
View all Genre's  

(Jazz), Placebo(Techno), Lucy(V.E.G.A.)
//ZOO:Wumpscut:[Metal], Utopia
[WITCH], Weintendtocausehavoc100 Gecs3D
4.A.D.40 Watt Sun5UU's
A Hawk And A HacksawA New Line (Related)A.K. Process
A7phaAccessAdams & Fleisner
Adams, EveAEthenorAgainst All Logic
Aguilar, IldefonsoAhasverAhmed, Ilyas
Alexanders Dark BandAlias (Hip-Hop)Aliens, The (Soul)
All Hands_Make LightAlps [Space Rock], TheAmalgam
Amazing Nuts & Bolts, TheAmbarchi, OrenAmerican Pleasure Club
AMMAnalAnand Band
Andy Summers & Robert FrippAndy TAnnexus Quam
Ant, SnapAntheil, GeorgeApartments, Luxury
Archer, RobertArkangelArnalds, Olafur
ArsenalArthur HAston, Peter
Atoms For PeaceAttritionAtwell, Billy
Auric, GeorgesAxiom FunkAxis, Blood
Baba StiltzBabliconBabyfather
Bad TrackingBager, KennethBags, Luxurious
BaikonourBailey, DerekBailiff, Jessica
Baird, BillBaker, AidanBaker, John
Balloons, TheBambino, KapBand, Phantom
Banfi, BaffoBaschet Brothers, TheBasho, Robbie
Basic ChannelBatoh, MasakiBeaty Heart
Beautify JunkyardsBeer, MarkBenni
Beresford, SteveBerio, LucianoBerkeley, Lennox
Binary Collective, TheBip, BoomBlack Moth Super Rainbow
Black To CommBlack WingBlake, Ran
Blakeslee, GuyBlanck MassBlegvad, Peter
Blitzoids, TheBlood, WeyesBlue Notes
Blumberg, DanielBlumm, F.S.Blunt, Dean
BMB ConBocquet, DidierBody, Infinite
Body, TheBong, JamesBonniesongs
Books, TheBoosey & HawkesBorbetomagus
BoutiqueBovine Over Sussex WBox, The
Bozzio Levin StevensBraidsBranca, Glenn
Brandao, RodrigoBrandt, DanielBrannten Schnure
Brock, JimBroder, AndrewBron Area
Brooks, JonBrothers Christ, TheBrotzmann, Caspar
Brötzmann, PeterBrumeBurzum
Byrd, Joe & The Field HippiesC. Spencer YehCacciapaglia, Roberto
Cahen, FatonCainaCaldera (Dance)
CalifoneCall SuperCamera 3
Canyons, BlastedCapitol RecordsCaretaker, The
Carney-Hild-KramerCarr, KateCary, Tristram
Catani, PatricCenter, CityCentral Europe Performance
Ceramic HobsChadbourne, EugeneChannels, Black
CharalambidesCharlie Hunter TrioCharlotte Adigéry & Bolis Pupul
ChessieCHONChristmann, Günter
CHVDSCiani, SuzanneCity, Naked
Clarity, ClarenceClarke, JamesClawfist Singles Club
Claypool, LesCleveland, BarryCloudkicker
Clyde-Evans, JohnCocoRosieCoe, Tony
CoilgunsColbeck, RicCollective Horizontal
ColleenCollier, JacobColombier, Michel
Command All-Stars, TheConcretismContinuum (Ambient)
Cooper, TommyCopernicusCora, Tom
CoreCorner, PhilipCornish, Dale
Corpses As BedmatesCosentino, SaroCosey Fanni Tutti
Cosmic EyeCoxhill, LolCoyne, Kevin & Krause, Dagmar
Crazy Backwards AlphabetCreams, TheCreedle
CrematorCromagnon Band, TheCrumb, George
Cult ClubCult Des GhoulesCybersecrecy
CyclobeCyclopsCzukay, Holger
Dadd, RachaelDaedelusDaemonia
Dale Cooper QuartetDale, SydDaphni
Dark AgesDarksideDavies, Daniel
Deacon, DanDead FaderDead Machines
Dead Sea ApesDeas, CamDeathprod
Dedman, MalcolmDefect, BeliefDei, Khaos
Demdike Stare DemonsDePlume, Alabaster
DeradoorianDetroit Experiment, TheDevil, The
DickensDie VerbotenDogbowl
Dolat-Shahi, DariushDominatorDoor And The Window, The
DownloadDoyle, ArthurDr. Teleny's Incredible P.I.O.
