gospel & spirituals

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Adams, JohnnyAdams, YolandaAlexandria, Lorez
AlgiersAllstars, BrooklynAlmighty Defenders, The
Andraé Crouch & The DisciplesAndrews, InezArc Gospel Choir, The
Barbara & The BrownsBeasley, PaulBeck, Elder Charles
Bernstein, LeonardBig MaybelleBlackwood Brothers, The
Blake, RanBoones, TheBoutté, Lillian
Bradford, AlexBrown, Reverend PearlyCaesar, Shirley
Caravans, TheCarle, BillCarson, Martha
Clark Sisters, TheCollier, MittyCollins, Lula
Cornelius Brothers & Sister RoCrouch, AndraéDaniel, Louella
Daughters Of The KingdomDavis, EllabelleDean, Rusty
Deep River BoysDeep River Boys, TheDeller Consort
Dranes, ArizonaEddie And ErnieEdwards, Fermena
Ellison, LorraineErvin, WilbertEvans, Terry
Faith, GentleFalla Guitar Trio, TheFat And Frantic
Ferrell, RachelleFive Blind BoysFour Internes, The
Four Knights, TheFour Of A KindFranklin, Carolyn
Free For All Inspirational Ch.George Beverly SheaGlinn, Lillian
Golden Gate Quartet, TheGospel Ayres, TheGospel Harmonettes, The
Gospel Twilights, TheGospelaires, TheGreen, Lee & Leake, Lafayette
Griffin, BessieGriffin, PattyGuidry, Greg
Hall, PamHarmonizing Four, TheHawkins, Tramaine
Hazel And RuthHeadley, HeatherHeavenly Gospel Singers
Hill, GeorgeHinton, JoeHopkins, Linda
Hudson, LavineHulah Gene Dunklin HurleyImperials, The (Gospel)
Independents, TheJackson, JerryJohn, Little Willie
Johnson, BessieJohnson, Blind WillieJohnson, Pete
Joseph Martin KrausJoubert Singers, TheKing, Bobby
Kings Keynotes, TheLa LaLaVice & Company
Lee, ToneyLefevres, TheLittle Janice
Los Angeles Gospel Choir, TheMajestic Singers, TheMary Mary
Masters Family, TheMcDonald, JimmieMcGuire Sisters, The
Mercy Seat, TheMichaels, LazetMills, Pat
Mimms, GarnetMormon Tabernacle Choir, TheMorson Jr., Bossie
Moss, BillMurdock, ShirleyNewton, James
North, FreddieO'Neal, JohnnyParker, Junior
Parker, KenPastor T. L. BarrettPastures New
Patterson Singers, ThePeters Sisters, ThePreston, Don (Guitar)
Previn, AndréQuattlebaum, DougRance Allen Group
Raymon Hale Singers, TheRedhill Madrigal Singers, TheRev. F.W. McGee
Reverend D.C. RiceRichard Ho LungRoss, Jackie
Saint Pierre De SolesmesSansone, JohnnySea, David
Sellars, MarilynSellers, Brother JohnShaw, Marlena
Sheard, KierraShirley, DonSimon, Joe
Sir Coxson SoundSmith, CarrieSmith, Peter
Spence, JosephSprings, HelenaSt. Paul & The Broken Bones
Stewart, BillySwan Silvertones, TheSweet Honey In The Rock
Toney Jr. OscarTravelers, SunsetValley Youth Chorale, The
Villa, JoeWall, AlwynWard Singers
Ward, ClaraWatford, MichaelWatson, Frenesi
Whitaker, MickWhitney, MarvaWiggins, Spencer
Wilkins, RobertWillard, KellyWilliam, John
Williams Bros.Williams Brothers (Soul), TheWilson, Frank
Winans, CeceWinans, TheWindy City Four
Young, TommieZacchaeusZeal & Ardor

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