
View all Genre's  

'B' Girls, The(Damn) This Desert Air(DIY), Grinder
(PUNK), Anthrax(Punk), Beans(Punk), Emergency
(UK), Sleep... And The Hangnails[Finland], Stalin
[Grindcore], Exit-13[Japan], Crow[Punk], Case
[Punk], Ceremony[Punk], Interiors[Punk], Shock
[Punk], Zorro‘Tone, The013
1, Part101'ers15, MG
180, JJ1984, A.D.1st Offence
2-33244, Channel
4-SKINS41147, Mob
7 Seconds7 Year Bitch80, LINK
83, Kriminela999A Fine Boat, That Coffin!
A Giant DogA Secret SocietyA Skylit Drive
A's, TheA.K.A.s, TheAbe Vigoda
Above ThemAbove, RiseAbrasive Wheels
Abs, TheAbscessAbwärts
Academy Is..., TheAccessAccidente
Aces, The (80s)Ackermans, TheAcme Attractions
ActifedAction PactActual, The
Adam & The AntsAdictsAdjustment, Attitude
AdolescentsAdult NetAdventures [Emo]
AdversityAdverts, TheAfflicted
Afrika Korps, TheAfterparty, TheAgainst Me!
Against The WallAge Of KaliAgent Orange
AgitpopAgnostic FrontAgony Bag
Agony, InstantAgoraphobic NosebleedAirmail
AJJAlbertine, VivAlcoa
Alice DonutAlice, WolfAll
All Pigs Must DieAlley Cats, TheAlmighty Defenders, The
Alpha & OmegaAlpha Male Tea PartyAltered Sky
AlternativeAlternative TentaclesAlternators, The
AlvaroAlvin Gibbs & The Disobedient ServantsAmalthea
American Ruse, TheAmerican Scene, TheAmity Affliction, The
Amyl And The SniffersAnd The Native HipstersAndrews, Barry
Andy Human And The ReptoidsAngelic UpstartsAngels, Fallen
Angry MindedAngry SamoansAnhrefn
Another Pretty FaceAnt, AdamAnthrax (UK)
Anti-HerosAnti-Nowhere LeagueAnti-Pasti
Anxiety, AnnieAnxiousAoousch
ApocalypseApostles (Punk), TheAppendix
Approach, PositiveArbor Labor UnionArchie & The Bunkers
ArchitectsArcwelderArmoury Show, The
Arms, CrazyArrest, CitizensArt Attacks, The
Arthurs, AndyArticle 58As Everything Unfolds
As Friends RustAs It IsAsbestos
Ascended DeadAsphalt JungleAssfort
AssückAsta KaskAstpai
Astroid BoysAstronauts, The (Punk)Asylum
Asylum, PoliticalAtlantic ThrillsAtoms, The
Attack In BlackAttakAttempted Moustache
Attitude, ContrastAttrixAu Pairs
Australian CrawlAutomaticsAvant Gardener
Avant Gardeners, TheAvengers, TheAvocados, The
Awaken DemonsAxewoundB.S.
Bad BrainsBad BreedingBad Caesar
Bad Cop/Bad CopBad DaddiesBad Dress Sense
Bad Karma BeckonsBadowski, HenryBags (Punk), The
Balance And ComposureBaloney HeadsBand Of Holy Joy
BaneBane, HoneyBanger, Ed
BangersBanned, TheBarbed Wire
Barber, FrankBarfliesBargy, Argy
BaronessBarrett, Wild WillyBastards
Bastards, TheBastionsBates
Bators, StivBattalion Of SaintsBattle Of Disarm
BaysideBeach SlangBeans On Toast
BearsBears, TheBeartooth
BeastBeastmilkBeatoffs, Strangulated
Beats, DeadBedrin Daddys, TheBee Bee Cee
Beer, MarkBeing As An OceanBengt, Protes
Bent LifeBerthold CityBesthöven
Bet Lynch's LegsBeth, JehnnyBetontod
Better Than A ThousandBewitchedBeyond
BiffersBig Audio DynamiteBig Brave
Big BusinessBig HairBIG Heat
Big In JapanBill Mason BandBilly Karloff Band
Billy The KidBinboyBingo
Bitter EndBitter End (Hardcore)Bizarros, The
Bl'astBl'ast!Black Eyes
Black FlagBlack Pacific, TheBlack Peaks
Black RandyBlack TuskBlacklight Chameleons
Blackout Argument, TheBlade, AndyBlanck Mass
Blassie, FreddieBlatzBlazing Eye
