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BARNEY BUBBLES Aura Rhanes / Initiate Keeper Of Queen Thoras'
Weyrling (Incredible 1972 UK 20" x 30" poster that was either
available directly from the artist or at Hawkwind gigs & never
available for general retail sale. The poster itself remains in
unrestored condition, with a little creasing at the edges where it has
been stored rolled, and a certain degree of age yellowing to the paper.
None of this would be particularly evident once framed and glazed.
There is a small amount of historic oil staining by the use of poster
putty in the corners to mount the poster at some point, but it remains
as a consequence free from any pin holes, rips or tears. This amazing
poster is part of a collection of five that were loosely based on the
characters of members of Hawkwind. These posters are very hard to
find nowadays, especially in very acceptable vintage condition like this
one. One of the few pieces of artwork designed by the late great artist
& designer to actually have his name on them. This deserves a good
home and a frame)
Currently Unavailable - You can request the next copy of this item
BARNEY BUBBLES Earth Family (Incredible 1972 UK 20" x 30"
poster that was either available directly from the artist or at
Hawkwind gigs & never available for general retail sale. The
poster itself remains in unrestored condition, with a little
creasing at the edges where it has been stored rolled, and a
certain degree of age yellowing to the paper. None of this
would be particularly evident once framed and glazed. There
is a small amount of historic oil stainingby the use of poster
putty in the corners to mount the poster at some point, but it
remains as a consequence free from any pin holes, rips or
tears. This amazing poster is part of a collection of five that
were loosely based on the characters of members of
Hawkwind. These posters are very hard to find nowadays,
especially in very acceptable vintage condition like this one.
One of the few pieces of artwork designed by the late great
artist & designer to actually have his name on them. This
deserves a good home and a frame)
Currently Unavailable - You can request the next copy of this item
BARNEY BUBBLES Fanon / Dragon Commando (Incredible 1972 UK
20" x 30" poster that was either available directly from the artist or at
Hawkwind gigs & never available for general retail sale. The poster itself
remains in unrestored condition, with a little creasing at the edges
where it has been stored rolled, and a certain degree of age yellowing
to the paper. None of this would be particularly evident once framed
and glazed. There is a small amount of historic oil staining by the use
of poster putty in the corners to mount the poster at some point, but
it remains as a consequence free from any pin holes, rips or tears. This
amazing poster is part of a collection of five that were loosely based on
the characters of members of Hawkwind. These posters are very hard
to find nowadays, especially in very acceptable vintage condition like
this one. One of the few pieces of artwork designed by the late great
artist & designer to actually have his name on them. This deserves a
good home and a frame)
Currently Unavailable - You can request the next copy of this item
BARNEY BUBBLES Hawkwind Posters (Incredible complete set of five
1972 UK 20" x 30" posters that were either available directly from the
legendary British artist/graphic designer himself [Hawkwind, Stiff
Records etc] or at Hawkwind gigs & werenever made available for
general retail sale. The posters remains in fantastic condition, with just
a little creasing at the edges where they have been stored rolled.
There is a small amount of historic oil staining by the use of poster
puttyin the corners to mount the poster at some point, but, as a
consequence, they remain free from pin holes, rips or tears. These
amazing posters were loosely based on the characters of members of
Hawkwind. Now, increasingly hard to find, especially in such great
vintage condition. One of the few pieces of artwork designed by the
late great artist & designer to actually have his name on them. Please
see more info...
Last copy in stock. Order now for shipping on Thursday 13th March
BARNEY BUBBLES Prince Minsky's Chopper (Incredible 1972
UK 20" x 30" poster that was either available directly from
the artist or at Hawkwind gigs & never available for general
retail sale. The poster itself remains in unrestored condition,
with a little creasing at the edges where it has been stored
rolled, and a certain degree of age yellowing to the paper.
None of this would be particularly evident once framed and
glazed. There is a small amount of historic oil staining by the
use of poster putty in the corners to mount the poster at some
point, but it remains as a consequence free from any pin
holes, rips or tears. A small piece of the top left corner has
separated from the poster, amounting to a triangle of paper
about one centimetre per side, but this is still lightly tacked to
the poster with a piece of sticky tape, no nothing is missing.
This amazing poster is part of a collection of five that were
loosely based on the characters of members of Hawkwind.
These posters are very hard to find nowadays, especially in
very acceptable vintage condition like this one. One of the few
pieces of artwork designed by the late great artist & designer
to actually have his name on them. This poster is available at
an advantageous price as a consequence of the defective
corner, even though this would probably be invisible once
framed and glazed)
Currently Unavailable - You can request the next copy of this item
BARNEY BUBBLES The Temple Of Hex Peyotl / Atlantis (Incredible
1972 UK 20" x 30" poster that was either available directly from the
artist or at Hawkwind gigs & never available for general retail sale.
The poster itself remains in unrestored condition, with a little creasing
at the edges where it has been stored rolled, and a certain degree of
age yellowing to the paper. None of this would be particularly evident
once framed and glazed. There is a small amount of historic oil
stainingby the use of poster putty in the corners to mount the poster
at some point, but it remains as a consequence free from any pin
holes, rips or tears. This amazing poster is part of a collection of five
that were loosely based on the characters of members of Hawkwind.
These posters are very hard to find nowadays, especially in very
acceptable vintage condition like this one. One of the few pieces of
artwork designed by the late great artist & designer to actually have
his name on them. This deserves a good home and a frame)
Currently Unavailable - You can request the next copy of this item
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Alternative artists: None
Related names:
Alan Davey, Big Amongst Sheep, Dave Brock, Dharma Blues, Harvey Bainbridge, Hawkwind, High Tide, Huw Lloyd-Langton, Inner City Unit, Magic Muscle, Michael Moorcock, Nik Turner, Opal Butterfly, Pinkwind, Psychedelic Warriors, Robert Calvert, Simon House, Space Ritual, Spacehead, Steve Swindells, The Compromise, The Imperial Pompadours, The Maximum Effect, The Radio Actors, Tribe Of Cro, Underground Zer0