| | |
| | 'Bois-Sec' Ardoin, Alphonse |
(70S), Sebastian | (80'S), Host | (Celtic), Heritage |
(Indie), Lincoln | (UK), Harlequin | [Taiwan], PAN |
17 Hippies | 1812 | 2.19 Skiffle Group, The |
4.A.D. | 5 Hand Reel | A Blaze Of Feather |
A Loose Confederation Of... | A Mighty Wind | A New Generation |
Aaron West And The Roaring Twenties | Abernathy, Mack | Abraham And Moses |
Abraham, Ben | Abshire, Nathan | Abunai! |
Academy, The | Acaysha | Accolade |
Achor | Acorn, The | Acoustic Guitars |
Across The Water | Adams, Derroll | Adams, Eve |
Adams, Paul And Linda | Adams, Suzie | Addiss, Stephen |
Adjágas | Adler Trio, The | Aengus |
Agincourt | Aguilera, Paco | Ahmed, Yazz |
Aires De Montanya, De Selva | AJJ | Akerstrom, Fred |
Akhtar, Najma | Akron/Family | Al Et Al |
Alba | Alberstein, Chava | Albion Band, The |
Alela Diane | Alestorm | Alexander |
Alexander Brothers, The | Alfalpha | Alfonso Labrador Y Su Conjunto |
Alias Ron Kavana | Allan, Laura | Allen, Marcus |
Allison De Groot | Almadén, Jacinto | Alps [Space Rock], The |
Amandla | Amaro, Nilo | Amazing Catsfield Steamers |
Amazing Mr Smith, The | Amber Run | Ambitious Beggars |
Americans, North | Ames, Nancy | Amidon, Samuel |
Amigo The Devil | Amina Claudine Myers | Amor, Novo |
An Teallach Ceilidh Band | And His Voice Became | Andersen, Eric |
Andersen, Steindor | Anderson, Al | Anderson, Alistair |
Anderson, Ian A. | Anderson, Miller | Anderson, Moira |
Andrew Bird & Madison Cunningham | Andrews, Courtney Marie | Andrews, Harvey |
Andrews, William | Anglagard | Animashaun, Akanni |
Anivolla, Alhousseini | Anne Lorne Gillies | Anointed, The |
Ansambl Dalmacija | Appaloosa | Aquilus |
Ar Leitheidi | Ar Log | Arborise, Dan |
Arbors, Hush | Argov, Sasha | Ariel, Meir |
Arista | Aritomo | Arizona Smoke Revue, The |
Ark Of The Covenant, The | Arky's Toast | Armaillis De Conche, Les |
Armand, Renee | Armour, Matt | Armpit Jug Band, The |
Armstrong, Frankie | Armstrong, Jack | Arnalds, Olafur |
Arnold, Bob | Arnold, Stan | Arthur Lee Harper |
Arthur, Dave & Toni | Artzi, Shlomo | Ashcroft, Johnny |
Ashley, Steve | Askew, Ed | Aslan (Folk) |
Aspey, Gary & Vera | Asquith, Mary | Astor Piazzolla Y Su Quinteto Tango Nuevo |
Atacama | Atilla Engin Group | Atkin, Pete |
Atkins, Ben | Atterberg, Kurt | Atterson, Alex |
Audsley, Mick | Auerbach, Loren | Aufray, Hughes |
Aufray, Hugues | Augie March | Auld, Ben |
Aumonier, Kate | Aungier, Cliff | Auri |
Austin & Woodlieff | Avalanche City | Avsenik, Slavko |
Aweke, Aster | Axis, Blood | Axton, Hoyt |
Ayers, Kevin | Aztec Two-Step | Badía & De Larrocha |
Badly Drawn Boy | Baerwald, David | Baez, Joan |
Bahamas Soul Club | Bailey Brothers, The | Bailey, Roy |
Bain, Aly | Bakersfield | Ball, Sterling |
Ballet Grancolombiano | Bamble B | Bamboo (60s) |
Band Of Holy Joy, The | Banda De Música Auxilar Milita | Bandoggs |
Bara Menyn | Barber, Jill | Barde |
Bare Necessities | Barely Works, The | Barker, Emily |
Barker, Les | Barker, Ronnie | Barker, Sally |
Barker, Sophie | Barnett, Courtney | Barr Brothers, The |
Barraclough, Elizabeth | Barrow Poets, The | Barzaz |
Bashers, The | Basho, Robbie | Batoh, Masaki |
Battlefield Band | Baxendale, Tom | Baysal, Salih |
Beal, Willis Earl | Beans On Toast | Beatbox, Ancient |
Beau | Beausoleil | Beautify Junkyards |
Because | Beck | Bedouine |
Bedroom | Beer, Phil | Beggar's Velvet |
Beggars Mantle | Begley, Philomena | Behan, Brendan |
Behan, Dominic | Bell, Alan | Bell, Belinda |
Bellamy, Peter | Bellowhead | Belton, George |
Bembeya Jazz National | Benbow, Steve | Benítez & Valencia |
Bennington, Billy | Benns, Jon | Benson, Gary |
Bensusan, Pierre | Bentley, Eric | Berganza Tereza & Yepes Narcis |
Berline, Byron | Bern, Dan | Bernie & Joe |
Berninger, Matt | Berryhill, Cindy Lee | Best Of British |
Beth Jeans Houghton | Beth, Karen | Betmead, Jon |
Beverley | Beverley Martyn | Bhattacharya, Deben |
Bias, Joe | Bibb, Leon | Biddy, Blackeyed |
Big Eyes Family Players, The | Big Thief | Bilbrough, Dave |
Bill & Taffy | Bill And Ron Moore | Bilston, Don |
Bingham, Ryan | Bird, Tony | Bird, Wallis |
Birdy | Bishop Allen | Bishop, Richard |
Bitter Withy | Bjerg, Svend | Black Atlantic, The |
Black Belt Eagle Scout | Black Family, The | Black, Frances |
Black, Mary | Blackmore's Night | Blackmore, Annette & Catherine |
Blackstone, Eddie | Blackthorn | Blackwell, Chris |
Blake, Norman | Bleeding Heart Pigeons | Bleizi Ruz |
Blennerhed, Annica | Blind Boy Grunt | Blind Pilot |
Block, Allan | Blonker | Bloom, Ken |
Bloom, Luka | Bloomypetal | Blount, Michael |
Blue Goose | Blue Horses | Blue Rose Code |
Blue Roses | Blue Velvet Band, The | Blyth Power |
Boat To Row | Boatmen, The | Bob And Ron Copper |
Bob Johnson & Pete Knight | Bobby G Rice | Boiled In Lead |
Bolan, Bernard | Bolton, Polly | Bon Iver |
Bond, Eddie | Bond, Peter | Bond, PJ |
Bonny Light Horseman | Books, The | Boone, Daniel |
Boone, Debby | Borg, Kim | Bothy Band, The |
Bots | Boucher, Butterfly | Bowe, John |
Bowersox, Crystal | Boyce, Max | Boyle, Maggie |
Boyoyo Boys, The | Boys Of The Lough, The | Bradley, Muireann |
Brady, Paul | Branan, Cory | Branch Michelle |
Brand, Anne And Laura | Brand, Oscar | Branduardi, Angelo |
Brandywine Bridge | Brannten Schnure | Brass Monkey (Folk) |
Brassens, Georges | Bread And Roses | Breeze & Wilson |
Brendan O'Brien & The Dixies | Brennan, Maire | Bretecher, Gene |
Brett, Adrian | Brewer, Michael | Brian Boru Ceili Band, The |
Brian, Bill | Bridger, Bobby | Bridgers, Phoebe |
Brierley, Marc | Briggs, Anne | Briggs, Hattie |
Brigid Mae Power | Brimstone, Derek | Broadbent, Tim |
Broadside Band, The | Broadside, The | Brockett, Jaime |
Broken Records | Bromberg, David | Brook, Julian |
Brothers And The Sisters, The | Broughton, David Thomas | Brown, Friday |
Brown, Kevin | Brown, Toni | Browne, Severin |
Brownsville Banned | Broza, David | Brun, Ane |
Bruni, Sergio | Bryan, Nancy | Bryant, John |
Bucca | Buckle, Bob | Budapest Dance Ensemble |
Bullenbush Band | Bully Wee | Bully Wee Band, The |
Bunch The | Bunyan, Vashti | Burgalat, Bertrand |
Burgess, John | Burgin, David | Burke, Joe |
Burke, Kevin | Burland, Dave | Burns Sisters, The |
Burns, Hugh | Burton, Sam | Bushwhackers & Bullockies Band |
