60s pop

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(60S), Leviathan
? & The Mysterians100 Proof Aged In Soul13th Floor Elevators
1910 Fruitgum Company2.19 Skiffle Group, The4 Instants, The
4 O'Briens, The4.A.D.49th Parallel
5th Dimension, TheA New GenerationA Taste Of Honey (60s)
A&M RecordsA.B.SkhyAbednego And The Piccadilly St
Abrams, MissAcademy, TheAd Libs, The
Adam & EveAdam, Mike & TimAdamo
Adams, JohnnyAdams, JoniAdams, Ray
Addeo, LeoAddicts, TheAddison, John
Addrisi BrothersAdventuresAerovons, The
Aguile, LuisAkens, JewelAlaimo, Steve
Alamo, FrankAlberstein, ChavaAlberts, The
Albright, LolaAlexander, LucienAllen, Bobby
Allen, CaseyAllen, SteveAllison Gary And The Burners
Allisons, TheAlmer, TandynAlmond, Johnny
Alpert, HerbAlzo & UdineAmazing Bavarian Stompers, The
Amazing Friendly AppleAmen CornerAmerican Breed, The
American SpringAmes, NancyAmont, Marcel
AnanAnders, GlissAnderson, Anni
Andipa, MariaAndrés Do BarroAndrews, Chris
AngelinaAngels, The (60s)Angiolini, Renato
AnglosAnimals, TheAnno Domini
Annoux, Jean-ClaudeAnthony, RichardAnton, Rey
Anvil Flutes & Capricorn VoiceApes, TheArbors, The
Archies, TheArden, DonArgent
Arnold, P.P.Art And Dotty ToddArt Movement, The
Artzi, ShlomoAsh, VicAshe, Clarence
Ashton, BudAssociation, TheAstors, The
Astronauts, The (60s)Atlantic RecordsAu-Pair, The
Aubret, IsabelleAufray, HugesAufray, Hughes
Aufray, HuguesAvalon, FrankieAvons, The
B. Bumble & The StingersB.Z.N.Baba, Meher
Babbity BlueBabson, MontyBaby Dolls, The
Bacharach, BurtBack Street BandBackus, Gus
Backy, DonBad Boys, TheBailey, Burr
Bailey, DanBaillie, PeterBaja Marimba Band, The
Baldry, Long JohnBall, LindaBalloon Corps
Bama WindsBamboo (60s)Banana Splits, The
Bandits, The (60s)Banks, HomerBarber, Frank
Barker BrothersBarnes, CherylBarnett, Barry
Barney Sisters, TheBarnum, H.B.Baron, Carl
BarrabasBarreto, MarinoBarrett, Richie
Barrett, SusanBarron Knights, TheBarry And The Tamerlanes
Barry, GeneBarry, Jeff & Greenwich, EllieBarry, Joe
Barry, LenBatman and RobinBats
Bats, The (60s SA)Bauer, AlfonsBeach Boys, The
BeachcomberBeatles, TheBeau Brummels
Beckett, StuartBeckies, TheBedrocks, The
Bee Gees, TheBees, The (Reggae)Behan, Dominic
Belfast GypsiesBell Brothers, TheBelmonts, The
Beni Sisters, TheBennett, BobbyBennett, Cliff & Rebel Rousers
Bennett, RudiBenson, GaryBerberian, Cathy
Bern Elliott & The FenmenBern, ToniaBerry, Mike
Bev, JohnnyBeverleyBig Ben Banjo Band
Big Ben Trad BandBig Boy PeteBig Three, The
Bill Shepherd Sound, TheBird, RonnieBirkin Jane & Gainsbourg Serge
Black Dyke Mills Band, TheBlack, CillaBlack, Flip
Blackbirds,TheBlackburn, TonyBlackjacks, The
Blackmore, Annette & CatherineBlackwell, CharlesBlades Of Grass, The
Blaine, HalBlair EmryBlair, Joyce
Blake, GarryBlane, MarcieBlendells, The
BlondBlue AshBlue Diamonds, The
Blue GooseBlue HorizonBlue Mink
Blue SkiesBlue Stars, TheBlues Dimension
Blues MagoosBluesvilleBlunstone, Colin
Bo Street Runners, TheBob B. Soxx & The Blue JeansBob Crewe Generation, The
Bob Kerr's Whoopee BandBobbie And VeraBobby Angelo And The Tuxedos
Boetcher, CurtBoettcher, CurtBolcom, William
Bond, GrahamBond, JackiBond, Jaki
Bond, RonnieBonney, GrahamBono, Sonny
Boogaloos, TheBoots, TheBoss Tweads
Bostweeds, TheBoulter, JohnBoulton, John
Box And Bleacher SocietyBoyce, TommyBoyce, Tommy & Bobby Hart
Boyd, GordonBoyle, BillyBoys Blue, The
Brain Twisters, TheBrambell, WilfridBrass Ring, The
Breakaways, TheBrenda & The TabulationsBrendan O'Brien & The Dixies
Brennan, RoseBrennan, WalterBrian Fahey And His Orchestra
Brincos, LosBritton, BobbieBrothers Four, The
Brothers Two, TheBrown, FridayBrown, Georgia
Bruce, TommyBryan, DoraBryant, Anita
Bryant, Felice & BoudleauxBuddahBulldog Breed
Burdon, EricBurland, SaschaBurnnette, Jan
Burns, GillianBurroughs, MarilynBurrows, Tony
Butler, Jerry & Everett, BettyButterflys, TheByrds
Byrnes, EddByrnes, EdwardBystanders, The
Café CrèmeCahill, PatriciaCairns, Forrie
Cake, TheCameron, ArgoCameron, Ray
Campbell, CornellCampbell, EthnaCampbell, Jo Ann
Candymen, TheCannibal & The HeadhuntersCannon, Conroy
Capitol RecordsCapitols, TheCappel, Larry
Caravelles, TheCarib Beats, TheCarle, Les
Carlos, WalterCarlos,RobertoCarnabeats, The
Carnival, The (Pop)Carols, TheCarr, Cathy
Carr, Pearl & Johnson, TeddyCarr, RomeyCarroll, Gina
Carroll, PatCarroll, RonnieCarson, Johnny
Carter, MelCasinos, TheCastells, The
