Portrait In Gold Vol:1 - EX

MARIA CALLAS Portrait In Gold Vol:1 (1970s German FIVE LP box set, features classic performances from Norma, Lucia Di Lammermoor, La Sonnambula, Iphigenie In Tauris and Anna Bolena, housed together in a picture box. The box [VG+] has some edgescuffing and a few storage marks, whilst the vinyl looks barely played. Overall an excellent box set)

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Price Info
$25.80, £20.00  
Product Availability Last copy in stock. Order now for shipping on Thursday 13th March
Release Year N/A
Condition Unless stated otherwise in the description above, all items are in at least excellent condition - so please read our descriptions carefully. We try to sell items as close to Mint condition as possible, and many will indeed be close to brand new and/or unplayed. Others may be 'used' - and all will meet our strict grading and are 100% guaranteed.
Shipping Cost Add item to your basket to see shipping quote
Format 5-LP vinyl album record set
Record Label Classicaphon
Complete Stock List Go to Maria Callas
Product Catalogue No 30002
Music Genre Opera
Country Comes from Germany Comes from 'Germany'
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Tracklisting & More Information

1.Akt - Szene 4; Szene Und Cavatine "Sediziose Voci - Casta Diva - Ah! Bello A Me Ritorna" (Norma, Oroveso) 16:05
2 Szene 9; Terzett Und Finale "Oh! Di Qual Sei Tu Vittima - Vanne, Si, Mi Lascia Indego" (Norma, Pollione, Adalgisa) 7:00
1 2.Akt - Szene 3; Duett "Mira, O Norma - Si, Fino All'ore Estreme" (Adalgisa, Norma) 7:24
2Szene 10; Szene Und Duett "In Mia Man Alfin Tu Sei" (Norma, Pollione)10:15
3 Finale "Deh! Non Volerli Vittime" (Norma, Orovesar, Pollione, Chor) 5:17
Lucia Di Lammeroor
1 1.Akt - Szene 4; Cavatine "Regnava Nel Silenzio - Quando, Rapito In Estasi" (Lucia, Alisa) 8:15
2 Szene 5; Duett Und Finale "Sulla Tomba Che Riuserra - Verranno A Te Sull'aure (Edgardo, Lucia) 10:50
3 2.Akt - Szene 2; Duett "Appressati, Lucia - Il Pallor, Tunesto, Orrendo" (Enrico, Lucia) 5:18
1 2.Akt - Szene 2; Schluß "Soffriva Nel Pianto - Se Tradirmi Tu Potrai (Lucia, Enrico) 7:09
2 3.Akt - Szene 5; Szene Und Arie "Il Dolce Suono - Ardon Gli Incensi" (Lucia17:07
La Sonnambula
1 1.Akt - Szene 3; Cavatine "Come Per Me Sereno - Sovra Il Sen La Man Mi Posa" (Amina) 3:09
2 Szene 4 Und 5; Rezitativ Und Duett "Perdona, O Mia Diletta - Prendi: L'anel Ti Dono" (Elvino, Amina) 20:10
3 Szene7; Duett "Son Geloso Del Zefiro Errante" (Elvino, Amina) 7:13
1 1.Akt - Szene 11; Quintett "D'un Pensiero E D'un Accento" (Amina, Elvino, Alessio, Lisa, Teresa) 5:26
2 Stretta "Non Piu Nozze" (Elvino, Alle) 7:35
Iphigenie In Taurus
1 1.Akt - Szene 1; Arie "O Tu, Che In Tua Pietà Crudel" (Iphigenie) 3:56
2 2.Akt - Szene 6; Arie "O Sventurata Ifigenia" (Iphigenie)
3 Finale "Onorate Con Me Quest'eroe Scomparso" (Iphigenie, Sacerdotesse) 9:51
4 3.Akt - Szenen 1, 2, 3; Rezitativ, Arie Und Terzett "Il Voto Pago Andrà - Io Ti Veggio Ad Ogui Instante - Inaspettata Ebbrezza!" (Iphigenie, Orest, Pilade) 8:20
1 3.Akt - Szene 5; Rezitztiv Und Duett "Ahi! Qual Pietà - Che! Mi Stimi Salvar?" (Iphigenie, Orest) 2:47
2 4.Akt - Szene 1; Rezitativ Und Arie "Ah! L'esecrando Rito - Io T'imploro Tremante" (Iphigenie)
3 Szene 2; Chor Und Rezitativ "Sii, Diana, A Noi Propizia - Non Farò Mai Di Pianto" (Sacerdotessa, Orest, Iphigenie)
4 Szene 3; Rezitativ "Ah, Non Si Compira" (Iphigenie)
5 Szenen 4, 5, 6, 7; Arie Und Finale "Scoverti Sono Alfin - Tocca A Te Di Morir! - V'arrestate - In Questa Eterna Forma" (Toante, Pilade, Diana, Oreste, Alle)21:11
Anna Bolena
I1 1.Akt - Szene 3; Cavatine "Come Innoncente, Giovane" (Anna) 4:35
I2 Szene 8; Szene Und Quintett "Voi, Regina! E Fia Pur Vero - Io Sentii Sulla Mia Mano" (Percy, Anna, Enrico, Rochefort, Hervey) 4:03
I3 Szenen 11 Und 12; Szene Und Duett "Eccolo! Io Tremo! - S'ei T'abborre, Io T'amo Ancora" (Anna, Percy)
I4 Szenen 13-16; "Tace Ognuno, È Ognun Tremante! - In Quegli Sguardi Impresso" (Enrico, Anna, U.A.)
I5 Finale "Ah! Segnata È La Mia Sorte" (Anna U.A.) 19:23
J1 2.Akt - Szene 3; Szene Und Duett "Dio Che Mi Vedi In Core - Sul Suo Capo Aggravi Un Dio" (Anna, Giovanna) 13:47
J2 Szenen 12, 13 Und Finale "Al Dolce Guidami - Coppia Inigua" (Anna)15:52

5 LP SET  
Recording Artist Maria Callas
Product Title Portrait In Gold Vol:1 - EX
Product Information Maria Callas Portrait In Gold Vol:1 - EX Germany 5-LP vinyl album record set.
Language All tracks are sung in English, unless otherwise stated in our description.
Additional info Deleted - A deleted or out-of-print item is one that is no longer manufactured. However, we stock thousands of out-of-print formats and we specialise in tracking down out-of-print, deleted and hard-to-find releases.
Artists Related To
Product Barcode Not Available
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Alternatively Known As ,Maria Meneghini Callas
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