Friend | Funkmeister |
Funkstorung | Fur | FUR (Brighton Indie) |
Fur Bible | Fur-Lined | Furlongs, The |
Furman, Ezra | Furse, Tom | Furslide |
Further Seems Forever | Fury Things | Future Bible Heroes |
Future Islands | Future Kings Of Spain | Future Museums |
Future Of The Left | Future Pilot AKA | Future Punx |
Future Shuttle | Futureheads, The | Futures, Black |
Futureshock | Fuxa | Fuzz, The |
Fuzzbird | Fuzzy | G.B.I. (Grohl / Benante / Ian) |
G.T.'s, The | Ga Ga's, The | Gabbard Brothers, The |
Gabor, Zor | Gabriel, Dub | Gadgets, The |
Gaffa Tape Sandy | Galaxie 500 | Galaxy, Young |
Gallagher, Liam | Gallagher, Noel | Gallery 47 |
Gallo, Ron | Gallo, Vincent | Gallon Drunk |
Gallows | Game Theory | Games To Avoid |
Gamma Rays, The | Gammer And His Familiars | Gang Of Youths |
Ganglians | Gangsters, The | Gano, Gordon |
Garageland | Garbage | Garcia, Nubya |
Gardener, Mark | Gardening By Moonlight | Gardez Darkx |
Gardner, Jacco | Garlands, The | Garniez, Rachelle |
Garratt, Jack | Garside, Katiejane | Garside, Melanie |
Garvey, Guy | Gary Go | Garza, David |
Gas, The | Gaslight Anthem, The | Gastr Del Sol |
Gate, Warser | Gavin Rossdale | Gay Dad |
Gaye Bykers On Acid | Gayngs | Gear |
Gear Daddies | Geese | Geezers Of Nazareth |
Geiger Counter | Gel | Gelb, Howe |
Gene Loves Jezebel | Gene Syndrome, The | Generator, Low-fi |
Geneva | Geneva [Canterbury] | Geneve, Carla |
Gengahr | Gentle Despite | Gentle Electric |
Gentle Good, The | Gentle People, The | Gentle Waves, The |
Geraldine Fibbers | Germinal | Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly |
Get On Jolly | Get Up Kids, The | Get Well Soon |
Getting The Fear | GG Allin & The Scumfucs | Gglum |
Ghears, The | Ghost (00S), The | Ghost Dance |
Ghost Frequency, The | Ghost Of Lemora, The | Ghost Train, The |
Ghost Wolves | Ghostigital | Ghosts |
Ghosts, Holiday | Ghosty | Giant Drag |
Giant Sand | Giant, Blue | Giants, Naked |
Gibbard, Benjamin | Gibson, Laura | Gideon Gaye |
Gift | Gift, The | Gigolo Aunts |
Gilbert & Lewis | Gilbert, Bruce | Gilded Lil |
Gillbanks | Gillespie, Sarah | Gimpo |
Gin Blossoms | Ginger Bottles | Ginn, Greg |
Giraffes, The | Girl And Girl | Girl Of My Best Friend |
Girl Of The World | Girl Of The Year | Girl With Blue Guitar |
Girlfrendo | Girlpool | Girls |
Girls Against Boys | Girls At Dawn, The | Girls, Lost |
Girls, The | Gisli | Give Up The Ghost |
Glands Of External Secretion | Glasgow | Glass Animals |
Glass Beat Game, The | Glasser | Glasvegas |
Glaxo Babies | Gledhill | Glide |
Glide & Swerve | Glider | Gliss |
Glissando | Glitterati | Glitterbox |
Glitterbug | Glitterer | Glo-Worm |
Gloaming, The | Global Infantilists, The | Gloria Mundi |
Glory Strummers, The | Glove | Gluck, Jeremy |
Gnac | Gnarls Barkley | Gnoomes |
Go Hole, The | Go Home Productions | Go Kart Mozart |
Go! Team, The | Go, The | Go-Betweens |
Go-Team, The | Go: Audio | Goa Express, The |
Goanna | Goat (UK) | Goat Girl |
God Bullies | God Help The Girl | God Is My Co-Pilot |
God Machine | God's Boyfriend | God's Eye |
God's Little Monkeys | God, Crocodile | Godard Vic |
Goddard, Joe | GodheadSilo | Gods Ultimate Noise |
GODSPEED YOU BLACK EMPEROR | Godstar | Godstar Reminder, The |
Godzisz, Wojtek | Godzuki | Goffey, Danny |
Gog Magog | Gogol Bordello | Gold Blade |
Gold Class | Gold, Frankincense + Disk-Driv | Gold, Gwilym |
Golden | Golden Dawn, The | Golden Dawn, The (UK) |
Golden Dogs, The | Golden Filter, The | Golden Ghost |
Golden Grrrls | Golden Horde, The | Golden Palominos, The |
Golden Section | Golden Silvers | Golden Smog |
Golden Triangle | Golden Virgins, The | Goldenboy |
Goldfinger | Goldfrapp | Goldheart Assembly |
Goldie & The Gingerbreads | Goldie Lookin' Chain | Goldman, Vivien |
Goldrush | Goldspot | Gomez |
Gonjasufi | Gonzales | González, José |
Gonzalez, Wesley | Goo Goo Dolls | Goober & The Peas |
Goober Patrol | Good Charlotte | Good Shoes |
Good, Matthew | GoodBooks | Goodbye Mr. Mackenzie |
Goodchilde | Goodnight Said Florence | Goodwin, Jimi |
Goose | Gordon, Kim | Gorky's Zygotic Mynci |
Gossip, The | Goswell, Rachel | Gotobeds, The |
Gotts Street Park | Gotye | Gouge |
Gov't Mule | Grabbies | Grace |
Gracie, Isaac | Graffin, Greg | Grainger, Sebastien |
Gramercy Arms | Grammatics | Granby Row |
Grand Drive | Grand Duchy | Grand National |
Grand Oral | Grand Theft Audio | Grand Volume |
Grand Western | Granddaddy | Grandpaboy |
Grant Lee Buffalo | Grant, John | Graphite Set, The |
Grass-Show | Grates, The | Gravenhurst |
Gravity Wax | Grays | Graywave |
Great Big Buildings | Great Depression, The | Great Divide, The |
Great Leap Forward, The | Great Outdoors, The | Great Unwashed, The |
Grech, Martin | Green | Green Day |
Green Hornets, The | Green On Red | Green Seagull |
Green, Adam | Green, Anthony | Green, Liz |
Green, Thom Sonny | Greenhornes, The | Greenwood, Pete |
Greep, Geordie | Gregory Alan Isakov | Gregory, Tom |
Grenadine | Gretschen Hofner | GREY WATERS |
Grey, Rudolph | Greyhaven | Grim Brides |
Grim Northern Social, The | Grimes | Grimtale Records |
Grinderman | Grips, The | Grizzly Bear |
Groop Dogdrill | Groove Farm, The | GROOVY CHAINSAW |
Groovy Little Numbers, The | Groovy Uncle | Grouch |
Grouper | Grouplove | Grove, Edith |
Groves | Grovesnor | Grown Up Strange |
Grown Ups | Gruppo Sportivo | Guards |
Guided By Voices | Guilala, Linda | Guillemots |
Guinness, Daphne | Guitar | Gulliver |
Gum | Guns N' Bombs | Gurnsey, Gabe |
Gutless | Gutter Twins, The | Gutterball |
Guv'ner (90S) | Gwenmars | Gwenno |
Gym Class Heroes | Gyres, The | H Bird |
H. Hawkline | H.N.A.S. (Hirsche Nicht Aufs Sofa) | H.P. Zinker |
Ha Ha Ha | Hackman, Marika | Haden, Rachel |
Hadouken! | Hadoukin! | Haeffner, Nick |
Haelos | Haevn | Hagerty, Neil |
Haines, Emily | Hair & Skin Trading Co, The | Hair & Skin Trading Company |
Hairy Hands | Halda, Yndi | Half Cousin |
Half Japanese | Half Man Half Biscuit | Half String |
Halfway | Halliday, Toni | Hallock Hill |
Halloweens | Halo | Halo Benders, The |
Halo Bit, The | Halpin, Kieran | Hammer, Claw |
Hammond Jr. Albert | Hand Habits | Hands, Strange |
Handsome Boy Modelling School | Handsome Family, The | Handsome Furs |
Hanford Flyover | Hang David | Hangabouts, The |
Hangovers, The | Hannon, Neil | Hansen, Mary |
HAP | Happy Families | Happy Family, The |
Happy Hate Me Nots | Happy Mondays | Happy Mondays |
Happydeadmen | Happylife | Harbourkings |
Harcourt, Ed | Hard Move | Hard Quartet, The |
Hard-Fi | Harding, Matt | Hardtops |
Hardware | Harford, Chris | Harker |
Harle, John | Harris, Calvin | Harrison, Dhani |
Harrisons | Harry Crews | Harry Harris Band, The |
Hart, Grant | Hartnoll, Paul | Harvester |
Harvey Danger | Harvey Williams | Harvey, P.J. |
Harvieu, Ren | Hatcham Social | Hatchie |
Hater (90s) | Hater (Swedish) | Hatfield, Juliana |
Hatherley, Charlotte | Haunted Hearts | Hausen, Ana |
Havana Guns | Have Mercy | Haven |
Hawk, Hamish | Hawkins, Taylor | Hawthorne Heights |
Hayes, Gemma | Hayman, Darren | Haynes, Gibby |
Haywains, The | Haywood | Hazel |
Hazel (Indie) | Hazeldine | Hazey Janes, The |
Head | Head And The Heart, The | Head Automatica |
Head Like A Kite | Head Of David | Head, Jowe |
Head, Michael | Headache | Headless |
Headless Chickens | Headless Heroes | Headline |
Headquarters | HEADRILLAZ | Heads, The (1990s) |
Headswim | Headtime | Headway |
Healey, Willie J | Healos | Health |
Healy, Fran | Heart Throbs, The | Heartbeats |
Heartbreaks, The | Heartworms | Heatmiser |
Heaton, Paul + Abbott, Jacqui | Heave | Heaven Seventeen |
Heavenly | Heavenly Bodies | Heavens To Betsy |
Heavy Circles, The | Heavy Heavy, The | Heavy Trash |
Heavy, The | Hebden, Kieran | Heck |
Hecker, Maximilian | Hector Bizerk | Hedrons, The |
Heebie Jeebies, The | Hefner | Height, Bullet |
Heights, The | Heist | Hekt, Lande |
Helen Love | Helen Stellar | Helene |
Helio Sequence, The | Helios | Helium |
Helium, Black | Hell Is For Heroes | Hell On Wheels |
Hellacopters, The | Hellfire Sermons | Hello Saferide |
Hello Strangers, The | Hellogoodbye | Hells, The |
Helmet | Help She Can't Swim | Helter Skelter |
Helvetia | Hem [Folk] | Hem [Rock] |
Henge | Henry's Dress | Henry, Joe |
Henson, Keaton | Her Only Presence | Her Space Holiday |
Her Tears | Her's | Hercules And Love Affair |
Here Lies Man | Heresy | Heroine |
Herpburns, the | Herself | Herzfield |
Hewerdine, Boo | Hewick, Kevin | Hex |
Hey Gravity! | Hey Monday | Hey! Elastica |
Heys, The | Hi-Fi | Hibberd, Lauran |
Hicks Milligan-Prophecy | Hidden Cabins | Hidden Cameras, The |
Hidden Charms (00S) | Hidden In Plain View | Hideous Bastard |
Hiding Place | High And Lonesome, The | High Back Chairs, The |
High Coin | High Ends | High Fidelity, The |
High Five, The | High Hazels | High Highs |
High Llamas, The | High Priests | High Risk Group |
High, The | Higher, The | Hildebrand, Specs |
Hill, Rocky | Hiller, Holger | Hillside |
Hilt | HiM | Hinds |
Hindsights | Hindu Love Gods | Hinnies, The |
Hipnomatix | Hippo Campus | His Latest Flame |
Hit The Lights | Hitchcock, Robyn | Hitchers, The |
Hitmakers, The | Hoax, The | Hobotalk |
Hockey | Hodges, David | Hoggboy |
Höh & Current 93 | Holcomb, Robin | Holiday |
Holiday Flyer | Holiday Plan, The | Holidaymakers |
Holland, Jolie | Hollow Men, The | Hollow Sunday |
Holloways, The | Holly And The Italians | Hollyfaith |
Hollywood, Mon Amour | Holy Barbarians | Holy Fuck |
Holy Ghost Revival | Holy Ghost! | Holy Guns Inc. |
Holy Mountain | Holy Wave | Holy Western Parallels |
Holydrug Couple, The | Home Service (New Wave) | Home Video |
Homeland | Homeless Gospel Choir, The | Homeshake |
Homosexuals, The | Honesty | Honey Smugglers |
Honey Thieves, The | Honey Tongue | Honeyblood |
HoneyBunch | Honeymoon, The | Hong Kong, The |
Honolulu Mountain Daffodils | Honor Role | Hood |
Hood, The | Hooded Fang | Hoodoo Gurus |
Hook, Peter | Hooker | Hookworms |
Hoop, Jesca | HOOPS | Hoosiers, The |
Hooton Tennis Club | Hoover | Hooveriii |
Hooverman | Hooverphonic | Hoovers, The |
Hope | Hope Peter & Podmore Jonathan | Hope Sandoval |
Hopper | Hopper, Kev | Horizontalist, The |
Hormones, The | Horns Of Happiness, The | Horny Genius |
Horrible Crowes, The | Horrorpops | Horrors, The |
Horse (90s) | Horse Feathers | Horse Thief |
Horseland | Horses, Toy | Hostages, The |
Hot 'N' Horrid | Hot Chip | Hot Club De Paris |
Hot Hot Heat | Hot Leg | Hot Mulligan |
Hot Snakes | Hot Snax | Hot Sugar |
Hotel Lights | Hotelier, The | Hotrats, The |
Hour, Woman's | Hours, The | House Of Freaks |
House Of Hayduk | House Of Love, The | House Of Mexico |
House Of Wolves | Househunters | Hoverchairs, The |
Hovvdy | How I Became The Bomb | How To Dress Well |