Castle Kings, TheCasualeers, TheCasuals, The
Cats PyjamasCats, TheCattouse, Nadia
Cavern SoundCBS RecordsCedars, The
CelebrationCesana, OttoChad & Jeremy
Chains, TheChakiris, GeorgeChallengers, The (UK)
Challengers, The (US)Chamberlain, RichardChamfort, Alain
Chancis, TheChandler Gene & Acklin BarbaraChangin' Times, The
Channel, BruceChantays, TheChantelles, The
Chants, TheChaplin, BlondieChaplin, Michael
Charles Randolph GreanCharlesworth, DickCharlots, Les
Charmaines, TheCharms, TheChaussettes Noires, Les
Chayfin, RayCheckmates, Ltd. TheCheetahs, The
Cherokees, TheCherry People, TheCherry Smash
Cherry, Don (Singer)Chicago Loop, TheChick
Child, LorraineChildren, TheChimes, The (60s)
Chin, TsaiChipmunks, TheChocolate Watch Band, The
Chris Ravel And The RaversChristian & SteenhuisChristie, Lou
Christie, TonyChristien Brothers, TheChristopher, Jordan
ChrysalisChuck And GideonChucks, The
Cinquetti, GigliolaCity, The (60s)Clark Sisters, The
Clarke, AllanClarke, JamesClay, Cassius
Clayton Squares, TheClayton, ObieClayton, Steve
CleoClifford, BuzzClifford, Mike
Cliffters, TheClub Quintet, TheCoasters, The
Coates, OdiaCockneys, TheCocktail Cabinet, The
Coe, JamieCole, Andy (Actor)Cole, Bobby
Cole, TonyCollage, TheCollins, Glenda
Collins, TommyColorfull SeasonsColours Of Love
Colton, TonyCompromise, TheConfederates Jazzband, The
Connor, TimConrad, JessConsortium
Constant Sound, TheContours, TheCopperfield
Cordell, FrankCordell, KimCordell, Ritchie
Cordet, LouiseCoronation StreetCortez, Dave 'Baby'
Cortez, JohnCosmo, TonyCosta Pinto, Jorge
Cougars, TheCoulam, RogerCountry Hams, The
Country Joe & The FishCountrymen, TheCoussins, Ray
Covey, JulienCox, MichaelCrackers
Crawford, DonCrawford, IanCrawford, Johnny
Crickets, TheCroisille, NicoleCrosby, Stills & Nash
Cryan' Shames, TheCryin' Shames, TheCrystals, The
Cuff Links, TheCunningham, LarryCup O' Kindness, The
Cupid's InspirationCuppa T, TheCurtis, Clem
Curtis, NickCymbal, JohnnyCymbaline, The
Cymbeline, TheCyrkleD'Abo, Mike
D'Ell, DennisD'ell, DennyD'Rone, Frank
D.T.'s, TheDaines, TonyDaines, Troy
Dainty, BillyDale, DickDale, Glen
Dallas, MariaDalli, TonyDallon, Miki
Dalmour, David And MarianneDaly, GlenDalys, The
Damita JoDamon, KennyDamon, Stuart
Dana, VicDanny King's Mayfair SetDante, Troy
Darin, BobbyDarrell, GuyDarren, James
Dartells, TheDaughters Of AlbionDaughters Of The Cross, The
Dave Clark Five, TheDave Dee Dozy Beaky Mick & TicDavid And Jonathan
David And The GiantsDavid, AlanDavid, The
Davidson, FrankieDavies, DaveDavies, Miar
Davies, Ray (Kinks)Davies, RonDavies, Rupert
Davis, BillieDavis, CliffordDavis, Skeeter
Davis, SpencerDavis, SteveDawn Chorus
Dawson, LesleyDay, ColinDay, Doris
Day, JillDe Marco, JulieDe Palma, Jula
De Pari, HenriDe Sayles, SylviaDe Ypacarai, Felix
Deacon, BobbyDean, EmilDeano
Debs, TheDeccaDecision, The
Dee, SimonDeene, CarolDeep Six, The
Defenders, TheDeguelt, FrançoisDel Vikings, The
Del-Aires, TheDelfonics, TheDelgado, Roberto
Delicates, TheDello, PeteDelmonte, Danny
Demonstrators, TheDennisons, TheDenny Seyton And The Sabres
Denny, MartinDenvers, TheDeputies, The
DeShannon, JackieDetergents, TheDetroit Spinners,The
Deuchar, Big PeteDey, TraceyDickens, Charles
Dickinson, PamDigger Revell's Denver MenDillard & Clark
Dillards, TheDinoDion
Dirty StrangersDisc & Music EchoDisc, The
Dixie Cups, TheDixiebelles, TheDixon, Errol
Dobro, JimmyDoherty, DennyDolan, Joe
Dolenz, Jones, Boyce & HartDolenz, MickyDollimore, Ralph
Don And DeweyDonahue, TroyDonna-Jo
Donnelly, DonalDorsey, GerryDouglas, Dev
Douglas, DonnaDouglas, Robb And DeanDouglas, Shirley
Dourakine, DimitriDovells, TheDowell, Joe
Dowlands, TheDowns, KerriDozier, Lamont
Dr DementoDr. West's Medicine Show & JBDragoons, The
Dransfield, Robin & BarryDrew, AlanDrifters, The
Drusky, RoyDuals, TheDuffy, Eileen
Duke, DonDumar, JohnnyDunphy, Sean
Dúo DinámicoDuprees, TheDusty, Slim
Dynamics, SoulfulDynamics, TheE, William
E-TypesEagles, The (UK)Earl, Robert
Earl-JeanEarlington, LynEarly, Jon
Earth OperaEast Main St. ExplosionEasterling, Skip
Easybeats, TheEddie And ErnieEddie Thomas Singers, The
Eddy, DuaneEdge, GraemeEdward, J. Vincent
Edward, VinceEdwards, JackieEdwards, Roy
Edwards, VincentEdwards, WebleyEighth Day
Einstein, ArikElbert, DonnieElgins, The
Elliot, ShawnEllis, ShirleyEllison, Lorraine
Elvin Bishop Group, TheEmbers, TheEmmanuel, Ivor