Buskers, The | Butcher, Eddie | Butler, Richard [Folk] |
Butter Mountain Boys | Byrd, Joe & The Field Hippies | Byrne Packie & Shaljean Bonnie |
Byrne, Conor | Byrne, Julie | Byrne, Packie |
Byrnes, Martin | C Duncan | C'mon Tigre |
Cadd, Brian | Caddick, Bill | Cair Paravel |
Cairo Gang, The | Cajun Blues | Cajun, R. |
Calcagno, Riley | Calchakis, Los | Calico String Band, The |
Cambridge Buskers, The | Cambridge Crofters, The | Cameron Men, The |
Cameron, Angus | Cameron, Argo | Cameron, John Allan |
Campbell, Alex | Campbell, Eamonn | Campbell, Ethna |
Campbell, Ian | Campbell, Ken | Campbell, Larry |
Campbell, Lori | Campbell-Lyons, Patrick | Campbells, The |
Canavan, Mike | Cann, Bob | Canny Fettle |
Canticle | Cantrell, Laura | Capitol Records |
Capstick, Tony | Carawan, Guy | Cardinals (Folk), The |
Carignan, Jean | Carlebach, Shlomo | Carlin, Joanna |
Carllile, Thumbs | Carly Rae Jepsen | Carol Of Harvest |
Carolan, Mary Ann | Carolina Chocolate Drops | Carousels, The |
Carpenter, Bob | Carrageen | Carrara, Émile |
Carroll, Liz | Cars & Trains | Carson, Joe |
Carson, Martha | Carter, Martin | Carthy & Swarbrick |
Carthy, Eliza | Carthy, Martin | Cartwright, Dave |
Case/Lang/Veirs | Castle, Mike | Castro, Nick & The Young Elder |
Cat, Fantastic | Cato, Connie | Cattouse, Nadia |
CBS Records | Celebrated Ratliffe Stout Band, The | Celtic Woman |
Center, City | Centro-Matic | Chadwick, Mark |
Chalker, Bryan | Challenor, Jackie | Chapelle, Pola |
Chapin Sisters, The | Chapman, Michael | Chapman, Tracy |
Charles, Bobby | Charles, Pearl | Charleston Trio, The |
Chartists, The | Chatfield, John | Chatham County Line |
Chatmon, Sam | Chaurasia, Hariprasad | Chavales De España, Los |
Chaves, Juca | Chenier, C.J. | Chesnut, Jim |
Chestnutt, Vic | Cheviot Ranters, The | Chichos, Los |
Chieftains, The | Childers, Tyler | Children, Dooms |
Chinaco, Capitan | Chinese National Song & Dance | Chladil, Milan |
Chorale | Christenson, Terry | Christie, Susan |
Christmas, Keith | Christoff, Boris | Ciapa Rusa, La |
Cigliano, Fausto | Cinema, Paradise | Cinnamon, Gerry |
Cinnamond, Robert | Circulus | City Preachers, The |
City Waites, The | Civil Wars, The | Clancy Brothers & Tommy Makem |
Clancy, Willie | Clannad | Claremont Country Dance Band, |
Clark, Gavin | Clarke, Rona | Clash, Johnny |
Clayton, Vikki | Clean Living | Cleveland, Shana |
Clifford John And Julia | Clifford, Billy | Climbers, The |
Cloher, Jen | Clutha, The | CMAT |
Cobbers | Cobblers Last | Cochran, Hank |
Cock & Bull Band, The | Cockburn, Bruce | Cocky |
CocoRosie | Codona | Cohen, David Bennett |
Coleman, Jim | Coleman, Michael | Colin Reece & Friends |
Collective, Rend | Collen, Sharon | Collins, Johnny |
Collins, Judy | Collins, Shirley | Collins, Shirley & Dolly |
Collister, Christine | Colton, Graham | Colvin, Shawn |
Colwell, Jack | Combe Raleigh Countryfolk | Comic Strip, The |
Common Round, The | Common, Jonnie | Commoners, The |
Consett Citizen's Choir, The | Consort Of Musicke, The | Contraband (Folk) |
Cooney, Michael | Cooper, Don | Cooper, Graham |
Cooper, Jimmy | Cooper, Mike | Copeland, Ruth |
Copper Family, The | Copper, Bob | Corliss |
Cormack, Arthur | Cornshed Sisters, The | Coro Della S.A.T. |
Corrie Folk Trio, The | Corries, The | Cortijo Vista Verde, El |
Cosmotheka | Costello, Cecilia | Cottars, The |
Coughlan, Mary | Country Cousins | Country Fiddle Band |
Cousin Emmy And Her Kinfolk | Coutarel, Jean | Covington, Julie |
Cox, Harry | Coyne, Kevin | Craft, M. |
Crain, Samantha | Crane, Brian | Crannog |
Crawford, Don | Crayonettes, The | Critics Group, The |
Croft, Penny | Crofters, The | Cromlech |
Cronshaw, Andrew | Crooked Oak | Cross & Ross |
Cross, Jimmy | Crowley, Jimmy | Crozier, John |
Crozier, Trevor | Crusaders, Minyo | Cruz, John |
Crystal Fighters | Cubedo Y De Malaga | Culliton Mahoney, John |
Cummings, Grace | CUNHA | Curro Amaya Dancers, The |
Curse Of Lono | Cut And Dry Band, The | Cut, Clear |
D' Kasermandln | Dadd, Rachael | Dalmour, David And Marianne |
Dalton, Karen | Daly, Glen | Daly, Jackie |
Dana Scott And The Crown Folk | Dandelion Records | Daphne's Flight |
Daring, Mason & Stahl, Jeanie | Dark | Dark Dark Dark |
Darling & Street | Darling, Erik | Darrow, Chris |
Daughter | Daughters Of Albion | Dave & Heather Godden |
Dave John Grew | Davey, Cathy | Davey, Shaun |
David Alan (Folk Rock) | David Laibman & Eric Schoenber | Davidson, Peter |
Davies, Alun | Davis, Jimmie | Davrath, Netania |
Dawe, Tim | Dawson Kelly, Nic | Dawson, Julian |
Dawson, Richard | de Alicante, Niño | De Almeria, Pepe |
De André, Fabrizio | De Bläck Fööss | De Danann |
De Jerez & Conde | De Jerez, Carbonerillo | Deacon, George & Ross, Marion |
Deacon, Michael | Dead Rat Orchestra | Deadly Snakes, The |
Deaf Heights Cajun Aces | Deal, Kim | Dean, Eddie |
Deardorff, Danny | Decameron | Decente, Attacco |
DeGrassi, Alex | Deighton Family, The | Dekker, Tony |
Delines, The | Deller, Alfred | DeMent, Iris |
Denalane, Joy | Dennen, Brett | Denny, Sandy |
Department Of Eagles | Departure Lounge | DePlume, Alabaster |
Derek, Jon | Derya Yildirim & Grup Simsek | Descloux, Lizzy Mercier |
DeShannon, Jackie | Design | Desmond, Andy |
Deuter | Devendra Banhart | Devil Makes Three, The |
Devon And Cornwall Const. | DeVotchKa | Dewhurst, Brian |
Diaz, Joaquin | Dibala, Diblo | Dickie James F. |
Dickinson, Luther | Dico, Tina | Digance, Richard |
Dillon, Cara | Dinning Sisters, The | Diop, Wasis |
Dirty Dozen Brass Band, The | Dirtyheads | Disley, Diz |
Disney, Walt | Dixieland Jug Blowers, The | Dizrhythmia |
Dobson, Bonnie | Doc & Merle Watson | Dodie |
Dogg, Tymon | Doggerel Bank | Doherty, Johnny |
Dolat-Shahi, Dariush | Dollhouse, Paper | Dolly Varden |
Domagalski, Victoria | Donahue, Jerry | Donnelly, Phillip |
Donovan | Doonican, Val | Dope Lemon |
Doran, Felix | Doris | Doucet, Michael |
Dow, Nick | Dowdall, Leslie | Downes And Beer |
Downes, Paul | Dr. Bowser's Brown Bowel Oil B | Dr. Ragtime |
Draghici, Damian | Dragoons, The | Drake, Nick |
Dransfield, Barry | Dransfield, Robin | Dransfield, Robin & Barry |
Dream Academy, The | Drever, Kris | Drifterfolk |
Driftwood, Jimmy | Droney, Chris | Drouth, Drinkers |
Drowsy | Drowsy Maggie | Druids, The |