Howard, Ben | Howells, Danny | Howl & The Hum, The |
Howle, Danielle | Howler | Howling Bells |
Hozier | HTRK | Hubbards, The |
Hucksters, The | Huey & The New Yorkers | Hug |
Hug, Susie | Huggy Bear | Hughes, Garry |
Hughes, Howard | Hugo Largo | Hula Boy |
Hula Hoop | Huld, Hafdis | Hullabaloo |
Human Don't Be Angry | Human Eye | Human Hands |
Human Hands | Human Hearts, The | Humanist |
Humans | Humans, Performing | Humanzi |
Humberstone, Holly | Humidifier | Hummer, Low |
Hummingbirds, The | Humor, Vitreous | Hundred Reasons |
Hung, Sammo | Hungry I | Hunna, The |
Hunt, Miles | Hunter Gatherer | Hunx And His Punx |
Huon | Hurl | Huron, Lord |
Hurrah! | Hurricane #1 | Hurt |
Hurts | Husband | Hush Sound, The |
Husik Lida | Husker Du | Huski |
Huskies | Husky Rescue | Hussey, Wayne |
Hussy's, The | Hustler (Indie) | Hut |
Hybirds, The | Hydroplane | Hypnotone |
Hysterics, The | I Am Arrows | I Am Kloot |
I Am Zeitgeist | I Blame Coco | I Break Horses |
I Can Crawl | I Dont Know How But They Found Me | I Like Trains |
I Monster | I Was A Cub Scout | I'm From Barcelona |
I'm So Hollow | I, Ludicrous | Ian Fays, The |
Ice The Falling Rain | Icebreaker International | Iceland |
Ices, Lia | Icicle Works, The | Ida |
Idaho | Idea Fire Company | Ideal |
Identity | Idha | Idiot Pilot |
Idiot Wind | Idle Hands, The | Idles |
Idlewild | Idoru | If? |
If? (Indie) | Iggy Pop | Iglu & Hartly |
Ignition | Iha, James | Ikara Colt |
Iliketrains | Ill Ease | Illion |
Illuminati Hotties | Ilya | IMA Robot |
Imagine Dragons | Imarhan | Imbruglia, Laura |
Imitation Electric Piano | Immaculate Fools | Immediate, The |
Immense | Imogene | Impact Test |
Imperial | Imperial Drag | Impossible Dreamers, The |
Impossible Years, The | In Aura | In Excelsis |
In Mirrors | In Motion | In The Nursery |
In Tua Nua | Inbetween Days | Inbreds, The |
Inca Babies | Inca Rhodes | Incarnate |
Inch-time | Incredible Force Of Junior | Incubus |
Indambinigi | Indian Givers, The | Indian Vibes (Paul Weller) |
Indians | Indians In Moscow | Infadels |
Infinity Crush | Infrasound | Infusion |
INHEAVEN | Inner City Unit | Inner Sleeve (Indie) |
Innocence Mission | Inouk | Inrain |
Insect Surfers | Insiders | Inspector Cluzo, The |
Inspiral Carpets | Institute | Intastella (feat Shaun Ryder) |
Intechnicolour | Intentions Of An Asteroid | International Airport |
International Rescue | International Strike Force | Interpol |
Interview | Into A Circle | Into It. Over It |
Into It. Over It. | Into Paradise | Invasion |
Inventions | Invisible, The | IRIS |
Iris, Arc | Irma Vep | Is Bliss |
Isaac, Jamie | Isidore | Islands |
Isles, The | Islet | Isotope 217 |
It Hugs Back | It's A King Thing | It's Jo And Danny |
Italian Electro | Itch | IV Thieves |
Ivories, The | Ivory Wave | Ivy |
Izumi/Kaz | J Xaverre | J-E-T-S |
J~R | Ja, Panik | Jack |
Jack And The Beanstalk | Jack Drag | Jack Ladder |
Jack O' Fire | Jack Of Geeks | Jack Off Jill |
Jack Rubies, The | Jackdrag | Jackie-O Motherfucker |
Jacklin, Julia | Jackman, David | Jacknife Lee |
Jackofficers, The | Jackson Analogue | Jackson Jackson |
Jackson, Kara | Jacob's Mouse | Jacques |
Jacques Caramac | Jactars | Jad And David Fair |
Jade Bird | Jagwar Ma | Jahcoozie |
Jai-Alai Savant, The | Jaill | Jain |
Jakalope | Jakobinarina | Jakuzi |
Jamaican Queens | James | James Dean Driving Experience |
James, Denise | James, Jim | James, Leifur |
James, Matt | James, Richard | Jameszoo |
Jamie N Commons | Jamie T | Jamie xx |
Jane & Barton | Jane Aire & The Belvederes | Jane Bond & The Undercovermen |
Jane From Occupied Europe | Jane Pow | Janes Addiction |
Janet And Johns, The | Janitors, The | January |
Jap, Philip | Japanese Breakfast | Japanese Popstars, The |
Japanese War Effort, The | Jarboe | Jarvis Cocker |
Jarvis, Cosmo | Jasmine Minks | Jason Downs |
Jason Isbell And The 400 Unit | Jaws | Jay Reatard |
Jay, Matthew | Jazawaki | Jazmin Bean |
Jazz Devils, The | Jazzateers | Jazzbutcher |
Jean, Olivia | Jeanette (80s) | Jeff Klein |
Jeff The Brotherhood | Jeffrey Lewis | Jega |
Jellyfish | Jemma Freeman And The Cosmic Something | Jeniferever |
Jennifers | Jenny And Johnny | Jeremy & The Harlequins |
Jeremy's Secret | Jerkcurb | Jerusalem And The Starbaskets |
Jessamine | Jesse Garon & The Desperadoes | Jessie J |
Jesus & Mary Chain, The | Jesus Christ Super Fly | Jesus Couldn't Drum |
Jesus Jones | Jesus, Zola | Jet |
Jet Johnson | Jetplane Landing | Jezabels, The |
Jib Kidder | Jilted Brides, The | Jim Bob |
Jim Jones Revue, The | Jim's Super Stereoworld | Jiminee, Jim |
Jimmy Chamberlin Complex | Jimmy Eat World | Jive Bible |
Jive Turkey | JJ (Swedish) | JJ72 |
JKS, BLK | Jnr Poon | Jo Jo Zep And The Falcons |
Joan | Joan As Police Woman | JOAN OF ARC |
Joanna Gruesome | JoBoxers | Joby's Opinion |
Jocasta | Jockstrap | Joe King Carrasco & The Crowns |
Joe Lean & The Jing Jang Jong | Joe The Fireman | Joel Plaskett Emergency, The |
Joeyfat | Johansson, Scarlett | John And Mary |
John Austin Rutledge | John Potter's Clay | John Power |
John Steel Singers, The | John Vincent III | Johnny And The Strollers |
Johnny Borrell And Zazou | Johnny Boy | Johnny Dangerously |
Johnny Foreigner | Johnny Marr | Johnny Panic |
Johns, Ethan | Johnson, Dick (Indie) | Johnson, Matt |
Johnson, Norsola | Johnston, Daniel | Johnston, Zoe |
Jon Spencer Blues Explosion | Jonathan Fire Eater | Jones |
Jones Kelly | Jones Very | Jones, Patrick |
Jones, Phil | Jones, Rod | Jonestown |
Jonny | Jonny Greenwood | Jonsi |
Joolz | Joseph, Kathryn | Joseph, Mark |
Joseph, Ruarri | Josephine | Josephs, The |
Joshua | Joshua (US) | Josi Without Colours |
Josiah Wolf | Jouis | Joy Division |
Joya | Joyce Manor | Joyeria |
Joyland | Joynes, C | JoyRider |
Joywave | Juan Maclean, The | Juan Track & The Minds |
Jubilee Allstars | Jukes | Jules Gary |
Julie Dolphin, The | Juliette And The Licks | Jump-Rope |
Jumpers, The | Junction | June [US Indie] |
June [US Punk] | June Brides | June Of 44 |
June Paik | Junior Boys | Junior Senior |
Junip | Juniper Leaf | Juniper Moon |
Junk | Junket | Jupiter |
Jupiter One | Jupiter Sun | Jurado, Damien |
Jury, Max | Just Mustard | Just Water |
Juste, Samantha | Justified Ancients Of Mu Mu | Justin Sullivan |
K.L.F. | K.U.K.L. | K÷93 |
Ka, Andreas | Kabine, Rockford | Kaiser Chiefs |
Kaito | Kaleef | Kalev |
Kalima | Kane, Miles | Kaospilot |
Kapowski | Kaputt | Kara's Flowers |
Karate | Karelia, The | Karen D'Ache |
Karen Meat | Karl Hendricks Trio, The | Karpet Ketchup |
Kasabian | Kashmir | Kassidy |
Katydids | Kay, Georgi | KBC, The |
KCRW | Kealer | Kearney, Mat |
Keating, Matt | Keatons, The | Keely, Conrad |
Kelly, Kin | Kemp, Rose | Kendall, Elliot |
Keneally, Mike | Kenickie | Kenna |
Kennedy, Jon | Kent, Julia | Kerbdog |
Kerekes, Mat | Keren Ann | Kerosene |
Keston Cobblers' Club | Kestrel, Bastard | Keuning |
Kevin Dunn And The Regiment Of | Kevin Shields | Key, Skeleton |
KFOG | KGC | Khruangbin |
Kid British | Kid Carpet | Kid Champion |
Kid Congo | Kid Harpoon | Kid Symphony |
Kid Wave | Kid, Little | Kidnapper |
Kids In Glass Houses | Kidulis, Brendan | Kilbanes, The |
Kilbey, Steve | Kilgore Trout | Kilgour, David |
Kill City | Kill It Kid | Kill J |
Kill Kenada | Kill The Arcade | Kill Ugly Pop |
Killdeer, Phoebe | Killer Dreamer | Killers, The |
Killing Heidi | Kills, The | Kilowatt, Kid |
Kim Ki O | Kimbra | Kind |
Kindness | Kinesis | Kinetics, The |
King Adora | King Biscuit Time | King Blank |
King Blues, The | King Creosote | King Hannah |
King Of The Slums | King Princess | Kingdom Come (70s) |
Kingdom Come (80s) | Kingdoms | Kingfishers Catch Fire |
Kingmaker | Kings Of Convenience | Kings Of Infinite Space, The |
Kings Of Leon | Kingsbury Manx, The | Kingsize |
Kingsize 5, The | Kingsnakes, The | Kinky Machine |
Kiosk | Kirby, Katy | Kiss Like This |
Kiss That | Kiss The Blade | Kissaway Trail, The |
Kissing Bandits, The | Kit | Kit, Trash |
Kitchens Of Distinction | Kitemonster | Kitt David |
Kittenbirds | Kittens Got Claws | Kitty, Daisy & Lewis |
Kittywinder | Klangstof | Klaxons |
Kleiv, Kari | Klima | KMFDM |
Knife In The Water | Knife, The | Knifeworld |
Knight, Aidan | Knitters, The | Knobz, The |
Ko Ko Mo | Kobai | Kobra Audio Labs |
Kodaline | Kogumaza | Koh, Tim |
Koji | Komakino | Kongos |
Kontakte | Kooks, The | Koopa |
Koot | Koppes, Peter | Koreans, The |
Korova Milk Bar | Kostars | Koufax |
Kowalczyk, Ed | Kramer | Kreidler |
Kriegsmaschine | KROQ | Kubb |
Kubichek | Kula Shaker | Kull, The |
Kumra, Josh | Kustomized | Kynd, The |
Kyoto Drive | Kyte | L Voag |
L'imperatrice | L'Orange Mechanik | L.A.P.D. |
L.S. Dunes | L7 | LA BRADFORD |
La Muerte | La Roux | La's |
Labradford | Lacey, Peter | Lackthereof |
Lady & Bird | Ladyfuzz | Ladyhawke |
Laika Dog | Lake Poets, The | Lake, Echo |
Lake, Veronica | Lakes | Lalleshwari |
LaMontagne, Ray | Lancaster Bombers, The | Land Of Barbara |
Land Of Talk | Landes, Dawn | Landmarks |
Landshapes | Landverraad | Lane, Anita |
Lane, Randy | Langfield Crane | Language |
Language From Memory | Lanterns On The Lake | Lapis Lazuli |
Laptop | Laraaji | Lard |
Larkin, Sky | Larocca | Larrikin Love |
Las Annettes | Las Kellies | Last Days Of April |
Last Exit | Last Internationale, The | Last Man In Europe |
Last Man In Europe Corporation | Last Man Standing | Last Peach, The |
Last Shadow Puppets, The | Last Town Chorus | Last Year's Diary |
Last Years Diary | Late Cord, The | Late Greats, The |
Late Of The Pier | Lathums, The | Latimer House |
Laucan | Laugh | Laughing Academy, The |
Laughing Clowns | Laundromat | Laura, Kill |
Laurel | Laurel Collective, The | Laurels |
Lava Hay | Lavelle, Brian | Lavender Diamond |
Lavery, Ciaran | Lavolta Lakota | Law, Joanna |
Law, The | Lawson, Jamie | Laxton's Superb |
Lay Quiet Awhile | Lay, Shannon | Lazerboy |
Lazure, Gabrielle | Lazy | Lazy Mary |
Lazycame | LC Anderson vs Psycho Radio | LCD Soundsystem |
Le Bon, Cate | Le Neon | Le Tigre |
Le Volume Courbe | Lea Shores, The | Lead Into Gold |
Leaf Library, The | Lean-To's, The | Leary, Paul |
Leather Nun, The | Leaves | Leaving Trains, The |
LeBlanc, Dylan | Lecube | Ledernacken |
Lee, Ben | Lee, Shawn | Lee, Shirley |
Lefties, The | Legendary Hearts, The | Legendary Jim Ruiz Group, The |
Legendary Pink Dots, The | Legionnaire, Young | LeGrand |
Leiah | Leila | Leisure Society, The |
Leithauser, Hamilton | Leitmotiv | Lekman, Jens |
Lemmings, The | Lemon Incest | Lemonade Hayride |
Lemonheads, The | Lemuria | Len Bright Combo, The |
Lenker, Adrianne | Lennon, Sean | Leone, Oso |
Leopards, The | Les Big Byrd | Les Disques Du Crépuscule |
Les Enfants Terribles | Les Grys-Grys | Les Savy Fav |
Leslie | Let's Active | Let's Get Dressed! |