Emotions, The (Doo Wop)Enchanted Forest, TheEndevers, The
Endrigo, SergioEngel, ScottEngland, Buddy
English, Barbara JeanEnglish, ScottEpstein, Brian
Equals, TheEric & The SerenadersEric Burdon & The Animals
Esquivel, Juan GarciaEsther & Abi OfarimEternal Triangle - 60s
Eternity's ChildrenEvans ChristineEverly Brothers, The
Everly, PhilEverpresent Fullness, TheEvery Mothers' Son
Excursion, TheEyes Of BlueEyes, The
Fabulous Echoes, TheFair WeatherFairfield Parlour
Fairways, TheFairweather-Low, AndyFaith, Percy (Jazz)
Fallabrino, GianniFalling Leaves, TheFamily Affair, The
Fantastic Dee-Jays, TheFantastic FourFantastics, The
Fardon, DonFarlowe, ChrisFaron's Flamingos
Farrar, JohnFats And The ChessmenFay, Bill
Fearns Brass FoundryFederals, TheFeliciano, José
Felix, MikeFell, RayFeminine Complex, The
Fenmen, TheFenton, PeterFenwyck
Ferguson, HelenaFerrante And TeicherFerraz, Diane & Scott, Nicky
Ferrer, NinoFickle PickleFidenco, Nico
Fidenco, NinoFielding, FenellaFifth Avenue Bband
Fifth Column, TheFinnegan, LarryFirestones, The
Fisher, AndyFisher, FayeFisher, Toni
Fitch, John & AssociatesFitzgibbon, MaggieFive Emprees, The
Flaming Ember, TheFleetwoods, TheFletcher, Guy
Flick, VicFlirtations, TheFloating Bridge
Florence BallardFlower Pot Men, TheFlowers, Herbie
Floyd, EddieFluddFlying Machine, The
Fontana, JimmyFontana, WayneFontella Bass
Force WestFord, DeanForesters, The
FormatFortt, DaveFortune, Lance
Fortunes, TheFortytwo Big Band, TheForum, The
Foster, JohnFour King Cousins, TheFour Pennies, The
Four Seasons, TheFourmost, TheFowley, Kim
Fox, DonFoxx, Inez & CharlieFragile Rock Valley
Frampton, PeterFran And AlanFranchi, Sergio
Francis, DavidFrancis, DickFrancis, Paul
François, ClaudFrançois, ClaudeFrancois, Jaqueline
Franklin, CarolynFraser, IanFreaks Of Nature, The
Fred, John & His Playboy BandFreddie & The DreamersFree Pop Electronic Concept, T
Freedman, J. A.Freedman, MichaelFreeman, Bobby
Freeman, KookieFrisco, JackieFroggatt, Raymond
Front Line, TheFrugal SoundFrugal Sound, The
FuchsiaFun And Games, TheFunicello, Annette
Game, TheGame, The (60s)Gandalf (US)
Gants, TheGarden Club, TheGarden Of Eden (60s)
Garfunkel, ArtGarrett, LeeGarrick, David
Garrity, FreddieGarth HudsonGaslight Singers, The
Gatemen, TheGates, WalterGeneration Gap, The
Gentle Soul, TheGentle Touch, TheGentry, Bobbie
Gentry, Bobbie & Campbell GlenGerry And The PacemakersGestures
Getz / GilbertoGiant SunflowerGibbons, Sonny
Gibbs, GeorgiaGibson, LorneGibson, Wayne
GidianGilley, MickeyGiltrap, Gordon
Gino Marinello Orchestra, TheGirlfriends, TheGlad
Glass MenagerieGlazer, TomGlencoves, The
GloomysGnesta-Kalles KapellGoddard, Geoff
Gods, TheGoffin, GerryGold, Jack
Goldebriars, TheGolden Dawn, The (US)Golden Gate, The
Golden Guinea Strings, TheGoldie & The GingerbreadsGoldsboro, Bobby
Gonks, TheGoodman, MichaelGoodwin, Ron
Gordeno, PeterGordian Knot, TheGordon, Chance
Gordon, RoscoGore, LesleyGrace, Brendan
Graham, 2/Lt. JamieGraham, JillGraham, Lynda
Grant, EarlGrant, GerryGrant, Gogi
Grant, JulieGrant, NormanGrapefruit
Grass Roots, TheGray, DorianGrazina
Great Uncle FredGreeley, GeorgeGreen, Lloyd
Green, TeddyGreenbaum, NormanGreene, Claude 'Fats'
Greene, KellieGreenmantleGreenwich, Ellie
Greenwood Singers, TheGregory, IainGriffin, Sylvia
Griffin, TheGriffiths, JoeGroup X
Group, TheGrumbleweeds, TheGryfe, Barbara
Guadalajara BrassGuitares Du Diable, LesGuitarist Magazine
Gulgowski, WlodekGuv'ners, TheHackett, Johnny
Hall Robin & MacGregor, JimmieHalos, TheHamilton Streetcar
Hamilton, RussHammers, TheHampshire, Keith
Hampton, PaulHancock, DaveHaness, Gayle
Hanna, BobbyHappenings, TheHappy Magazine
Harbour Lites, TheHare, ColinHarmony Grass
Harnell, JoeHarper, BudHarper, Janice
Harpers BizarreHarrietHarris, Jet
Harris, RichardHarris, ScottHarrison, Kathleen
Hart, CajunHart, FreddieHarvest Label
Harvey Matusow's Jews Harp BanHarvey, LaurenceHassles, The
Hatch, TonyHatfield, BobbyHathaway, Donny
Hawaiian Hula Boys, TheHawkes, ChipHayward, Justin
Hazlewood, LeeHazzard, TonyHearts And Flowers
Heath HampsteadHeathcliffeHedgehoppers Anonymous
HeinoHeinzHellers, The
Helling, DaveHelms, JimmyHemmings, David
Henderson, DickieHenderson, MarianHenderson, Rikki
Henderson, Scott (60s)Henry, BobHenske, Judy
Herd, TheHerman's HermitsHeron, Mike
Hesitations, TheHi-Fi's, TheHicks, Tony
High NumbersHightower, DeanHightower, R.J.
