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SAVAGE GARDEN Affirmation World Tour Passes (Set of 3
uncut press sheets of self adhesive satin tour passes for the 1999
Tour. Each sheet measures 8½" x 11" and contains three different
passes on each sheet, includes 2 square, 1 circular and 1 triangular
shaped designs with artist and tour logo and blank space in the middle
for a name/id - each sheet is printed in a different colour [blue, red
and green],and retain the original peelable backing with manufacturer 'Perri' logo and address details confirming these to be genuine - hard to find in this uncut state)
Currently Unavailable - You can request the next copy of this item
SAVAGE GARDEN Affirmation (US Columbia press pack includes 7-page
press release with LP release information + 10" x 8" promo photo)
Currently Unavailable - You can request the next copy of this item
SAVAGE GARDEN Shikishi (Japanese sheet of white card with gold
surround designed especially for autographs, this one is SIGNED by
Darren & Daniel in black marker pen, genuine & ideal for framing!)
Currently Unavailable - You can request the next copy of this item
SAVAGE GARDEN Affirmation (US Columbia promo-only press pack
including press release featuring Tour dates etc, booklet of media
articles plus 10"x 8" promo photo in a custom picture folder!)
Currently Unavailable - You can request the next copy of this item
SAVAGE GARDEN I Knew I Loved You (Columbia UK press release
sheet on CP headed paper + a 10" x 8" Stephane Sednaoui photo)
Currently Unavailable - You can request the next copy of this item
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Alternative artists: None
SAVAGE GARDEN Music Discography Or Rare Music Memorabilia