Let's Go To War | Let's Wrestle | Levellers 5 |
Levellers, The | Levene, Keith | Levi, Pop |
Levine, Christine | Levinhurst | Levitation |
Levy | Lewis, Andy | Lewis, Jenny |
Lewis, Juliette | Leyton, Neil | Li, Lykke |
Liaisons Dangereuses | Liam Gallagher & John Squire | Liam Lynch |
Lianne La Havas | Liars | Liasons Dangereuses |
Liberties, The | Libertines, The | Liberty Horses |
Liberty Thieves, The | Libido | Library Trust, The |
Lies Damned Lies | Life | Life At These Speeds |
Life Support | Life With Patrick | Life Without Buildings |
Lift To Experience | Lig | Ligament |
Ligament Blub Brothers, The | Light | Lighthouse Keepers, The |
Lightning Dust | Lightning Seeds, The | Lights |
Lights | Lightships | Lightspeed Champion |
Ligotage | Liily | LIINES |
Like A Stuntman | Like, The | Lil Bub |
Lil Ugly Mane | Lilac Time | Lilac Trumpets |
Lilacs, The | Lillies, The | Lily Liver |
Lily, A | Lily, Fenne | Lilys |
Limebirds | Linda And The Dark | Linear (Indie) |
Lines, The (00s) | Lines, The (80s) | Linkin Park |
Linkmen | Linoleum | Linus |
Liquid Faeries | Liquid Jesus | Liquid Liquid |
Lisa Brown | Lissie | Lit |
Lithops | Littl'ans | Little Axe |
Little Barrie | Little Big Band | Little Birdy |
Little Bob Story | Little Boots | Little Dragon |
Little Flames | Little Flames, The | Little Girls |
Little Green Cars | Little Hell | Little Hours |
Little Hurricane | Little Joy | Little Man Tate |
Little Million, The | Little Miss Trinitron | Little Mothers |
Little Red | Little Simz | Little White Things |
Liu Bei | Live | Living In Texas |
Livingstone | LK | Llama Farmers |
Lloyd, Alex | Lloyd, Duncan | Lloyd, Johnny |
Lloyd, Richard | Lloyd, Robert | Lloyd-Tucker, Colin |
LNZNDRF | Lo-rider | Lockjaw |
Locksley | Locomotive Latenight | Locust Abortion |
Lodestar | Lodge, The | Lodger |
Lodger, The | Loewenstein, Jason | Loft |
loft | Loft, The | Logic, Lora |
Lokomotiv | Lol Tolhurst X Budgie X Jacknife Lee | Lola Colt |
Lolita Storm | Lolitas | Loma |
Lomax | London Grammar | Lone Official |
Lonely Island, The | Lonesome Organist, The | Loney, Dear |
Long Blondes, The | Long Cold Stare | Long Decline, The |
Long Fin Killie | Long Lost, The | Long Range |
Long Weekend, The | Longpigs | Longview |
Longwave | Look See Proof | Loom |
Looper | Loose Fur | Loose Salute, The |
Loose Tooth | Lord Cut-Glass | Lord Newborn & Magic Skulls |
Lords Of The New Church, The | Lorelei | Lorelle Meets The Obsolete |
Lori & The Chameleons | Lorraine | Los Campesinos |
Los Paranoias | Losben, Shwa | Lost Boys, The |
Lost Horizons | Lost Loved Ones | Lost Patrol Band, The |
Lost Tapes Record Club, The | LostAlone | Lotion |
Lottery Winners | Lotus Plaza | Loud Family, The |
Louie | Louis XIV | Louise, Big |
Louise, Calva | Lounge Lizards, The | Loungs, The |
Louris, Gary | Love & Money | Love & Rockets |
Love Amongst Ruin | love corporation | Love Cult |
Love Fame Tragedy | Love Family, The | Love Is All |
Love Of Life Orchestra | Love Tractor | Love, Simon |
Lovebabies | Loveblobs | Lovejoy |
Lovejunk | Lovelies, The | Lovely Eggs, The |
Lovemeknots | Lovers [Indie}, The | Lovers, Coco |
Loves Young Nightmare | Loves, The | Lovesick |
Loveslug | Low | Low Anthem, The |
Low Flying Owls | Low Miffs, The | Low Pop Suicide |
Low Vs Diamond | Lowcraft | Lowe, Alex |
Lowe, Rosie | Lower | Lowfinger |
Lowgold | LP | LR Rockets |
LSK | Lucid Dream, The | Lucinda Belle Orchestra, The |
Lucius | Luck Of Eden Hall, The | Lucky Jim |
Lucky Pierre | Lucky Soul | Lucy Show, The |
Ludes | Ludicrous Lollipops | Lugworm |
LUH | Luicidal | Lukan |
Luke Haines | Lulabox | Luluc |
Lumineers, The | Lump | Luna |
Lunchbox | Lung Leg | Lung, Francis |
Lupen Crook | Lupine Howl | Luscious Jackson |
Lustmord | Lusts | Luxembourg |
Luyas, The | Luz, La | Lyca Sleep |
LYF, WU | Lynn, Dana | Lyons, Zan |
Lytle, Jason | M.A.S.S. | M0 |
Ma Cherie For Painting | Mac, Tah | Maccabees, The |
MacDonald, Amy | MacDougall, Sarah | Machine Gun Feedback, The |
Machine, Civilisation | Machinery Hall | Machines |
Macintyre, Colin | MacKampa, Jordan | Mackenzies |
Macklemore | Mad Capsule Markets, The | Mad Scene, The |
Madaction | Madcarson | Madder Rose |
Madina Lake | Madrugada | Mae |
Mae, Jenny | Maggat | Magic Bus (Prog) |
Magic Castles | Magic Gang, The | Magic Hour |
Magic Kids | Magic Mushroom Band, The | Magic Numbers, The |
Magic Roundabout | Magicdrive | Magick Heads, The |
Magik Markers, The | Magnapop | Magneta Lane |
Magnetic Fields, the | Magnetic Man | Magnetic North Pole |
Magnetophone | Magnificents, The | Magnog |
Magnolia Electric Co. | Magnolias, The | Magnus |
Magoo | Mail, Snail | Main T. Possee, The |
Mains Ignition | Mainstream | Major Organ And The Adding Mac |
Major, Bruno | Makaton Chat | Make Good Your Escape |
Make Up | Maker | Maker, James |
MAL-ONE | Malajube | Malaria! |
Male Bonding | Male Nurse, The | Malibu |
Malin, Jesse | Malkmus, Stephen | Mallinder, Stephen |
Malloy, Victor | Malluka | Mama Scuba |
Mambo Taxi | Mammut | Man & The Echo |
Man From Delmonte, The | Man From Missouri | Man Like Me |
Man Man | Man Or Astroman | Man Upstairs, The |
Man-Made Sunshine | Mancrab | Mandarin |
Mando Diao | Mandragora | Manhattan Love Suicides, The |
Manic St Preachers | Manifesto | Manitoba |
Manix (UK) | Mankato | Mann, Geoff |
Manning, Barbara | Manning. Jr, Roger Joseph | Mansions |
Mansions, Mini | Manson, Shirley | Mansun |
Mantaray | Mantles | Manyika, Zeke |
Map Of Africa | Map Room, The | Maps |
Maps & Atlases | Marah | Marbaker |
Marble Index, The | Marbles, The (00s) | March Of Anger |
March Violets, The | Marcia Blaine School For Girls, The | Marcy Playground |
Mardie, Montt | Mardous, The | Maria, Ida |
Marías, The | Maribou State | Marigolds, The |
Marina & The Diamonds | Marine | Marine Life |
Marine Research | Mariner's Children, The | Marjorie Fair |
Mark Burgess & The Sons Of God | Mark Burgess & Yves Altana | Marlin |
Marling, Laura | Marmaduke Duke | Marnie |
Marnie, Helen | Maroon 5 | Marquis, Brian |
Marsh, Carl | Marsh, Nick | Marshall, Dominic J |
Marsicans | MarthaGunn | Martini Henry Rifles, The |
Martinis, The | Martland, Steve | Mary Onettes, The |
Mary, Miss | Mas, Carolyne | Masai |
Mascott | Masonna | Mass Gothic |
Masterson, Adam | Mastersystem | Matches, The |
Material | Mates Of State | Math And Physics Club |
Mathus, Jimbo | Matranga, Jonah | Matt And Kim |
Matt Pond PA | Matter Babies, The | Matter, Gray |
Matthew | Matthew Sawyer And The Ghosts | Matthews, Cerys |
Matthews, Scott | Mattiel | Mauro Teho Teardo |
Maus, John | Max Tundra | Maximo Park |
Maximum Balloon | Maximum Joy | May, Dent |
Maybe Dolls | Maybes? The | Mayfair Set, The |
Mayfields, The | Maylove | Mazarin |
Mazey Fade | Mazzy Star | McAlmont & Butler |
McAlmont, David | McCain, Edwin | McCarthy |
McCartney, James | McCleery, Jono | McClure, Gary |
McCluskey Brothers, The | McComb, David | McCombs, Cass |
McCormack, David | McCoy, Travie | McCulloch, Ian |
McCusker, John | McFly | McGowan, Sean |
McGuinness, Eugene | McLaren, Moray | McLennan, Grant |
McLusky | McManus, Jack | McTells |
MD7 | MDC | Me |
Me First & The Gimme Gimme's | Mean Reds | Mean Street Dealers |
Measures, The | Meat Wave | Meat Whiplash |
Meathooks, The | Mecca Normal | Mechanical Bride |
Medal | Medalark Eleven | Medicine |
Medium 21 | Medium Medium | Meets Guitar |
Mega City Four | Meighan, Tom | Meister |
Mekon | Melaton | Melberg, Rose |
Mell, Pell | Mellafone | Mellow |
Mellowdrone | Melnyk | Melody Dog |
Melon | Melons, The | Meloy, Colin |
Melt | Melt Banana | Melted Americans, The |
Melting Hopefuls | Melys | Memento |
Memory Band, The | Memory Tapes | Men (Punk) |
Men Of Courage | Men Without Pants | Men Women & Children |
Menace Beach | Meneguar | Menlo Park |
Menomena | Menswear | Mental, The |
Menthol | Menuck, Efrim | Mercedes |
Mercedes, Hey | Merchandise | Mercurian, The |
Mercury Rev | Mercy Arms | Mercyland |
Merrick, Tony | Merritt, Tift | Merriweather, Daniel |
Merrylees, The | Merrymouth | Merz |
Merzbow | Mescalitas, The | Messersmith, Jeremy |
Metal Boys | Meth O.D. | Metric |
Metric, Alex | Metro Riots | Metronomy |
Metrophase | Metros, The | Metrotone |
Mew | Mexican Pets | Mexico 70 |
Mexico, Hotel | MGMT | MIA |
Miaow | Micachu | Micah P. Hinson |
Mice | Mice Parade | Mice, The |
Microdisney | Microphones, The | Microwave |
Mid Carson July | Middle Class Rut | Middle Kids |
Middleton, Malcolm | Midget | Midlake |
Midnight Buskers | Midnight Juggernauts | Midway Still |
Midwest | MIEN | Mighty Ballistics Hi-Power |
Mighty Caesars, Thee | Mighty Fall, The | Mighty Jungle Beasts |
Mighty Lemon Drops, The | Mighty Mighty | Mighty Mighty Bosstones, The |
Mighty Roars, The | Miike Snow | Mika |
Milburn | Mildred And The Mice | Miles Hunt Club, The |
Milf | Milk | Milk & Honey Band, The |
Milk Monitors, The | Milk Teeth | Milk White White Teeth |
Milk, The | Milkshakes, The | Millan, Amy |
Millencolin | Miller, Mac | Miller, Misty |
Miller, Roger (80s) | Millionaire | Mills, Charlie |
Mills, Crispian | Milltown Brothers | Milo Greene |
Minders, The | Mineral | Ming, Sexton |
Minimal Compact | Ministry | Ministry Of Wolves, The |
Mink Lungs | Minny Pops | Minor Victories |
Minotaur Shock | Minotour Shock | Mint 400 |
Mint Chicks | Minus Five, The | Minus The Bear |
Minuteman | Minutemen | Minutes After... |
Mir | Miracle Fortress | Miracle Glass Company |
Miracle Legion | Mirah | Miranda Sex Garden |
Miranda, Holly | Mirror Crack'd, The | Mirror, Record |
Mirrorkicks | Mirrors Over Kiev | Miserable Rich, The |
Mispers, The | Miss Black America | Miss Mend |
Missing Scientists | Mission Of Burma | Mission, The |
Misterlee | Misty Dixon | Misty's Big Adventure |
Mitski | Mitten | Mndsgn |
MO | Mo Ho Bish O Pi | Mock Turtles, The |
Mockasin, Connan | Model Citizens | Model, New |
Modern Baseball | Modern Nature | Modern Studies |
Modern, The | Modernaires, The | Modest Mouse |
Modesty Blaise | Modey Lemon | Moffat, Aidan John |
Mogul | Mogwai | Mohair |
Moist | Moistboyz | Mojave 3 |
Moke | Moldy Peaches, The | Moles, The |
Molina & Johnson | Molina, Jason | Molinari, Pete |
Molly Half Head | Mommyheads, The | Momus |
Mona | Monaco | Monade |
Money (Indie) | Money Mark | Mongrel |
Monica's Interval | Monkey [Gorillaz] | Monkey Messiah |
Monnone Alone | Mono Effecto | Mono Men, The |
Mono-Men | Monograph | Monopot |
Monorail | Monsoon Bassoon, The | Monster Bobby |
Monsters Of Folk | Montgolfier Brothers, The | Montgomery Clifts, The |
Montgomery, Roy | Montrose Avenue, The | Moodists, The |
Moog Cook Book | Moon Duo | Moon King |
Moon Seven Times, The | Moondog Jr. | Moondoggies, The |
Moonlizards | Moonshake | MOORE, JOHN |