Dr. Who Dat?Dragons, LuckyDressmaker
DrowseDrudkhE.W. Wainwright, Jr.'s African
EarthEastman, JuliusEccentronic Research Council,
Echo BeattyEconomique, EnsembleEctogram
Eerie, MountEgyptologyEldh, Petter
Elliott SharpEmuulEndon
EnsembleEpitaph, BlueEruption (German)
Ethan P. FlynnEthereal And The Queer ShowEverything Is Recorded
Ex-Easter Island HeadEye Of Time, TheFall Of Efrafa
FaltyDLFamily Fodder, TheFamily Of Apostolic, The
Fantastic Mr FoxFarewell PoetryFat Dog
Faults, CravenFehlmann, ThomasFell, Mark
Fenech, DavidFerals, TheFerneyhough, Brian
Ferrari, LucFišer, LubošFields, Solar
Fighter, ModelFile Under PopFink, Siegfried
Fire In The KitchenFlatischler, ReinhardFleurety
Fly Pan AmFolklore TapesFontanelle
Food PyramidFoster, JosephineFrahm, Nils
Francesco De MasiFrench Frith Kaiser ThompsonFrench Toast
Frizzi, FabioFrohmader, PeterFrontální Porucha
Frost, BenFurious PigFutures, Black
Galás, DiamandaGarniez, RachelleGate, Warser
Gately, KatieGeduldig Und ThimannGeorgia's Horse
Geraldine FibbersGet Well SoonGGGOLDDD
Gibbs, Mike & Burton, GaryGilgameshGilson, Jef
Girl BandGirlsonDrugsGlands Of External Secretion
Glass, SamanthaGlasserGlobe Unity
GnawGod (Kevin Martin)Golia, Vinny
GrandbrothersGravenhurstGraves, Milford
Graveyard TapesGreen, MartinGreen, Thom Sonny
Ground, PureGuérin, JeanH.N.A.S. (Hirsche Nicht Aufs Sofa)
Hail Spirit NoirHankinson, MikeHarle, John
Haslinger, PaulHaustHayward, Charles
Head Of WantastiquetHealing Force ProjectHenry Cow
Henry, PierreHerbcraftHerbert, Matthew
HermineHerndon, HollyHeroin In Tahiti
Hess, StevenHet Pandorra EnsembleHey Colossus
Hieroglyphic BeingHintermassHinze, Chris
HMLTDHoffmann, BrunoHolden
Hollywood Saxophone QuartetHologram TeenHoly Toy
Hope Peter & Podmore JonathanHorse LordsHorseback
HOSEHot SugarHovhaness, Alan
HowlroundHughes, GarryHuman Flesh
HXXSHybrid KidsI Marc 4
Iceburn Collective, TheIgorrrIkeda, Ryoji
Ikin, KaneImmersionImpact Test
In Death It EndsIndian JewelryInk, Mike
InsectoInvisible Hands, TheIrrepressibles, The
IsorinneIsotope SoapIvers, Peter
Jad And David FairJah DivisionJames, Loraine
Jammer, GearJanet And Johns, TheJansen, Steve
Japanese War Effort, TheJazz Artists GuildJeanneau, François
Jesus Lizard, TheJesus, ZolaJewel, Nite
Jib KidderJim Rose CircusJinmo
JOAN OF ARCJohannsson, JohannJohanson, Jay-Jay
Johnson, NorsolaJOMFJon The Postman
JonahJonsiJust Measurers, The
Kalma, ArielKama, ZeroKanaan, Faten
KasboKellaway, RogerKen Hyder's Talisker
KetevKilimanjaro Darkjazz EnsembleKing Britt
King Gizzard And The Lizard WiKing KruleKingsland, Paddy
Kirby, LeylandKirk, AnworthKistenmacher, Bernd
Klaus KinskiKnifeworldKöhn
KohoutekKokoko!Kolektif, Komodo
KorelessKrengKurihara, Teruyuki
Kyle Dixon & Michael SteinL VoagLa Monte Young
Laboratorio Della QuerciaLackthereofLane, Fred
Lasry, TeddyLast ExitLast Man In Europe Corporation
Lauten, ElodieLee, OkkyungLee, Stewart