Highwaymen, The (Folk)Hill, MichaelHill, Vince
Hilton, RonnieHiltonaires, TheHirondelles, Les
Ho, DonHodges, EddieHoiland, Jan
Holland, LynnHolland-DozierHollies
Holloway, LaurieHolly, BuddyHollyridge Strings
Hollywood ArgylesHollywood Persuaders, TheHolmes, Jake
HondellsHonest MenHoney Ltd.
Honeybus, TheHoneycombs, TheHoneys
Hoodoo Rhythm DevilsHopkins, NickyHopkins, Nigel
HoratioHornets, TheHorton, Johnny
Horton, RobertHot Dog Stand, TheHoward, Brian
Howard, JohnnyHowland, ChrisHudd, Roy
Hudson Brothers, TheHugg, MikeHughes, Jimmy
Human Beinz, TheHummingbird, MartinHumperdinck, Engelbert (Sing)
Hunters, TheHurst, MikeHut Nine Scivers
Hyland, BrianI BaronettiIan Green Revelation
Idle RaceIfe, KrisImmediate Label
Impalas, TheImperials, The (Gospel)In Crowd, The
Ingmann, Grethe & JørgenIngmann, JørgenInitials, The
Inner Space, TheInnocence, TheInquisitive People, The
Intrigues, TheIpsissimusIrwin, Big Dee
Isaac, AnthonyIsherwood, JonIslanders, The
IV, ClassicsIvy League, TheJ.C.
Jack Lester Special Band, TheJackie And MillieJackson, J. J.
Jackson, MarkeJackson, SimoneJackson, Stonewall
JackyJaggerz, TheJames & Jeremiah
James, GrahamJames, TommyJames, Tommy & The Shondells
Jameson, BobbyJan & DeanJan And Kelly
Jan And PhilJankowski, HorstJarmels, The
Jason, MarkJavaloyas, LosJay & The Americans
Jay DeeJay, LaurieJaynetts, The
Jazz Wailers, TheJeannie & The Big GuysJeannie And Her Redheads
Jeff Rowena Group, TheJefferson, George PaulJelly Beans, The
Jenzen, RalfJimmy RuffinJimmy Winston And His...
Jiving Juniors, TheJobim, Antonio CarlosJoe Gordon Folk Four
Joey And The GentlemenJohanne & JimmyJohn Carter (Songwriter)
John Huband Scottish SoundJohn Smith And The Common MenJohn's Children
John, RobertJohnny De LittleJohnny Johnson & The Bandwagon
Johns, BibiJohns, GlynJohnson, Bryan
Johnson, LouJohnson, SylJohnston, Bruce
Johnstons, TheJolly Tinkermen, TheJon And Julie
Jones, AlJones, B-Lou & His JupitersJones, Beverley
Jones, Casey & The GovernorsJones, DavyJones, Jack
Jones, KenJones, LindaJones, Paul
Jones, TamikoJonnart, KenJordan, Dick
Joseph, MargieJoy & DaveJoy Of Cooking
Joy Strings, TheJunco PartnersJunior Walker & The All Stars
Juste, SamanthaJustice, JimmyJustin
Kaempfert, BertKaleidoscope (UK)Kaleidoscope, The (US)
Kalin Twins, TheKalinich, Stephen JohnKane, Amory
Kane, EdenKaplanKarazov, Alexandrov
Karlins, TheKash, MurrayKatch 22
Kay, BarbaraKaye, DannyKaye, Gloria
Kaye, MaryKaye, TonyKayne, Harry
Keene, NelsonKeepers, FindersKeith (00s)
Keith Richards Orchestra, TheKeith, BryanKeller, Jerry
Kelly And GailKelly, FrankKelly, Tony
Kendricks, EddieKenner, ChrisKenny And The Kasuals
Kern, RenateKestrels, TheKeyes, Karol
Keys, BobbyKhans, TheKilima Hawaiians, De
Kim & Kelly BradenKing, SolomonKingpins, The
Kingsmen, TheKinksKinsmen, The
Kirby Stone Four, TheKirkham, KenKlein, Alan
Knack, TheKnack, The (60s)Knebworth
Knight, PeterKnight, RobertKnight, Sonny
Koffie And JamesKoobasKörberg, Tommy
Krall, JenniferKramer, Billy J. & The DakotasKrew Kats, The
Kugel, ShimonKytesLa Motta, Bill
LaceLaine, DennyLaine, Linda
Laine, ScottLancaster, DianeLandis, Joya
Lane, LoisLane, PattieLane, Rosemary
Langleys, TheLast, JamesLatter, Gene
Laurels, TheLaurence, ZackLauri Say And The Island Folk
Lavi, DaliahLawrence, Valerie AnneLawrence, Vicki
Lawton, LuciusLeaper, BobLeaves
Lee & PaulLee, BarryLee, Curtis
Lee, DebbieLee, DinahLee, Jackie (UK F)
Lee, Jackie (US M)Lee, LadyLee, Leapy
Lee, Virginia & Campbell, MurrLeft Banke, TheLegends, The (US)
Leiber & StollerLemarque, FrancisLemon Pipers, The
Lennon Sisters, TheLennox, MikeLeon, Norma
Les DiamantsLes IrrésistiblesLes Sans Nom
Les SimpletsLes TroubadoursLesley, Lorne
Lettermen, The Leventon, AnnabelLevine, Hank
Levon And The HawksLevy, OshikLewis, Barbara
Lewis, Gary & The PlayboysLewis, MiaLicari, Danielle
Limeliters, TheLimeys, TheLincoln, Philamore
Lind, BobLinden Singers, TheLing, Kong
Linhart, BuzzLite, TheLittle Eva
Little JaniceLittle Mac & The Boss SoundsLively Ones
Liverpool Scene, TheLiving GuitarsLivingstone, Jean
LLoyd, FredLoaring, RichardLocke, Josef
Lockets, TheLodge, JohnLogan, Buddy
LolitaLollipop Shoppe, TheLondon & The Bridges
London Pops OrchestraLondon Waits, TheLondon, Laurie
London, PeterLong And The Short, TheLong, Shorty
Loose Ends (60s)Lopez, TriniLord Kitchener
Lord NelsonLord, TonyLordan, Jerry
LordsLoreti, RobertinoLorrayne, Mike
Los Norte AmericanosLos Trio CabellerosLoudermilk, John D.
