80's pop

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'81, Show-Stoppers(80S), Jojo(US), Metropolis
1, Mach10 db13th Hour
19272 Belgen2 Brave
2 Deep2-B-3 & Tony Johnson38 Special
39 Lyon Street3D4.A.D.
400 Blows6 Pianos60, Magazine
A Bigger SplashA Flock Of SeagullsA Split - Second
A Taste Of HoneyA Tribe Of ToffsA-Ha
A.T's, TheAAAAAAbbot, Russ
Abbott, GregoryABCAC Temple
Academia, EleanorAcademyAcid Boyz, The
Ackerman, TracyAct (Norway)Action, Class
Adam & The AntsAdâmeAdams, Dave
Adams, OletaAdesso NoiAdeva
Affair (Disco), TheAfraid Of MiceAfter 7
After The FireAgee, TawathaAgents Aren't Aeroplanes
AgoAkhtar, NajmaAlan Sorrenti
AldeoniAlex, MarcAlibi (Chris Rea)
AlishaAll Seeing IAll Systems Go
Alomar, CarlosAltered ImagesAlternations
Alternative Radio AmazuluAmbassador 277
Amber Squad, TheAmeritzAmina Claudine Myers
Amoo, ChrisAn American In ParisAn Emotional Fish
AnaAndersen, BethAnderson, Gurney
Anderson, T.C.Andre, PeterAndrews, Bob
Andrews, MarkAnekaAngel (Pop)
Angel ChorusAnimal MagnetAnimotion
Anne, ShirleyAnsell, MartinAnswering Service
Ant, AdamAntelopes, TheAntena
Anton, SusanAnyaAnything Box
Apache IndianApollonia 6Appleby, Kim
AqualiteAquanettas, TheArabesque
ArcadiaArchitects Of Time, TheArizona Smoke Revue, The
Armony, DaphneArmy, BlueArrowsmith, Eugénie
Art Of BeatArt School & Mighty Motor GangArthur 2 Stroke & Chart Com.
Arthur, NeilArtists United Against ApartheAssembly
AstaireAstley, RickAstral Pilot
Astronauts, The (Pop)Atari, GaliATC
Atlantics, TheAudio DeluxeAustin, David
Austin, MichaelAustin, MichelAutomatic Dlamini
AvalancheAztec CameraAzucar Moreno
B Boys, TheB*WitchedB, Company
B-52's TheB-ManiaB-Movie
B. Baker Chocolate Co.B.T. ExpressBabble
Baby Go BoomBaby Grand (80s)Baccara
Back To the FutureBad Boys BlueBaddies, The
Bailey, JudyBailey, TomBaiser
Baker, CherylBaker, MichaelBalance
Ball, DaveBaltimoraBananarama
Band AidBand Of GoldBand Of Holy Joy, The
BanderasBanglesBangs, The
BarbBarbusters, TheBardo
Barnes, CherylBarry Walker's SmackeeBarton, Edward
Baryson, TedBaseball BoysBashan, Igal
BasiaBasil, ToniBazar, Matia
Bazar, TherezaBazooka Joe BBG
BbxBeat Box Boys, TheBeat Boys, The
Beat Street (movie)Becca (80s)Beenen, Bertje
Beggar & CoBell, Andy (80s)Bell, Andy (90s)
Belle & The DevotionsBelle Stars, TheBelouis Some
BelovedBenson, VikkiBentley, Earlene
BenzeenBerger, MichelBerglund, Kristin
Berkeley, TyroneBerlinBerné, Jacqui
Berry, GailBianco, BonnieBias, Joe
Bic, TheBicycle Thieves, TheBig A
BIG BANGBig BrotherBig Country
Big Dish, TheBig Ed And His Rockin' RattlesBig F, The
Big FunBig In JapanBig Mountain
Big Music, TheBig NoiseBig Pig
Big Sound Authority, TheBig Supreme, TheBig Tony
Big Trouble (80s)Billy, TerryBipo
Birds, ExoticBiscuit, KarlBizarre Unit
BlackBlack BoxBlack Britain
Black Earth, TheBlack Lace (US)Black Slate
Blades, RubénBlaine L. ReiningerBlakeley, Peter
Blame, SteveBlancmangeBlandermer, Oscar
Blast (80s)Blinding TearsBliss
Blonde AmbitionBlondes, BerlinBlondie
Blood Brothers (80s)Blow Monkeys, TheBlow, Kurtis
Blue AngelBlue In HeavenBlue Mercedes
Blue Nile, TheBlue Ox BabesBlue Rondo A La Turk
Blue WayBlue ZoneBlue Zoo
Blue, MidnightBlue, PhantomBluesshakers
BlufBoa, PhilipBoa, Phillip
Bobbysocks!Body ElectricBogart Co.
