garage punk

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(80'S), Treatment? & The Mysterians
[Proto-punk], Death[Punk], Zorro1, Part
13th Floor ElevatorsA-Bones, TheAction Swingers
AdolescentsAlarm Clocks, TheAnhrefn
Apostles (Punk), TheAsta KaskAsylum
AttakAvalanche PartyAvant Gardeners, The
Bachs, TheBad Seeds, TheBalloon Farm, The
Beach SlangBeatitudes, TheBedrin Daddys, The
Billy And The KidsBlack Belles, TheBlack Eyes
Black LipsBlacklight ChameleonsBlazers
Blue Things, TheBluestars, TheBobby Fuller Four
Bojax, TheBombpops, TheBonniwell Music Machine
Boys From NowhereBoys, TallBrogues, The
Broken BonesBroken Jug, TheBum
Camera Obscura (Punk)Cannibals, TheCanyons, Blasted
Castaways, The (60s)Casualties, TheCateran, The
Chain GangChants R & BCheaters, The
Cheetah ChromeCheifsChesterfield Kings, The
Chilton, AlexChocolate Watch Band, TheChoir
Comedown, TheCommando's, HowlingCorporation, The
Crawdaddys, TheCreations, TheCreepy Morons
D4, TheDahmers, TheDastardly, Dick
Dave Bishop & The ApostlesDavid & SylvainDead Boys
Dead Weather, TheDeadbeats, TheDelmonas, The
Delta 72, TheDestroy All MonstersDirtiest, The
Dirty StrangersDirty Sweets, TheDivine Horsemen
Dog ToffeeDouglasDovers, The
Downliners SectDr. Spec's Optical IllusionDrawstring
Dutronc, JacquesDynamites, TheEffect, Domino
Elastik Band, TheErickson, RokyExquisites, The
Fabulous Thunderbirds, TheFace To FaceFallout
FeelsFiends, MoreFire Dept., The
Fire Escape, TheFive Americans, TheFive Canadians
Flamin' GrooviesFlashback-V, TheFlipper
Fowley, KimFreeze, TheFugs
Gaffa Tape SandyGarniez, RachelleGhost Of A Thousand, The
God BulliesGolden TriangleGonn
Gossip, TheGrabbies, TheGreen Telescope, The
Greenhornes, TheHands, StrangeHaymarket Square
Heard, TheHong Kong 99Horrors, The
Hot Hot HeatHuegeniusHundred Reasons
Imperial Pompadours, TheInner City UnitInside Out [Hardcore]
InsurgentsJackie FountainsJapandroids
Johnny And The Jumper CablesJoyridersJunior Senior
Kids, Jerry'sKilled By The BullKinetic, The
King BeezzKing PrawnKing Snake Roost
Kings Of LeonKingsmen, TheKnaves, The
Knickerbockers, TheKramer, WayneKruger, Russ
Ladies, AvonLegendary Golden Vampires, TheLenny Lashley's Gang Of One
Limiñanas, TheLoot, TheLovely Eggs, The
Low Numbers, TheLust-O-Rama, TheLydons And The O'Donnells, The
M.G. & The EscortsMake WarMake-Up, The
ManiacsMartini Henry Rifles, TheMascots, The
Maus, MauMay, PhilMaze, Chemical
Maze, The (UK)MC5McCann, Toni
Meat WaveMeatmenMen (Punk)
Meteors, The (80s)Mighty Caesars, TheeMildred And The Mice
Milkshakes, TheMissing LInks, TheMojo Men
Monkeys, SeaMonks - US, TheMono Men, The
Mourning ReignMouse & The TrapsMummies, The
Murder City Devils, TheMusic EmporiumMusic Machine
Mutants, TheMVPs, TheeNation Of Ulysses, The
Neon Philharmonic OrchestraNervebreakersNew Bomb Turks, The
New Christs, TheNew Colony SixNo-Talents, The
Nomads, TheNonesNovas, The
Offhooks, TheOther Half, TheOut With A Bang!
Outsiders (Punk), TheOutsiders, ThePainted Ship, The
Parkinsons, ThePeach Kelli PopPhantom 309
Pierced ArrowsPittbullPleasure Fuckers, The
Poets, The (UK 60s)Powder [US]Pretty Things, The
PupPurple Hearts, ThePWR BTTM
Q'65Quadrajets, TheRandy Alvey And The Green Fuz
Rank And FileRave-Ups, TheRebelski
RecallRecord Players, TheRelatives The
Relf, KeithRemains, TheRex Chainbelt
Rocket From The TombsRogues, TheRokes, The
Romweber Duo, DexRooks, TheRoyal Hangmen, The
Russal, ThaneScorpions - NL, TheScratch Acid
Screaming Tribesmen, TheScreeching WeaselSeclusions, The
Seeds, TheSevens, TheShadrax
Shake AppealShanes, TheSinners, Les
Sinyx, TheSirens, TheSixpentz, The
Sky SaxonSlapshotSlaughter Beach, Dog
Soft Pack, TheSolanoidSonata, Ghost
Sonic's Rendezvous BandSorority NoiseSoul Benders, The
Spanks, TheSpook School, TheSports, Remember
SprintsStabilisers, TheStaind
Stanford Prison ExperimentStayrcase, TheStillroven
Style, DoggySubtitles, EnglishSuicide Commandos, The
Suicide Machines, TheSwamp Rats, TheSwingin' Utters, The
Syndicate Of SoundTall Boys, TheTeddy And The Frat Girls
Ten Foot FacesTerminator XThe Boggs
Theatre, ShriekThee HeadcoateesThee Hypnotics
Thee Michelle Gun ElephantThelonious MonsterThem
Thorpe, BillyThrustThunderbitch
Time, AnnihilationTokyo Sex DestructionTrash County Dominators
Trashmen, TheTrauma, YardTroggs, The
Trouble, GirlTumor CircusTwang
Ugly Ducklings, TheUltramanUnderworld [60s]
United Travel ServiceUnknown Mortal OrchestraUntamed Youth
UP, TheVagtazo HalottkemekVejtables
Venus And The RazorbladesVibes, TheVibrasonic
Vikings, The (Garage)Village Stompers, TheViva L'American Death Ray Musi
Wagner, TyWailers, TheWarmduscher
We The PeopleWolf, GuitarWray, Link
Xerox TeensYardbirdsYardman

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