Dry The River | Dubé Y Su Conjunto | Dubliners, The |
Ducking Punches | Duckworth, Sam | Duffy, Johnny |
Duke & The King, The | Dunamis | Duncan, Lesley |
Duncan, Leslie | Dunlap, Slim | Dunn, George |
Dunn, Holly | Dunn, Willie | Durham, Bobby |
Durham, Terry | Duteil, Yves | Dwyer, Finbarr |
Dyble, Judy | Dylan, Bob | Dylan, Jakob |
Dyson, Alan | Eagleowl | Earl Soham Slog, The |
Earl, Robert | Earle, Steve | East Penge Taphouse Quintet, The |
Eaves | Eckman, Chris | Eclection |
Edward The Second | Edwards, Jonathan | Edwards, Stoney |
Eerie, Mount | Egan, Joe | Egg Plant |
Eikhard, Shirley | Einstein Arik & Hanoch Shalom | Einstein Arik & Levy Shem-Tov |
Einstein, Arik | Eksen Trick Brick Band | El Din, Hamza |
El Parado De Valldemosa | Electric Bluebirds | Electropathics, The |
Elektra | Elephant Micah | Elharar, Dudu |
Elixir (Folk) | Elizabeth | Ellington, Marc |
Elliott (Folk) Mike | Elliott, Derek & Dorothy | Elliott, Ramblin' Jack |
Ellis Island Sound | Ellis, Matthew | Elrick, George |
Emeralds, The | Emma's Imagination | Emmy The Great |
England, Buddy | English Air | English Country Blues Band |
Ennis, Seamus | Ennis, Séamus | Ensemble, Jánosi |
Enya | EOB | Escudero, Mario |
Escudos, Los | Espers | Eva Cassidy |
Evan And Jaron | Evans, Dave (Folk) | Evans, Leonie |
Everette, Leon | Evora, Cesaria | Ewell Castle School Music Group |
Eynon, Howard | Ezra, George | Fable |
Fabric, Bent | Fagan, Scott | Fahey, John |
Fairport Convention | Fairuz | Faithfull, Marianne |
Falay, Maffy | Falconers, The | Family Of Apostolic, The |
Famous Jug Band, The | Far Cry (80s) | Fariña, Richard & Mimi |
Farmstead | Father John Misty | Faulkner, Newton |
Faustus | Fay, Bill | Felice, Simone |
Felix, Julie | Fennig's All-Star String Band | Fergie Macdonald And His Scott |
Ferrier, Kathleen | Ferron | Fever, Fiddle |
Fišer, Luboš | Fiddler's Dram | Fife Reivers, The |
Fife Yokels, The | Filarfolket | Filles de Illighadad, Les |
Fink, Siegfried | Finley, Robert | Finn MacCuill |
Fire (70s) | Firewoodisland | First Aid Kit |
Fish Co. | Fishbaugh, Fishbaugh And Zorn | Fisher, Archie |
Fisher, Cilla | Fisher, Ray | Fisherfolk, The |
Fite, Time | Fitzsimmons, William | Five-O, Hackney |
Fivepenny Piece, The | Flairck | Flanagan Brothers, The |
Flannery, Mick | Flasher | Flatischler, Reinhard |
Fleet Foxes | Flibbertigibbet | Flint, Berni |
Flower, Squirrel | Flowers & Frolics | Flowers And Frolics |
Flying Norwegians | FLYNT, HENRY | Foggy Dew-O, The |
Folk '77 | Folk, Faraway | Folklore Di Romagna |
Folklore Tapes | Folkloristas, Los | Fontanas, The |
Fontenot, Allen | Fontenot, Conray | Food Pyramid |
Fools Crow | Forbes, Roy | Forcione, Antonio |
Ford, Frazey | Foresters, The | Fosforito |
Foster & Allen | Foster, Chris | Foster, Jody |
Foster, Josephine | Foster, Rex | Fotheringay |
Four Men And A Dog | Fourum | Foxface |
Francis, Ritchie | Francisco, Don | Frank, Jackson C. |
Fratello, Rosanna | Fred Hanna And The Laganmen | Free Fall Band, The |
Freemen, The | Freiburger Vokalensemble | Fresh Maggots |
Freshmen, The | Frickie, Janie | Friedman, Ruthann |
Friel, Brian | Froggart, Raymond | Frogmorton |
Fronterizos, Los | Froom, Mitchell | Frost, Edith |
Frugal Sound | Frugal Sound, The | Fry, Mark |
Fuchsia | Fungus (70s) | Furey, Eddie & Finbar |
Furey, Finbar | Furey, Ted | Fureys, The & Arthur, Davey |
Future Bodies | Gaberlunzie | Galliards, The |
Gallo, Vincent | Gallowglass Ceili Band, The | Gallway, Peter |
Galwad Y Mynydd | Gamble, Paddy | Ganavya |
Gandalf (US) | Garbutt, Vin | García, Digno Y Sus Carios |
Gardner, Kay (US) | Garmarna | Garnett, Gale |
Garside, Robin | Garthwaite, Terry | Gartside, Green |
Gary Gordon Quartet, The | Garzia, Georges | Gas Works |
Gasparyan, Djivan | Gaugers, The | Gaughan, Dick |
Gavin, Frankie | Gayngs | Geduldig Und Thimann |
Gellert, Ranya | General Humbert | Genesis Gospel Singers |
Geneve, Carla | Gentle Soul | George Hanna & Sarah Anne O'Ne |
George, Franklin | Georgia's Horse | Gerdes, George |
Germino, Mark | Gerrard, Denny | Gerwig, Walter |
Get Well Soon | Ghent, Tom | Giggetty |
Gilfellon, Tom | Gillespie, Dana | Gillespie, Hugh |
Gilmore, Thea | Ginette | Ginsberg, Allen |
Glackin, Paddy | Glasgow Caledonian Strathspey | Glasgow Phoenix Choir |
Glasgow, Alex | Glass, Sea | Glastonbury |
Glazer, Tom | Glencoves, The | Glenfolk Four, The |
Glenn Jones [Rock] | Glenside Ceili Band, The | Gloaming, The |
Global State | Gloth, Michael H | Glover, Sue |
Gnesta-Kalles Kapell | God's Little Monkeys | Goldebriars, The |
Golden Bough | Golden Ghost | Golden Gunn |
Goldenhorse | Golding, John | Gong Savana |
Gonnella, Ronald | Good News | Good Samaritans, The |
Goodhand-Tait, Phillip | Gooding, Bob | Gooding, Cynthia |
Goodluck, John | Goodman, Steve | Gordon McCullough And His Scot |
Gothic Horizon | Grace, Brendan | Graham & Eileen Pratt |
Graham, Davy | Graham, Len | Grant, Angus |
Grant, Cy | Grant, John | Grapes Of Wrath, The |
Graphite Set, The | Grassroots | Gravenhurst |
Graveyard Tapes | Gray, Claude | Green Willow Band, The |
Green, Kathe | Green, Liz | Green, Martin |
Greenberg, Phil | Greene, Jackie | Greenhill, Mitch |
Greenmantle | Greensleeves Country Dance Ban | Greenwood Singers, The |
Greenwood, Lee | Greenwood, Mick | Gregory Alan Isakov |
Gregson & Collister | Grey, Tony | Griffin, Pattty |
Griffin, Patty | Griffin, Vincent | Griffiths, Hayley |
Groce, Larry | Gronich, Shlomo | Groop, The |
Grossman & Van Bergeyk | Grossman, Stefan | Gryphon |
GTO's | Guayaki, Los | Gubara, Mohamed |
Guccini, Francesco | Guilbeau, Gib | Guinchard, Rufus |
Gun, Altin | Gunn Family, The | Gurascier, Jorge |
Guthrie, Arlo | Guthrie, Woody | Guzzle & Root Band, The |
Gwendal | Gwenno | Gyasi, K |
Gypsy Love | Hackman, Marika | Haden Triplets, The |
Hadjidakis, Manos | Hadley, Bob | Haines, Emily |
Hall Robin & MacGregor, Jimmie | Hall, Hillman | Hall, Kenny |
Hall, Tom T. | Halloweens | Hambrick, John |
Hamefarers | Hamill, Claire | Hancock, Keith |
Handle, Johnny | Handley, Max | Hanging Stars, The |
Hansard, Glen | Hanterhir | Hardie, Bill |
Hardin, Tim | Harding, Aldous | Harding, Mike |
Hardman, Rosemary | Hardman, Rosie | Hardy, Françoise |
Hardy, Jack | Harford, Chris | Harm Wulf |
Harmony Sisters, The | Harper, Nick | Harper, Roy |