Bona-RiahBonaventuraBone Symphony
Bone, RichardBonnie St. ClaireBoo, Betty
Boogie Box HighBoogie Boys, TheBoogie Kings, The
Booker, SteveBoom Boom RoomBoom Crash Opera
Boomerang Gang, TheBorg, TheBoss Beat
Boss, TheBoucher, JudyBourgeois Tagg
Bourgeois, BrentBourne, JoeBox [New Wave], The
BoxcarBoxers, TheBoy George
Boy Meets GirlBoys Don't CryBoys In Darkness
Boys Town GangBozzio, DaleBranigan, Laura
Brard, PattyBrat, TheBraun, Steve
Brave New World (Indie)Brave New World (Rupert)Breakdance (movie)
Breakfast ClubBreatheBrenda And The Beach Balls
Brian & StripeBrickBridge, The
Bridges, AliciaBriggs, BrianBright, Bette
BrilliantBritish ColonyBritton, Maggie
BroadcastBronski BeatBrookins, Robert
BrosBrother BeyondBrother Brother
Brother JumpBrothers, EbonyBrown Sauce
Brown, KevinBrown, O'ChiBrown, Sharon
Brown, VickiBrunson, TyroneBryant, Sharon
Buchanan, MargauxBucker & GarciaBucks Fizz
Buenen, DréBuggles, TheBulluck, Janice
Burgess, Richard JamesBürlitzBurmoe Brothers, The
Burns, PeteBurrough, RoslynBusBoys
BuskerBusters AllstarsBuzzz
Byrd, BonnieByrne & BarnesC&C Music Factory
CabasaCafé JacquesCain, Tane
Caine, AndrewCairoCalderone, Victor
Californian Raisins, TheCall, AlexCameo
Campbell, StanCandiCandle
CanuteCapitol RecordsCappelli, Rachele
Captain SensibleCaptains Of IndustryCara, Irene
Cardenas, LuisCarlisle, BelindaCarlson, Shanna
Carlton, SteveCarmelCarmel, Amadeo
Carmen, PhilCarne, JeanCaro
CarolCarol HitchcockCarr, John
Carroll, PorterCars, TheCarte Blanche
Carter, DianeCarter, LisaCarter, Mick
Carvalho, BethCasablancaCasablanca, Paris
CasalCasale, RossanaCash, Andrew
Casper, NovaCastaways, The (70s)Catch
Catch ['80S Pop Duo], TheCaVa CaVaCavaliers [80S], The
CavemanCayne, CarolCCP
Ceberano, KateCelebrate The NunCentral Line
Chagall GuevaraChai-AmChampaign
Chandler, GeorgeChaps, TheCharles & Eddie
Charles, ElaineCharVoniChatton, Brian
Cherry (Dutch)Cherry CherryCherry, Ava
Cherry, NenehChewChéyAnne
Chicago Bears Shufflin' Crew Chiefs of ReliefChildren Of 7, The
Chin-ChinChina CrisisChina Doll
Chopper HarrisChristian, RogerChristians
Christie, DavidChristopheCindy
Cindy & The SaffronsCindy BullensCinema
CircuitCity HeatCity, The (80s)
Claire, ValerieClarke & Ware Experiment, TheClarke, Christopher
Clarke, RozlyneClarke, Sharon DeeClarke, Vince
Classix NouveauxClaudiaClayton, Merry
Climie FisherClimie, SimonClockhouse, The
Club NouveauClub, HotCoast To Coast
Cochrane, BrendaCochrane, TomCoconuts, The
Cohen, KeithCold Hand BandCole, Lloyd
Cole, NatalieColeman, DurellColeman, Zoey
Collage (Disco)ColletteCollins, Willie
Colonel AbramsColors, TheColour Supplement
Columbia BrothersCommentators, TheCommercials, The
CommunardsCondor, SilverConfetti's
CongressConnection, DiscoContact-U
ConvertionConway Brothers, TheCoo, Coo
Cook, RobinCooking VinylCool, Ricky
Cooltempo Unlimited OrchestraCooper, AmandaCooper, Michael
Copeland, KennyCopy CatsCorley, Al
Cosmic BabyCover Girls (UK)Cover Girls, The
Cox, PeterCradle, TheCraven, Gemma
Crazy HouseCreation (Norwegian)Croker, Brendan
Crossman, RudieCrouch, AndraéCrown Of Thorns (Electro)
Crows, TheCruisers, The (90s)Crushed Ice
Cry No MoreCube (80S)Culture Club
Culture Shock (Dance)Curiosity Killed The CatCurly, Alexander
Currie, Cherie & MarieCurtis, DebbieCutting Crew
Cutting EdgeCutugno, TotoCymone, Andre
D'Albuqerque, MichaelD'Arby, Terence TrentD'Ubaldo, Marie-Claire
D, DavyD, LongsyD. D. Sound
D.J. TrotterDacq, MurielDalek I Love You
Dali, MirandaDance Band, TheDance Like A Mother
DanceclassDanger, DonnaDanielle
Danny De MunkDanny WilsonDaou, The
Darbyshire, RichardDark CityDarque
Darrel Higham & The BarnshakerDataDatchler, Clark
Dave And The MistakesDavid & DavidDavid + David
David, Anne-MarieDavid, F. R.Davidson, Michael
Davis, DarleneDawn Chorus (80S Pop)Day, Arlan
Day, MorrisDayne, TaylorDayton
DCWDe FilmDe Lite
De Paul, LynseyDeacon BlueDead Famous People
Dead Or AliveDeal, KimDean, Hazell