BleachedBleak RealityBled, The
Blegvad, PeterBlind Idiot GodBlinders, The
BlitzBlitzkriegBlockheads, The
BlondieBlood Brothers (Rock)Blood Uncles
Blood, TheBlubberBlue Ontario, The
Blue SteamBluntBlunt Instrument
Blyth PowerBoa, Phillip & The Voodoo ClubBob Tilton
Bob VylanBobby PeruBöhn Legion
BoisterousBoldBollock Brothers, The
Bolsheviks, TheBombpops, TheBombs, Final
Bombshells, TheBond, PJBondage, Beki
Boneless Ones, TheBoomtown Rats, TheBorn Dead Icons
BorstalBotchBow Wow Wow
Boys, BigBoys, The (Punk)Brainbox (Rock)
Bram TchaikovskyBrambillaBratmobile
Brats, TheBratz, TheBreak Away
BreakdownBreaking PointBrenda & The Rattlesnakes
Brian BrainBrick Layer CakeBrigade, Tango
BrigandageBright Calm BlueBrix
Broadway CallsBroccoliBroken Bones
Broken TeethBronson, CharlesBrood, Herman
Brotherhood Of The LakeBrutality Will PrevailBuck-O-Nine
Bucket Full Of TeethBullyBunk Dogger
BunnydrumsBurnel, Jean JacquesBush Tetras
Business (Power Pop), TheBusiness, TheButler, Richard
BuzzcocksCabbageCadaveric Fumes
Cadillac, VinceCalifornia, Mr.Call Girls, The
CamberCamera Obscura (Punk)Camp, Phleg
Canada, SubhumansCancer BatsCanis Major
Captain SensibleCarbon / SiliconCarnation
Caroline KCarpettes, TheCarrasco, Joe "King"
Carrion SpringCarson WellsCash Pussies
Casket Lottery, TheCasualties, CapitalistCasualties, The
Catheters, TheCBICease To Exist
Celebrity SkinCeleste (Metal)Celia & The Mutations
CenturiesCentury, StaxCeramic Hobs
Cerebral BallzyCervenka, ExeneChain Gang
Chain Of StrengthChainsawChalk Circle
ChamberlainChanged, ShortChannel 3
Channel ThreeChaos U.K.Chaotic Dischord
ChargeChariot, TheCharta 77
Chats, TheCheetah ChromeCheifs
ChelseaChemical PeopleCherry Vanilla
Children Of FallChildren, DoomsChin-Chin
China StreetChisel, TheChocolate
ChorchazadeChrist On ParadeChristie Front Drive
Chthe'ilistChubby And The GangChumley
Chumps, TheChunk! No, Captain ChunkChurch Girls
Cigarettes, TheCinch, TheCinecyde
Circa SurviveCircle, ViciousCircuits
Circus In ReverseCity Of CaterpillarClairmel
ClashClash, JohnnyClass War
Classics, MinorCloakroomClub, Hot
ClutchCobra StarshipCockney Rejects
Code OrangeCoffin RotCoffins
CoitusCoke BustCold Dance
Cold WorldColdburnColiseum
ColourColt SeaverCombat 84
Comets On FireComidas, ChinaCommendables
Computers, TheConflictConscience, Deformed
ConstrictedControl, LyndalCooper Clarke, John
Cornwell, HughCorpse Grinders (Punk)Correction
Cortinas, TheCorvettes, TheCosmic Psychos
Cosmic ThoughtsCostello, ElvisCouch Flambeau
Counterfeit.CounterpartsCounty Wayne & Electric Chairs
County, JayneCoward BrothersCowboy Killers
Cowboys, LondonCowsCrack, The
CrackousrockanrollCraft (Metal)Cramps, The
CrassCrazy ArmCrazy Pink Revolvers
Creatures, TheCreep ShowCreeper
CretinCrimeCrime In Stereo
CrisisCrisis, RealityCristina
Cro-MagsCrocodile TearsCross Me
Cross My HeartCrow PeopleCrownhate Ruin, The
CrucifixCrucifucks, TheCruel Hand
Cruella De VilleCrueltyCrux
Cuddly ToysCulbertson, CliveCult Leader
Cult Maniax, TheCultureCulture Shock
CursiveCut-Outs, TheCute Is What We Aim For
CyanideCyanide PillsCybermen, The
D.O.A.D.R.IDad Punchers
Dag NastyDahl Band, JeffDahl, Jeff