LoveLove Generation, TheLove Sculpture
Love, DarleneLove, GeoffLove, Mike
Loved Ones, TheLovin' Spoonful, TheLow Rocks
Lowrie, PhilipLR RocketsLudlows, The
Lune, TedLynch, KennyLynn, Patti
Lynn, TamiLyon, SueMacari, Glo
Macarthur ParkMacArthur, JamesMacbeth, David
Macgregor, MaryMachucambos, LosMacias, Enrico
Mack, SheelahMackay, RabbitMackintosh, Ken
MacLeod, JimMacRae, GordonMacrae, Josh
Maerz, MarionMaestro's All Steel Band, TheMagic Christians, The
Magic Lanterns, TheMagic ValleyMaharis, George
Majority, TheMajors, TheMakadopoulos
Mallan, PeterMallory, MichelMamas & Papas, The
MandrakeMann, ManfredMann, Roberto
Manuel & His Music Of The MtsManyeruke, MachanicMar-Keys, The
Marbles, The (60s)Marcy Jo And Rambeau, EddieMaresca, Ernie
Margo And The MarvettesMaria, VeraMarianne And Mike
Markham, PigmeatMarks, AlfredMarks, Guy
Marmalade, TheMarsden, GerryMarshal, Gary
Martin, BobbiMartin, CarrieMartin, Chris
Martin, DerekMartin, GeorgeMartin, Millicent
Martin, TonyMartino, Al Martino, Miranda
Marvin Welch & FarrarMarvin, HankMason, Barry
MassielMaster Singers, TheMasterminds, The
Masters, ValerieMatuška, WaldemarMatys Bros., The
Maxwell, Chas & CarolMaxwell, PeterMaxwell, Robert
May, BrendaMay, PhilMaywood
McAuliff, LeonMcCall, DarrellMcClure, Chris
McCoys, TheMcCullough, HenryMcDaniels, Gene
McDonald, JimmieMcDowell, PaulMcGriff, Edna
McGuinn & HillmanMcGuire, BarryMcIvor, David
McKenna, ValMcKenzie, ScottMcKinleys, The
McKirdy, HazelMcKuen, RodMcLagan, Ian
McManus, RossMcMillen, MargaretMcNeill, Sylvia
McPhatter, ClydeMcVie, JohnMDB
Meader, VaughnMedley, BillMedway, Mike
Meehan, TonyMeek, JoeMeek, Joe & The Blue Men
Melcher, TerryMellow FruitfulnessMelody Maker
Memphis HornsMercado, MikeMerced Blue Notes
Mercer, TonyMercy, TheMerlin Q
Merrell, RayMerrick, TonyMerrill, Bob
Merrill, BuddyMerry Go RoundMerseybeats, The
Merseys, TheMertens Brothers StyleMeteors, The (60s)
Mickey & SylviaMickey Lee LaneMicky Ashman's Ragtime Jazz Ba
Migil 5, TheMike Adams & The Red JacketsMike Sax And The Idols
Milan (60s)MilkwoodMillenium, The
Miller, Bob & The MillermenMiller, BobbieMiller, Gary
Miller, MitchMiller, NedMills, Betty Lou
Mills, GarryMilwaukee Coasters, TheMimms, Garnet
Minerbi, MarcelloMinistry Of Sound, TheMint Tattoo
Mirettes, TheMirror, TheMiss X
Mitchell, EddyMitchell, WillieMixtures, The
Mizzy, VicModern Grecian Quartette, TheMoe Tucker
Mojo MenMojos, TheMoments, The (60s)
Monahan, StephenMonarchs, TheMoney, Zoot
MonkeesMonotones [UK], TheMonro, Matt
Monroe, BarryMontand, YvesMontez, Chris
Mood-Mosaic, TheMoody Blues, TheMoody, George
Moog Machine, TheMoon, LarryMooney, Joe
Moore, BobMoore, ButchMoore, Pete
Moorhouse, AlanMorandi, GianniMore, Mandy
Morgan MusicMorgan, David (60s)Morgan, Jaye P.