Dean, JamieDean, LetitiaDebarge
DeBarge, ElDeblancDeborah And The Puerto Ricans
Debut MagazineDecente, AttaccoDeckchairs Overboard
Decker, CarolDecoDee, Kiki
Deep In RhythmDeep River Quartet, TheDeep Sea Jivers
Def La DeshDeFILMDegrees Of Motion
Dekka DanseDelegationDeLisle, Grey
Deluxe ADenizDeSario, Teri
Descloux, Lizzy MercierDesiderataDesign For Living
DesirelessDeux FillesDevice
Devito, KarlaDexys Midnight RunnersDi Franco, Linda
Dial MDial, Tony & Silouette TheatreDiamond, Jim
Die ÄRzteDifford ChrisDiken, Dennis
Dillon, SandydimestarsDin-Din
DingerDinosaur LDinzee, Pietro
Dion, CélineDiop, WasisDirect Action
Dirty LooksDisco AidDisco Kids, The
Distant CousinsDivine (80's)Divinyls
Dixon, NigelDizrhythmiaDJ Yoda
Dolby, ThomasDoll By DollDollar
Dollie De LuxeDolly DotsDolly Mixture
DomeDonor, BloodDonovan, Jason
Doolittle Band, TheDoris D And The PinsDouble
Double DeeDoug Brown & The OnesDoug E. Fresh & The Get Fresh
Doust, BarbaraDownes, GeoffreyDowning, Will
Downtown GirlsDr CalculusDr Demento
Dr RobertDr. Bloodmoney Drahdiwaberl
DramaDramatisDream (80S), The
Dream RegimeDreams (80s)Drinking Electricity
Drive, DirectDruckwerkDrum Theatre
Drum, BataDuel, TheDuffy, Stephen Tintin
Dukes, TheDuncan DhuDuncan, Celena
Dunn Thing, TheDupree, RobbieDuran Duran
Durant, AndrewDurrant, BuggsDynamix II
Dynatones, TheE-zee PosseeE.G. Daily
East Of Eden (80S)East WestEaston, Elliot
Easton, SheenaEcho BaseEddie & Sunshine
Eden (Rock)Eden (UK)Eels, Electric
EgEgan, RustyEighth Wonder
Eine Kleine Disco BandEinstein Arik & Levy Shem-TovEklips
El SevenElbow Bones And The RacketeersElectra (Dance)
Electric Light OrchestraElephants, SmalltownElharar, Dudu
Elisa WautEliteElkin, Gilly
Elli & JacnoEllis Beggs & HowardElti-Fits
Emeralds, TheEMI RecordsEmma
EmotionEmpireEnd Games
EndgamesEngine Room, TheEngland 402
English Boy On The LoveranchEnglish BoysEnglish, The
ErasureERASUREEric Blake
Escape Club, TheEsmerelda's KiteEspionage
Esposito, JoeEsquivel, Juan GarciaEstefan, Gloria
Ester-BEstus, DeonEternal Triangle - 80s
Etoria, TonyEuroglidersEurythmics
EvaEvasions, TheEverly, Jason
Everything But The GirlExcelExecutive Slacks
Exorcist, SweetExotica MaximusExpandis
ExposeExpressos, TheExtremes, The
Eye To EyeEyes (Canadian)F.K.W.
Fabulous Singlettes, TheFac-Torr, ChillFace Dancer
Face To Face (80s Pop)Fachin, EriaFagin, Joe
Fairground AttractionFaith BrothersFaith Global
FalcoFallout ClubFamily
Famous ExplorersFamous NamesFantasy (80s)
Far Cry (80s)Farrar, JohnFashion
Fassbender, SusanFast FontaineFat Slags
Fay RayFeelabeeliaFellini, Ciao
Fernandez, Pedro Feva, SandraFiction Factory
FierceFine Young CannibalsFine Young Things
Finley, KarenFiorillo, ElisaFire (80s)
Firm, The (Pop)First CallFirst Light
Fisher, MarkFitz, ShaeFive Star
FixxFlags, SteelFlame, The
FlansFlash & The PanFlash (80s)
Flicks, TheFlirts, TheFloy Joy
Fly AshtrayFlying Lizards, TheFoggo, Mark
Fools, TheForce 10Ford, Dwayne
ForrestFox The FoxFox, Samantha
FoxxFraggles, TheFrames, 16
Francis, BobFrank ChickensFranke & The Knockouts
Frankie & The HitmenFrankie Goes To HollywoodFranklin, Trish
Franklyn, FionaFrazier ChorusFrazier, Bernice
Fred Talbot Experience, TheFredriksson, MarieFreeez
Freeze FrameFreiheitFrench Windows
Fresh FourFretton, MattFrey, Glenn
FridaFriday Club, TheFriends Again
Frizzle SizzleFruit Bats [80S], TheFruits Of Passion
FugeesFull Metal JacketFunkrew
FusionFuture DazeFuzzbox
FXG.I. OrangeG.L.O.B.E. & Whiz Kid
Gal, RikiGalison, WilliamGallagher, Peter
Galron, NuritGame, The (80S)Gammer And His Familiars
GANGgajangGangsters Of House, TheGarden Of Eden (80s)
GardeniaGardier, DonnaGardiner, Boris
Gardiner, PaulGardner, JoannaGas, The
Gaultier, Jean PaulGayle & GillianGaynor, Gloria
GB Band, TheGee Mr TracyGee, Bobby
Geile TiereGemsGene And Jim
General LineGeorge, SophiaGerardo
Get What I WantGhostwritersGiant Steps
Giants (70s)Gibbs, LeroyGibney, Eamon