Harris, Roy | Harris, Sue | Harrold, Melanie |
Harrop, Cathie | Harry Tait Five, The | Hart, Bob |
Hart, Jean | Hart, Tim | Hart, Tim & Prior, Maddy |
Harte, Frank | Hartford, John | Harvest Label |
Harvesters, The | Harvestman | Harvey, Frederick |
Harvey, Richard | Harwood, Chris | Harwood, Christine |
Haslam, Annie | Havens, Richie | Havenstreet |
Hawkins, Hawkshaw | Hawthorn Scottish Dance Band | Hayden |
Hayles, Lou | Haynes, Reg | Haze |
Hazel And Ruth | Hazzard, Tony | Head And The Heart, The |
Heads Held High | Heads, Fish | Heaney, Joe |
Hebbert, Michael | Hebric | Hedgehog Pie |
Heffernan, Honor | Hegarty, Dermot | Heilung |
Hem [Folk] | Henderson, Dorris | Henderson, Marian |
Hendricks, James | Hennessy, Christie | Henry, Joe |
Henske, Judy | Henske, Judy & Yester, Jerry | Henson, Keaton |
Hermanos Reyes Los | Hermanos Rigual, Los | Hernon, Pat |
Heron | Heron, Mike | Herring, Annie |
Hester, Carolyn | Het Brabants Volksorkest | Hexvessel |
Hickman, Sara | Hicks, Dan | Higgins, Gary |
Higgins, Lizzie | High Level Ranters, The | Highfill, George |
Highlanders, The | Highwaymen, The (Folk) | Higuchi, Hisato |
Hilary Jones And Simon Mayor | Hill, Noel | Hiller, Mitch |
Hillmen, The | Hillside Singers, The | Hillsiders |
Hillsiders, The | Hinchliffe, Frank | Hinnen, Peter |
Hinterland | Hirsch, Lonnie | Hiss Golden Messenger |
Hobbits, The | Hodge, Catfish | Hoelderlin |
Holder, Ram John | Holien, Danny | Holland, Jolie |
Holland, Lori | Holland, Maggie | Hollier, Tim |
Hollow Rock String Band | Holman-Climax Male Voice Choir | Holme Valley Beagles, The |
Holme Valley Tradition, The | Hologram People, The | Home Service (Folk) |
Homeless Gospel Choir, The | Hoop, Jesca | Hopkin, Mary |
Horatio | Horse Feathers | Horse Flies |
Horseflies, The | Horton, Johnny | Hot Dogs |
Hot Vultures | Houghten, Richard | Houghton Weavers, The |
Houl Yer Whisht Folk Group | House Of Freaks | Howard Eliott Payne |
Howard, Ben | Howe, Catherine | Howell, Reuben |
Hoyle, Linda | Hu, The | Hudson Ford |
HUDSON TAYLOR | Humblebums, The | Hunt & Turner |
Hunt, Lorna | Hunt, Michael | Hunter Muskett |
Hurley, Michael | Huron, Lord | Hurray For The Riff Raff |
Hutton, Joe | Hval, Jenny | I Muvrini |
I Viulan | Ian & Sylvia | Ian, Janis |
Ibañez, Paco | Identici, Anna | Idiot Wind |
Ilanit | Imagined Village, The | Imlach, Hamish |
In Tua Nua | Incas, Los | Incredible String Band, The |
Independent Folk | Indians | Inerane, Group |
Inti Illimani | Invisible Hands, The | Iona |
Ireland, John | Iris, Arc | Irish Express, The |
Irish National Orchestra & Cho | Irish Ramblers, The | Irish Rovers, The |
Iroko | Irrepressibles, The | Isbell, Jason |
Island Records | Ithaca | Ives, Burl |
Ivory Coasters | Izumi-Kai | Izumiya, Shigeru |
J. D. Blackfoot | J.C. | Jack Sinclair Showband, The |
Jackie & The Commuters | Jackie And Bridie | Jacks, Susan |
Jacks, Terry | Jackson, Billy | Jackson, Kara |
Jacqui And Bridie | Jade | Jade (Folk) |
James Levy And The Blood Red R | JAMES MORRISON (FOLK) | James, John (Folk) |
James, Joshua | James, Keith | Jamie N Commons |
Jan Dukes De Grey | Jans, Tom | Jansch, Bert |
Jansch, Bert & Renbourn, John | Jardine, Johnny | Járóka Sándor And His Gipsy Ba |
Jaw Harp John | Jay, Martin | Jean Claude Vannier |
Jean-Loup Baly & Jean Blanchar | Jeffrey Lewis | Jenkins, Bobo |
Jenkins, Cassandra | Jenkins, Martin | Jenny And Johnny |
Jenzen, Ralf | Jeremy & The Satyrs | Jessica Lea Mayfield |
Jewell, Eilen | Jim & Jean | Jim Johnstone And His Band |
Joe & Antoinette McKenna | Joe Gordon Folk Four | Joel R.L. Phelps |
Joel, Alexa Ray | John & Phil Cunningham | John Huband Scottish Sound |
John Lewis Smith | John McCullagh And The Escorts | John P. Strohm |
John Timpany And Audrey Smith | John Williams (Folk) | John, Aleksander |
John, Andrew | Johns, Sammy | Johnson, Michael |
Johnson, Vera | Johnston, Zoe | Johnstons, The |
Jolly Tinkermen, The | Jon & Jodi | Jones, Al |
Jones, Heather | Jones, Mordicai | Jones, Nigel Mazlyn |
Jones, Wizz | Jordan, Fred | Jordanaires, The |
José Carlos Schwarz | Joseph, Kathryn | Joseph, Martyn |
Joseph, Ruarri | Josienne Clarke And Ben Walker | Joy Of Cooking |
JSD Band | Jugular Vein | Jularbo, Carl |
Julia & Billy Clifford | Jumble Lane | Juniper Leaf |
Justin Townes Earle | Justine | K. Sara |
Ka, Andreas | Kahan, Noah | Kalb, Danny |
Kalb, Danny And Grossman, Stefan | Kalthoum, Oum | Kama, Zero |
Kane, Amory | Kàrolyi Szénássi | Kassav |
Kassidy | Kato, Kazuhiko | Katz, Mickey |
Kauffman, David | Kavana, Ron | Keane, Sean |
Kearney, Christopher | Keegan, Josephine | Keeley, Susan |
Keenan, Paddy | Keith, Barbara | Kelele Brothers, The |
Kelly, Casey | Kelly, James | Kelly, Jo-Ann |
Kelly, John | Kelly, Jonathan | Kelly, Peter D. |
Kelly, Stan | Kelsey, Dave | Kelts & Kilts |
Kemp, Rose | Kemp, Wayne | Kempion |
Ken Okines And Sue Ashby | Kennedy Rose | Kennedy, Dermot |
Kennedy, Malcolm | Kenny Serratt & The Messengers | Kent, Enoch |
Kent, Paul | Kentigern | Keren Ann |
Khaled, Cheb | Khaled, Cheb & Boutella, Safy | Khalsa String Band, The |
Kicking Mule | Kid, Little | Kikagaku Moyo |
Kilfenora Ceili Band, The | Kilgore, Merle | Killed By The Bull |
Killen, Louis | Kilroy, Pat | Kimber, William |
Kimbra | Kimmel John J. | Kimmel, Tom |
Kimura, Audy | King, Charlie | King, Charlie & Leader, Martha |
King, Elle | Kinnaird, Alison | Kipper Family, The |
Kirby, Katy | Kirkpatrick John & Harris Sue | Kirkpatrick, John |
Kiwanuka, Michael | Kjarkas | Klapa Sibenik |
Klapa Srdela | Klein, Jess | Knabl, Rudi |
Knapp, Jennifer | Knight, Aidan | Knightley, Steve |
Knitters, The | Kodila, Diana | Koerner, John |
Koerner, Ray & Glover | Kokoroko | Kol Salonika |
Kolektif, Komodo | Koloc, Bonnie | Koné, Rokia |
Kottke, Leo | Kraus, Sharron | KROQ |
Kryl, Karel | Krysia | Kugel, Shimon |
Kumra, Josh | Kweskin, Jim | L.A. Express |
Laboratorium | Laine & Alan | Laine, Linda |
Lake Poets, The | Lakeman, Seth | Lal And Norma Waterson |
Lamb (70s) | Lamb, Kevin | Lanchester, Elsa |
Landreth, Sonny | Lane, Nikki | Langleys, The |
Lankum | Larner, Sam | Larsen, Stu |
Latte E Miele | Lattimore, Mary | Lau |
Laucan | Laughner, Peter | Lauri Say And The Island Folk |
Lava Hay | Lawson, Juliet | Lay, Shannon |