Legendary Pub Singer, TheLegendary Stardust Cowboy, TheLeigh, Heather
LemnaLes Chants Du HasardLes Disques Du Crépuscule
Les Percussions De StrasbourgLes Yper SoundLeslie, Desmond
Let's Eat GrandmaLeuter, CecilLevitas, Asher
Ligeti, GyörgyLight, EnochLightning Bolt
Lights, PeakingLiles, AndrewLiquid Sound Company
Liquid Tension ExperimentLiska, ZdenekLivonia
LodestarLong Lost, TheLoren Mazzacane Connors
Lost Tapes Record Club, TheLothar And The Hand PeopleLounge Lizards, The
Low Anthem, TheLSD [Luke, Steve, David]LUH
Lundsten, RalphLung, BlackLuz, La
Lynch, JulianM//RMachinefabriek
Madore, MichelMagazzini CriminaliMagnetize
Major Organ And The Adding MacMammal (Electro)Man From Missouri
Man JumpingMaple, U.S.Marchetti, Walter
Marclay, ChristianMark Stewart And The MaffiaMarouani, Didier
Marshall, AlexisMarshall, Mike & Anger, DarolMaserati
Maslak, KeshavanMassacreMaster Musicians Of Bukkake
MastonMaté, PhilippeMaurizio
Mazurek, RobMeatraffleMechanic, Celestial
MelodienMenuck, EfrimMeredith, Anna
MerzbowMetabolistMetcalfe, Hugh
Mexican Institute Of SoundMeyer, KrzysztofMichael William Gilbert
Mildred And The MiceMiller, Roger (80s)Ming, Sexton
MoebiusMogard, AbulMoholo, Louis
Monk, MeredithMonolakeMontana, Lorenzo
Moon Wiring ClubMoore, SteveMork Gryning
Morph, DarkMoss, JessicaMotor Ghost
Mount Fuji Doomjazz CorporatioMouzakisMovements, Crystalized
Mr QuarkMRR-ADMMüller, Jürgen
Mummers, TheMungMunsey, Adrian
Mura MasaMurphy, RóisínMusica Elettronica Viva
MutationMy Cat Is An AlienMystic Moods, The
MzylkpopNadja (Rock)Nagaya, Kazuya
Nancy Elizabeth CunliffeNazoranaiNegros, Space
NELSON, PAULNeoTantrikNew Blockaders, The
No Tomorrow CharlieNo-Neck Blues Band, TheNoto, Alva
Nuut, MaarjaO'Rouke, JimO'Sullivan, Daniel
Old Man GloomOmitOmori, Hinako
Omura, KenjiOneohtrix Point NeverOram, Daphne
Orchestra, DadavisticOrchestra, HiddenOrgan, M.
Orleans, ElaOvalOzzie
Padilla, MichaelPan SonicPaperhouse
Parts & LaborPattenPaul Rutherford (Free Jazz)
PeacepipePenderecki, KrzysztofPereo, Artifex
Perri, SandroPetrichorPfarmers
Pfeiffer, JohnPharaoh OverlordPharoah Chromium
Phi-PsonicsPhillips, BarrePhysics House Band, The
Pierre Henry & Spooky ToothPinski ZooPit Er Pat
PlinthPlonePošta, František
Poi Dog PonderingPoisoned Glass, ThePopera Cosmic
Portion ControlPosition NormalPositiva
PostkontoretPramPratt, Andy
Presser, GaborPreston, Don (Keyboards)Principle, Peter
Productions, PalmskinProstitutesPsy 231
Psychic Ills PsyclonesPublic Service Broadcasting
PulushaPuschnig, WolfgangPye Corner Audio
R!!!S!!!Raaijmakers, DickRacaille, Joseph
Rachel'sRahn, LutzRain, Black
RaketkanonRattleRedman, Dewey
ReptileReR MegacorpRibot, Marc
Riceboy SleepsRichard Reed ParryRider, Circuit
Rival ConsolesRobert Lester FolsomRobert, Jocelyn
Roden, SteveRogers, WayneRome
Rooney, PaulRroseRRoxymore
Ruben And The JetsRussell, RaySaaad
Sakini, LailaSatoriSC-164