Morgan, P.C. AlexanderMorgan-James Duo, TheMorris, Gerry
Morton, LionelMost, MickieMountain, Valerie
Moustaki, GeorgesMove, TheMr. T & The Coffeehouse 5
MSD's, TheMudlarks, TheMugwumps, The
Mull, MartinMure, BillyMurfin, Muff
Mustang, LosMustang, TheMycroft, Tim
Mystic Moods, TheNanetteNapoleon XIV
Nash, JohnnyNash, JudyNashville Five, The
Naturals, The (UK 60s)Naylor, ShelNeckár, Václav
Nelson, AndersNelson, PeterNEMS (Record Label)
Neon Philharmonic OrchestraNero And The GladiatorsNerve, The
Nesmith, MichaelNew Colony SixNew Faces, The
New Formula, TheNew Jump Band, TheNew Musical Express
New Seekers, TheNew Vaudeville Band, TheNew Wave, The
New York Port AuthorityNew York Public LibraryNewbeats, The
Newey, DennisNewman, BradNewman, Jimmy C.
Newmark, AndyNicholls, JaniceNicholls, Sue
Nichols, Roger & Small CircleNicol, JimmyNilsmen, The
Nina & FrederikNix-NomadsNoble, Patsy Ann
Nocturnes, TheNoone, PeterNorthwest Company
NovellsNu-Notes, TheO'Brien, Dermot
O'Brien-Docker, JohnO'BryanO'Day, Alan
O'Hara, JohnOgerman, ClausOla
OliverOptimistas, LosOrange Bicycle, The
Orange Blossom SoundOrbison, RoyOrchestra, Cardboard
Orchids (60S), TheOriginal SurfarisOriginal Trinidad Steel Band
Originals, TheOrlando (60s)Orlons, The
OrpheusOS MutantesOscar
Other Half, TheOur Future FeelingsOverlanders, The
Owen, RegOZ MagazineOzzie Warlock And The Wizards
P.F. SloanPack DavidPackabeats, The
Packers ThePage, BillyPaige, Joey
Paisleys, ThePalmer, NickPan, Rebecca
Panter, JanPaoli, GinoPaper Garden, The
ParadeParaffin Jack Flash LimitedParis Sisters, The
Paris, FreddieParker, AlanParker, Dyon
Parks, MichaelParlophonePartridge, Don
Pascalli, NitaPashaPatachou
Patterson's PeoplePatterson, OttiliePattersons, The
Pattison, HubertPaul And PaulaPaupers
Payos, LosPeabody, DavePeace Choir
Peacemakers, ThePeanutsPearson, Johnny
Peddlers, ThePeebles, AnnPeep Show, The
PennyPeople (US)People Band, The
People Like UsPeppermint CircusPeppermint Rainbow, The
Peppermint Trolley, ThePeppermint, DannyPeppi
Percival, LancePerkins, PollyPerry, Steve (60s)
Persuasions, ThePetals, ThePete Kelly's Soulution
Peter & GordonPeter And The WolvesPeter Jay And The Jaywalkers
Peter Knight Singers, ThePeter Paul & MaryPeter's Faces
Peters & LeePeters, JoPeters, Johnny
Peters, WendyPeterson, KrisPeterson, Paul
Peterson, RayPetit Prince, LePetrov, Ivan
Phillips, GregoryPhillips, PaulPhillips, Roy
Phoenix, PatPickett, Bobby 'Boris'Pickett, Wilson
PickettywitchPiltdown Men, ThePinder, Michael
Pinewood Studio Orchestra, ThePioneers, The (Reggae)Pipkins, The
Pitney, GenePlanets, The (60s)Plastic Penny
Plastic Penny, ThePleasure FairPlum, Jon
Poet & The One Man BandPoets, The (UK 60s)Poi, Johnny
Pollard, RayPolydor RecordsPoni-Tails, The
Poole, BrianPoole, Brian & Tremeloes, ThePoppy Family, The
PositivaPosta, AdriennePowell, Jimmy
Powell, MarilynPower, RominaPowerhouse, The
Powerpack, ThePozo-Seco Singers, ThePreston, Mike
Pretty Things, ThePRHPrice & Walsh
Price, AlanPride, DickieProby, P. J.
ProcessionProcol HarumProctor, Judd
Puckett, GaryPudding, ThePupils, The
Purple Gang, ThePussyfoot, ThePuzzle (1960S)
Pyramid, ThePyramids, The (60s)Quarrymen, The
Quest, JamesQuik, TheQuinn, Carole
Quotations, TheR.I.M. RecordsRace, Steve
Radcliffe, JimmyRae, JackieRae, Robbie
Rag Dolls, TheRain, SweetRainbow Ffolly
Raindrops, TheRam Holder Brothers, TheRambeau, Eddie
Ran-Dells, TheRandall, AlanRandall, Frankie
Randazzo, TeddyRandolph, BarbaraRanieri, Massimo
RaphaelRascals, The (60s)Raven, Paul
Ray Charles And Betty CarterRay, BabyRay, James
Rayburn, ChrisRaye, SolRaymonde, Ivor
Reading Festival, TheReal McCoy, TheRecord Collector
Redcaps, TheRedway, MikeReed, Dean
Reed, Eli PaperboyReed, LesReeves, Peter
Reflections, TheRegan, JoanRegan, Tommy
Reid, TerryReilly, TommyReisman, Joe
Reivers, TheReizner, LouRejoice
Relf, BobRelf, KeithRemo Four, The
Renan, JorgeRenaud, LineRenay, Diane
René And His AlligatorsRene, HenriRevere, Paul & The Raiders
Rex Garvin & The Mighty CraverRice-Milton, TerryRich, Paul
Richard Kent Style, TheRichard, CliffRichards, John
Richmond, DannieRicky Livid And The Tone DeafsRiddlers, The
Righteous Brothers, TheRimmer, ShaneRios, Miguel
Rip Chords, TheRipchordsRitchie, Tony
Rivers, DickRivers, JohnnyRivers, Tony & Castaways, The
Riviera, TheRivieras, TheRobbins, Marty
Roberto Mann Singers, TheRoberts, RickRobeson, Paul
Robinson Crew, TheRobinson, SylviaRocco, Tony
Rockman, WaltRod & CarolynRogers, Ted
Roland, CherryRolf And TinoRolling Stones, The