Dahmers, TheDakka Dakka DakkaDalek I
Damage (Punk)Damnation, ArgueDamned
Dance, DigitalDangersDansette Damage
Dark AgesDark, TheDarkest Hour
Dastardly, DickDaughtersDave Warner's From The Suburbs
David & SylvainDay Of The DeadDaylight
DayshiftDaytraderDazzlers, The
Dazzling KillmenDead Beats (Punk)Dead Boys
Dead ChannelsDead CrossDead End Kids
Dead Fingers TalkDead KennedysDead Mans Shadow
Dead Milkmen, TheDead NeighboursDead reckoning
Dead Red SeaDead StylerDead Swans
Deadbeats, TheDeadheadsDeadline
Deaf Aids, TheDeaf WishDear Hunter, The
Death By StereoDeath Is Not GlamorousDeath Pill
Death Set, TheDecadent FewDecapitated
Decay, MetroDeeCracksDeep Throats
Deez NutsDefeaterDefector
Defects, TheDeformities, GenitalDelta 72, The
Delta FiveDemics, TheDemob
Demon PreacherDenizensDepartment S
DepravedDepressions, TheDer Durstige Mann
Derelicts, TheDescendentsDescription, Beyond
Desperate Bicycles, TheDestri, DonnaDestroy All Monsters
Destroy BoysDestruction UnitDestructors
Deviants, TheDeviated InstinctDevil Makes Three, The
Devil Wears Prada, TheDeVille, WillyDevils Brigade
DevoDials, TheDiamond Youth
DickiesDicksDie ÄRzte
Die Electric EelsDie Roten RosenDie Toten Hosen
Diet Of WormsDiggle, Steve`Digital, Damage
DiivDils, TheDiodes
Diodes, TheDirtDirtbombs, The
Dirty DogDisasterDiscard
DischangeDisco Bros, TheDisco Zombies, The
DisruptDissentDisturbed [70s]
Divine HorsemenDivisiaDMD
Doctor And The CrippensDoctor BisonDoctor Mix And The Remix
Doctors Of MadnessDodgems, TheDog Faced Hermans
Dog On A RopeDogsDole, The
Doll, TheDolly MixtureDonkeys, The
DoomDoomridersDoor And The Window, The
DormannuDouglasDowling Poole
Down By LawDown, ForcedDownfall
DownsetDowntown BoysDP's, The
Dragons (French Punk)DragstersDrain
DrawstringDream (80S), TheDreamboys, The
DreamcrashDressmakerDrinking Electricity
Dropkick MurphysDrug ChurchDrug Squad, The
Du BlondeDu$t, AngelDub War
Ducking PunchesDudmanDuet Emmo
Duggie Briggs Band, TheDukes Of Stratosphear, TheDungen
Durutti Column, TheDury, IanDyke Drama
EagullsEarly GraceEarth Crisis
Earthbound (Prog)East Bay RayEaster, Black
Eat Your Heart OutEaterEclipse
Eddie And The Hot RodsEffect, DominoEffect, Trigger
EffigiesEgo TripEight Rounds Rapid
Ejected, TheEksen Trick Brick BandElectric Callboy
Electric DoghouseElectric Eels, TheElectro Hippies
ElemaeElement Of Crime, TheElliott
Elton MotelloEmbrace (Punk)Embrace, In
Empire! Empire! (I Was A Lonely Estate)Employed To ServeEnabler
ENDEnemy (80S/Punk), TheEnglish Boys
English DogsEngraveEnoch Ardon
EnsignEpileptics, TheErazerhead
Ergs!, TheErnst And The Edsholm RebelsERRA
ErsatzEscalators, TheEskorbuto
Eve 6Evening Outs, TheEvens, The
Evolution So FarEx PistolsEx Post Facto
Ex, TheExcrement Of WarExcruciation
Execute, TheExecutive SlacksExecutives
Exile, TheExits, TheExpelled, The
Expendables, TheExpireExploding Hearts, The
Exploding SeagullsExploding White MiceExploited, The
Explosion, TheExplosives, TheExposition, Completed
Exquisites, TheExtreme Noise TerrorExtremity
Eyes (Punk)F.O.BFace The Front
Face To FaceFace To Face (90s Rock)Faceless Burial
Factory, StrangeFacts About RatsFailsafe For Tomorrow
