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REM All The Way To Reno (You're Gonna Be A Star) (Rare 2001
Australian 1-track promo-only CD, custom promo-only 'fluorescent
light' picture inlay! REM03)
Last copy in stock. Order now for shipping on Tuesday 1st April
REM/VARIOUS Strange Currencies (Official 2003 US 20-track CD
compilation album, compiled exclusively for Uncut Magazine by REM,
and featuring standout bands that inspire REM, including Big Star, Ry
Cooder, Tim Buckley and MANY more! Complete with its custom
picture sleeve)
In stock. Order now for shipping on Tuesday 1st April
REM Bad Day (2003 US promotional-only 1-track picture CD single,
custom picture sleeve, rare! PRO-CD-101174)
In stock. Order now for shipping on Tuesday 1st April
REM Bad Day (2003 German promotional CD taken from the 'In
Time: The Best Of REM 1988-2003' album, featuring the 3:57 version
of the title track, custom jewel case picture sleeve PRO4296)
In stock. Order now for shipping on Tuesday 1st April
REM Beat A Drum (Featured on 2002 US 15-track promotional only
'The Laramie Project' soundtrack CD, also including tracks by Enya,
Alanis Morissette, Depeche Mode and K.D. Lang, housed in a custom
card wallet picture sleeve)
Last 2 copies in stock. Order now for shipping on Tuesday 1st April
REM Birth Of A Monster (Deleted 1994 UK Voxpop CD featuring an
interview with Michael Stipe & Peter Buck that originally appeared with
'Bucketful Of Brains' magazine & was taped during their first tour of
the UK in 1993, great fold out picture sleeve VP001)
Last 2 copies in stock. Order now for shipping on Tuesday 1st April
REM Daysleeper (1998 German manufactured for the UK market
1-track promotional CD single; distributed exclusively to stores, radio
and DJs and housed in a custom picture sleeve PRO-00050)
In stock. Order now for shipping on Tuesday 1st April
REM Remixes Of Tracks From Reveal (Rare 2002 US Warner Bros
10-track advance CD-R issued in very small numbers to DJs and radio
stations; includes mixes of 'The Lifting', 'I've Been High' and
'Beachball'. The disc is custom labelled and comes complete with
custom studio title insert)
Last copy in stock. Order now for shipping on Tuesday 1st April
REM What's The Frequency Kenneth (1994 US 4-track CD including 3
live tracks, in eco-pack picture sleeve)
Last copy in stock. Order now for shipping on Tuesday 1st April
REM Up (Original 1998 Warner US promotional only slightly cut out 3D
instore display. Measuring 36" x 12", this display is die-cut with a
push-out group photo and REM & Up Logos. Printed/cut to very thin
flimsy card, new and unused and perfect for display or 2D framing)
In stock. Order now for shipping on Tuesday 1st April
REM Reveal (2001 US Warner Bros promo-only press pack including
4-page press release plus 10" x 8" black and white publicity photo)
Last copy in stock. Order now for shipping on Tuesday 1st April
REM Imitation Of Life (2001 US 1-track promotional CD exclusively
produced for radio and DJs only and issued in a custom picture sleeve
In stock. Order now for shipping on Tuesday 1st April
REM Suspicion (Rare 1999 UK Masterpiece 1-track early generation
CD-R issued only to radio. Custom printed silver/blue disc plus original
custom title inlay)
Last 2 copies in stock. Order now for shipping on Tuesday 1st April
REM Daysleeper (1998 US 1-track promotional only CD, green and
yellow printed disc, custom picture sleeve PRO-CD-9482)
In stock. Order now for shipping on Tuesday 1st April
REM E-Bow The Letter (Scarce 1996 German pressed 4-track
'Collector's Edition' CD also including the previously unreleased tracks
Tricycle, Departure & Wall Of Death, picture sleeve)
Last 2 copies in stock. Order now for shipping on Tuesday 1st April
REM Strange Currencies (Scarce 1995 UK 1-track promotional only CD
for the single release, issued to radio and reviewers with a unique
custom title sleeve W0290CD-DJ)
In stock. Order now for shipping on Tuesday 1st April
REM Strange Currencies (1995 original UK WEA 1-track promotional
only PAL formatted video with custom title label on the cassette shell)
In stock. Order now for shipping on Tuesday 1st April
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Alternative artists: rem,r.e.m.,r-e-m,
Related names:
Arthur Buck, Azure Ray, Chickasaw Mudd Puppies, Chris Stamey, Full Time Men, Hindu Love Gods, Hugo Largo, Maria Taylor, Mark Eitzel & Peter Buck, Michael Stipe, Mike Mills, Oh Ok, Our Favourite Band, Peter Buck, Tanzplagen, The Dashboard Saviors, The dB's, The No Ones, Thirteen-One-Eleven, Three Walls Down, Tuatara
REM Singles And REM Collectibles And REM Merchandise