Roman, DickRoman, LynRôme
RomualdRonettes, TheRonnie And The Hi-Lites
Ronny & The DaytonasRooftop Singers, TheRosanella
Rose, Monica & Green, HughieRose, TimRosengarden & Krause Orchestra
RosieRoss, JackRoss, Jackie
Ross, JonnyRossi, NitaRosso, Nini
Roulettes, TheRouters, TheRoving Kind, The
Rowles, JohnRoyal Guardsmen, TheRoyal, James
Royalettes, TheRoyaltones, TheRuffin, Bruce
Ruffin,DavidRugbys, TheRush, Merrilee
Russo, CharlieRyan, BarryRyan, Marion
Ryan, PaulRyan, Paul & BarryRydell, Bobby
Ryder, FreddieRyder, MitchSagittarius
Saints, The (60s)Sainty, RussSakamoto, Kyu
Saker, BobSalt Water TaffySam And Bill
San Remo Strings, TheSanders, EdSandpipers, The
Sands Of Time, TheSands, CliveSands, Evie
Sands, JodieSands, TommySang, Samantha
Sanguisto, EnnioSanson, VeroniqueSanto And Johnny
Santos MoradosSapodilla PunchSapphires, The
Saridis, SaverioSarne, MikeSarolta
Saturday Night FeverSaxon, AlSaxone, Linda
Sayers, PeteScaffold, TheScarlets, The
Schachtner, HeinzSchadelSchroeder, John
Scott, DerekScott, EarlScott, Freddie
Scott, SimonScott, TommySearchers, The
Sebastian, JohnSecond City Sound, TheSecrets, The
Sedaka, NeilSedgewick, MikeSeekers
Senate The (60s)Senator BobbySeñors, Los
Sensational Guitars Of Dan & Dale, TheSentieri, JoeSentinals
Serendipity Singers, TheSettlers, TheSeville, David
Seville, DavidSeymour, PattiShades Of Blue
Shades Of Morley BrownShadow, Johnny & Gavan, DannyShadows Of Knight, The
Shafto, BobbyShagShakespeare, John
Shamrock Ceili BandShane And The Shane GangShane, Tony
Shangaans, TheShangoShape And Sizes
Shapiro, HelenSharksSharon Whitbread
Sharp, Dee DeeShaw, SandieSheila
Sheldon, DougShells, TheShep And The Limelites
Shepard, JeanSheridan, TonySherman, Allan
Sherman, BobbySherrys, TheSherwood, Roberta
Sherwoods, TheShields, KeithShindigs, The
Shiralee, TheShirelles, TheShirley & Johnny
Shirley, SusanShocking BlueShow Stoppers, The
Showmen, TheShowtimers, TheShubert
Shy Ones, TheSigler, BunnySilk (60s)
Silkie, TheSilver SistersSilver Thunders, The
Silver, AndeeSimonSimon & Garfunkel
Simon Dupree & The Big SoundSimon Sisters, TheSimon, Paul
Simon, TonySimpson, BillSimpson, Jeanette
Sims, CarlSims, JoanSinatra & Hazlewood
Sinatra, NancySinging Postman, TheSinnermen & Sara
Sinners, TheSinx MitchellSir Percy Quintet
Six Of OneSixpentz, TheSkepparn
Skillets, TheSlade, PaulSlaney, Ivor
Slatkin, FelixSlavin, MartinSmall Faces
Small, MillieSmithSmith, Alexander Murray
Smith, Huey 'Piano'Smith, HurricaneSmith, O.C.
Smith, OtelloSmith, VerdelleSmith, Warren
Smith, Whistling JackSmokeSmokey 007
SomeonesSommer, ElkeSonics, The
Sons & LoversSons Of HeroesSons Of The Piltdown Men, The
Sorrows, TheSoul Brothers SixSoul Brothers, The
Soule, GeorgeSounds NiceSounds Of Les And Barry, The
Sounds OrchestralSounds, BellSouthern, Sheila
Sovereigns, TheSpaak, CatherineSpaniels, The
Spanky & Our GangSparling, CandySpector, Phil
Spectres, TheSpectrum, TheSpellbinders, The
Spence, JohnnieSpencer, DonSpinners, The
Sportsmen, TheSpotnicks, TheSpringfield, Dusty
Springfield, TomSpringfields, The (Folk)Square Pegs, The
St. Clair, BillSt. John, BarrySt. Peters, Crispian
Stanback, JeanStarlings, TheStatesmen, The
StaxSteele, RonSteelers, The
Steve Colt ParadoxStevens, CatStevens, Dodie
Stevens, JerryStevens, JimmyStevens, Ray
Stevens, RickyStevens, TerriStewart, Andy
Stewart, John & Engel, ScottStirling, PeterStirling, Peter Lee
Stites, GaryStoller, RhetStone Pillow
Stone, GeorgeStone, RussellStonehenge Men, The
Strangeloves, TheStrawberry Alarm ClockStrawberry Jam
Streamliners, TheStreet, DannyString-A-Longs, The
Strong, BarrettSugar Blues BandSugar Blues, The
Sugar Shoppe, TheSullivan, Big JimSullivan, Ed
Summers, BobbySun Set, TheSundowners (Kent), The
Sundowners, TheSunglows, TheSunrays, The
Sunshine Company, TheSuperfine Dandelion, TheSuperstocks
Surf Raiders, TheSurfaris, TheSurfsiders, The
SuzieSuzie & Irwin, Big DeeSuzuki, Pat
Swann, BettyeSweetwaterSwinging Blue Jeans, The
Swingle Singers, TheSwordsmen, TheSymbols, The
SynanthesiaSyndicate Of SoundTacticos And His Bouzoukis
TagesTages, TheTalisman (60s)
Talley, JamesTamba TrioTamla Motown
Tammy St JohnTams, TheTarbuck, Jimmy
Tarry, MichaelTaylor, AllanTaylor, Bobby & Vancouvers
Taylor, ChipTed Taylor Four, TheTedesco, Tommy
Tee SetTelstars, TheTempo, Nino
Tempo, Nino & Stevens, AprilTeresa, JoTermites, The (60s)
Terrace, RayTest, ZZZTew, Alan
Texans, TheThe DakotasThe Essex
The Free DesignThe Indians (60S)The J. & B.
