
View all Genre's  

101, The13th Hour20/20
4.A.D.45'S, The5 Seconds Of Summer
61197'S, OldA Band Called George
A.P.B.Accidents, TheAce Bentley
Aces, The (80s)Act (Norway)After The Fire
Agony ColumnAirielAkela And The Cubs
Alexander, WillieAlice, WolfAloha From Hell
Altar Boys, TheAmbassador 277Amber Squad, The
AmberlitesAnnie ChristianAntelopes, The
Arrogant AdamsArticle 58Ash (Japanese)
Atlantic RecordsAttractions, TheAutomatics
AutopilotAxiom (Oz)B.Z.N.
Bad ThingsBand Of Holy Joy, TheBangers
BapBaron, CarlBaseball Boys
Bats, The (60s SA)BeachheadsBéchiran, Roger
Beckies, TheBerkeley, TyroneBig Boy Tomato
Big Johns Rock 'n' Roll CircusBig Supreme, TheBill Mason Band
Blacklock, KelvinBleachedBlood Brothers (80s)
Bloomsbury Set, TheBlow Pops, TheBlue Ash
Blue SteamBoom Crash OperaBorn Crain
Boys (70S), TheBoys [Power Pop], TheBoys Like Girls
Brains, TheBrand New FriendBrass Monkey (70s)
Break and Repair Method, TheBrigade, TangoBrix
BroccoliBronco BullfrogBrooks, Bernie
BuddahBulletsBuoys, The
Burgess, Richard JamesBusterCactus World News
Cadillac, VinceCapitol RecordsCaptain Video
Captains Of IndustryCardiac ArrestCardiacs
Cedars, TheCharta 77Cheepskates, The
Cherry SmashChesterfield Kings, TheChin-Chin
Choir InvisibleChoir Of Young BelieversChris Richards And The Subtractions
City, The (80s)Civvy StreetClassics, Minor
Click Five, TheClockhouse, TheCold Comfort
Colors, TheColour SupplementColton, Tony
Commander CodyCommercials, TheCondor, Silver
Continental MiniaturesCooking VinylCool Bananas
Cool, RickyCount, TheCreem Circus
Creepers, HuxtonCruisers, The (70s)Cube (90s)
Cuby + BlizzardsCurtis, DebbieCynics (2), The
Darling (70s)Darrell, GuyDave And The Mistakes
Dawson, JulianDead!Deborah And The Puerto Ricans
DeFILMDennisons, TheDeparture Lounge
DiagramsDiamond, DyanDick Watson Five
DickensDicky Hart And The PalpitationDiiv
Disco Bros, TheDistractions, TheDM3
Do-Re-MiDodgers, TheDogs, Coconut
Donkeys, TheDowling PooleDressy Bessy
DrizzleDuplicates, TheDuren, Van
Eden (UK)Edge, OutsideEnglish Boys
Epstein, BrianEscorts, TheExcel
Exploding Hearts, TheExploding White MiceExplosives, The
Expressos, TheExquisites, TheFabulous Poodles, The
Fairytale, TheFans (UK), TheFans, The
Fawn, CharlieFirst PriorityFlames, The
Flicks, TheFloors + WallsFlowers
Fluid OuncesFlying ColorFoggo, Mark
Fold, TheFoolproofFools, The
Frantic Elevators, TheFreshies, TheFriends (UK)
Future DazeGalileo 7, TheGangsters, The
Garbo's Celluloid HeroesGarner, GigiGasp
Gen, ChronGiantkillerGiants (70s)
Ginger (80s)GoannaGodz, The
Godzisz, WojtekGoing Red?Goodchilde
Green On RedGregson, CliveGroenewoud, Raymond Van Het
Guv'ners, TheHangabouts, TheHarris, Lauren
Harry Harris Band, TheHazzard, TonyHeadquarters
Heartbeats, TheHello SailorHigh, The
Hill, JeffHitmakers, TheHooded Fang
HoundsHouse Of FreaksHuman Sexual Response
HumansHumor, VitreousHusky
I Said GoodbyeInnocents, TheInsiders
InterviewIpso Facto (2007)Itch, The
Jane Kennaway & Strange BehaviJanette And The PlanetsJasmin-T
Jigsaw (Oz)Jitters, TheJo Jo Laine And The Firm
JoanJook, TheJoyce Manor
Jumpers, TheJuniorKeneally, Mike
Key, TheKeysKeys [80S], The
Killermeters, TheKnees, TheKnitters, The
Knobz, TheKupersmithKursaal Flyers, The
Lambrettas, TheLandscapeLast Cry, The
Late Show, TheLegendary Masked SurfersLegends, The (US)
Lemon Twigs, TheLeonard, KiranLickerish Quartet, The