FallFallen Leaves, TheFallout
Fans (UK), TheFans, TheFarside
Fartz, TheFascinatorsFashion, The
Fat And FranticFat DogFat White Family
Fatal Charm, TheFatal MicrobesFatty Cakes & Puff Pastries
FavezFearFearless Iranians From Hell
FeedtimeFerris, SaveFever, Putrid
FeverdreamFiddleheadFidelity Jones
FidlarFifth ColumnFifth Hour Hero
Fight, TheFilth Is EternalFinal Rage
Finer, JemFinger Finks, Tight
Fire & IceFire Dept., TheFire Party
Fire Still Burns, TheFirst Steps, TheFirst Things First
FishwifeFist CityFits, The
Fitz Of DepressionFitzgerald, PatrikFix, The
FiyaFlag Of ConvenienceFlashcubes, The
Flat WormsFlatbackers, TheFlatliners, The
Flesh Eaters TheFlipperFlowers In The Dustbin
Flowers, HappyFlowers, PersianFlowers, The
FlufFlux Of Pink IndiansFly On The Wall
Flyin' Spiderz, TheFlysFlyscreen
FlyswatterFocused MindsFodder, Family
Foetus (+incarnations of)Foffo SpearjigFold, The
Fontaines D.C.For Carnation, TheForced Order
Forever Came CallingForever The Sickest KidsFORGODSAKE
Form, TheFour Be TwoFour Year Strong
Four, MajesticFrail BodyFramed
Frames (Punk), TheFrameworksFrank Carter & The Rattlesnake
Frank, StanleyFrankenstein Drag Queens...Franklin Lakes
Frantic Elevators, TheFraud, NoFree Agents
Free French, TheFree WillFreedom
FreewillFreeze (Punk), TheFreeze (UK), The
Freeze, TheFrenzy (Pop)Freshes, The
Freshies, TheFrictionFriends, Suggested
FrightwigFrontFront Bottoms, The
FrontlineFruit Eating Bears, TheFrumpies, The
Fucked And BoundFucked UpFull Of Hell
Fun 4Funeral PartyFuries, Fulham
FuryFutura 2000Future Bodies
Futures, BlackFuzeG.B.H.
Gaffa Tape SandyGagGalen & Paul
Gallery 47GallowsGang Of Four
Gardez DarkxGastunkGate
GauzeGazaGeldof, Bob
GemageGen, ChronGeneration X
GenericGenius FreakGenocide Pact
Genocides, TheGeraldine FibbersGerms, The
Gerry & The HologramsGG Allin & The ScumfucsGhost Inside, The
Ghost Of Lemora, TheGhost, HolaGiantkiller
Gibson BrosGilbert & LewisGilbert, Bruce
Ginn, GregGirl BandGirl Of My Best Friend
GirlpoolGirls At Our BestGirls, Petrol
Gits, TheGiudaGlass And Ashes
Glass TorpedoesGlass TorpedosGloom
GloriousGnarwolvesGoats Of Doom
Goblins, GinGODGod's Heart Attack
God, CrocodileGoing OffGoing Red
Going Red?Gold BladeGolden Triangle
Goldman, VivienGolinski Brothers, TheGonads, The
GoneGone To WasteGood Clean Fun
Good Missionaries, TheGoodman, Dave & FriendsGordon The Moron
Gore Beyond NecropsyGorilla BiscuitsGorillas, The
GospelGouge AwayGovernment Issue
Grabbies, TheGrave, UnholyGravel
Great American GhostGreat CynicsGreenfield,Dave & J.J. Burnel
GreyhavenGrief TouristGrinder, Scrotum
Grit, TheGroverGruppo Sportivo
Guided By VoicesGundog,Mighty Mr MenGuns For Hire
Gunslingers, TheGutlessGuttersnipes, The
GuzzardGymslips, TheH2O
Hagar The WombHagen, NinaHaggard Cat
Hair, TheHalf JapaneseHammer, Claw
Hand, RandomHandgunsHank III
Hannaway, Frank & Barclay, MicHappy Ever AfterHard Left
Hard StanceHardsideHarker
Harms WayHarper, CharlieHause, Dave
HaustHavana 3amHave Heart
Have MercyHawks And DovesHe Said
Head, TheHeadache (Punk)Headfirst
Headon, TopperHeartbeats, TheHeartless
Heaven In Her ArmsHeavy PukeHeiress
HeirophantHell, Richard & VoidoidsHello!, Hey!