Gibson, DebbieGillard, PipGina X
Gina X PerformanceGinetteGinger To The Rescue
Girl With Blue GuitarGirls Can't Help ItGirls Talkin
Givens Family, TheGlassGlass Harp
Glitter Band, TheGlitter, GaryGo Fundamental
Go Go LorenzoGo WestGo-Gos
Godley & CremeGold, MichelleGoochifrita, Juanita
Good GriefGood QuestionGoodwyn, Myles
Goody, KimGoombay Dance BandGordon, Alistair
Gordon, LonnieGordon, ShirleyGoss, Luke
Goss, MattGoulet, MichelleGraduate
Graham, JakiGrant, AmyGrant, David
Grant, KittyGrant, MichaelGrasshopper
Gray, GregoryGray, OliviaGreat And Lady Soul
Grebenshikov, BorisGrech, RickGreen On Red
Greene, SarahGreene, SusayeGriffin, Billy
Griffith, RoniGroenewoud, Raymond Van HetGrogan, Clare
Gronich, ShlomoGroove TheoryGroza, Loredana
Gruska, JayGuardian AngelGuinn
Guitarist MagazineGulliverGyngell, Denise
Gyrlz, TheHabitHain, Kit
Haines Gang, TheHaircut 100Hairston, Curtis
Hall & OatesHall, AudreyHall, Daryl
Hall, JenniferHall, RandyHalo James
Hambi & The DanceHamilton, ErinHans De Booy
Hard CorpsHard RainHardcastle, Paul
HardchoirHarding And BrowneHarket, Morten /Aha
Harlequin Four'sHarris, BobHarris, Hugh
Harris, JetHarris, RolfHarrison, Bobby
Harrison, JaneHarry, DebbieHart, Corey
Hart, VickyHartman, DanHarvey, Steve
Hasselhoff, DavidHavana Let's GoHay, Colin
Hayes, BonnieHayes, LyndaHaysi Fantayzee
Haza, OfraHead, MurrayHeadline
HeadquartersHeart, WhiteHeartbeat
Heartbeat UKHeartbeatsHeaven Seventeen
HeeBeeGeeBees, TheHemingway MargauxHenley, Don
Henry, PaulineHere's JohnnyHeresy
Hermes, CorinneHernandez, PatrickHeroes And Angels
Herrey's, TheHerte, KimHewson, Peter
HeydayHeyman, PaulHeyward, Nick
Heywood, ColinHickman, SaraHicks, D'Atra
Hicks, MarvaHidden CharmsHiett, Steve
Higgins, BertieHill, DanHill, Lonnie
Himmelman, PeterHinds, CamelleHindsight
Hine, EricHipswayHis Latest Flame
Hitchcock, RobynHithouseHitlist
HohokamHolden, MarkHolland, Amy
Hollywood BeyondHolmes, RobertHolton, Gary
Hombres GHonda, MinakoHoneyroot
Horn, TrevorHostages, TheHot Chocolate
Hot GossipHot HouseHot Property
Hot ShotHothouse FlowersHouse Engineers
House Master GeneralHouse, TribalHouseband
Houston, PenelopeHouston, WhitneyHoward, Robert (Dr Robert)
Hudson GiantsHue & CryHuey Lewis & The News
Hughes, GarryHughes, RhettaHuman League
Humpe & HumpeHunnigale, PeterHuntington, Eddy
Hutchence, MichaelI Can CrawlI Santo California
I Spy Club, TheI Start CountingI'm So Hollow
Iam SiamIce Cold In AliceIcehouse
IcelandIcicle Works, TheIdle Eyes
Idol, BillyIke YardIlanit
Illusion (Disco)Illustrated ManImagination
Immaculate FoolsImperialIMPI
In VitroIncandescent Luminaire Ince, Jan
Indecent ObsessionIndian Givers, TheIndians In Moscow
Indigo GirlsIndochineInfantjoy
Information SocietyInsidersInspirational Choir, The
InteriorInternational RescueInterview
Intimate StrangersIntimeIntrigue
Invisible Man's Band, TheInxsIppu-Do
Irwig, JudyIsaak, ChrisIsamar & Compañia
Island (Eurovision)Isle Of ManIsley Jasper Isley
IsotonikIt BitesIt's Immaterial
Itty Bitty Boozy WoozyIvanJ, Rico
J.B's AllstarsJacinth, JoyJack
Jack Sass Band, TheJackals, TheJackie & The Commuters
Jackie 60 Presents Jackie MC'sJackie Lynton Band, TheJackson, Janet
Jackson, JermaineJackson, MarlonJackson, Michael
Jackson, RayJade (80s)Jai
JakataJakie QuartzJam On The Mutha
James Dean Driving ExperienceJames, NickJames, Shirley
James, WendyJamie J MorganJane
Jane Kennaway & Strange BehaviJanette And The PlanetsJanice Marie Johnson
Janz, PaulJarJasper, Chris
JaxJayneJayne Collins
JazawakiJazz & The Brothers GrimmJBK
JC-001Jeanette (80s)Jeffries, Michael
JellybeanJeremy Days, TheJesus Loves You
Jets, TheJiminee, JimJimmy Jimmy
Jimmy The HooverJingle Belles, TheJitters, The
JjoooossttJMOJo Jo Laine And The Firm
Joan Collins' Fan ClubJockoJodelles, The
JodyJoe Chemay Band, TheJohansen, Glen
John P. StrohmJohn Paul BarrettJohn, Cris
John, LeeeJohnny Hates JazzJohnny Marr
Johnny Panic/Bible Of DreamsJohnson Engineering Co., TheJohnson, Don