Laycock, Tim | Le Bon, Cate | Le Forestier, Maxime |
Leaveners, The | LeBlanc, Dylan | Lecuyer, Jean-Pierre |
Lee, Sam | Lee, Su-a | Lefevres, The |
LeGarde Twins, The | Leigh, Andrew | Leigh, Sally |
Lennon, Gail | Lenny Lashley's Gang Of One | Leno, Sam |
Leonard, Adam | Leonard, John & John Squire | Leoni, Paul |
Leopards, The | Les Djinns Singers | Les Troubadours |
Leslie, John | Levellers, The | Levinson, Paul |
Levy, Oshik | Lewis And Clarke Expedition | Lewis, Lou |
LEWIS, MOLLY | Lewis, Muintir | Leyland Vehicles Band |
Liam Ivory's Ceili Band | Liberation Suite | Liberties, The |
Lick The Tins | Lieberman, Lori | Lifeblud |
Lightfoot, Gordon | Lightning Dust | Lily & Madeleine |
Lily, A | Limehouse Pink | Limeliters, The |
Lincoln, Philamore | Linde, Dennis | Linden Singers, The |
Lindisfarne | Ling Family, The | Linhart, Buzz |
Lipscomb, Mance | Lister, Hovie | Little Boy Blues |
LITTLE MACK SIMMONS | Little, Marie | Little, Syd & Large, Eddie |
Liverpool Scottish, The | Living Sound | Livingston Taylor |
Lloyd, A.L. | Lloyd, A.L. And MacColl, Ewan | Lloyd, Bert |
Llydith Trio, The | Lockran, Gerry | Loggins, Crosby |
Lolita | Lomond Cornkisters, The | Lomond Folk |
London Balalaika Ensemble, The | Long Lost, The | Long, Lionel |
Loose Caboose, The | Lords Of Thyme, The | Los Indios Tabajaras |
Los Reales Del Paraguay | Lost Gonzo Band, The | Louise, Sarah |
Love, Tandy | Loveless, Lydia | Lovers, Coco |
Low Anthem, The | Lowe, Jez | Lucas, Austin |
Lucas, Ted | LUCINDA WILLIAMS | Ludlows, The |
Lundell, Ulf | Lute Group, The | Lyle McGuinness Band |
Lynched | Lyonesse | Lyons, John |
Lyons, Tim | M. Taos Amrouche | Maal, Baaba & Seck, Mansour |
Mabel Joy | Mabon, Willie | Mabsant |
MacColl, Ewan | MacDougall, Sarah | MacKay, Bruce |
Mackay, Rabbit | Mackenzie, Judy | MacKintosh, Iain |
Maclean And Maclean | Maclean, Dougie | Maclennan, Dolina |
MacLeod, Bobby | MacLeod, Doug | MacLeod, Jim |
Macleod, Robert | MacNeil, Flora | MacNeil, Rita |
MacNeill, Finlay | MacPherson, Bruce | MacPherson, Donald |
Macrae, Josh | Macve, Holly | Mad Jocks & Englishmen |
Madaction | Madredeus | Madrigal (Folk) |
Mageean, Jim | Magenta (Folk) | Maggie & Terry Roche |
Magna Carta | Maguire, John | Maguire, Leo |
Maid, Delta | Mairena, Manuel | Makeba, Miriam |
Makem, Sarah | Makem, Tommy | Makin, John |
Makitsis, Andy | Malachy Doris Ceili Band | Malamini Jobarteh & Dembo Kont |
Malcolm's Interview | Maldoon, Curtiss | Malév |
Malicorne | Malkine, Sonia | Mallan, Peter |
Maloney, David | Malopoets | Mamas & Papas, The |
Mamou Cajun Band, The | Man, Mountain | Manasseh |
Mangan, Dan | Manning, John | Mansell, Frank |
Manuel, Ian | Mara | Maran, Mike |
Marcians, The | Mari Boine Persen | Maria And Margo Hellwig |
Mariachi Miguel Dias | Marianne And Mike | Marijata |
Marimberos, Los | Mariner's Children, The | Marismeños, Los |
Mark, Jon | Marriage, Left-Handed | Mars, Vic |
Marshall, Herta | Marten, Billie | Mårtenson, Lasse |
Martha's Vineyard | Martin, Benny | Martín, Juan |
Martinez, Pepe | Martyn, John | Mary & Harvey Kershaw |
Mary Lee Kortes | Mary McCaslin & Jim Ringer | Mary McKee & The Genesis |
Masai | MASON, GILLY | Masterminds, The |
Mataja, Branko | Mate, Bodgers | Mathews' / Wilson / Doonan |
Mattea, Kathy | Matthew & Peter | Matthew & The Mandarins |
Matthews Brothers, The | Matthews Southern Comfort | Matthews, Julie |
Matthews, Randy | Matthews, Scott | Matti Caspi & Sasha Argov |
Matuška, Waldemar | Matys Bros., The | Max D Barnes |
Max Houliston And His Scottish | Mayhan, Judy | Maynard, George |
Mayorga & McBroom | McAlpine, William | McAuley, Jackie |
McBain's Scottish Country Danc | McBeath, Jimmy | McBride, Frankie |
McCalmans, The | McCann, Jim | McCann, Terry |
McCarthy, Lyn And Graham | McClellan, Mike | McClure, Chris |
McCluskey Brothers, The | McConnell & Morton | McConville, Tom |
McCue, Anne | McCulloch, Danny | McCusker, John |
McDermott, Josie | McDevitt, Chas | McDonald, Alastair |
McDonald, Shelagh | McEvoy, Eleanor | McEvoy, Johnny |
McGann, Andy | McGarrigle, Kate & Anna | McGee, Parker |
McGinn, Matt | McGlinchey, Brendan | McGlynn, Arty |
McGoldrick, Anna | McGowan, Annie | McGowan, Sean |
McGrath, Suni | McGuire, Barry | McGuire, Sean |
Mcilwaine, Ellen | McIntire, Lani | Mckay, Kris |
McKellar, Kenneth | McKinleys, The | McKuen, Rod |
McLaren, Moray | McLauchlan, Murray | McLean, Don |
McLeod, Rory | McMorrow, James Vincent | McMurtry, James |
McNeely-Levin-Skinner Band The | McNeil, Roddy | McNeill, Paul |
McNeill, Sylvia | McNulty, Pat | McPeake Family, The |
McPhee, Digits | McPherson, Gillian | McTell, Blind WIllie |
McTell, Ralph | Mead, Chuck | Meal Ticket |
Mechanical Horsetrough | Meï Teï Sho | Meirelles, Helena |
Melanie | Melt Yourself Down | Menard, D.L. |
Merriman, Annette Wyn | Merritt, Tift | Merrymouth |
Metsers, Paul | Mevagissey Male Choir | Mey, Frederik |
Mezcla | Mian, Aziz | Michelsen, Anne Dorte |
Mick Fleetwood Blues Band, The | Micus, Stephan | Middle Ones, The |
Midland | Midwinter | Mighty Absalom |
MIGRANT, THE | Mike & Peggy Seeger | Mike & Solveig |
Mike Corbett & Jay Hirsh With | MIKEOLD | Miki & Griff |
Mile End Ladies String Auxiliary, The | Miles, Dick | Miller's Thumb |
Miller, Angie | Miller, Bill | Miller, Buddy |
Miller, Buddy & Julie | Miller, Dale | Miller, John |
Miller, Ned | Miller, Rodney | Mills, Crispian |
Milton Brown & His Musical Brownies | Miquela E Lei Chapacans | Miracle Fortress |
Mirk | Misner & Smith | Mitchell, Anais |
Mitchell, Chad | Mitchell, Graeme | Mitchell, Joni |
Mitchell, Kevin | Miyata, Kohachiro | Mo & Co. |
Moat Brothers Country Band | Mocedades | Modern Studies |
Moffatt, Katy | Molina, Jason | Molineux, John |
Molloy, Matt | Moloney, Mick | Molsky, Bruce |
Monks Kitchen, The | Monsters Of Folk | Montreux |
Mooney, Gordon | Moonstone | Moore, Barry |
Moore, Charlie & Napier, Bill | Moore, Christy | Moore, Hamish |
Moore, Jeff | Moore, Michael | Moore, Tim |
Moorhouse, Alan | Morby, Kevin | More, Mandy |
Moreno, Alfonso | Morgan, Andrew | Morgan, Dave |
Morgan, Neal | Morning Dew, The (Folk) | Morrigan, The |
Morris On | Morris, Gerry | Morris, Roger |
Morrison, Bob | Morrison, Van | Morriston Orpheus Choir, The |