HelplessHer Only PresenceHeresy
HeroinHesitation WoundsHessian
Hidden In Plain ViewHigher, TheHighliners, The
Higsons, TheHindsightsHIRS
Hit The LightsHitmakers, TheHitmen, The
Hoax, TheHoliday, KillHolly And The Italians
Holy RollersHomeless Gospel Choir, TheHong Kong 99
Honour Among ThievesHoolapopperHoot McKloot
Hooton 3 CarHope Conspiracy, TheHorrorcomic
Horse The BandHorsell CommonHostilities
Hot CrossHot WaterHotelier, The
Hotlines, TheHoundsHoward Devoto
Human EyeHumanifestoHummingbird Of Death
Humpers, TheHundredthHunt, Egg
Hunter GathererHunters Club, TheHussey, Wayne
HXXSHyena Kill, TheHysterics
I Hate MyselfI Jog & The TracksuitsI Prevail
I'm So HollowI.R., KurbitsIceage
IceburnIcon For HireIcons Of Filth
Idle FlowersIdol, BillyIdols, The (Jerry Nolan)
Iggy PopIgnerents, TheIgor's Night Off
Imperial Pompadours, TheIncendiaryIncredible Kidda Band, The
Indian Summer (Punk)Infa RiotInfest
IngrownInk & DaggerInmates, The
Inner City UnitInsect WarfareInside Out
Inside Out [Hardcore]InsurgentsIntegrity
Intelligence, TheIntense DegreeInternational Swingers, The
Into AnotherIntruder, MaskedInvaders, The (Punk)
Isotope SoapIssuesIsterismo
Ivy League TXJJack Off Jill
JACKSUN, TONYJacnoJah Wobble
Jailcell RecipesJam TheJames Chance & The Contortions
James Cleaver Quintet, TheJames, BrianJammer, Gear
Jane Aire & The BelvederesJapandroidsJawbreaker
Jaya The CatJejuneJellyroll Rockheads, The
JerksJerks, CircleJermz, The
Jesse JamesJesus Christ Super FlyJesus Piece
Jet Boys, TheJet Bronx & The ForbiddenJets (Punk), The
JezebelleJilted JohnJimmy And The Boys
Jimmy Edwards And The ProfileJobson, RichardJoe 9T And The Thunderbirds
Joe Cool And The KillersJoe, JanitorJohansen, David
John The PostmanJohnny And The Self AbusersJohnny Curious & The Strangers
Johnny Thunders HeartbreakersJoie De VivreJoke, Pistol
JoltJoltJon Cougar Concentration Camp
Jones, JanieJones, SteveJosef K
Joshua (US)Josie, CottonJoyce Manor
Joyce McKinney ExperienceJoyrydeJr Ewing
JudgeJuice (Pop Punk)Jump, The
JunctionJune PaikJunior
JuntessJust Measurers, TheJustice (Punk)
KaaosKaddishKadet, Terveet
Kamikaze Sex Pilots, TheKaospilotKatastrofialue
Kerekes, MatKevin Short And His PrivatesKickstarts
Kid DynamiteKid KapichiKids In The Kitchen
Kids, Jerry'sKids, TheKidz Next Door
Kilburn & The High RoadsKill Your IdolsKilled By The Bull
Killer DreamerKillermeters, TheKilling Joke
Killing TimeKilljoys, TheKilowatt, Kid
King Blues, TheKing Snake RoostKing, Don
KingpinKinison, TheKissed Air
Knocked LooseKnow-SoKnox
Knox, ChrisKnuckle PuckKnuckledust
Kohti TuhoaKojiKolonna, Viimeinen
KongKoreans, TheKortatu
Kramer, WayneKrautKreuzen, Die
KrunkKrypton TunesL Voag
L.O.K.La Crème, CathyLa Peste
La PlebeLack Of KnowledgeLadies, Avon
Landlord, DearLandlordsLandmarks
LandscapesLandverraadLane, Fred
LardLarks, TheLast Drive, The
Last Gang, TheLast RitesLast Witness
Last Words, TheLattermanLaukaus
Le RitzLeague, MajorLeatherface
LEBOWITZ, D.J.LeechedLeft Alone
Left Hand DriveLegacy Of LiesLegacy, The
Legion HallLegionnaire, YoungLemons, The
LemuriaLenny Lashley's Gang Of OneLeon, Craig
Leonard, KiranLes Enfants TerriblesLess Than Jake
Letters Organize, TheLevene, KeithLew Lewis Reformer
Lewd, TheLeyton Buzzards, TheLiberty
Liberty Independence Freedom EqualityLicks (Punk), TheLife At These Speeds
Life LikeLife SentenceLife, Low
LifesickLifetime (90s)Lightning Raiders
LigotageLike PacificLikvidation, Moderat
LiliputLimit (70s), TheLinda And The Dark
Lipstique, RedLizardLlaethog, Llwybr
LoatheLocal OperatorLockjaw
LondonLonely The BraveLong Cold Stare
Long Tall ShortyLook Back And LaughLOOM
Lords Of Altamont, TheLords Of The New Church, TheLos Gusanos
Lost CherreesLost Patrol Band, TheLounge Lizards, The
Love Spit LoveLove, BurningLovemongers
Lovers, BetterLoveslugLowe, Nick
Loyalties, TheLSDLucy
Lulu, TeasingLunachicksLunatics Without Skateboards I
Lurkers, TheLuxuriaLwin, Annabella
Lydon, JohnLydons And The O'Donnells, TheM.D.C.