Johnson, FrankieJohnson, HollyJohnson, Jessie
Johnston, Sophie & PeterJoJo And The Real PeopleJoli, France
Joling, GerardJolly RogerJonah, Julian
Jones, BarbaraJones, GraceJones, Howard
Jones, Oran' JuiceJones, SpencerJonzun, Michael
Jose, JoseJoseph, DavidJosie, Cotton
Joubert Singers, TheJoyJuicy
JumboJungklas, RobJunior C. Reaction
JunjoJunkyard Band, TheJupiter 8
K.L.F.Kaagman, JerneyKadomatsu, Toshiki
Kah, HubertKahn, TygerKajagoogoo
KakkoKamagurka En De Vlaamse PrimitKamen, Michael
Kamen, NickKamon, KarenKane Gang
Kane, MadleenKante, MoryKaren Cheryl
KariyaKaset, AngelaKasso
Katrina & The WavesKatz, DebbieKavanagh, Niamh
KC FlightKean, SherryKeane, Dolores
Keep The Dream AliveKekana, SteveKelts & Kilts
Kemp, JohnnyKemp, Martin Kennaway, Jane
Kennedy RoseKennedy, GraceKennedy, Joyce
Kennerley, PaulKensit, PatsyKenyon, Carol
Keren & ChelleKershaw, NikKey Of Dreams
Key, TheKeysKhemistry
KiaraKid Can't DanceKid Creole & The Coconuts
Kidd, JeremyKids From Fame, TheKikuchi, Momoko
Kim, SusieKindred SpiritKing
King LKing TrumanKing, Geraldine
King, PaulKing, RobertKingbees, The
Kings Have Long ArmsKinky FoxxKino
Kiss The SkyKissing The PinkKitchen, Kevin
Kiwi & TessKlark KentKlaxon 5
KleeerKleinstein, RamiKlymaxx
KnebworthKnight, HollyKnobz, The
Knowles, KarenKnox, ChrisKohiruimaki, Kahoru
Kohl, ErnestKolsrud, DagKon Kan
Kondo, ToshinoriKosmin, LeeKraft, Robert
Kravitz, LennyKreuners DeKrew
KTKutting EdgeKwick
Kydd, JohnL'Affaire Louis TrioL'Orchestre Electronique
L'TrimmL-SevenL.A. Splash
L.A.N.D.R.O. & Co.L.U.S.T.La Chaux, Meechelle
La LaLa Toya JacksonLaban
Labes, JefLaBounty, BillLadies Choice
Ladly, MarthaLady JaneLadysmith Black Mambazo
Laid BackLaing, ShonaLakeland, Christine
Lam, SandyLamb, AnnabelLambrettas, The
Lamour, GinaLancée, FerdiLand Of Fun
LandscapeLarry John McNallyLast Cry, The
Laszlo, KenLatin QuarterLatitude [80S]
Lattisaw, StacyLauper, CyndiLava [Norwegian]
LaVette, BettyeLavoine, MarcLawrence, Sophie
Lawrie, EdwinaLazlo, VictorLazy Racer
Le Bon, SimonLeather Nun, TheLeBlanc, Lenny
Ledin, TomasLee, RogerLee, Toney
Leeds, EricLeeger, NikkiLegacy
Leisure ProcessLennon, KippLeon Sylvers III
Leroi Brothers, TheLes EnfantsLes Innocents
Let's Get Dressed!Level 42level42
Lewis, NormaLIBLibra Libra
Lick The TinsLife By NightLifesighs
Liggett, OtisLight A Big FireLight, The
Lili & SussieLillies, TheLimahl
Limelight Orchestra, TheLimit, TheLindt, Virna
Lion, JohnLipsLiquid Gold
Lites, ShirleyLittle AeroplaneLittle Foxes
Little Girls, TheLive ReportLiving In A Box
Liz FrancisLloyd Langton GroupLocal Hero
Loggins, KennyLondon BoysLondonbeat
Long, RobertLonglands Primary School MusicLongthorne, Joe
Look, TheLoose Ends (80s)Lorain, A'Me
Loren, BryanLori And The ChameleonsLos Lobos
Losers, TheLotus Eaters, TheLou And Hollywood Bananas, The
Love And MoneyLove City GrooveLove Club
Love InternationalLove Machine (80s), TheLove Street
Lovesmith, MichaelLowLow, Gary
LowdownLubaLucas, Cheryl
Lucas, JanneLucas, SteveLucci, Amanda
LUCINDA WILLIAMSLumumbaLunghini, Elsa
Luxury IILuz CasalLW5
Lynn, IanM+MM, Bobby
MacColl, KirstyMacdonald, AimiMachinations
MacKenzie, BillyMadame XMade In England
MadhouseMadonnaMaelov & Patteson
MagazinMagna ChartaMagnum Force
Mai TaiMain T PosseMain T. Possee, The
Major Setback Band, TheMaker, JamesMakers, Melody
Makin' TimeMaloMamiya, Takako
Man KlanMansfield-Allman, IngridMantus
Manyika, ZekeMarc And The MambasMarconi, Via
Mardis, BobbyMarie & The Wildwood FlowersMarietta
MarilynMarin, PedroMarkay, Barbara
MaroondogsMarshall JeffersonMarshall, Al
Marshall, AmandaMarshall, JohnMarshall, Keith
Marshall, Meri D.Martay, MCMartens, Alfred
Martha & The MuffinsMartin LindaMartin, Marilyn
Marvin The Paranoid AndroidMarvin Welch & FarrarMarvin, Hank
Marx, RichardMas, JeanneMashina
MasonMason, SylviaMasters, Gerald
Mathews, RickMatt BiancoMatterhorn Project
MaxMax QMaximillian, D.