Morton, Pete | Mosalini, Juan José | Mother Earth (60S) |
Mother Hen | Moths | Mottau, Eddie |
Moulettes | Moulton Morris Men, The | Mountain Ash Band |
Mousehole Male Voice Choir, Th | Movements, Crystalized | Moving Hearts |
Mowrey Jnr & Watson | Moyo, Jonah | Mr Fox |
Mseleku, Bheki | Muckram Wakes | Mugwumps, The |
Mukabi, George | Mukka | Muldaur, Geoff & Maria |
Muldaur, Jenni | Mulgrew, John | Mulhaire Ceili Band, The |
Mumford & Sons | Murdoch Alexi | Murphey, Michael |
Murphey, Tim | Murphy, Delia | Murphy, Noel |
Mushroom | Music Box | Mutter Slater |
Mutual Benefit | Muzsikás | My Brightest Diamond |
Myers, Whiskey | Myrdhin | Mystery Maker |
Na Filí | Nadler, Marissa | Nancy Elizabeth Cunliffe |
Napper, Tom | Nash Gripka, Israel | Nash, Israel |
Nash, Judy | Nashville Bluegrass Band, The | Natives, Local |
Natural Acoustic Band | Neal, Chris | Neale, Lael |
Neck | Neil, Fred | Nelson Arion, The |
Nelson, Tracy | Neophonic String Band, The | Neufeld, Sarah |
Neumann / Zapf | New Basement Tapes, The | New Christy Minstrels, The |
New Deal String Band, The | New Faces, The | New Hawaiians, The |
New Heavenly Blue | New Mexborough English Concert | New Victory Band |
Newby, Pete | Newman, Chris | Newman, Michael |
Newman, Tom | Newport Folk Festival, The | Newsom, Joanna |
Nic Jones | Nichols, Jeb Loy | Nichols, Penny |
Nicholson, Lea | Nicholson, Roger | Nicol And Marsh's Easy Street |
Nicol, Simon | Nicoll, Watt | Nieuwe Snaar, De |
Nighthawks, The | Nightingale, King | Nightwatch |
Nile, Willie | Niña De Los Peines | Nina, Rita & Ruby |
Niningashi | Nirvana (UK) | Noack, Eddie |
Noah And The Whale | Noakes, Rab | Nomads (Folk), The |
Nonfiction | Norrlåtar | North Sea Gas Folk Trio |
North Sea Radio Orchestra | Nothing By Chance | Novalis |
Nozuka, Justin | NTP | Nuova Compagnia Di Canto Popol |
Nutshell | Nyah Fearties | O Suilleabhain, Micheal |
O'Brien, Dermot | O'Brien-Docker, John | O'Connell, Maura |
O'Connor, Cavan | O'Connor, Kathie | O'Donnell, Al |
O'Donnell, Alison | O'Donnell, Eugene | O'Donnell, Joe |
O'Dowd, Barry | O'Dowda, Brendan | O'Flynn, Liam |
O'Halloran Brothers, The | O'Hara, Mary | O'Hara, Mary Margaret |
O'Leary, Johnny | O'Riordan, Dolores | O'Rourke, Declan |
O'Sullivan, Bernard | O. J. Abbott | O.W.L. |
Oak | Oakenshield | Oasis (Mary Hopkin) |
Oates, Jackie | Oats, Wild | Obassey, Patty |
Obel, Agnes | Obelisk | Oberon |
Occasional Few, The | Ocean | Ochil Players, The |
Ochs, Phil | Odetta | Of Monsters And Men |
Ofarim, Esther | Ogan, Gary & Lamb, Bill | Oggum |
OISIN | Olausson, Jakob | Olavide, Begoña |
Old Mole Band, The | Old Pete & John Christie | Old Swan Band, The |
Oldham Tinkers, The | Olive, Brian | Olney, David |
Olympic Bouzouki Group, The | Omsk Russian Ensemble, The | Ondatrópica |
Ondolo, John | One-Eyed Jack | Onyeka The Torch |
Open Road | Oraisòn, Jorge | Orange And Blue |
Orange, Mandolin | Orchestra Folklore Di Romagna | Oren, Peter |
Ormonde Folk, The | Oroonies, The | Orpheus |
Ortega, Lindi | Orton, Beth | Osa, Sigbjørn Bernhoft |
Oscar & Eugene Wright | Oshik Levy & Naftaly Alter | Ossian |
Otis Williams And The Midnight Cowboys | Outlaw, Sam | Outlaws, The (Country) |
Ova | Owl Service, The | Oyster Band, The |
Oysterband | Paay, Patricia | Pachacamac |
Pacheco, Tom | Packie Duignan, Seamus Horan | Page France |
Pahinui, Gabby | Paisley, Doug | Palmer, Bruce |
Palmer, Tom | Pam's Country People | Panopticon |
Paper Bubble | Papermoon | Parameter |
Parchment | Pardon, Walter | Parker, Alan |
Parker, Dyon | Parker, Henry | Parks, Arlo |
Parr, Charlie | Parson Red Heads, The | Parton, Desmond |
Partridge, Don | Parvarim, The | Parzival |
Paskett, Dave | Patrick Street | Pattacini, Iller |
Pattersons, The | Patti O'Doors | Pattullo, Gordon |
Paul & Glen | Pauline Hinchcliffe & Claire Ross | Paxton, Tom |
Payne, Gordon | Peabody, Dave | Peacock, Alice |
Pears, Peter | Pearse, John | Peel, Hannah |
Peelers, The | Peeping Tom (Folk) | Peeping Tom Spasm Band, The |
Peeps Into Fairyland | Pegg, Bob | Pegg, Bob & Strutt, Nick |
Pegg, Carolanne | Peggy Sue (60S) | Penfield, Paul |
Penning, Les | Pentangle, the | Peoples, Tommy |
Peoria Jazzband | Pepper, Jefferson | Peret Y Sus Gitanos |
Perhacs, Linda | Pernice Brothers | Perpetual Langley |
Perri, Sandro | Perrier, Catherine | Perrin, Nigel & Parsons, David |
Perrone, Marc | Perth County Conspiracy | Petals (90S), The |
Pete & Chris Coe | Peter Howell & John Ferdinando | Peter Paul & Mary |
Peter Wolf-Crier | Peters, Brian | Phillips, Roy |
Phillips, Shawn | Phillips, Tim | Phillips, Utah |
Phillips, Washington | Phoebe, Anna | Phosphorescent |
Pickford, Ed | Pickles, Nigel | Pidgeon, Rebecca |
Pie, Randy | Pierces, The | Pieta, Brown |
Pigg, Billy | Pigsty Hill Light Orchestra | Pinegrove |
Pisces | Plainsong | Plane, Dave |
Plant, Robert & Krauss, Alison | Planxty | Platina, The |
Players, The | Plexus | Plow, Mr |
Poacher | Poacher, Cyril | Polce, John |
Polland, Pamela | Poltz, Steve | Polwart, Karine |
Pomeranz, David | Poor-Mouth, The | Poppy Family, The |
Port Isaac's Fisherman's Frien | Portchalice | Portugal. The Man |
Positiva | Power, Jimmy | Powrie, Ian |
Pozo Seco Singers, The | Pratt, Jessica | Prayer Boat, The |
Prelude | Prelude (Folk) | Prettyman, Tristan |
Previn, Dory | Price, Ruth | Pride Of Erin Ceili Band |
Primordial | Prior, Maddy | Prior, Maddy & Tabor, June |
Prisma | Pritchard, Lauren | Privateer |
Proffitt, Frank | Progress | Project, Balimaya |
Providence | Pug, Joe | Pullins, Leroy |
Purdy, Joe | Purple Gang, The | Pyewackett |
Quantic & His Combo Bárbaro | Quare Fellas, The | Queen, Monica |
Quinn (Celtic) John | Quintessence | Rabinovitz & Nitzan |
Rachel Unthank & The Winterset | Radiator (70s) | Rafferty, Jim |
Rails, The | Rainbows | Rainwater, Marvin |
Rakes, The (Folk) | Ramases | Ramirez, David |
Ranchers, The | Randolph's Leap | Rankin Family, The |
Rational Anthem | Rattlesnake Annie | Rave-Ups, The |
Raven, Eddy | Raven, Jon | Raven, Jon & Mike |
Raven, Mike | Re Niliu | Rea, John |
Read, John Dawson | Real Sounds, The | Rebroff, Ivan |
Red Army Choir, The | Red Chair Fadeaway | Red Clay Ramblers, The |
Red Shift | Redbone, Leon | Redgum |
Redpath, Jean | Reece, Colin | Reflection (Folk) |