Moore, Thurston | Moose | Moose Blood |
Moped | Morby, Kevin | Moreau's Island |
Moren, Peter | Morgans | Morning After Girls, The |
Morning Benders, The | Morning Dew, The (Folk) | Morning Glories |
Morning Paper, The | Morning Runner | Morph, Dark |
Morris, Stephen | Morriss, Mark | Morrissey |
Mortiis | Moses, Viking | Moskow |
Mosquito | Moss | Mosshart, Alison |
Most Serene Republic, The | Motel | Moth & The Flame, The |
Mother And The Addicts | Mother Goose | Mother Mother |
Mothers, The | Mothersbaugh, Mark | Moths, The |
Motion City Soundtrack | Motion Pictures (00s) | Motor Ghost |
Motorcade | Motorcycle Ride | Motorettes, The |
Motorolla | Mould, Bob | Moules Frites |
Moulettes | Mount McKinleys, The | Mount Vernon Arts Lab |
Mountaineers, The | Mounties | Mouse On Mars |
Mouse, Field | Mousetrap | Movements |
Mover | Movielife, the | Movietone |
Moving Jelly Brothers, The | Moving Units | Mower |
Mr Average | Mr Fogg | Mr Hudson |
Mr Huw | Mr Jukes | Mr Peculiar |
Mr Ray's Wig World | Mrs Kipling | Ms.45 |
MSTRKRFT | MT Warning | Mu |
Mucho Macho | Muchuu | Mucky Pup |
Mudhead | Mudhoney | Mulcahy, Mark |
Mule | Mules, The | Mull Historical Society |
Mulu | Mulvey, Nick | Mum & Dad |
Mumford & Sons | Mumford, Marcus | Mumm-Ra |
Mumps | Mundy | Munkster |
Murder By Death | Murder Capital, The | Murder City Devils, The |
Murder Inc | Murdoch Alexi | Murmurs |
Murphy, Peter | Murray The Hump | Murry The Hump |
Muscle Shoal, The | Muse | Musée Mécanique |
Museum | Mush | Mushonga, Rina |
Mushroom Records | Mushroomhead | Music |
Music For Aborigines | Music For Pleasure | Music Go Music |
Musical Chairs | Muslimgauze | Muss |
Mustangs, Alien | Mustard | Mutant Cyborg Orchestra |
Mute Drivers | Mute Label | Mute Math |
Mutha's Day Out | Mutton Birds, The | Mutton Gun |
Mutts, The | Muzz | MX-80 Sound |
My Architects | My Awesome Compilation | My Best Fiend |
My Bloody Valentine | My Brightest Diamond | My Cat Is An Alien |
My Chemical Romance | My Computer | My Dad Is Dead |
My Device | My Drug Hell | My Education |
My Favorite | My Jealous God | My Jerusalem |
My Latest Novel | My Life Story | My Life With The T.K.K. |
My Little Problem | My Luminaries | My Morning Jacket |
My Pretty Finger | My Ruin | My Sad Captains |
My Vitriol | Myers, Meg | Myhill, Richard |
Mylets | Mylo | Myrninerest |
Myrrors, The | Mysterines, The | Mystery Dates |
Mystery Jets | Mystery-Slang | Myth, The |
N.A.S.A. | N.W.10 | Nada Surf |
Naess, Leona | Nai Harvest | Nailpin |
Naked And Famous, The | Naked Apes The | Naked I |
Naked Lunch | Naked Prey | Naked See, The |
Naked Voice | Names | Nancy Boy |
Napoleon IIIrd | Narco | Nash The Slash |
Nash, Kate | Nasty Facts | Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats |
Nation | National Park | National, The |
Nations Afire | Native | Natives, Local |
Natural Life | Naturals, The (80s) | Naughtiest Girl Was A Monitor, The |
Nautyculture | Navigator | Neale, Lael |
Nearly Featuring Jerome Dillon | Necro Deathmort | Nectarine |
Ned's Atomic Dustbin | Neef | Nefilim |
nEGAPADRES.3.3. | Negative For Francis | Negativland |
Neil Halstead | Neils Children | Nelories |
Neon Indian | Neon Judgement, The | Neon Neon |
Neon Plastix | Neon Trees | Neon Waltz |
Nerf Herder | Nerve Rack | Nervous |
Nervus | Nes, Silje | Network, The |
Neufeld, Sarah | Neutral Milk Hotel | Neutrals |
Neverthemore | New Cassettes | New Electrics |
New Fast Automatic Daffodils | New Flesh For Old | New Folk Implosion, The |
New Frontier | New Legend | New Lines, The |
New Medicants, The | New Mess, The | New Mind |
New Model Army | New Moscow | New Order |
New Rhodes | New Young Pony Club | New-Asia |
Newcranes, The | Newman, Colin | Newpolitans, The |
News, The (80s) | Next Time Passions | NFL3 |
Niadem's Ghost | Niblett, Scout | Nicholas, Grant |
Nicholls, Andy | Nickel Eye | Nickodemus |
Nicolai Dunger | Nicole, Remi | Nid Madagascar |
Nieves | Nigel And The Crosses | Nigel Of Bermondsey |
Night Café The | Night Marchers, The | Night Moves |
Night Sun | Night Terrors, The | Nightblooms, The |
Nightjars, The | Nightmare Of You | Nightnurse |
Niki And The Dove | Nile, Willie | Nilon Bombers |
Nine Below Zero | Nine Black Alps | Nine Horses |
Nine Inch Nails | Nine Steps To Ugly | Nines |
Nirvana (US) | Nits, The | Nivens (1990S), The |
Nixey, Sarah | Nizlopi | No Address |
No Age | No Ceremony | No Dakota |
No Dance | No Dice | No Hope In New Jersey |
No Joy | No Local | No Other Name |
No Rome | No Tomorrow Charlie | No Way Sis |
No1 Son | Noah And The Whale | Nobodys, The |
Noir, Jim | Noize, Boys | Non |
Non Stop Kazoo Organization | Noonday Underground | Nord Express |
North Sea Radio Orchestra | Northern Alliance | Northern Picture Library |
Northern Uproar | Northside | Nose Flutes, The |
Noseflutes | NOSFERATU | Nothing But Happiness |
Nothing But Thieves | Nothing Painted Blue | Nothing, Do |
Nova Mob | Nova Twins | Nova, Paul |
Novak | Novella | Noveller |
November Grief | Novocaine | Now It's Overhead |
Now, Now Every Children | Nozuka, Justin | Nu |
Nuclear Valdez | Numan, Gary | Number 4 Joystreet |
Number One Cup | Number One Son | Numbers, The |
Nurse With Wound | Nut | Nuthins, The |
Nutini, Paolo | NY Loose | Nyack |
Nylon Pylon | Ó | O Fracas |
O'Brien, Michael | O'Cuthbert, Martin | O'Donnell Roger |
O'Hagan, Sean | O'Riordan, Dolores | O'Rouke, Jim |
O'Rourke, Jim | O, Karen | O. |
O.A.R (Of A Revolution) | O.Children | Oasis (UK) |
Oberhofer | Oberst, Conor | Obi |
Objayda | Occasion, The | Ocean Colour Scene |
Ocean Party, The | Ocean, Humphrey | Oceansize |
Octopus | Odell, Tom | Of Arrowe Hill |
Of Monsters And Men | Of Montreal | Official Secrets, The |
Ogdens, The | Oggum | Oh No Ono |
Oh Ok | Oh' Dev | Oh, Atoms |
ohGr | OHM | Ohrn, Josefin + The Liberation |
Oil Seed Rape | Oizone | OK Go |
OK Jive | Okereke, Kele | Okkervil River |
Oldfield, Harry | Oldham, Will | Olivelawn |
Olivia Tremor Control, The | OLO Worms | Olsen, Angel |
Olson, Mark | Olympic Lifts | Omerta |
Omni | On Offs, The | Once & Future Band |
One AM Radio, The | One God Universe | One Lady Owner |
One Minute Silence | One Night Only | One O'Clock Gang |
One Thousand Violins | One Three, The | OneTwo |
Onionhead | Only If You Call Me Jonathan | Only Real |
Onset, The | Onward International | Ooberman |
Oozing Wound | Opal | Open Book |
Open Hand | Open In Obscurity | Open, The |
Operahouse | Operation Ivy | Operator Please |
Operators, The | OPM | Oporto |
Opossom | Oppenheimer | Opposition |
Optimist Club | Orabge | Orange (Shoegaze) |
Orange Alabaster Mushroom, The | Orange Deluxe | Orange Lights, The |
Oranger | Orans | Orbital |
Orbo Equitum Solis | Orcas | Orchestra Of Skin & Bone |
Orchids, The | Ordeal, DJ | Ordinary Man |
Organ, The | Organisms | Organum |
Orgone Box | Orielles, The | Origin, The |
Original Bedroom Rockers | Original Mirrors | Orlando (90s) |
Orson | Orton, Beth | Oso, Oso |
Other Half | Other Two, The | Othermothers, The |
Otis, Ed & Ben | Ottewell, Ben | OTTO |
Otway & Barrett | Ou Est Le Swimming Pool | Ought |
Ounsworth, Alec | Our American Cousins | Our Broken Garden |
Our Favourite Band | Our Girl | Our Lady Peace |
Our Lunar Activities | Out Lines | Out Of My Hair |
Out With Mummy | Out, Papercut | Out, The |
Outnumbered, The | Outsiders, The | Outskirts, The |
Ova | Oval | Overlord |
Owen | Owl & Mouse | Owl Service, The |
Owls | Owls, Fewer | Ox Scapula |
Oxfam Glamour Models | Oxy And The Morons | P-Orridge, Genesis |
P.O.S. | P.S. I Love You | Pablo |
Pacifica | Pack, The (Punk) | Paddingtons, The |
Padilla, Craig | Padilla, Michael | Page, Steven |
Painkillers | Pains Of Being Pure At Heart | Paint Horses, The |
Paintbox | Paisley, Doug | Pajo |
Palace | Palace (Alt Rock) | PALACE BROTHERS |
Palace Fires | Palace Songs | Palace Winter |
Pale Fountains, The | Pale Man Made | Pale Seas |
Pale TV | Pale Waves | Pale, The |
Palehound | Paley & Francis | Pallett, Owen |
Palm, Anna | Palma Violets | Palmer, Amanda |
Paloalto | Palookas | Palookas, The |
Pan American | Pan Amsterdam | Panama Wedding |
Panda Pops | Pandit Shiv Kumar Sharma | Pandoras, The |
Panic At The Disco | Panic Channel, The | Panics, The |
Panicstepper | Panthers | Papa M |
Papa Sprain | Papas Fritas | Paper Cuts |
Paper Kites, The | Paperlung | Papernut Cambridge |
Papers, The | Parachute | Parachute Men, The |
Parade, Mayday | Parade, Morning | Paradise Motel |
Parameters, The | Paramount Styles | Parcels |
Parchman | Parents, Bad | Paris Angels |
Parish, John | Parish, John & Harvey, Polly Jean | Parisman |
Park, Patrick | Parka | Parker, Jeff |
Parker, Stevie | Parkinsons, The | Parks, Arlo |
Parks, Tess | Parlor Snakes | Parlotones, The |
Parquet Courts | Parrots (Spanish), The | Parrots, The |
Parsley Sound | Parts & Labor | Party Of One |
Parva | Passenger | Passengers, The |
Passing Clouds | Passion Fodder | Passion Orange |
Passion Pit | Passion Puppets | Passmore Sisters, The |
Past Life | Pastels | Patch William |
Patrick & Eugene | Pattern Forms, The | Pattern, The |
Patterson, Esme | Paul & The Tall Trees | Pavement |
Pavilion, Percy | Paws | Payola$ |
Payroll | PBK | Peace |
Peach Kelli Pop | Pearl (Ex Powder) | Pearl Harbor |
Pearlene | Pearly Gate Music | Pearson, Josh T. |
Pearson, Katy J. | Pecadiloes | Peck Of Snide |
Peck, Orville | Peculiar, Vinny | Pedro |
Pedro The Lion | Pee | Peechees, The |
Peeps Into Fairyland | Peepshow | Peggy Sue |
Pele (Indie) | Pelembe, Skinny | Pellumair |
Peluche | Pen Name | Peñate, Jack |
Pendulum | Penelope's Web | Penfold, Jim |
Penthouse | Pepe Deluxe | Pepper, Jefferson |
Peppermint Rainbow, The | Peptalk | Perfect Crime |
Perfect Daze | Perfect Disaster, The | Perfect Son |
Perfect Strangers | Perfect Vision | Performance |
Performing Ferret Band | Perfume | Perfume Genius |
Period Pains | Perishers, The | Perkins, Elvis |
Perrett, Peter | Perry, Mark | Persian Rugs |
Perspex Spangles | Perspex Whiteout | Persson, Nina |
Pest 5000 | Pet Lamb | Pet Symmetry |
Pete And The Pirates | Peter & The Test Tube Babies | Peter Bjorn And John |
Peter Nooten and Michael Brook | Peter Parker Experience | Peter Wolf-Crier |
Peters, Mark | Petethepiratesquid | Peth, The |
Petite Noir | Pets, The | Pfarmers |
Phair, Liz | Phantom 309 | Phantom Band, The |
Phantom Buffalo | Phantom Limb | Phantom Planet |
Phantom Pregnancies, The | Phelan Sheppard | Pheromoans, The |
Philadelphia Grand Jury | Philistines Jr., The | Phillips, Britta & Wareham, D |
Phillips, Grant-Lee | Phillips, Tim | Phillipson, Petra Jean |
Phobia | Phobophobes | Phoenix Foundation, The |
Phones | Phoneys & The Freaks | Phonic |
Phonotype | Phosphorescent | Piano Magic |