Maximum Effect, TheMaxineMayana
MaywoodMazelle, KymMcCloud, Nicole J
McCluskey, AndyMcDowall, RoseMcEvoy, Johnny
McGanns, TheMcGee, Jay W.McGoldrick, Anna
McGuinness, StonebridgeMcKenna, DebbieMcKenzie, Tony
Me Me MeMeier, DieterMel & Kim
Mellencamp, John CougarMelody MakerMembers, The
Men At WorkMen Without HatsMenage
Mercy MercyMercy Seat, TheMerran
Merrick & TibbsMeteors, The (Dutch)Metropole
MetropolisMetsers, PaulMezzoforte
Mi-SexMiami Sound MachineMICE, THE
Michael, GeorgeMichaels, JillMichelle, Karen
Mico WaveMidi RainMidnight Oil
Midnight ShiftMidnight StarMidnight, The
MijaresMikey CraigMikey D & The L.A. Posse
Millar, LeslieMiller, GrantMillions Like Us
Mills, WarrenMini PopsMinnelli, Liza
Minnie And The MetrosMinogue, KylieMinor Detail
Mirage (Morris Michael)Mirror Crack'd, TheMissing Persons
MissionMission, TheMitchell & The New Breed, Den
Mixmaster, TheMobius LoopMock Turtles, The
ModelsModern ManModern Romance
Modern TalkingModern TimesMoe Bandy & Joe Stampley
Mondo RockMondorhamaMonroes, The
Montana SextetMontana, JuneMontellas, The
Montgomery, MandyMonty M.C.'sMoon ray
Moon, TululahMoone, MaggieMoore, Geoffrey
Moore, MelbaMore ProteinMorgan, Kris
Morley, TomMoronic Surveyors, TheMorris, Ainsley
Morris, JennyMorrisseyMotels, The
Mother's FinestMotionMotion Pictures (80s)
MotorMotor Pool, TheMotorcycle Boy, The
Movement 98Moving FingersMoving Pictures
Moyet, AlisonMr MisterMSG
MtumeMulders, MichelMummy Calls
MunchieMunro, LeeMurdock, Lydia
Murdock, ShirleyMurray, BillyMurray, Melissa
Mushroom RecordsMusic AcademyMy Little Pony
Myles, AlannahN. Command Entertainment GroupN.T. Gang
NadiehNadjaNakamori, Akina
Naked EyesNaked PreyName, The
Nannini, GiannaNasty RoxNatasha
National PastimeNatural SelectionNausea
NaziaNegros, SpaceNeighbourhood, The
Nelson, PhyllisNeonbabiesNevada
Never To ReturnNevil, RobbieNEW HEARTS
New Kids On The BlockNew MonkeesNew Musik
New RollersNew York SkyyNewberry III, Booker
News, The (80s)Next Movement, TheNice & Wild
Nicholson, HughNicole (UK)Night Flight
Nightmares In WaxNikki SuddenNine, Sadie
Nita, WalterNitro DeluxeNo Way Jose
Nobodys, TheNoelNolan, Denise
Nolans, TheNolen & CrossleyNómo
Non Stop DancersNona HendryxNonfiction
NormalNorman T WashingtonNorth, Ian
NostromoNova, NancyNova, Paul
Novelle, JayNu ShoozNuance
NumarxNurds, TheO'Banion, John
O'BryanO'Connor, HazelO'Day, Alan
O'Hearn PatrickO.M.D.Oakey & Moroder
Oasis (Dutch)OBFObjayda
Ocasek, RicOccasional Project, TheOctavia
Off-ShoreOgerman, ClausOh Well
Oldfield, NatashaOldland MontanoOlympic Runners
On The AirOn/OffOne 2 Many
One Three, TheOne To OneOnly Child
Only LonelyOozayOPE
Open BookOptimysticOrdinary Man
OrkestraOrzabal, RolandOsborne & Giles
OSHOsiris (Funk)Other Ones (80S), The
Our Daughters WeddingOusset, CécileOutline, The
Outskirts, TheOverdraft, TheOverload
Oxley, LouieOzonePadden, Bernard
Paige, JenniferPaige, KevinPaige, Sharon
Painted Word, ThePallas, LauraPam And The Paper Clips
Pam's Country PeoplePanicPanic Brothers, The
PaparazziParachute Club, TheParadise, Sal
Pardini, LouParisParker Jr, Ray
Parr, JohnParty HulaParty, The
PassengersPassion PuppetsPat & Mick
PatricPatrick, KeithPatterns In Peru
Patterson, RahsaanPatti AustinPaul, Andy
Paul, OwenPavesi, MaurizioPavilion, Percy
Pawlak, AndyPayola$Pearlfishers, The
Peaston, DavidPellay, LanaPeople People
Peppertree, RickyPepsi & ShirliePereplukkers, De
Perfect AlibiPerils Of PlasticPerks, The
Perry, LindaPerson To PersonPet Shop Boys
Pfeifer, DianePhewPhilips, Binky
Phillips, ArlenePhotoglo, JimPhranc
Physical BluePick, SvikaPicnic At The Whitehouse
Pieces, EasyPieroPin-Ups
Pink LadyPioneer CorpsPlanet Ha Ha
Planet PatrolPlatinum BlondePlatinumweird
PlaymatesPleasure And The BeastPleasure Game
Plimsouls, ThePlutonicPoindexter, Buster
Point Blank MC'sPoison 9Polo Hofer & Die Schmetterband
Polo, JimiPolydor RecordsPookah Makes 3
PookiesnackenburgerPool SharksPop, Koko
Pope, JanaPopticians, ThePorter Catherine
Portnoy, GaryPositivaPositive Noise
Postman PatPowell, RogerPower (80s)
Power Station, ThePower, KevinPowers, Will
Prefab SproutPrentiss, LeePresser, Gabor
PressurePressure PointPretty Willy & Mad Mark Keen
Price, RickPriestman, HenryPrima Donna
PrincePrincess, PrincessPrisoners, The
Prister, JeromePrivate LivesPro-Ject Audio Systems
ProclaimersProducers, TheProject Club
Project Club, ThePromise, TheProphet, Chuck
Protectors, TheProyecto MPrudence (Pop)
Pseudo EchoPulling FacesPulse
Pump BlendersPumphouse GangPupo
Pure EnergyPursuit Of Happiness, ThePush (Funk)
Q MagazineQ-TipsQED
QUARTZ (DANCE)Queen BQueen, B. B.
