

Our hotel wasn't the Beatles' first choice. We accommodated them because an old established hotel refused to take them saying, 'We can't accommodate such a delinquent group.' Kenichiro Yamaguchi deputy general manager of the Capitol Tokyu Hotel.

Instead of being able to enjoy themselves in Tokyo the decision to allow them to play at Budokan spoked a storm of protest and death threats were issued against the group. In light of these threats the security forces took no chances and whilst hoards of screaming fans surrounded the hotel the Beatles were kept safely inside. It was this enforced stay in the hotel that led to John Lennon becoming friendly with their translator Japanese Nippon TV producer Junishie Yovie and led to him giving him his sunglasses just before the band left for Manila.

Bored and trapped the band amused themselves between shows and press conferences in anyway they could, as best including resorting to creating a unique picture as detailed below:

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