Pickeral, Mark | Picnic | Pictish Trail, The |
Pictures, Symphonic | Pictures, The | Pie |
Pie Finger | Pierce The Veil | Pierced Arrows |
Pierces, The | Pierre Étoile | Pies, The |
Pig | Pigeon Detectives, The | Pilate |
Pilgrim Souls | Pillbox | Pin Me Down |
Pinchers, Warlock | Pineapples | Pinegrove |
Pines | Pines, The | Pinhead Nation |
Pink Grease | Pink Kross | Pink Military |
Pink Teens | Pinkies, The | Pinkunoizu |
Pinky | PINS | Pins, Mojo |
Pint Shot Riot | Pioneer Corps | Pioneers |
Pipettes, The | Pippa | Piroshka |
Piskie Sits | Pit Er Pat | Pitch Black |
Pitchblende | Pivot | Pixx |
Pizzy Yelliot | Place, Fine | Placebo |
Plague Of Fools | Plaitum | Plan 9 |
Plan B | Plan, The | Planet Wilson, The |
Planets, The | Planets. The (Steve Lindsey) | Planningtorock |
Plastic Hip | Plastic Idols | Plastic Toys |
Plateaus | Play Dead | Players (Jam) |
Playground | Playmates | Playmates, The (00s) |
Playn Jayn, The | Playwrights, The | Pleasure |
Pleasure Forever | Pleasure Heads, The | Plenty |
Plush | Pluto | Pluto (Indie) |
Pošta, František | Poastal | Poe, David |
Poem Rocket | Poi Dog Pondering | Point Of Departure, The |
Poison Girls | Poko, Pom | Polak |
Polanski | Polar Aim | Polara |
Polarbear | Polica | Police, Funk |
Policecat | Policia | Pollard, Robert |
Pollock, Emma | Pollock, Joanne | Poltz, Steve |
Polvo | Polyphonic Spree, The | Polysics |
Polytechnic | Polythene | Pom Pom Squad |
Pond (00s) | Pony | Pony Club |
Ponyride | Ponytail | Pooh Sticks |
Pooka | Poole | Poor Howard |
Pop Am Good | Pop Parker | Pop Tarts, The |
Pop Unknown | Pop Wallpaper | Pop Will Eat Itself |
Pop Will Eat Itself | Pop, The | Pop-Off Tuesday |
Popdefect | Pope, The | Pope, Tim |
Popes, Smoking | Popguns | Popinjays |
Poplars, Binsey | Poppy & The Jezebels | Poppy Control |
Poppyheads | Popsicle | Popsicle Melts, The |
Popticians, The | Popular Front, The | Popular Pants People |
Popular Voice | Popular Workshop | Porches |
Porcupine | Pork | Pornosect |
Porridge Radio | Port O'Brien | Port St. Willow |
Portastatic | Porter Band | Portishead |
Portrayal | Portugal. The Man | Posies |
Position Normal | Positiva | Positive Boredom |
Possum Dixon | Possum Moods | Post War Glamour Girls |
Postal Service, The | Postcard Records | Poster Paints |
Postkontoret | Postmarks, The | Pottery |
Powder | Powderburns | Power, Elf |
Power, Serpent | Pownall, Alan | POZI |
pragVEC | Pram | Prawn |
Prayer Boat, The | Prayers, The | Pregnancy |
Prekop, Sam | Preoccupations | Presence |
Presents For Sally | Presets, The | President Fetch |
Presidents Men, The | Presidents Of The USA | Preston |
Preston School Of Industry | Prettiots, The | Pretty & Twisted |
Previn, Lovely | Prickly | Pride |
Primal Scream | Primevals, The | Primitive Parts |
Primitive Radio Gods | Primitives, The | Primitons |
Primus | Princess Tinymeat | Principle, Peter |
Printed Sound, The | Prinzhorn Dance School | Prisoners, The |
Pristines, The | Pritchard, Bill | Pritchard, Lauren |
Proctors, The | Profane Prayer | Profligate |
Progress, The | Prohibition | Projects, The |
Prolapse | Promise Ring, The | Promised Land (Rock) |
Proper Ornaments, The | Prophet, Chuck | Protection |
Protectors, The | Protest The Hero | Protocol |
Protomartyr | Proud Mary | Prudes, The |
Psapp | Psyched Up Janis | Psychemagik |
Psycho Daisies | Psycho VII | Psychonauts |
Psycore | Psylons, The | Public Access T.V. |
Pull Tiger Tail | Pulled Apart By Horses | Pulling Faces |
Pullover | Pulp | Pulsallama |
Pumarosa | Punishment Of Luxury | Punjab Rovers |
Puppy | Puppy Love Bomb | Purdy, Joe |
Pure | Pure Morning | Pure Reason Revolution |
Pure Rubbish | Puressence | Purple Ivy Shadows |
Purple Outside, The | Purple, Alvin | Pursuit Of Colour |
Pursuit Of Happiness, The | Puscifer | Push Kings |
Pusher | Pusherman | Pushkins, The |
Pussy Galore | Pussycat Trash | PVC2 |
PWR BTTM | Pyke, Cosmo | Pyke, Josh |
Pyramids, The [Indie] | Python, Flashy | Pyyramids |
Q And Not U | Q-Bass | Qtex |
Quads, The | Quails, The | Quality Drivel |
Quando Quango | Quantic | Quasi |
Queen Adreena | Queen Zee And The Sasstones | Queen, Monica |
Queers, The | Quesada, Cristina | Quicksand |
Quickspace | Quiet Temple, The | Quigley |
Quilt | Quin, Richard | Quinlan, Frances |
Quinn, James | Quinn, Paul & The Independent | Quint |
Quintron | Rabbi Joseph Gordan | Rabbit, Harvey's |
Race, The | Raconteurs, The | Radar Bros. |
Radial Spangle | Radiator (90s) | Radiator Hospital |
Radical Dance | Radical Spangle | Radio 4 |
Radio Dept, The | Radio Luxembourg | Radio Sweethearts, The |
Radiohead | Radish | Raggadeath |
Raging Slab | Rail | Railway Children, The |
Rain (UK) | Rain Crow | Rain Parade |
Rain People | Rain Poets, The | Rainbow Family, The |
Raincoats | Rainer Maria | Rainsaints, The |
Rainy Day | Rainyard | Raised By Animals |
Rake | Rake's Progress, The | Rakes, The (Indie) |
Raketkanon | Ramainz The | Rambow, Philip |
Ramirez, David | Ramleh | Randolph's Leap |
Random Hold | Rank And File | Rank Deluxe, The |
Raooul | Rapeman | Rapids, Heavy |
Rapture, Dio | Rare | Rascals, The [2000s] |
Rasputina | Rat Boy | Ratso |
Rattle | Rattlers N.Y.C., The | Rattling Throntons, The |
Raveonettes The | Raviolette, Nini | Raw Herbs, The |
Ray | Ray, Azure | Ray, Girl |
Ray, Sister | Raymond Brake, The | Raymond, Gwenifer |
Raymonde | Raymonde, Simon | Raynaud, Florence |
Rays, James | Rays, Sugar | Rays, Zebedy |
Razor 18 | Razorblade Smile | Razorcuts |
Razorlight | Razz | React |
Read Yellow | Read, Jill | Readymade |
Real Estate | Real People, The | Real Tuesday Weld, The |
Real TV | Reale, Roger C. | Realists, The |
Reaper, White | Rebel Heels | Receiver |
Receptionists, The | Record Company, The | Record, Josh |
Records, Coconut | Recruits | Red Alert |
Red Beat | Red Chair Fadeaway | Red Dye No. 5 |
Red Guitars | Red Hour | Red Jasper |
Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, The | Red Letter Day | Red Light Company |
Red Lorry Yellow Lorry | Red Organ Serpent Sound | Red River |
Red Rum Club | Red Sleeping Beauty | Red Turns To... |
Redcarsgofaster | Redd Kross | Redefine |
Redgum | Reds, Pinks And Purples, The | Redwood |
Reef | Reeves, Billy | Reflections (Rock), The |
Refo:rmation, The | Refractor | Refused |
Regan, Julianne | Reggie And The Full Effect | Regular Fries |
Regurgitator | Regurtitator | Reid, Jim |
Reid, Nadia | Rejuvination | Relations, The |
Relatives The | Relaxed Muscle | Relief |
Remma | Remote Viewer, The | Renaldo & The Loaf |
Rendall, Tallulah | Renegade Soundwave | Renforshort |
Renney, Lucas | Reno | Rent Boys |
Rent Party | Rentals, The | Repairman |
Repeater, Airbomb | Replacements | Replicas |
Replicas, The | Republic Of Loose | Research, The |
Residents | Resin, Caustic | Resistance, The |
Rest, The | Retro Stefson | Reuben |
Reuben And The Dark | Rev, Martin | Revelations, The |
Revenge | Reverend And The Makers | Reverse |
Revl9n | Revolution 9 | Revolver |
Rex Chainbelt | Rex Mundi | Rex Orange County |
Reynolds, Anthony | Reynolds, Rob | Reytons, The |
Reznor, Trent | Rhodes | Rhodes, Lou |
Rhys, Gruff | Rhythm!, Dangerous | Rialto |
Ribot, Marc | Rice, Damien | Riceboy Sleeps |
Rich Kids | Richard Hawley | Richard Reed Parry |
Richman, Jonathan | Rick Witter And The Dukes | Ride |
Rifles, The | Riley, Marc | Riley, Richard |
Rileys, The | Rilo Kiley | Ring, Purity |
Ringing, The | Ringo Deathstarr | Rinocerose |
Riot, Southall | Rip Rig + Panic | Ripchord |
Ripe | Ripps, The | Rises |
Rising, The | Ritchie, Brian | Ritual Aesthetic |
Rival Schools | River | River Detectives, The |
Riverhead | RNDM | Road To Kansas |
Roam | Robert Haigh | Roberts, Alasdair |
Robertson, Nick & Slice | Robinson | Robocop Kraus, The |
Robyn | Rocco Deluca And The Burden | Roche, Aaron |
Rock Of Travolta, The | Rock, Mick | Rocket From The Tombs |
Rocket Science | Rocket Summer, The | Rockets And Bluelights [Close At Hand] |
Rockinbirds, The | Rockstar, Failing | Rodeo Jones |
Rodrguez-Lopez, Omar | Rodrigo Y Gabriela | Roe, Pete |
Rogers Sisters, The | Rogers, Maggie | Rogue Wave |
Roland Shanks | Roland, Paul | Rollerco |
Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever | Rollmottle | Rolo Tomassi |
Romance, The | Romantics, The | Romweber Duo, Dex |
Romy | Ron Sexsmith | Ronnie Can You Hear Me? |
Ronson, Mark | RooArt | Room 101 |
Room, The | Roommate, Naked | Rooney |
Rooney, Paul | Rooster | Root Boy Slim |
Roots, Matti | Roots, The | Rope Store |
Ropers, The | Rory Commadore | Rosa Mota |
Rosaline | Rose Chronicles | Rose Of Avalanche, The |
Rose, Jack | Rose, Lucy | Rosebuds, The |
Rosenbloom, David | Roses Kings Castles | Rosita |
Ross, Malcolm | Rossi, Anni | Rossiter, Martin |
Roswell, Sterling | Rotating Leslie | Rotavators |
Rote Kapelle | Rothko | Rotters, The |
Rouge Mecanique | Rough Trade | Rough Trade Singles Club |
Round, Carina | Round-A-Way Wrong | Rousers, The |
Rowland S. Howard | Roxette, PG | Royal Assassins, The |
Royal Treatment Plant | Royal We, The | Royworld |
RPA & The United Nations Of So | RPLA | RPMs, The |
RRS | Rub Ultra | Rubber Romeo |
Rubicks | Rubicon | Ruby Falls |
Ruby Tuesdays, The | Rudd, Nick | Rude Club |
Rudi | Rugrat | Ruling Class, The |
Rumble Strips, The | Rumblefish | Rumer |
Run Westy Run | Run, Straylight | Rundell, Raf |
Rundle, Emma Ruth | Rural Alberta Advantage, The | Rushes, The |
Russia | Russian Spy Camera | Russian Tsarlag |
Rustic Overtones | Ruth | Ruth Ellis Swing Band, The |
RVS | RX Bandits | Ryan, Nick |
Rydell | Ryder Shaun | Ryder-Jones, Bill |
Rzeznik, John | S.L.P., The | S.O.B. |
S.W.A.L.K. | Saadiq, Raphael | Saboteurs, The |
Sabre, Maverick | Sack | Sacred Hearts, The |
Sacred Paws | Sacrifice Poles, The | Sad Penny |
Saddar Bazaar | Sadier, Laetitia | Sadista Sisters, The |
Sadistics | Safe Distance, The | Safetyword |
Sahara Nights | Sailor & I | Saint Andrew |
Saint Laurent Ernest | Saint Leonard's Horses | Saint Low |
Saint Pierre Snake Invasion, The | Saint Rose | Saint Sister |
Sakamoto, Shintaro | Sakini, Laila | Salad |
Salako | Salami Rose Joe Louis | Salarayman |
Salem | Sallie Ford & The Sound Outsid | Sallon, Philip |
Sally Skull | Salomé | Salt |
Salt, Industrial | Saltbox | Salteen |
Salvation Sunday | Salvia Palth | Sam Morton |
Samia | Sammy | SammyUSA |
Samuel Purdey | Samurai Seven The | San Cisco |
San Fermin | Sand | Sand Band, The |
Sandals | Sanders, Tom | Sandkings |
Sandoz | Sandworms, Giant | Sankofa |
Santa Cruz (90s) | Santigold | Santo, Paul |
Saosin | Sapphires, The | Sarah Records |
Sarandon | Sardines, The | Sarge |
Sartain, Dan | Sasami | Satellite |
Satellite Of Undying Love | Satellite, The | Satellites |
Satin Peaches, The | Satori | Saturday Morning Pictures |