Quiet StormQuiet, ForceR+R
R.A.F.R.A.F.Raccoon, Chewy
Rachabane, BarneyRachel, CousinRadio Heart
Rae, FondaRae, JamieRae, Jesse
Rafferty, GerryRah Band, TheRain People
RainbirdsRaingodsRaise The Dragon
RamoncinRandell, DennyRange
Rankine, AlanRanking RogerRapiers, The
RapinationRatataRational Youth
Raven, MarshaRaviolette, NiniRaw Sex, Pure Energy
Raw To The CoreRawe, JackieRay, Mercy
RaymondeRCRReading, Bertice
Ready For The WorldReal LifeRebecca
Rebel HeelsRecord CollectorRecruits
Recruits, RawRed BambooRed Box
Red RiderRedgumReed, Monica
ReidRein, PaulRene & Angela
RenéeRenee & RenatoRespond Label
Rew, KimberleyRexRex Chainbelt
Reynolds Girls, TheReynolds, L. J.Rheingold
Rhodes, NickRhythm Inc.Rhythm Sisters, The
Rhythm Slaves, TheRichard 'Dimples' FieldsRichard, Cliff
Richard, PeterRichards, NikkiRichards, Regina
RichenelRidgeley, AndrewRight Said Fred
RikshawRiley, Cheryl PepsiiRin Tin Tin
Rite Band, TheRix, KarenRoachford
Roaring BoysRobbins, KateRobe
Roberts, JulieRobinson, BertRobinson, James
Robinson, MichaelRobot, LonelyRochelle
Rock And HydeRock-Olas, TheRockapella
Rocky Sharpe & The ReplaysRodgers, DaveRodgers, Nile
Rogers, EvanRogers, RonRoland Rat
Rolfe, KitRoman HollidayRomana
Rome, EllyRosachromRoss, Dwight
Ross, LianRossi, VascoRouge
Roulette Orchestra, TheRound-A-Way WrongRousers, The
Rowland, KevinRoxetteRoyalle Delite
RPLARubber RomeoRubberman
Rubettes, TheRuddock, AnnieRufus & Chaka Khan
Ruin, BlueRusso, PhilippeRutherford, Paul
Ryan, NickRyan, PattyRyder, Kris
S'ExpressSabrinaSad Cafe
Sadistic Mika BandSally TimmsSame, The
Sanderson, RichardSandford, ChasSandglow Marinas, The
Sargent TuckerSasha (ex-Timbiriche)Sasson, Deborah
SasssSauli, JohnSavage
Savage, ClaytonSavannaSavannah
ScarlettScarlett And BlackSchulz, Purple
Schulze, KlausScott, AmandaScott, Jef
Screaming Trees, The (UK)Scritti PolittiSecond Coming, The (80s)
Second ImageSeconds Of PleasureSecret Affair
Secret Policeman's Ball, TheSecret, TopSedaka, Dara
SeigénSelectionSembello, Michael
Senate The (80s)Sensational Creed, TheSensible Jerseys
SeptemberSequence, TheSerious Drinking
Set The ToneSevelle, TajaSeventh Avenue
SexbeatSeymour, PhilShadow Talk
Shakespear's SisterShakin' StevensShalamar
Shanghai (80s)ShaniceShannon
Sharkey, FeargalShatooShaw, Mark
Shaw, MartinShe Rockers, TheShear, Jules
Sheila & B DevotionSheila And The MajeksSheila E
Sherman, KennethSherriff, SheShine, The
Shipley, EllenShockShokk
Shreeve, MarkShriekbackSigerson, Davitt
Sigue Sigue SputnikSilber, ArielSilencers, The
SilhouetteSilhouettes, TheSilicon Valley
Silk, J.M.Silos, TheSilver, Mick
Simon, CarlySimoneSimple Minds
Simply RedSimpson, PaulSindy And The Action Men
Singleton, CharlieSirimaSisters, Two
Six Flights Of StairsSkifs, BjörnSky, Captain
SkywalkSlammin' WatusisSlaughterhouse 5
Sleep ChamberSleep, WayneSleeping Lions
Sleigh, RobertSlinky And The EphsSly Fox
Smash One Band, TheSmash PalaceSmiley And Co
Smith, FrankieSmith, MandySmith, Richard Jon
Smithereens, TheSmithsSnake River Conspiracy
Snakes Of Shake, TheSnap!Sniff 'n' The Tears
sniff and the TearsSnowmen, TheSo
Soda StereoSoft CellSoho
Solar FlareSoligny, JeromeSolstice
Some BizzareSomerville, JimmySon Of Sam (80'S)
SoniaSoul Club, TheSound Assassins, The
Sound Of BootsieSoundsSouther, Richard
SoxSpace MonkeySpandau Ballet
Spectral DisplaySpelt Like ThisSpence, Brian
Spence, JudsonSpider Murphy GangSpiders (80s)
Spin One TwoSpinstar, TheSplash, Bubblegum
SpoonsSportSprings, Helena
Sprout Head UprisingSSQSt. Paul
St. Winifred's School ChoirStabilizersStacey Q
Stansfield, LisaStar Sisters, TheStar Sound
StarpointStarr CrewStarr, Emly
StarshipStarski, LovebugStartled Insects
StartraxState Of Grace (UK)Stations, Panic
Steady BSteffin Sisters, TheStephenson's Rocket
Stevens, ColinStevens, KeniStevens, Mike
Stevens, SteveStevens, TonyStewart, David A.
