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CANDY DULFER Saxuality (Pair of 1990 UK/Dutch Ariola label
promotional black & white publicity photographs, includes a 5" x 7"
photo featuring a close-up image of Candy wearing a leather jacket
and holding her saxophone, also includes a 7" x 9" photo of Candy
wearing a short skirt and holding her leather jacket in front of her -
both taken by Marcel Van Se Vlugt)
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CANDY DULFER Sax-A-Go-Go (Superb pair of 1993 UK/Dutch Ariola
label 7" x 9½" black & white publicity photographs taken by Bart Van
Leeuwen, both features a smart dressed Candy holding her
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CANDY DULFER Publicity Transparencies (Superb set of FOUR UK
55mm full colour publicity transparencies, features sexy images of
Candy wearing a light blue blouse and holding her Alto saxophone - all
taken by top Dutch fashion photographer Jan Welters for the 'For the
Love Of You' album!)
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CANDY DULFER For The Love Of You / Sax Mood (Superb 1997 UK
set of SEVEN 7" x 9½" black & white publicity photographs each
featuring a different sexy image of Candy, includes photos taken by
top Dutch fashion photographers Carin Verbruggen, Jan Welters
andMarc De Groot - great set!)
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CANDY DULFER Autographed Publicity Photograph (Superb 7" x 5" full
colour publicity photo that has been clearly AUTOGRAPHED and
dedicated 'To Graham' in blue marker pen. Suitable for framing)** Complete With Certificate Of Authenticity **
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CANDY DULFER Right In My Soul (2003 US Eagle Rock press pack for
the album presented in an Eagle Rock company folder and including
2 publicity sheets & a 10"x8" black & white publicity photo by Jennifer
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CANDY DULFER Saxuality (1991 US Arista label promotional-only
press pack includes 3-page biography/press release, plus 8" x 10"
black & white publicity photograph of Candy and her sax!)
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Alternative artists: None
CANDY DULFER Music Discography Or Rare Music Memorabilia