Saturn V | Savage Progress | Savage, A. |
Save Us | Saves The Day | Savoir Adore |
Savoretti, Jack | Savoy Motel | Sawdust Caesars |
Say Anything | Say Hi | Say Lou Lou |
Say Sue Me | SBTRKT | Scabs, The |
Scala | Scala & Kolacny Brothers | Scala Timpani |
Scanners | Scaramanga Six, The | Scarce |
Scarfo | Scarlet Division | Scarlet Party |
Scarlet Rebels | Scarling | scattered order |
Scattergood, Polly | Scents | Schizo Fun Addict |
Schla La Las, The | Schmidt, Peter | Schneider TM |
School Of Fish | School Of Language | School Of Seven Bells |
School, The | Schtum | Schwa |
Schwah | Scientists | Scissor Fits |
Scissor Sisters | Scissors For Lefty | Scooter, Silver |
Scorpio Rising | Scott 4 | Scott, Emily |
Scott, Robb | Scouting For Girls | Scratch Acid |
Scratching Post | Scrawl | Scream |
Screaming Blue Messiahs, The | Screaming Dead | Screaming Females |
Screaming Lights | Screaming Marionettes | Screaming Marionettes, The |
Screaming Tea Party | Screaming Trees, The (UK) | Screaming Tribesmen, The |
Screech Owls, The | Screeching Weasel | Screeming Custard! |
Screen 3 | SCREEN PRINTS | Scully |
Sea And Cake, The | Sea Cadets, The | Sea Fever |
Sea Fruit | Sea Girls | Sea Nymphs, The |
Sea Power | Sea Urchins | Sea Wolf |
Seabirds | Seablite | Seachange |
Seafood | Seafret | Seagull Strange |
Seahorses, The | Seal Cub Clubbing Club, The | Seam |
Seasfire | Seaside, The | Seaway |
Seazoo | Sebadoh | Secession |
Second Monday | Seconds Count | Secret Machines |
Secret Shine | Secret Show, The | Secret Stars, The |
Secret Stuff | Sect, The | Section 25 |
Sector 27 | Sedgwicks, The | Sedition |
See Saw | See See Rider | See See, The |
See You In Vegas | Seefeel | Seeker Lover Keeper |
Seeland | Seely | Segal, Steve |
Segall, Ty | Seger, Shea | Seize The Chair |
Select, Volga | Self Control | SELFISH C#@T |
Selway, Philip | Semifinalists | Semisonic |
Sen, Lea | Senators, The | Send No Flowers |
Sendelica | Senior Service, The | Sensation |
Sense Field | Senseless Prayer | Senseless Things |
Senser | Senses Fail | Sensuround |
Sentridoh | Seppy, Sol | September Girls |
Sequins, The | Serafin | Serena-Maneesh |
Sergeant | Sergeant, Will | Serious Drinking |
Servant, The | Servants | Setting The Woods On Fire |
Seventeen (The Alarm) | Seventeen Evergreen | Seventh Seance |
Severed Heads | Severin | Sex Clark Five |
Sex Gang Children | Sex, Average | Sexbeat |
Sextile | SFT | Shabazz Palaces, |
Shack | Shad | Shades Of Al Davis |
Shadowland, The | ShadowParty | Shadowy Men On A Shadowy Plane |
Shady Bard | Shah, Nadine | Shake Appeal |
Shake Appeal [New Wave] | Shake Train | Shaker Heights, The |
Shakes, Alabama | Shame | Shame |
Shanghai (80s) | Shannon And The Clams | Shapes, The |
Shapiros, The | Shark Taboo | Shark Vegas |
Shark, Red | Sharkboy | Sharko |
Sharky's Machine | Sharon Stoned | Sharon Van Etten |
Sharp, Matt | Sharpe & Numan | Sharples, Rob |
Shattered Dreams, The | Shay, Natalie | She & Him |
She (UK) | She Drew The Gun | She Keeps Bees |
She Said! | She Wants Revenge | Sheafs |
Shearwater | Shed Seven | Shee |
Sheehy Michael J | Sheen | Sheep On Drugs |
Sheets, The | Shelley | Shelley, Joan |
Shelter | Sherlocks, The | Sherwood |
Shiflet, Mike | Shifty Disco | Shine! |
Shineola | Shinkansen Records | Shins, The |
Shiny Darkly | Shiny Toy Guns | Shirt |
Shit And Shine | Shitdisco | Shiva Speedway |
Shivaree | Shlohmo | Shock Defeat |
Shoemaker Levy | Shoes For Industry | Shoes, Red |
Shoestrings | Shonk | Shooting At Unarmed Men |
Shop Assistants | Short Break Operator | Shortwave Set, The |
Shout Out Louds | Shout Out Out Out Out | Showgirls |
Shrag | Shriek | Shriekback |
Shrimptractor | Shrubs, The | Shudder To Think |
Shuffle | Shut Your Eyes And You'll Burs | Shutterspeed |
Shuttleworth, John | Shy Camp | Shy Child |
Shy Reptiles | Shy, Low | Siberia |
Sick Anchors, The | Side, Soul | Sidereal |
Sidi Bou Said | Signal To Trust | Sigur Rós |
Silent Guests | Silent League, The | Silentype, The |
Silhouettes (Indie), The | Silicon | Silicon Teens |
Silicon Teens (US) | Silkscreen | Silkworm |
Silly Pillows, The | Silver | Silver Apples, The |
Silver Chapter | Silver Columns | Silver Sun |
Silverbacks | Silverfish | Silversun Pickups |
Sim, Oliver | Simian | Simian Ghost |
Simian Mobile Disco | Simon Goalpost | Simon, Harper |
Simones | Simple Creatures | Simple Kid |
Simple Plan | Sims | Sin F.X. |
Sinatras, The | Sinceros, The | Sinden, Tony |
Sindy And The Action Men | Single | Single Lash |
Single Mothers | Singleman Affair, The | Singles, The |
Sinister Cleaners, The | Sinister Ducks | Sinkane |
Sinking Citizenship, The | Sinoia Caves | Siouxsie & The Banshees |
Siouxsie Sioux | Sir Sly | Sirconical |
Sirens And Shelter | Sirens, The | Siskiyou |
Sister Double Happiness | Sister Ruby Band, The | Sister Vanilla |
Sister, Twin | Sisteray | Sisterhood |
Sisterland | Six By Seven | Six Cents And Natalie |
Six Finger Satellite | Six Flights Of Stairs | Six Minute War |
Six Organs Of Admittance | SixNationState | Sixteen Horsepower |
Sixth Comm | Sixtysix | Sizer Barker |
Ska-Dows, The | Skafish | Skaw |
Ski Patrol | Skin [Skunk Anansie] | Skin [Swans] |
Skindred | Skinny | Skinny, Rollerskate |
Skinshape | Skopelitis, Nicky | Skrapyard |
Skullflower | Skunk | Skunk Anansie |
Skybombers | Skylights | Skyray |
Skyscraper (UK) | Slam Cartel | Slammin' Watusis |
Slant 6 | Slaughter Beach, Dog | Slaughter Joe |
Slaughterhouse 5 | Slaves, The [Indie] | Sleater-Kinney |
Sleep Party People | Sleeper | Sleeping Dogs Wake |
Sleeping Pills, The | Sleeping States | Sleepyhead |
Slide | Slimcea Girl | Slingbacks |
Slingbaum | Slingshot Dakota | Slint |
Slipper | Slipstream | Slits, The |
Slo-Mo | Slot | Slow Children |
Slow Crush | Slow Readers Club, The | Slow Show, The |
Slowblow | Slowdive | Slowgun |
Sludge Nation | Sluff | Slum |
Slumber | Slunk | Sluts Of Trust |
Sly, Tony | Small | Small 23 |
Small Arms Fiya | Small Factory | Small Print |
Small Victories | Smaller | Smash Mouth |
Smashing Orange | Smashing Pumpkins | Smear, Pop |
Smell & Quim | Smile, The | Smiled |
Smiles, The | Smith Street Band, The | Smith Westerns |
Smith, Elliott | Smith, Jay (Artist) | Smith, Linda |
Smith, Paul (Maximo Park) | Smith, TV | Smiths |
Smittens, The | Smog | Smoke Fairies |
Smoker, Joel | Smokers Die Younger | Smokin' Mojo Filters |
Smoosh | Smother | Smudge |
Snails | Snake Corps, The | Snake River Conspiracy |
Snakefinger | Snakeman Show | Snakes Of Shake |
Snakes Of Shake, The | Snapdragons, The | Snapper |
Sneakers | Sneaky Feelings | Sneaky Sound System |
Sneetches, The | Snide, Clem | Sniper |
Snips | Snoop Doggy Dogg | Snow Bud And The Flower People |
Snow Patrol | Snow White | Snowbird |
Snowblind | Snowgoose | Snowpony |
Snuff | Snug | Snuts, The |
Snyder, Adam | SOAK | Sob Stories |
Soccer Mommy | Soda | Sodastream |
Soft Hearted Scientists | Soft Hills, The | Soft Pack, The |
Soft Parade, The | Soft Tigers | Softies, The |
Softlightes | Soho, Violent | Sohodolls |
Sol Invictus | Solanoid | Solar Race |
Soledad Brothers | Solex | Sömä Cömä |
Somatics, The | Some Average Prophecy | Some Bizzare |
Some Girls | Some Have Fins | Some Now Are |
Some Velvet Sidewalk | Somersault | Somerville Players, The |
Something Corporate | Something Happens | Something Pretty Beautiful |
Sonar Nation | Sone | Songdog |
Songhoy Blues | Sonic Boom | Sonic Hearts, The |
Sonic Jesus | Sonic Mook Experiment | Sonic Torpedoes |
Sonicanimation | Sonny & The Sunsets | Sonny And The Sunsets |
Sonny J | Sonora Pine, The | Sons And Daughters |
Sons Of Bido Lito, The | Sons Of The East | Sophia |
Sophie | Sophie Ellis Bextor | Sophie's Pigeons |
Soraia, Charlene | Sorority Noise | Sorry |
Soul Asylum | Soul Coughing | Soul Coughing |
Soul On Ice | Souled American | Soulwax |
Sound | Sound Of Guns | Sound Of My Own Voice |
Sound Of Urchin, The | Sound Team | Sounds, The |
Soundtrack Of Our Lives, The | Soup Dragons, The | South |
Southerly | Southern | Southern Fly |
Southville | Space (90s) | Space Monkeys, The |
Spacehog | Spacehopper | Spacemen 3 |
Spacey Jane | Spaghetti Head (Indie) | Spain |
Span | Spare Snare | Sparkadia |
Sparkalepsy | Sparklehorse | Sparro, Sam |
Sparrow And The Workshop | Sparta | Spatula |
Speaking Canaries, Thee | Spearmint | Special Duties |
Special Goodness | Special Needs | Specimen |
Spector | Spectrasonic | Spectres (UK) |
Spectrum | Spectrum Zero, The | Speed Of The Stars |
Speeder | Speedway [1990s] | Speedway [2000s] |
Speedy | Speedy Ortiz | Speight, Tom |
Spek | Spell (90s) | Spells, The |
Spencer Dickinson | Spent | Spent Poets, The |
Spheeris, Jimmie | Spherical Objects | Spider And The Flies |
Spiderbait | SpiderSimpson | Spielbergs |
Spill | Spinanes, The | Spindles, Broken |
Spine | Spinn | Spinnerette |
Spinning Coin | Spinto Band, The | Spiny Anteaters, The |
Spiral Stairs | Spiritualized | Spitfire |
Spitfire Boys | Spitfires, The | Splashh |
Spleen | Splitting The Atom | Spoilt Victoria |
Sponge | Spook School, The | Spookyland |
Spoon | Spooner | Spoonfed Hybrid |
Spoons, The | Sport | Sportsguitar |
Spot The Dog | Spraggan, Lucy | Spring Offensive |
Springbok Nude Girls | Springfields, The (Indie) | Springhouse |
Sprinkler | Sprints | Sproule, Devon |
Sprout, Tobin | Squarewell | Squash Blossom |
Squire Of Somerton, The | Squire, John | Squirrel Bait |
SQURL | SST Records | St Christopher |
St Etienne | St Thomas | St. James Infirmary |
St. John, Rob | St. Vincent | Stabilisers, The |
Staireo | Stairs | Standard Fare |
Stanton | Staples, Stuart A | Star 69 |
Star Fucking Hipsters | Star Pimp | Star Spangles, The |
Star, Jasmine | Starchildren | Stardeath And White Dwarfs |
Stare | Stargaze | Starky |
Starless & Bible Black | Starlet | Starlets, The |
Starlings | Starpower | Stars |
Starset | Stash | State Champs |
State Of Grace | State Of Kate | State Of Play |
State, Empire | Static | Static Caravan |
Static Seekers, The | Staves, The | Stayrcase, The |
Steady | Stealing Sheep | Steamkings, The |
Steel Train | Steel, Jason | Steel, Paul |
Steeles, Betty | Steers, The | Stefy |
Steintryggur | Stella | Stella Maris |
Stellastarr | Stelmanis, Katie | Stems, The |
Step, Wandering | Stepford Husbands, The | Stephen Jones |
Stephens, Adam | Stephenson, Martin | Stepping Razor |
Stereolab | Stereotyp | Steriogram |
Sterling | Stern, Marnie | Steve, Delicate |
Steven Severin | Stevens, Sufjan | Steward |
Stewart, Samuel | Stewboss | Stick, Speed |
Stiff Kittens | Stigers, Jake | Still Corners |
Still Life [80s] | Stinky Puffs, The | Stockholm Monsters |
Stoker, Joel | Stoltz, Kelley | Stone By Stone |
Stone Foundation | Stone Fury | Stone Gods, The |