Macabra, ForçaMacabre, DanseMacc Lads
MacGowan, ShaneMachine Gun KellyMachines
MacManus GangMad DaddysMadball
Mag, SheerMagazineMagic Michael
Maid Of AceMajor AccidentMajority Of One
Make Do And MendMake WarMake-Up, The
Male NursesMama TickMammoth Grinder
Man OverboardMan RazeManeaters
Manufactured RomanceMarch Of AngerMarginal Man
Marie Et Les GarconsMarky Ramone & The IntrudersMars
Martian Dance Martin And The BrownshirtsMartini Henry Rifles, The
MartyrdödMASSMass (Punk)
Matches, TheMatlock, GlenMatter, Gray
Matthew Sawyer And The GhostsMaus, MauMax 'N' Gal (The Brothers Gonad)
Max SplodgeMaximum Effect, TheMaze, Chemical
McDonald, JockMcLaren, MalcolmMDC
Me First And The Gimme GimmesMeanies, TheMeatfly
Meathooks, TheMeatmenMeet Me At The Pub
Meices, TheMell, PellMelt Yourself Down
MembranesMen (Punk)Men (US), The
MenaceMenzingers, TheMercury Players, The
Mercury Program, TheMercy Seat, TheMerry Widows, Thee
MestMetal UrbainMetalik, Banane
MetzMi-SexMiddle Class, The
Midnight MenMidnite CruiserMidori
MidtownMielenhäiriöMighty Ballistics Hi-Power
Mighty Caesars, TheeMildred And The MiceMilk Monitors, The
Milk TeethMillencolinMiller, Larry
Milton, TedMind, IronMindless Self Indulgence
Minor ThreatMirrorsMirrors (UK Punk), The
MisanthropicMisfitsMiss Vincent
Miyagi, Mr.Mob (Punk), TheMob Research
Model, NewModels (Punk)Models, The
Modern BaseballModern EonMolesters, The
MollestersMoltenMongol Horde
Mongoloids, TheMonkeys, SeaMonks, The
Mono MenMono-MenMonochrome Set, The
MonotonyMonth Of SundaysMoondogs, The
MoonlizardsMoose BloodMoped, Johnny
MöpedheadMorality, NewMore Than Life
Motors, TheMouth [Punk]Move
Movements, CrystalizedMoving Jelly Brothers, TheMPs
MumpsMuncie GirlsMurder Inc [Oi!]