Schafer, TroySchlaflose NächteSchnitzler, Conrad
Schoener, EberhardSchrock, JakeSchultze, Kristian
Scienz Of LifeScissorgunScorn
Second LayerSELF ESTEEMSelf, Colin
SendelicaSeven Ages Of Man, TheShadow Huntaz
ShadowfaxSharrock, SonnyShashidhar, Sharada
Shavit, AmiShibalbaShiflet, Mike
Shit And ShineShoes For IndustrySix Finger Satellite
Skin Side OutSkull, LiveSlaney, Ivor
SlantSlasher Film Festival Strategy, TheSmalley, Denis
Smith, Trudie DawnSmokey EmerySnakeman Show
Snow, MichaelSoap&SkinSoft Hearted Scientists
Sorgini, GiulianoSound, PärsonSoundcarriers, The
Space Lady, TheSpaceboxSpatula, Kid
Spgt, WckrSpiritboxSplintered
Spoerri, BrunoSpontaneous Music EnsembleSpookey Ruben
Spurious TransientsSST RecordsStapleton, Steven
StardriveStargazeState, The
StaticSteel Pole Bath TubSteffen, Arno
Stetson, ColinSteve, DelicateSteven Jesse Bernstein
Steven R. SmithStitched-Back Foot AirmanStock, Hausen & Walkman
Stockhausen, MarkusStone, CarlStyrenes, The
Sun ArawSunroofSurvive
Sussan Deyhim & Richard HorowiSuzuki, ShigeruSWAPS
Swayne, GilesSynergySzajner, Bernard
Tabbal, FadiTacuma, JamaaladeenTakada, Midori
Tall ShipsTamul, JackTapes
Tavener, JohnTechnical Space Composers CrewTechno-Animal
TelekasterTelexTemple City Kazoo Orchestra
TenderloniousTerenceTerminal Cheesecake
TetemaThe Revolutionary EnsembleThemis, John
ThemselvesTheodorakis, GeorgeThird Eye Found
ThouThousand Foot Whale ClawThree Legged Race
Three Trapped TigersThronesThule
Tippett, KeithTlaotlonTo My Surprise
Tobin, AmonToday Is The DayTomasz Stanko Quintet
Tongue, SwallowTono-BungayTonto's Expanding Head Band
Top, JanikTorn, DavidTowner, Ralph
Tramer, BenTranceformTrash 1
TreriksrosetTriangulumTropical Fuck Storm
Trunk, JonnyTrwbadorTumor, Yves
Tune-YardsTV ManiaTVAM
U.S. GirlsUltraistaUlver
Umberto (00S)Urick, JasonUtopia Strong, The
Utsumi, IzuruV/VMVagabon
Vampyrettes, LesVarèse, EdgardVenetian Snares
Venus In FursVenus, PlasticVertigo (Noise Rock)
Very Best, TheVian, BorisVian, Patrick
Vidéo-AventuresVildhjartaVillain, Carmen
Vision FortuneViva L'American Death Ray MusiVoices
Von Hausswolff, AnnaVulpeculaW.O.B.
Wadsworth, DerekWalcott, CollinWalker, Fen
WandWanda GroupWaqWaq Kingdom
WarpaintWarrington-Runcorn New Town Development PlanWatts, Trevor
WavemakerWebern, AntonWeingarten, Carl
Wheater, TimWhite NoiseWhite, Paul
Whitehead, AnnieWhitey On The Moon UKWhy?
WhyspWinslow, MichaelWishmountain
Witch Trials, TheWitxesWolf Eyes
Wolfe, ChelseaWolff, HenryWooden Shjips
World, ComaWorlds, BlazingWovenhand
WranglerWrenWuorinen, Charles
Wurman, HansX-Ray PopX-TG
Xhol CaravanXiu XiuYo Ho Wah 13
Yo MajestyYokota, SusumuYou, Thank
Young, NateYoungs, RichardYouth Of Britain
Yow, DavidZ'EVZappa Plays Zappa
Zappa, FrankZedZerfall, Maria
Zinger Meats Spry 2000 HotZinger, EarlZOFFF
ZombiZoneZorn, John
Zuccarelli, Hugo

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