Stone Gossard | Stone Roses, The | Stone, Angus |
Stone, Angus & Julia | Stone, Elephant | Stone, Julia |
Stony Sleep | Stonysleep | Stopouts, The |
Stories From The Moon | Stormtrooper | Stornoway |
Story One | Storys, The | Storyville |
STP | Strafe Fur Rebellion | Straitjacket Fits |
Strand Of Oaks | Strang, Kane | Strange Death Liberal England |
Strange Idols | STRANGE, RICHARD | Strangelove |
Stranger Cat | Stranger Than Fiction | Straw |
Straw, Syd | Strawberry Story | Strawberry, Linda |
Streams, The | Streetlife | Stretchheads |
Stricken City | StringerBessant | Stringfellow, Ken |
Strip Kings | Strip Music | Striplight |
Striptease | Strobe | Stroke |
Stroke, The | Strokes, The | Strookas, The |
Stroppies, The | Struggle In The Hive | Stuart Moxham |
Stuffy / The Fuses | Stump The Host | Styrofoam |
Sub Pop | Subcircus | Subject 13 |
Sublime | Subliminals, The | Submarine |
Submarine Prophets | Subset | Subterraneans |
Subterraneans, The | Suburban Kids With Biblical... | Suburban Lawns |
Subway Sect, The | Suckle | Sudden Sway |
Suddenly Tammy | Sudeten Creche | Suede |
Sufis, The | Sugar (90s) | Sugar Boom |
Sugar Drive | Sugar Plant | Sugarblast |
Sugarburn | Sugarbuzz | SugarComa |
Sugarcult | Sugardaddy | Sugargliders, The |
Sugarplastic, The | Sugars, The | Sugartown |
Suicide Machines, The | Suicide, Algebra | Sukie |
Sukpatch | Sulk | Sulpher |
Sulphur | Sultana, Tash | Sultans Of Ping F.C. |
Summer Hits, The | Summer Moon | Summer Obsession, The |
Summer Suns, The | Summerhill | Sumner, Bernard |
Sumo | Sun (Dance) | Sun And The Moon |
Sun Carriage | Sun City Girls | Sun, European |
Sunburned Hand Of The Man | Suncharms, The | Sundara Karmara |
Sunday (1994) | Sunday Club, The | Sunday International |
Sundays, The | Sundial | Sundress |
Sunflower Bean | Sunflowers, The | Sunglasses After Dark |
Sunhead | Sunhouse | Sunliner |
Sunna | Sunny Day Sets Fire | Sunnyboys |
Sunray | Sunset Gun | Sunset Sons |
Sunshine (90s) | Sunshine Underground, The | Sunshot |
Sunstack Jones | Sunturns | Supa, Richard |
Super 8 | Super Deluxe | Super Eight |
Super Falling Star | Super J Lounge | Super Reverb |
Superchunk | Supercute | Superdrag |
Superfood | Supergenius | SuperGlu |
Supergrass | Superhero | Superimposers, The |
Supermodel | Superorganism | Superstar |
Superstar Disco Club | Superthriller | Supperheads |
Surf Drums | Surfer Blood | Surferosa |
Surgens, The | Surgical Meth Machine | Surprize |
Surreal Estate | Surrounded | Suspicions Confirmed |
Sussed | Sutton, Nathaniel | Suture |
Suuns | Sveinsson, Kjartan | Swallow (Sub Pop) |
Swamp Children | Swamptrash | Swan, Colin |
Swanton Bombs | SWAPS | Sway Machinery, The |
Sweeney, The | Sweet 75 | Sweet Baboo |
Sweet Billy Pilgrim | Sweet Gum Tree | Sweet Vine |
Sweet, Matthew | Sweetest Ache, The | Swell Season, The |
Swervedriver | Swift, Richard | Swim Camp |
Swim Deep | Swimmer | Swimming |
Swimming Pool Q's, The | Swimming Tapes | Swingin' Utters, The |
Swirl | Swiss Family Orbison, The | Switches |
Switchfoot | Swordfish | Sybarite |
SYML | Symphonika | Symposium |
Syndicate | SZA | Szmierek, Antony |
T-H-C Roller | T-Slam | T-T, Chris |
T.C. Matic | T.Raumschmiere | Tab The Band |
Table, The | Tackhead | Taffy (Japanese) |
Tagmemics | Tailgunner | Take, The |
Taken By Trees | Taking Pictures | Talk Taxis |
Talkies, The | Tall Dwarfs | Tall Ships |
Tall Tales And True | Tallest Man On Earth, The | Talons |
Talulah Gosh | Tam! | Tamaryn |
Tambalane | Tame Impala | Tamino |
Tang, William | TANGERINE | Tangerines |
Tangible Excitement | Tangled Hair | Tanner, Marc |
Tansads | Tantric | Tapes 'N' Tapes |
Tapes, The | Tar | Tarantula AD |
Tarentel | Tart | Tartufi |
Tarzanz Milkmen | Taste Of Sugar | Tate, Troy |
Tater Totz | Tattersall, David | Taylor, Alexis |
Taylor, Terry | TC Hug | Te |
Tea Street Band, The | Team Doyobi | Team Dresch |
Team Sleep | Team, Sports | Tear Drop Opera |
Tear Jerks | Teardrop Explodes, The | Tearjerkers, The |
Tears In X-Ray Eyes | Tears, The | Technical Jed, The |
Teddy | Teddy Bears | Teen Anthems |
Teenage Cool Kids | Teenage Fanclub | Teenage Film Stars |
Teenage Jesus & The Jerks | Teenagers, The | Teenagersintokyo |
Teeth Of The Sea | Tegan & Sara | Teitur |
Tel Aviv | Telegram | Teleman |
Telescopes | Telescreen | Tellier, Sebastien |
Tellison | Telstar Ponies | Telstarr |
Tempah, Tinie | Temper Trap, The | Temperance Movement, The |
Tempest, Kate | Temple Songs | Templeman, Alfie |
Ten Benson | Ten East | Ten Fe |
Ten Foot Faces | Ten Speed Racer | Ten Ten |
Ten, Rotary | Tenants, The | Tender Engines |
Tender Engines, The | Tenderfoot, The | Tenderfoot, The |
Tenebrous Liar | Teng, Vienna | Tenner |
Tennis | Tenor, Jimi | Tent |
Terminals, The | Termites (Indie) | Terra Diablo |
Terra, Naomi | Terry & Gerry | Terry Edwards |
Terry Malts | Test Icicles | Tetra Splendour |
Tex & The Horseheads | Texas Instruments, The | TFS |
Thackray, Emma-Jean | Thanes, The | That Fucking Tank |
That Petrol Emotion | That Uncertain Feeling | Thatcher On Acid |
THE 5678's | The A.M. | The Agenda! |
The Animalhouse | The Anniversary | The Apartments |
The Bandits (00s) | The Beale | The Beat Poets |
THE BEAT UP | The Bigger The God | The Black Keys |
The Boggs | The Bomb Party | The Bouncing Souls |
The Boy Least Likely To | The Boy Who Trapped The Sun | The Boys Next Door |
The Briefs | The City On Film | The Clean |
The Clint Boon Experience | The Crescent | The Crocketts |
The Customers | The Datsuns | The Day I Snapped |
The Dead 60's | The Del Fuegos | The Donna'a |
The Droyds | The Faint | The Fanatics |
THE FEELIES | The Fighting Cocks | The Folk Implosion |
The Forever People | The Four Storeys | The French |
The Fuzztones | The Gerbils | The Good, The Bad & The Queen |
The Harmony Amulance | The Harvest Ministers | The Hiss |
The History Of Apple Pie | The Hit Parade | The Hives |
THE HOKUM CLONES | The Hommos | The Icarus Line |
The Jeevas | The Keys | The Lavender Faction |
The Licks | The Little Ones | The Longcut |
The Mentalists | The Monkey Run | The Moonies |
The Motorhomes | The Mourning After | The Nectarine No. 9 |
The Needles | The Neutrinos | The Nu Forest |
The Others | The Paper Chase | The Poems |
The Prefects | The Rain Band | The Rapture |
The Reegs | The Reindeer Section | The Revolving Paint Dream |
The Revs | The RG Morrison | The Rivers |
The Rocking Horses | The Rockingbirds | The Rocks |
The Royal Family And The Poor | The Secret Goldfish | The Shining |
The Shivering | The Sights | The Sleepy Jackson |
The Soft Boys | The Stands | The Stars Of Heaven |
The Starting Line | The Subways | The Termals |
The The | The Thorns | The Unisex |
The Van Pelt | The Veils | The Vessels |
The War On Drugs | The Warlocks | The White Sport |
Theatre, Shriek | Theaudience | Thee AHs |
Thee Amazing Colossal Men | Thee Exciters | Thee George Squares |
Thee Headcoatees | Thee Headless Kings | Thee Jenerators |
Thee Stash | Thee Unstrung | THEESatisfaction |
Their / They're / There | Thelightshines | Thelonious Monster |
Them Is Me | Theme Park | Then Came Bronson |
Thenewno2 | Theoretical Girls | Theory Of A Deadman |
Therapy? | These Animal Men | These Are Powers |
These Days | These Immortal Souls | These Monsters |
These New Puritans | Thespians, The | They Do It With Mirrors |
They Go Boom | Thief, Little | Thievery Corporation |
Thieves | Thieves & Villains | Thieves Like Us |
Thieves, The | Thinking Fellers Union | Third Circle |
Third Eye Found | Third Eye Foundation, The | Third Man Records |
Third Rail | Thirst (80s) | Thirst, The |
Thirteen 13 | Thirteen Senses | Thirteen:13 |
Thirty Seconds To Mars | This Ascension | This Et Al |
This Final Frame | This Girl | This Happy Breed |
This Heat | This Is The Kit | This Other Eden |
This Picture | This Ragged Jack | This Time Next Year |
This Town Needs Guns | Thom. | Thomas, David (Ubu) |
Thomas, Rosie | Thomson | Thorn, Paul |
Thornalley, Phil | Thornbills, The | Those Dancing Days |
Those Pretty Wrongs | Those Who Celebrate | Thought Police, The |
Thousand Foot Whale Claw | Thousand Yard Stare | Thread |
Three Blind Mice | Three Courgettes, The | Three Fish |
Three Hour Tour | Three Mile Pilot | Three Trapped Tigers |
Thrilled Skinny | Thrills, The | Throat, Ruby |
Throneberry | Throw | Throw That Beat In The Garbage |
Thrum | Thrush Puppies | Thumpers |
Thunderball | Thurman | Tiger (Indie) |
Tiger (Reggae) | Tiger Army | Tiger Force |
Tiger Lillies, The | Tiger, Timid | Tigercats |
Tigercub | Tigers Jaw | Tigs |
Tihista, Kevin | Till, Emmitt | Tillman J. |
Tilly And The Wall | Tiltawhirl | Timber Timbre |
Time & Space Machine, The | Time Wasters | Times New Viking |
Times, The | Tin Star | Tinariwen |
Tindersticks | Ting Tings, The | Tinkerbell's Dope Ring |
Tinklers, The | Tino | Tinted Windows |
Tiny Dancers | Tiny Masters Of Today | Tiny Monroe |
Tiny Too | Tiny Town | Tippi |
Tired Pony | Tirez Tirez | Titus Andronicus |
Tizzy | To My Boy | To Rococo Rot |
Toadies | Toasted Heretic | Toaster |
Tog | Toiling Midgets | Tokidoki |
Tokyo Police Club | Toledo | Tolhurst, Lol |
Tolman, Russ | Tom Mcrae | Tom The Lion |
Tomboy | Tompaulin | Toms, Luke |
Tone Deaf & The Idiots | Tones On Tail | Tong, Winston |
Tonight | Tontrix | Tony |
Too Much Joy | Toothless | Toothpaste 2000 |
Toploader | Topper | TOPS |
Tornfelt, Annalisa | Torres | Tortoise |
Total Control | Touch Of Evil | Toupé |
Tovarich | Tovey, Frank | Towers OF London |
Toy | Toy Shop, The | Tra-La-La |
Traams | Trabant | Traceys, The |
Tracy & The Plastics | Tracyanne & Danny | Tragic Mulatto |
Trailer Trash Tracys | Trains And Boats And Planes | Tram |
Tramer, Ben | Tramp Attack | Trampoline |
Trampolines, The | Tramway | Trans Am |
tRANSELEMENt | Transept | Transit |
Transmission | Transplants | Trapper, Blitzen |
Trapt | Trash Money | Trash Palace |
Trashcan Sinatras | Travelling Band, The | Travis (90s) |
Travis Cut | Trax | Treebound Story |
Treecreepers, The | Treehouse | Treepeople |
Trees, The | Trek W/ Quintronic | Treliks, The |
Trembling Blue Stars | Trespassers William | Triathalon |
Tribes | Tribes, Two | Tribute To Nothing |
Tricia Yates Fanclub | Trick Mammoth | Trickbaby |
Trimmer & Jenkins | Trip Shakespeare | Triple Fast Action |
Tripmaster Monkey | Tripping Daisy | Tristeza |
Trixie's Big Red Motorbike | Tropical Fish Invasion, The | Trotsky Icepick |
Trouble Books | Trouble With Templeton, The | Trouble, Girl |
Trouble, Mick | TRST | Truck Train Tractor |
Trucker Band, Corin | Truckers, Fat | Trucks |
True Believers | True Grit | True Life Confessions |
True North | True Swamp Neglect | True West |
Trumans Water | Trunk, Jonny | Trwbador |
Tsar | Tse Tse Fly | Tsunami |