Murderburgers, TheMurphy's LawMurray, Pauline
MutantsMutants, TheMutation
MuteMVPs, TheeMXPX
My So Called LifeMystery DatesMystery Girls, The
MyteriNailsNaked Raygun
Nancy Sesay And The MelodairesNapalm Stars Nariz, Wazmo
Nasty FactsNatchbandNation, Carry
Nations AfireNautycultureNaz Nomad & The Nightmares
Neck DeepNecrorrosionNegative, Double
NegazioneNeoNeo Cons
NeonNeon ChristNeon Hearts
Nerds, TheNerf HerderNervebreakers
Nerves (UK), TheNerves, TheNervez, Twisted
Nervous EatersNervusNeurosis
NeverstoreNew CrossNew Math
New Musical ExpressNew Order, TheNew York Blondes, The
New York DollsNewman, ColinNewtown Neurotics
Nice And EasyNicky & The DotsNile, Willie
Ninja High SchoolNipple ErectorsNips
NitsNits, TheNixon, Mojo
No BabiesNo ChoiceNo Devotion
No For An AnswerNo Future?No Sweat (Clive Culbertson)
No Use For A NameNo-Talents, TheNoFX
NomeansnoNonesNoose Rot
Nosebleeds, TheNothing, DoNots
NotsensiblesNova TwinsNova, Paul
November Coming FireNow, TheNoxious
Null & VoidNumbers, TheNuns, The
Nurse With WoundO LevelO'Connor, Hazel
O'Sullivan, DanielO.ChildrenOathbreaker
Obey The BraveOcean, HumphreyOctober, Gene
Of Mice & MenOff With Their HeadsOff, Half
Official Secrets, TheOi PolloiOizone
Okkultokrati Old Man GloomOne Car Pile-Up
One Lady OwnerOne Way SystemOnelinedrawing
Only OnesOnly, JerryOpen Book
Operation IvyOpus DeadOrdination Of Aaron
Orwells, TheOtway & BarrettOuida & The Numbers
Out With A Bang!OutburstOutcasts
OutoOutsiders (Punk), TheOverexposure
Overlord (Punk)Owls, FewerOxy And The Morons
Pack, The (Punk)Pagans, ThePalisades
Palm ReaderPansy DivisionParamedic Squad, The
ParasitParasiteParasites, The
PariahParkinsons, TheParquet Courts
Partisans, ThePassengers, ThePathetix, The
Pavilion, PercyPayola$Peach Kelli Pop
Pearl HarbourPecadores, LosPegboy
PenetrationPenetration MoonPenetrators (Punk), The
Penny Rimbaud & YouthPere UbuPerforming Ferret Band
PerikatoPeriod PainsPerrett, Peter
Perry, MarkPete Stride & John PlainPeter & The Test Tube Babies
PetrificationPg.99Phantom Chords
Phantoms Of The SSPhillip H. Anselmo & The IllegalsPhotogenix
Photos, ThePhysicalsPianos Become The Teeth
PiebaldPierce The VeilPig
Pig DestroyerPigbrosPigs, The
Pinhead GunpowderPink IndustryPink Teens
Pinns, SuziPiovra, LaPissed Jeans
PittbullPlague, ThePlain White T's
PlainfieldPlasmaticsPlastic Flies, The
Plastic SurgeryPlaygroundPleasers
Pleasure Fuckers, ThePlimsouls, ThePlug, Mustard
Plugs, ThePoguesPoikkeus
Poison GirlsPoison IdeaPolar Bear Club
Polaris (Metal)Ponys, ThePooh Sticks
Pop Group, thePop Rivets, ThePopdefect
PorkPork Dukes, ThePortrayal Of Guilt
Positive SignalsPotteryPower Trip
Prag VecpragVECPrats, The
Pretty Boy Floyd (Punk)Pride Of The CrossPriest, TV
Primitive CalculatorsPriscillas, TheProfessionals, The
ProlesPropagandhiProphets, False
ProtafieldProtesta, VocoProtex
ProtomartyrProud, WalkPseudo Existors
PSI ComPsychedelic Furs, ThePsycho Surgeons
Psychotic YouthPsykik VoltsPujol
Pukes, ThePulleyPullovers
PuncturePupPups, Scum
Pure HellPure RubbishPurple Helmets
Pursey, JimmyPush To FirePussy, Nashville
Quadrajets, TheQuality DrivelQuarantine
Queers, TheQueers, TheQuestions
RabidRadar EyesRadiators From Space, The
Radical Dance FactionRadio ActiveRadio Stars
RadkeyRaeinRage, The
Raised FistRamainz TheRamblin Johnny Stomach Pump
Rambow, PhilipRamone, Dee DeeRamone, Joey
RamonesRampage, RandyRandom, Eric
RandomsRank And FileRaooul
RapedRaptor, MaxRapture, Dio
Rat CageRatos De PoraoRattus
Raydios, TheRays, SugarReading Festival, The
Reagan YouthReal FriendsRealists, The
Reaper, WhiteReasons, ToxicRebekka Frame, The
Record Players, TheRectifyRed Alert
Red Alert (Oi! Band)Red BeatRed Rockers