Life With PatrickLigament Blub Brothers, TheLimit (70s), The
Linda And The DarkLivingstone, J.C.London & The Bridges
Loose Ends (60s)Low Numbers, TheLuxury Item, The
Made In JapanMads, TheMagic Bus (70s)
Magic RoundaboutMan KlanMarauders, The
MarbakerMarbles, The (00s)Mariani, Dom
Mark Le GallezMarvelous 3Maximum Effect, The
MazarinMazzy StarMcCarl, Scott
Mel, PelMetrotoneMice, The
Milan (60s)Milk 'n' CookiesMinus Five, The
Mitchell & The New Breed, Den Model CitizensMoment, The
Moonlighters, TheMoonlizardsMorris, Gerry
MotelMotorMurray The Hump
Naked PreyNasty FactsNasty Pop
NervebreakersNerves, TheNever To Return
New EnglandNew Formula, TheNew Legend
Nicky & The DotsNiedecken, WolfgangNits, The
No Sweat (Clive Culbertson)Nobodys, TheNuclear Valdez
O'Brien, DekeOn And Ons, TheOral Exciters, The
Other Half, TheOutfieldOutskirts, The
Overdraft, ThePack, The (Pop)Painter
Paranoids, ThePaul Collins' BeatPenn, Michael
Peter Parker's Rock 'N' RollPezbandPinkees, The
PinpointPlimsouls, ThePoets, The (Irish 60s)
Pointed SticksPointed Sticks, ThePoison Dollys
Pool SharksPopular Pants PeoplePositiva
Powerhouse, ThepragVECPrecious Metal
Presents For SallyPresidents Men, ThePreview, Sneak
PridePrivate LinesProphet, Chuck
Pudding, ThePumphouse GangQuaterflash
Quesada, CristinaQuestion, TheRadios, The
Ragamuffins, TheRain ParadeRapiers, The
Records, TheReps, TheResistance, The
RexRex ChainbeltRex Mundi
RheingoldRich KidsRitzi
Rivvits, TheRoberts, PaulRochdale Fairies, The
Rosebuds, TheRoses Kings CastlesRossi, Walter
RotavatorsRoulettes, TheRousers, The
Ruin, BlueRural Alberta Advantage, TheRuts D.C.
SadisticsSame, TheScabs, The
Scott, Jeff & Marc, JosefScreeching WeaselSecond Coming, The (80s)
Seymour, PhilShake Appeal [New Wave]Shakin' Pyramids, The
Shambles, TheShelter, JimmeShivvers, The
Sidewalk SocietySilent GuestsSilhouette
Sindy And The Action MenSkunksSlaughter Beach, Dog
Sleeping LionsSmash PalaceSmirks, The
Smith, MarthaSore Throat (Power Pop)Speedometors
Speedways, TheSpells, TheSpiders (80s)
Spongetones, TheSports, RememberStamey, Chris
Stardeath And White DwarfsStarjetsStates, The
StepasideStilettos, TheStill Life [80s]
Stirling, Peter LeeStreet Talk (NZ)Stukas, The
Sugar DriveSulton, KasimSummer Suns, The
Supa, RichardSupergeniusSuperjones
SustaynSweat, TheSweet Teeth
Sweeties, TheSymposiumTalkies, The
Tall Tales And TrueTanner, MarcTaylor, Terry
Teacher's PetTechno TwinsTelegram
TelephoneThe Mickey FinnThee
Thelonious MonsterThunderboysTickets, The
Time MachineTime WastersTin Huey
Toggery Five, TheTolman, RussTom Petty & The Heartbreakers
TomboyTongue, SwallowTools
Totally Outta Hand Band, TheTour De Force (80s)Tours, The
TravellerTreble XTrek W/ Quintronic
Trudy, TheTruth (60s), TheTsar
Tucker, CyTurning CuriousTV Crime
Twin HazeyTwo TwoUltra Montanes, The
UlyssesUncanny X-MenUp And Running
UXBValentino, BobbyValves, The
Van SheVictorian Picture ShowVideo
Video VillainWasted YouthWatt, Mike
We Are The PhysicsWerner, DavidWhisky Priests, The
White Heat (Mod)White SoxxWhite, Louisa Jane
White, TrevorWilliams, HayleyWillie And The Red Rubber Band
Wills, Ian And Willings, TheWindmillWipe Out
Wire TrainWobblesoxWon Ton Ton
Wondermints, TheWritzX
X CertificateYankees, TheYoung Fresh Fellows, The
Young GovernorYoung Ones, TheZippers, The

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