Tubelord | Tucker, Alexander | Tucker, Corin |
Tudors, The | Tuff Love | Tuff Monks |
Tugboat | Tullycraft | Tunic |
Tunics, The | Tunnel Vision | Turbo Fruits |
Turin Brakes | Turncoat | Turncoats, The |
Turner, Alex | Turning Curious | Turnover |
TV Eye | TV On The Radio | TV21 |
Twa Toots | Twang, The | Tweedy |
Twelve 88 Cartel | Twenty One Pilots | Twentyseven |
Twerps | Twiggy (Indie) | Twigs, FKA |
Twilight Sad, The | Twin Atlantic | Twin Hazey |
Twin Peaks | Twin Shadow | Twin, Gazelle |
Twins, Summer | Twinsistermoon | Twist |
Twisted Charm | Twisted Nerve | Twisted Nerve Label |
Twisted Wheel | Twisted X | Twister |
Two | Two Gallants | Two Helens |
Two Medicine | Two People | Two Wounded Birds |
Tycho | Tycoons, The | Tynal Tywyll |
Typhoon | Tyvek | U Turn |
U.N.I.V.E.R.S.E., The | U.S. Ape | U.S. Girls |
U.V. Pop | Uffie | Ugly As Sin |
Ugly Casanova | Ugly Duckling | Uglysuit, The |
UI | Uilab | Ulcerate |
Ulrika Spacek | Ultimate Painting | Ultra |
Ultra Montanes, The | Ultra Vivid Scene | Ultrafox |
Ultraviolet, The | Umajets | Umlaut |
Unbelievable Truth | Uncanny X-Men | Uncle Tupelo |
Uncles, The | Under A Glass Bell | Under Neath What |
Under the Influence Of Giants | Under Two Flags | Undercut |
Underground Heroes | Underground Railroad | Underground Zer0 |
Underneath, The | Understand | Union Carbide Productions |
Union Of Knives | Union, Bullet | Unisex |
Units, The | Universal Order Of Armageddon | Unkle Bob |
Unknown Mortal Orchestra | Unrest Work & Play | Unseen Terror |
Unsophisticates | Unsound | Unthanks, The |
Until June | Unun | Unwed Sailor |
Unwound | Unwritten Law | Up And Running |
Up-C Down-C Left-C Right-C ABC | Upper Room, The | Urban Dogs |
Urban Myth Club | Urbnri | Used, The |
UT | V (Indie) | V [90S] |
V.I.P.'s | Vacation, The | Vaccines, The |
Vagabon | Vagabond | Vagabond Joy |
Vainio, Mika | Valentine, Matt | Valenzuela, Jess |
Valerie And The Week Of Wonder | Valiant, Pot | Valve |
Vampire Weekend | Van She | Vance Joy |
Vandaveer | Vander Ark, Brian | Vanessa Amara |
Vanessa And The O's | VanGaalen, Chad | Vanilla Trainwreck |
Vanity Project, The | Vanlustbader | Vant |
Various - Indie | Various - Industrial & Avant-G | Various - Soul & Funk |
Various Vegetables | Varley, Will | Varnaline |
Vast | Vatican DC | Vaughn, Ben |
Vaults, The | VCMG | Veal |
Vedder, Eddie | Vee VV | Vega, Alan |
Vega4 | Vegastones, The | Vegetable, Heavy |
Vehicle Flips | Vek, Tom | Velard, Julian |
Velcro | Vella, James | Vells |
Velocette | Velvet Belly | Velvet Crush |
Velvet Elvis | Velvet Teen, The | Vena Cava |
Vendino Pact | Venigmas | Vent 414 |
Venus Beads | Venus Hum | Venus In Furs |
Venus Peter | Venus Ray | Venus, Commander |
Venus, Plastic | Vera November | Verbena |
Verbow | Verlaines, The | Vermilion |
Vermin Poets, The | Vermorel | Veronica Cartwrights, The |
Veronica Falls | Verses | Versus |
Vertebrats, The | Verve Pipe, The | Verve, The |
Verve, The | Very Things, The | Vessels |
Vex Red | Vhs Or Beta (Band) | Vibralux |
Vicious, Pretty | Vickers, Diana | Victim |
Victorian Englishmens Club,The | Victorian Picture Show | Victories At Sea |
Video Nasties | Video Villain | Viet Cong |
View From The Hill | View, The | Vigil |
Vigilance Black Special | Vile Imbeciles | Vile, Kurt |
Villagers | Villarreal, Victor | Vincent Vincent And The Villai |
Vincent Vocoder Voice | Viner, David | Vines, The |
Vinyl Devotion | Viola Beach | Violens |
Violent Delight | Violent Femmes | Violent, Johnny |
Violet Hour, The | Violet Woods | Violets, The |
Virgin Passages | Virgin Prunes | Virginmarys, The |
Virgins, The | Vision Fortune | Vistas |
Vitamins, The | Vitapup | Vito |
Vitro | Viva Brother | Viva L'American Death Ray Musi |
Viva Satellite | Viva Voce | VODOO QUEENS |
Voeks, Erik | VOF De Kunst | Vogel, Tyson |
Voice, Steve | Voidz, The | Volcano Choir |
Volcano Suns | Volcano, I'm Still Excited!! | Volume Magazine |
Voluntary Butler Scheme, The | Von Bondies | Von Poehl, Peter |
Von Sudenfed | Von Trap Family, The | Vondelpark |
Voodoo Dolls, The | Voodoo Queens | Voom Blooms, The |
VOS | Votel, Andy | Vox Low |
Voyag3r | Voyeurs | Vrenna, Chris |
Vrenth | Vryll Society, The | Vue |
Vulcans (Rock) | Vultures, The | VY, EL |
Vyvyan | W. H. Lung | Waddle |
Waeve, The | Wagner, Kurt | Wah! |
Wainwright III, Loudon | Wainwright, Martha | Waiting List, The |
Wake | Wake The President | Wake, The |
Wakey! Wakey! | Waking Hours, The | Walace, Nancy |
Walk The Moon | Walk, The | Walking Floors, The |
Walking On Cars | Walkingseeds | Wall Of Voodoo |
Walla, Chris | Walt Disco | Walt Mink |
Walter Walter | Waltham | Waltones, The |
Waltons | Walwin, Arthur | Wand |
Wannadies | War Party, The | Ward, M |
Wareham, Dean | Wareika | Warm Digits |
Warm Jets | Warmduscher | Warmsley, Jeremy |
Warner, Simon | Warp, The | Warpaint |
Warsaw Pakt | Warworld | Was, Sir |
Wasch! | Washdown, The | Washed Out |
Wasp Factory, The | Wasted Shirt | Wasted Youth |
Wasylyk, Andrew | Watch With Mother | Watch You Drown |
Water Shed | Watercolor Sunset | Waterfront, The |
Watermelon Men | Waterson, Jack | Watery Graves Of Portland, The |
Watkins, Otis | Watson, Lewis | Watson, Patrick |
Watts, John | Watts, Matt | Watts, Phil |
Watts, Reggie | Wauters, Juan | Wave Pictures, The |
WAVES, TAPE | Waving At Trains | Wavves |
Wax Chattels | Waxahatchee | Waxwings, The |
Way Of The West | Way Out, The | Waylons, The |
We Are Animal | We Are Scientists | We Are Standard |
We Are The Physics | We Came From Wolves | We Fell To Earth |
We Free Kings | We Have Band | We Shot The Moon |
We Start Fires | We Were Evergreen | We Were Promised Jetpacks |
Weather Prophets | Weatherman, The | Weaver, Jane |
Weaves | Weaveworld | Webb Brothers, The |
Webb, Cassell | Website Test Artist | Webster, Jamie |
Wedding Present, The | Weddings, Parties, Anything | Wednesday, Jamie |
Wee Cherubs, The | Weed | Weeds, The |
Weedy | Week That Was, The | Weekenders |
Weeks, The | Ween | Weeping Messerschmitts |
Weezer | Weird Summer | Weiss, Allison |
Welcome Mat, The | Well Loaded | Weller, Paul |
Wellgreen, The | Welsh, Laura | Wendy Fix |
Wendys | Werefrogs, The | West, David |
West, Jocelyn | Westerman | Western Hysteria |
Western Mere | Western Promise | Westlake, David |
Weston | Wet Leg | Wha-ha-ha |
Whale | What Gives, The | What To Wear |
What? Noise | Wheat | Wheel, The |
Wheeler, Tim | When People Were Shorter And L | When Rivers Meet |
When The Sun Hits | WhenYoung | Whigs, The |
Whip, The | Whipped Cream | Whipping Boy |
Whipster | Whirl | Whirlpool Guest House |
Whirlwind Heat | Whirr | Whisky Priests, The |
Whispering Bob | Whispertown 2000, The | Whistler |
White Belt Yellow Tag | White Buffalo Woman | White Come Come |
White Denim | White Flight | White Heaven |
White Lies | White Light Motorcade | White Light Parade |
White Lightning | White Lung | White Magic |
White Noise Sound | White Rabbits | White Ring |
White Rose Movement | White Sails | White Soxx |
White Stripes, The | White, Andy | White, Jack |
White, Matthew E. | Whiteout | Whitest Boy Alive, The |
Whitey | Whitey On The Moon UK | Whitlams |
Whitney | Who's The Daddy Now? | Whorl |
Why? (00s) | Whyte Horses | Whyte Seeds |
Wide Open Cage | Widow, Warm | Widowspeak |
WIGWAM | Wilco | Wilcox, Brent |
Wild And Wandering | Wild Beasts | Wild Cat Strike |
Wild Combination | Wild Cub | Wild Flag |
Wild Flowers, The | Wild Giraffes, The | Wild Palms |
Wild Poppies, The | Wild Smiles | Wild Swans |
Wildbirds & Peacedrums | Wildbunch | Wilde, Danny |
Wildgoose, Jody | Wildhearts | Wildlife |
Wildwood Kin | Wiley | William |
Williams, Hype | Williams, Saul | Williams, Vinyl |
Williamson, Astrid | Willowz, The | Wills, Ian And Willings, The |
Willson-Piper, Marty | Willy Mason | Wilson, Ada |
Wilson, Jonathan | Wilson, Phil | Wilt |
Wimp Factor 14 | Win | Windy & Carl |
Winnebago Deal | Winston, Alex | Winter Passing, The |
Winterset | Wintersleep | Winterville |
Wire Daisies | Wire Train | Wire, Nicky |
Wireless | Wisdom Of Harry, The | Wise & Foolish Builders |
Wishful Thinking (Indie) | Wishing Stones, The | Wishing Tree, The |
Wishplants | Witch | Witchdoktors, The |
Witching Hour | Withered Hand | Witness (Indie) |
Witterquick | Wolf & Cub | Wolf Eyes |
Wolf Gang | Wolf Parade | Wolf People |
Wolf, Jai | Wolfe, Chelsea | Wolfgang |
Wolfhounds, The | Wolfman | Wolfmen, The |
Wolfmother | Wolverton, Basil | Wombats, The |
Women | Won Ton Ton | Wonder Mints |
Wonder Stuff, The | Wonderama | Wondermints, The |
Wong, Dustin | Wonky Alice | Wood Children, The |
Woodbine | Wooden Stars | Wooden Wand |
Woodentops | Woodhead Monroe | Woodpecker |
Woodpigeon | Woods | Woodstar |
Wool | Woolnough, Barry | Woomble, Roddy |
Woon, Jamie | Word, The | Wordbug |
Workforce | Workhouse, The | Workman, Hawksley |
World Is A Beautiful Place, The | World Of Leather | World Of Twist |
World Service | Worricker, Joe | Worry Dolls, The |
Worthless | Would Be's, The | Would-Be-Goods |
Wovenhand | Wovoka Gentle | WRAX |
Wreck | Wren | Wrench, David |
Wrens, The | Wrens, The (Indie) | Wrights, The |
Wrist, Teenage | WXPN | Wye Oak |
Wygals, The | Wylie, Daniel | Wylie, Pete |
Wynn, Steve | Wytches, The | X |
X Is Greater Than Y | X-Ecutioners | X-Men, The |
X.O.Dus | X27 | Xavier Floyd Firebird |
XC-NN | Xcerts, The | XCX, Charli |
Xerox Teens | Xiu Xiu | XX Teens |
XX, The | Xylaroo | Y Cyrff |
Y'all Is Fantasy Island | Y100 | Yachts |
Yak | Yaphet Kotto | Yard Act |
Yardman | Yards, The | Yassassin |
Yeah God! | Yeah Jazz | Yeah Yeah Noh |
Yeah Yeah Yeahs | Yeah You's, The | Yearning, The |
Years | Yeasayer | Yeh-Yeh |
Yellow Car | Yellow Days | Yellow6 |
Yellowcard | Yellowhammer | Yelps |
Yes Boss | Yeti | Yim Yames |
YLW | Yonaka | You Am I |
You Blew It! | You Me At Six | You Say Party! We Say Die! |
You Walk Through Walls | Young British Artists | Young Fresh Fellows, The |
Young Heart Attack | Young Knives, The | Young Marble Giants |
Young Republic, The | Young Romance | Young The Giant |
Young Veins, The | Young, Kristeen | Young, Linus |
Youngblood, Conner | Younger Younger 28'S | Younghusband |
Your Dinner | Your Friend | Your Mum |
Your Vegas | Yourcodenameis:Milo | Youth Group |
Youth Lagoon | Youth Of America | Youth, The |
Youthmovie Soundtrack Strategi | Yowl | Yuck |
Yummy Fur, The | Zebra Hunt | Zeitgeist (New Wave) |
Zeke Fiddler | Zelkowitz, Goldie | Zenigeva |
Zephyr Bones, The | Zephyrs, The (00s) | Zero 7 |
Zero Boys | Zero Le Creche | Zerra I |
Zimmermen, The | Zimt | Zipper |
Zoar | Zoax | Zodiac Motel, The |
Zoltan | Zoobombs | Zoogz Rift |
Zos Kia | Zoviet France | Zox |
Zu | Zu, Tabitha | Zulu Winter |
Zumpano | Zutons, The | Zuzu |
Zuzu's Petals | Zwan |