Stewart, JermaineStewart, SandyStock Aitken Waterman
Stone FreeStone, JudyStonefunkers
StopStory, TheStraker, Nick
Straley, TeresaStrange AdvanceStrange Cruise
Strange, SteveStrangers And BrothersStrawberry Switchblade
Street AngelsStreetbandStrength
Strikers, TheStumpStutz Bearcats
StyleStyle Council, TheSuburban Boys
SuburbsSugar & CandySugar Ray 5
Sugar SugarSuite, VoodooSulton, Kasim
Summer LovinSummer Suns, TheSummers, Lorraine
SumnerSundance (Mary Hopkin)Sunset Gun
SuperjonesSuperman And SpidermanSupermax
Sure!, Al B.SurfaceSurrey, Jane
Suspicions ConfirmedSuzy QSweet Connection
Sweet Dreams (80s)Sweeties, NaughtySwell Maps
Swell MobSwing Out SisterSylvia & The Sapphires
SyndicateSyreetaT La Rock
T'PauT-SetTa Mara And The Seen
Take ThreeTakeuchi, MariyaTalking Drums
Tall Tales And TrueTam, AlanTami Show
Tanh ChiTantraTapes, The
TappsTashanTater Totz
Taurus BoyzTax LossTaxxi
Taylor, AndyTaylor, JohnTaylor, Steve
Team, TheTears For FearsTechno Twins
Teddy And The Frat GirlsTee, LarryTeen Dream
Teenage Mutant Ninja TurtlesTelephone Bill And The Smooth Tepper, Robert
TerroristenTerry, HelenTest Card F
Textones, TheThe AssociatesThe Bunburys
The Crying ShamesThe JetsetThe Mekons
The MoodThe SleepThe Triplets
The WaitressesThen JericoThieves Like Us
Thieves, ScaryThirteen At MidnightThirteen Moons
This HeatThis Island EarthThis Other Eden
This Way Up (Roy Hay)Thomas, AndrewThomas, Lillo
Thompson TwinsThornalley, PhilThornton, Fonzi
Thrashing DovesThumann, HarryThunderthumbs & The Toetsenman
Tia MonaeTiers OperaTiffany
Tight FitTight N UpTik & Tok
TimeTime BanditsTime In Motion
Times TwoTimmy TTiny Town
Titus, LibbyTober, RonnieToby Beau
TodayTogni, GianniTokyo Olympics
Tomorrow's EditionTongue 'n' CheekTongue, Swallow
Top Of The PopsTotal ContrastToto Coelo
Touch El ArabTouch Of SoulTour De Force (80s)
TouristsTownsell, LidellToyah
Toyah & FrippToyinTracie
TraksTrance DanceTransister
Transvision VampTrek W/ QuintronicTriangolo
Tricia And The BoogiesTrick, TheTrio
TrixTroccoli, KathyTrucker, Tyke And Tina
Truth (80s), TheTsiboe, ReggieTubes
Tubeway PatrolTucker, LouiseTuesday Blue
Turn, StarTurner, IkeTurner, Tina
TV21Twa TootsTweets, The
Twin ImageTwo Minds CrackTwo Nations
Two Of UsTwo TwoTwo-Way
Tyler, BonnieTypically TropicalTysondog
UK Symphony Orchestra, TheUltimate IIIUltimate Solution, The
Unforgiven, TheUnknown Cases, TheUpset, The
UTFOV CapriValentine Brothers
Valentino, BobbyValley Of The DollsVan Day, David
Van Duyne, ToniVan Houtert, GerryVandenbos, Conny
Vaness, TheoVanessa (Italo-Disco)Vanity 6
Vapour TrailsVarious - 70s, 80s & 90s PopVarious - Dance
Various - Mod & 2-ToneVarious ArtistsVarious-Cars & Motor Sports
Various-Doo-Wop & VocalVarious-Hip Hop & RapVarious-Magazines & Newspapers
VCMGVendino PactVenetians, The
Veronica UnlimitedVersa, ViceVersnel, Hans
VestaVidal, MariaVideo Symphonic
Vierra, ChristinaVikkiVillage People
Vincent, KathyVirgin DanceVisage
VisionVissi, AnnaVitamin Z
VoggueVoice Of AmericaVoice Of The Beehive
Voice, SteveVoisine, RochVolapierre, Ben
Volume MagazineVon Vollenman, ScarlettVoudouris, Roger
VoxVoyageWa Wa Nee
Wagner, JackWahlburg, DonnieWalden, Lois
Waldman, WendyWall Street CrashWallochmor Ceilidh Band, The
Wally Jump JuniorWalsh, BrockWalsh, Steve
Ward BrothersWarnes, JenniferWarp 9
Warren, JamesWarwick, CatherineWas (Not Was)
Wash, MarthaWashinton, SteveWasted Youth
Watch With MotherWatkins, OtisWatley, Jody
Watts, PhilWavelengthWaves, The
Way Of The WestWaybill, FeeWeather Girls, The
Weaver, PattyWednesday WeekWee Cherubs, The
Weird Al YankovicWeldon, E'leesaWell Red
Well Well WellWells, KevinWells, Terri
Wendy & LisaWendy & The RockettsWerner, Max
Wet Wet WetWhamWheeler, Caron
White & TorchWhite And TorchWhite Door
White SoxxWhite, RoyWhitehead, Annie
Whitehouse ConnectionWhitworth, KarlWhole World, The
Wicky WackyWide Boy AwakeWild
Wild BlueWild River ApplesWild Weekend
Wilde, KimWilder, Matthew Wilkins, Yvonne
Wilkinson, SueWill To PowerWilliams, Alan
Williams, MoonWillie Beaver HaleWilson
Wilson PhillipsWinbush, AngelaWindjammer
Winslow, MichaelWire TrainWobblesox
Won Ton TonWonder DogWonder, Boys
WonderwallWood, DannyWoolf, Jai Dean
Wooly ReasonableWord Of MouthWord, The
Working Girls, TheWorld PremiereWotzat?
WoyehyehWRAXWright, Bernard
Wright, LornaWu, WendyWXPN
X-Ray PopXS-5Ya Kid K
Yagami, JunkoYazooYazz
York, BarbaraYou Know WhoYoung Holt Unlimited
Young, Murray LachlanYoung, PaulYoung, Val
Youngblood, SydneyYukaZadora, Pia
Zazou, HectorZebras, PerfectZed, Mark
ZoneZonesZTT label

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