The ParlimentsThe T-BonesThe V.I.P.s
The ValentinesThemThomas (60s), Pat
Thomas, CarlaThomas, GeneThomas, Jamo
Thomas, JudyThomas, PeterThomas, Ray
Thompson, BillThompson, CheryleThompson, Chris (MM)
Thompson, SueThorne, DavidThreshold Label
Thrillington, PercyThunder, JohnnyThunderclap Newman
Tidmand, BjørnTillotson, JohnnyTim Tam And The Turn-Ons
TimepieceTimes (60s), TheTimon
Tinkerbell's FairydustTintern AbbeyTiny Tim
TitanicToadToad Hall
Tokens, TheToland, MarieTomorrow
Toner, EleanorToney Jr. OscarTony Jackson (Searchers)
Top Of The PopsTopolTorero Band, The
Tornados, TheTorr, MichèleTowers, Johnny
Townsel SistersToy Dolls, The (60s)TR-5
Track RecordsTracy, GrantTrade Winds, The
Transatlantics, TheTrends, TheTrendsetters Limited
Trent, JackieTrent, Jackie & Hatch, TonyTridents, The
Triffids, The (60s)Tro, MarcusTroggs, The
Trombones UnlimitedTroy, DorisTruckaway, William
Tucker, CyTucker, TommyTudor Minstrels, The
Turner, Ike & TinaTurner, MelTurtle, Henry
Twice As MuchTwinkleTwinn Connexion
Two And A HalfTymes, TheTyphoons, The
U.K. JonesUltra Mates, TheUmiliani, Piero
Unauthorised Version, TheUniques (Singapore), TheUnit Four Plus Two
United States Double QuartetUnited States Of America, TheUs
Usher, GaryV, FormulaV.I. Jazzmen
Vacant Lot, TheValadiers, TheValance, Ricky
Valentine MagazineValentine, DickieValentine, Hilton
Valery, DanaValjeanValley Youth Chorale, The
Valli, FrankieVan Bergen, ConnieVan Dyke, Earl
Van Dyke, LeroyVan Pallandt, NinaVan, Ila
Vanity FareVarious - 60s & 70sVarious - 70s, 80s & 90s Pop
Various ArtistsVarious-Cars & Motor SportsVarious-Doo-Wop & Vocal
Various-Hip Hop & RapVarious-Magazines & NewspapersVarious-Surf & Instrumental
Varney, RegVaughan, NormanVee, Bobby
VejtablesVeloso, CaetanoVelours, The
Velvelettes, TheVelvet, BlackVentures, The
Verne, LarryVernons Girls, TheVickers, Mike
Vikings Gitarband, TheVilard, HervéVilla, Claudio
Viscounts, TheVogues, TheVolcanos, The
Volunteers, TheVon, SonnyVoormann, Klaus
Wade, AdamWaikiki Beach Boys, TheWaikikis, The
Wailers, TheWalker Brothers, TheWalker, Gary
Walker, JohnWalker, ScottWallace Collection
Waller, GordonWalley, DeborahWallis, Mike
Walsh, JohnnyWalton, DaveWanderley, Walter
Warhol, AndyWarren Davis Monday Band, TheWarren, John
Warwick, Dee DeeWasserman, RobWatling, Dilys
Watson, FrenesiWatts 103Rd Street Rhythm BandWayburn, Nancy
Wayfarers, TheWayne Fontana & MindbendersWayne, Carl
Wayne, PatWayne, PaulWayne, Paula
We FiveWe Three Trio, TheWebb, Roger
Wedgwoods, TheWeedon, BertWeir, Frank
Welch, BruceWelch, EdWelch, Lenny
Welk, LawrenceWellingtons, TheWells, Bobby
Wells, HoustonWeston, KimWhales, The
Wheels, TheWhitcomb, IanWhite, Bergen
White, Louisa JaneWhite, TamWho
Wichita Train Whistle,TheWickham, LewieWigwam (Prog)
Wilde ThreeWilde, MartyWiley, T.C.
Wilkinson, ArthurWilliams, AllenWilliams, Marion
Williams, MasonWilliams, MoonWilliams, Peter
Williams, RogerWilliams, SmittyWilliams, Tony (Singer)
Willie & The WheelsWillie And The Red Rubber BandWillis, Timmy
Wilshaw, SueWilson, BrianWilson, Carl
Wilson, DennisWilson, Don LeeWilson, Jimmy
Wilson, LeeWilson, MurryWindsor, Paul
Winn, GodfreyWinstons, TheWinters, Mike & Bernie
Winters, RonWirtz, MarkWishful Thinking (60s)
Wolfe, RichardWomenfolk, TheWonder Who, The
Wood, RoyWoodworth, JudyWorth, Johnny
Wright, James (60s)Wynder K FrogWynter, Mark
Y DiliauYarbrough, GlennYardbirds
Yarrow, PeterYellow Balloon, TheYellow Payges, The
Yester, JerryYip, FrancesYork, Nola
Young BloodYoung Idea, TheYoung Lovers, The
Young, GarthYoung, James (Irish)Young, Jimmy (DJ)
Young, Joe E. & Toniks, TheYoung, Johnny (Soul)Young, Kenny
Young, RoyYoung, SusannahYuro, Timi
Zager & EvansZambetas, GeorgeZanicchi, Iva
Zarra, VincentZelkowitz, GoldieZephyrs, The (60s)
Zombies, TheZuider Zee, The

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