Reid, Nadia | Reilly, John | Reilly, Paddy |
Reivers, The | Renaissance | Renan, Jorge |
Renbourn, John | Rene, Henri | Rennard, Jon |
Renshaw, Fiona | Repairs | Rex, Offa |
Reynolds, Anthony | Reynolds, Neely | Reynolds, Rob |
Rhodes | Rhodes, Kimmie | Rice, Damien |
Rice, Larry 'Sunshine' | Richards, John | Richmond |
Richmond Fontaine | Rida | Rio Grande Band |
Ripley Wayfarers, The | Rivers, Roy & Aungier, Cliff | Riverside Trio, The |
Roaring Jelly | Rob Gordon And His Band | Roberts, Alan |
Roberts, Alasdair | Roberts, Andy | Roberts, Bob |
Roberts, Doria | Robinson, Andy | Robse |
Rocky Votolato | Rod And Tish, Mike And Joe | Roddy Hart & The Lonesome Fire |
Rodgers, Jimmie (Country) | Rodgers, Jimmie (Rock & Roll) | Rodgers, John |
Rodriguez, Sixto | Roe, Pete | Roger & Wendy |
Rohmann, Chris | Rolfe Johnson & Willison | Rooftop Singers, The |
Rooke, Fred | Rooney, Paul | Rory And Alex McEwen |
Rosbif | Rose, Biff | Rose, Caitlin |
Rose, Jack | Rose, Tim | Rose, Tony |
Rosenbaum, Art | Rosenberg Band, Mike | Ross Brothers, The |
Rossell, Marina | Rosselson, Leon | Rosselson, Leon & Bailey, Roy |
Rossi, Anni | Rothfield, Jane | Round, Jonathon |
Rowan, Peter | Rowe, Nick | Rowe, Sean |
Rowley, Beth | Rowsome, Leo | Roy St. John |
Rucker, Darius | Rumer | Rumillajta |
Ruphus | Rusby, Kate | Rush, Tom |
Russell Family, The | Russell, Anna | Russell, Micho |
Rustin Man | Ruthin Castle Singers, The | Rye Whiskey Road Band, The |
Sabah | Sabicas | Sædén, Erik |
Safetyword | Saffron (Folk) | Sage, Rachael |
Sagram | Saint Raymond | Saint Sister |
Salami, Ademola | Sallie Ford & The Sound Outsid | Salmontails |
Sam Stephens & Anne Lennox-Mar | Samandtheplants | Sandalwood |
Sandford, Chris | Sandor Deki Lakatos | Sands Family, The |
Santaolalla, Gustavo | Santillan, Facio | Saor |
Sara Grey And Ellie Ellis | Saraband | Sarstedt Brothers, The |
Sarstedt, Peter | Savoretti, Jack | Saw Doctors, The |
Sayers, Pete | Scaglioni, Roberto | Scartaglen |
Schafer, Whitey | Schlamme, Martha | Schmidt, Claudia |
Schmitt, Wolfgang | Schock, Harriet | Schoenberg, Eric |
Schoepp, Trapper | Scot, Colin | Scott, Emily |
Scott, Pete | Scott, Tom | Scott, Tom James |
Scott, Willie | Scottish Fiddlers, The | Scoundrels, Matilda's |
Scrivenor, Gove | Scullion | Sea Of Bees |
Seafret | Séamus & Manus McGuire | Sears, Pete |
Sebastian, Adele | Sebestyén, Márta | Secret Sisters, The |
Seeger, Peggy | Selda | Sellers, Brother John |
Semkina, Marjana | Sen, Lea | Seratt, Kenny |
Serban, Gregor | Serendipity Singers, The | Serious Bizness |
Settlers, The | Seven Little Sisters | Sexwitch |
Shady Bard | Shag Connors & The Carrot Crun | Shakti |
Shamrock Ceili Band | Shand Jnr., Jimmy | Shand, Jimmy |
Shannon, Sharon | Sharon People | Sharon Van Etten |
Sharon Whitbread | Shaskeen | Shaver |
Shazar, Pal | Shearer Harry | Shearston, Gary |
Shegui | Shelley, Joan | Shemer, Naomi |
Shepherd, Don | Sherley, Glen | Sherriff, She |
Sherwood Rise | Sheshet | Shiers, Allan |
Shine, Brendan | Shinn, Don | Ship, The |
Show Of Hands (UK) | Show Of Hands (US) | Shusha |
Sick Anchors, The | Sidan | Siebel, Paul |
Siffleur Montagne Chorale Of Dominica, The | Silly Wizard | Silver Bow, The |
Silver Ring Choir Of Bath, The | Silverstein, Deborah | Silverstein, Shel |
Simmons, Mack | Simon, John | Simpson, Martin |
Simpson, Red | Simpson, Sturgill | Singing Holmes Family, The |
Siren | Sital-Singh, Luke | Skara Brae |
Skepparn | Sketches For Albinos | Skillets, The |
Skinner's Rats | Skinner, Barry | Skinny Lister |
Skree Folk, The | Sky, Patrick | Skybird |
Skyboat | Skyclad | Skylark |
Slave (Folk) | Sledd, Patsy | Sleeping States |
Sleepingdog | Slobodskaya, Oda | Slow Show, The |
Smith & Son | Smith (Organ), Harry | Smith, Bill (UK) |
Smith, Darden | Smith, Derek | Smith, Hobart |
Smith, Jerry | Smith, Kathy | Smith, Mindy |
Smith, Pete & Friends | Smoker, Joel | Smothers Brothers, The |
Smyth, Gilli | Snails | Snakes Of Shake |
Snakes Of Shake, The | SOAK | Soar, Mike |
Societe Absolument Guinin | Sodastream | Softley, Mick |
Solstice | Songs Of Green Pheasant | Soraia, Charlene |
Sounds Country Band, The | Southern Comfort | Southern Tenant Folk Union |
Southerners (Folk), The | Spælimenninir | Spanky & Our Gang |
Sparrow And The Workshop | Spence, Joseph | Spheeris, Jimmie |
Spicer, George | Spillane, Davy | Spinners, The |
Spiral Sky | Splinter | Sprangeen |
Spriguns | Springfield, Dusty | Springfield, Tom |
Springfields, The (Folk) | Springwater | Sproule, Devon |
Spud | Spurzz | Square, Paradise |
Squarecrows, The | St Clair, Isla | St John, Bridget |
St. Clements Wells | St. John, Rob | St. Keverne |
Stacc | Stackridge | Staffell, Tim |
Stanley Steamer | Stanley, Pete | Stapleton, Chris |
Star Of Munster Trio, The | Starland Vocal Band | Starless & Bible Black |
Starling, John | Starlings, The | Starr, Will |
Staves, The | Stead, Joe | Steagall, Red |
Stealers Wheel | Steam Shuttle | Stecher, Jody |
Steel, Jason | Steinel, Roland | Step Stately |
Stephenson, Martin & The Daint | Steve Colt Paradox | Steve Von Till |
Stevens, Jimmy | Stevens, Meic | Stewart, Al |
Stewart, Andy | Stewart, Belle | Stewart, Bob |
Stewart, Davie | Stewart, Mike | Stewart, Norman |
Stewart, Redd | Stewart, Wynn | Stick In The Wheel |
Still, The | Stillman, Robert | Stivell, Alan |
Stockton's Wing | Stone Angel | Stone, Angus |
Stone, Angus & Julia | Stookey, Paul | Story, The |
Storyteller (70s) | Strang, John | Strange Days |
Strangers, Rank | Strathspey And Reel Society, T | Strawbs, The |
Strawhead | Stray Birds, The | Stringband |
Strong, Jon | Strunz & Farah | Stud |
Suffolk Punch | Sumac, Yma | Sun's Signature |
Sundowners | Sutherland Brothers & Quiver | Sutherland, Gibby |
Sutherland, Iain | Sutherland, Isabel | Suzuki, Mario |
Suzuki, Shigeru | Svenska Dragspelskungar | Swallowtail |
Swan Arcade | Swan Hill Pioneer Settlement | Swarbrick, Dave |
Sweeney's Men | Sweet People | Swell Season, The |
Swift, Jonathan | Swift, Tufty | Swill And The Swaggerband |
Sykes, Miranda | Synanthesia | Syrinx |
T-H-C Roller | T. Texas Tyler | Tabor June |
Tabor, June & Simpson, Martin | Tábor, Laszlo | Tacticos, Manos |
Takht, Sevdah | Talila | Talisman (60s) |
Talismen 3, The | Tall, Tom | Tallest Man On Earth, The |
