spoken word

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4.A.D.Adrian, MaxAmis, Kingsley
Anderson-Craig & DoolingAnnis, Francesca & McKern, LeoArden, Neal
Arlott, JohnArthur C. ClarkeAttila The Stockbroker
Aubrey, JohnBaker, TomBanks, Dr. Murray
Barker, LesBarker, RonnieBaron, Sandy
Behan, DominicBelloc, HilaireBennett, Alan
Bergman, IngridBlanc, MelBlyth, Ann
Bradley, AlfredBrandao, RodrigoBrave New World (Rupert)
Bridger, BobbyBron, EleanorBrown, Oscar Jnr
Brush, BasilBunny, BugsBurroughs, William S.
Capitol RecordsCaptain Zap And The Motortown Carroll, Lewis
Chaucer, GeoffreyChristenson, TerryColbert, Stephen
CopernicusCousteau, JacquesCricket
Dagg, FredDavis, BetteDavis, Donald
Deller, AlfredDeMille, Cecil B.Disney, Walt
Duke Of Hazards, TheEddington, PaulEdwards, Harry
Everage, Dame EdnaFaulkner, WilliamFiresign Theatre, The
Flying Pickets, TheFord Workers On StrikeFowler, Eileen
GandhiGendall, RichardGielgud, John
Glums, TheGraham, BillyGraves, Robert
Gurdjieff, G.I.Hailwood, MikeHargreaves, Jack
Harry S. TrumanHart, MikeHeath, Eira
Hemingway, ErnestHenderson, StewartHollier, Tim
Hopkins, AnthonyHughes, LangstonHumphrey, Ange
Jackson, JackJohn & ErnestKROQ
Larkin, PhilipLarry The LambLast Poets, The
Le Mesurier, JohnLes Disques Du CrépusculeLeslie, Desmond
Lewis, C.S.Lipman, MaureenLiverpool Scene, The
Lloyd, NevilLowe, ArthurLuecking, Juliana
Maddern, VictorMaiden Theatre Group, TheManning, Bernard
Mansell, FrankMarshall, LynMartin, Lucy
Masefield, JohnMcCaffrey, AnneMcKuen, Rod
Miller, ArthurMilne, A.A.Milton, John
Morris, GregMorris, JohnnyMurphy, Elliot
National LampoonNightingale, AnneNoddy
Oliver Books calendarsPalmer, ArnoldParrish, Theo
Patchen, KennethPatten, BrianPenny Rimbaud & Youth
PositivaPotter, Ivor D.Princess Grace Of Monaco
RidaRobin, AlenRowan & Martin
Sanders, AlexSchwartz, MauriceSchweitzer, Albert
Scott-Heron, GilSecret Policeman's Ball, TheShaw, Bernard
Smith, AnthonySmith, JeanSmith, Stevie
Smoker, JoelSnagge, JohnSpraggan, Lucy
Stack, PrunellaStandley, JohnnySteven Jesse Bernstein
Storm, TempestSturgeon, TheodoreSwan Theatre Players, The
Tempest, KateTempest, KateTopping, Frank
Tse-Tung, Chairman MaoUmar Bin HassainVagina Dentata Organ
Various-Spoken Word & PoetryVian, BorisVonnegut, Kurt Jr.
Watts, ReggieWelles, OrsonWicked Willie
Wilson, FlipWinnie The PoohWoodhouse, Barbara
WRAXWXPNZacherle, John
Zazou, HectorZZ Test Artist

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