Talley, James | Tanega, Norma | Tanger Trio |
Tannahill Weavers, The | Tanned Leather | Tannen, Holly |
Tanner, Phil | Tansey's Fancy | Tansey, Seamus |
Tantalus (Folk) | Tanzbar | Tarras |
Tarriers, The | Tarry, Michael | Tasjan Aaron Lee & Hiatt Lilly |
Taube, Evert | Taverners, The | Taw Folk, The |
Tawney, Cyril | Taylor, Allan | Taylor, Ben |
Taylor, Bram | Taylor, Eric | Taylor, James |
Taylor, Jeremy | Taylor, Kate | Tea & Symphony |
Teegarden & Van Winkle | Teesside Fettlers, The | Tegan & Sara |
Teitur | Telephone Bill & The Smooth Op | Teng, Vienna |
Tennent - Morrison | Terremoto De Jerez | Terry Teahan And Gene Kelly |
Tester, Scan | Thackray, Jake | The Be Good Tanyas |
The Boy Who Trapped The Sun | The Indians (60S) | The RG Morrison |
Therapy | Thief, Mid-Air | Thile, Chris |
Third Ear Band | This Is The Kit | Thom, Peter |
Thomas, B.J. | Thomas, Guthrie | Thomas, Jeff |
Thomas, Pat | Thompson, Chris (Folk) | Thompson, Colin |
Thompson, Linda | Thompson, Richard | Thompson, Richard & Linda |
Thompson, Robbin | Thompson, Teddy | Thorn, Paul |
Thornbills, The | Thoughts And Words | Thrasher, Eiri |
Three Bums, The | Threewheel | Throat, Ruby |
Thrum | Thunder, Celtic | Thunderbird American Indians |
Thus | Thwaites, Roger | Tiboldi, Maria |
Tickell, Kathryn | Tiger Moth | Tikkurilan Laulajat |
Tillison, Roger | Timber | Tin Tin |
Tinkers, The | Tintwistle Brass Band, The | Tiny Tim |
Tir Na Nog | To Hell With Burgundy | To Kill A King |
Tom & Smiley | Tomás, Pacita | Tommy Healy And Johnny Duffy |
Tommy Makem & Liam Clancy | Tomorrow Come Someday | Toms, Luke |
Toni Brown & Terry Garthwaite | Tonight At Noon | Townsend, John |
Trader Horne | Trajan Alan | Tranquility |
Trapper, Blitzen | Trashmonk | Traum, Happy |
Traum, Happy And Artie | Travellers, The | Travelling Songster, The |
Travers, Mary | Tree People, The | Tree, Carrie |
Tree, Oliver | Trees | Treetop Flyers |
Trespassers William | Treverva Male Voice Choir | Tribes, The |
Tricca, Emma | Triffids, The (60s) | Trimble, Bobb |
Trio Arava | Trio Bulgarka, The | Trio Los Panchos |
Trotto | Troubadours Du Roi Baudouin | TrouBaDours, The |
Trunkles | Truss And Bucket Band | Tucker, Terry |
Tundra (Folk) | Tunes, Crab | Tunney, Paddy |
Tunng | Tunstall, KT | Turner, Frank |
Turner, Pierce | Turner, Steve | Twelve Buccaneers, The |
Tymon Dogg & The Dacoits | Tyneham House | Tyrrall, Gordon |
Ukelele Orchestra Of G.B. | Ulrich, Peter | Ulvesang |
Umps And Dumps | Undermind, Primordial | Ungar, Jay |
Unicorn, The | Unit Six | Unthanks, The |
Urubamba | Us And Them | USSR Russian Chorus, The |
Ustad Ahmed Jan Thirakwa | Valdy | Vàli |
Van Bergeyk, Ton | Van Dyke, Conny | Van Dyke, Vonda |
Van Houtert, Gerry | Van Pallandt, Nina | Van Ronk, Dave |
Van Zandt, Townes | Vandaveer | Vanovsky, Zalman |
Various - Folk | Various - Soul & Funk | Varley, Will |
Vasson, Henri | Velocette | Velvet Glove |
Velvet Opera | Vermillion Lies | Vernon Haddock's Jubilee Lovelies |
Verve, The | Verve, The | Victoria |
Vielleux Du Bourbonnais | Vile, Kurt | Villagers |
Villain, Carmen | Violinski | Virtuoses Roumains Les |
Voces Universitarias De Hondur | Voice Of The Seven Woods | Voiz |
Volcano Choir | Von Schmidt, Eric | Voulzy, Laurent |
Vulcan's Hammer | W. G. Whittaker | Wachs, Allan |
Wahab, Mohamed Abdel | Wait, Ashdon | Walace, Nancy |
Walker, Jerry Jeff | Walker, Ryley | Walker, Sammy |
Wallace, Joe | Wallochmor Ceilidh Band, The | Walsh, Kate |
Walter Bulwer & Billy Cooper | Walter Davidson & The Ulsterme | Walters, Dave |
Walton, Jake | Ward, Clifford T. | Ward, Jean |
Wardruna | Warner, Florence | Warner, Frank |
Warnes, Jennifer | Warratahs, The | Washburn, Abigail |
Washington Squares, The | Wassailers, The | Water Into Wine Band |
Watercress | Waterfall | Waterson, Lal & Mike |
Waterson, Marry | Waterson, Mike | Watersons,The |
Watkins, Sara | Watson, Doc | Watson, Frenesi |
Watson, Roger | We Three Trio, The | Weather Station, The |
Weatherley, Dennis | Weavers, The | Weazel, Sputnik |
Webb Sisters, The | Webb, Jimmy | Webb, Peta |
Webster, Deena | Weddings, Parties, Anything | Wedlock, Fred |
Wee County Scotia Players, The | Weissberg & Mandell | Welch, Ed |
Welch, Gillian | Well, Cinder | West, Hedy |
Westbrook, Roger | Westland Steel Band, The | Wexler, Mike |
Whelan, Cliff | Whippersnapper | Whiskey, Nancy |
Whisky Priests, The | Whispering Bob | Whispertown 2000, The |
Whistlebinkies, The | Whitcomb, Ian | White Buffalo, The |
White Magic | White, Josh Jr. | White, Matthew E. |
Whitmore, William Elliott | Whitren, Jaki | Whysp |
Wiffen, David | Wilbury Jam | Wild Tchoupitoulas, The |
Wild Thyme | Wildbirds & Peacedrums | Wildwood Kin |
Wilkins, Robert | Willett Family, The | William Loveday Intention, The |
William R. Strickland | Williams, Dar | Williams, Marlon |
Williams, Tommy | Williams, Victoria | Williamson, John |
Wills, Charlie | Wills, Mick | Wilson Family, The |
Wilson, Colin | Wilson, Robert | Wilson, Roger |
Windham Hill | Winslow-King, Luke | Winsor, Martin & Sullivan, Red |
Winter, Paul | Wisdom Of Harry, The | Wishing Tree, The |
Witch And The Robot, The | Wolf, Kate | Wolfe Tones, The |
Wolfe, Chelsea | Wolfstone | Womenfolk, The |
Wood Brothers, The | Wood, Royston & Wood, Heather | Wooden O, The |
Wooden Wand | Woodhouse, John | Woodpigeon |
Woods | Woods Band, The | Woods, Gay & Terry |
Woods, Terry | Woodstock Mountains | Woodstock Mountains Revue |
Woodworth, Judy | Woolley, Shep | Woolnough, Barry |
Woomble, Roddy | Wootton & Gendall | Wootton, Miles |
Wovenhand | WRAX | Wright, John |
Wright, Lizz | Wrigley, Bernard | Wurzels, The |
Wyndham-Read, Martyn | Wyndrush | X |
Xarhakos, Stavros | Y Diliau | Yaghmaei, Kourosh |
Yarbrough, Glenn | Yardarm, The | Yarrow, Peter |
Yates, Tom | Yeah Jazz | Yellow Moon Band, The |
Yellowjackets | Yellowstone And Voice | Yester, Jerry |
Yetties, The | Yona, Yair | Yorkston, James & The Athletes |
You + Me | You Slosh | Young Tradition, The |
Yovel, Hanan | Yr Hwntws | Yuna |
Yupanqui, Atahualpa | Zac Brown Band | Zager & Evans |
Zaïko Langa Langa | Zambetas And His Bouzoukia | Zambetas, George |
Zamfir & Cellier | Zazou, Hector | Zimmerman, Tucker |
Zimriyah Choir, The | Zohra | Zuhura & Party |
Zûnants Plankèts Les |