Redemption 87RedskinsReduction, Noise
RefusedRegeneracionRegents, The
Reid, JamieReign SupremeReilly, Vini
Relatives TheReliefRema-Rema
RenouncedRepetitionReps, The
ResistanceResistance 77Resort, Last
Rest In PiecesRestarts, TheRestorations
Rev, MartinRevelonsReverend And The Makers
Reverend Horton HeatRevillos, TheRevl9n
Rex Barker And The RicochetsRex ChainbeltRezillos, The
Rich Kids On LSDRich RagsRiff Raff (Punk)
Rights Of The AccusedRiistetytRings, The
RingwormRipcordRise From The Dead
Rise, TheRiskee And The RidiculeRival Mob, The
Rivals, TheRivvits, TheRoad To Kansas
Rochdale Fairies, TheRock, MickRocket From The Tombs
Rocket Summer, TheRockpileRockstar, Failing
Rocky VotolatoRodanRomeo Void
Rosa ValleRose Of VictoryRosenstock, Jeff
Roses Are RedRotters, TheRotting Out
Rough HandsRousers, TheRövsvett
Rowdies, TheRubbish, JonnyRubella Ballet
Rubella, KyraRude AwakeningRude Kids, The
Runts, TheRuptureRussians, The
Russo, SamRuts D.C.Ruts, The
RX BanditsRydellS'Haters, The
S.C.U.MS.S.S.PSaccharine Trust
Sad SocietySaetiaSaint Agnes
Saints, TheSalad From AtlantisSalford Jets
Sally SkullSalmon, KimSalt
SamiamSamples, TheSatan's Rats
Saturday Morning PicturesSauna YouthSavages
Scabies, ratScabs (70S), TheScars
Schoolgirl BitchSchternScience, For
ScientistsScissor FitsScissorfight
Scott, Jeff & Marc, JosefScoundrels, Matilda'sScraper
ScreamScreamin' SirensScreaming Dead
Screeching WeaselScroungers, TheSearch, Soul
Second Coming, The (80s)SectSect, The
Sector 27Sed Non SatiataSeize, The
Sensible Gray CellsSeperation, TheSeptic Death
Serious DrinkingSet Your GoalsSetting The Woods On Fire
Settle Your ScoresSewer RatsSex Beatles
Sex PistolsShadraxShake
Shake!, TheShakes, FuneralSham 69
Shapes, TheSharkey, FeargalShasta, Mount
Sheer TerrorShelley, PeteShelter
Shield Your EyesShirts, TheShlönk!
Shoes, TennisShooting DaggersShopping
Shout, TheShow Me The BodyShudder To Sink
Shut, StapledShuttleworth, JohnShvpes
Sick JoySick Of It AllSick Things, The
Sickidz!Side By SideSideshow
SiegeSievey, ChrisSightless Pit
Siglo XXSign Of HopeSilent Front
SilkwormSingers & PlayersSinister Ducks
SinkSinolaSinyx, The
Siouxsie & The BansheesSisterSister Double Happiness
SisteraySiviilimurhaSix Minute War
SkeggsSkegssSkewbald / Grand Union
Ski PatrolSkidsSkin, Hard
Skink, CrocodileSkinny ListerSkodas, The
SkrapyardSkrewdriverSkull, Live
SkunksSlammin' WatusisSlapshot
Slaughter & The DogsSlaughter Beach, DogSlaves (US)
Sleep, DeepSleepers, TheSleeping With Sirens
Slim Cessna's Auto ClubSlimeSlime (German Punk)
Slingshot DakotaSlits, TheSlope
Sly, TonySmall Black PigSmall Brown Bike
Smirks, TheSmith Street Band, TheSmith, Jay (Artist)
Smith, Mark ESmith, PattiSmith, TV
Smoke, ExtremeSnakefingerSnakes, Black
SNFUSnipers, TheSnivelling Shits, The
Snodgrass, JonSo Much HateSobut
Social DistortionSocial DistortionSods (Danish)
Sods, TheSofa HeadSoft Pack, The
Soft PlaySofties, TheSoil, Enemy
Some Chicken Sona FariqSonic Disruption Theory
Sons Of IshmaelSore Throat (Rock)Sorority Noise
SortoSoul On IceSound
Sound Of The Baskerville, TheSpaceships, BostonSpanish Love Songs
Spanks, TheSpazzSpeak 714
Spear Of DestinySpecial DutiesSpectral Voice
Spectres (80'S), TheSpeed (Punk)Speedometors
Spitfire (US)Spitfire BoysSpizz
Split LipSplodgenessaboundsSpook School, The
Sports, RememberSpring, LandmineSpys (UK)
SquadSquare MealSquarewell
SquidSS, AttackSt., Hazen
Stabilisers, TheStagnationStalin
Stalin, TheStand GT, TheStar Fucking Hipsters
Star StarStarjetsStarkweathers
StarmarketStarvation ArmyState Champs
State Of AlertStatic RoutinesStato Di Polizia
Steding, WalterStein, BoltStep
Stereotypes, TheSteve Conte & The Crazy TruthSteven Severin
Stevens, SteveStewart, MarkStick To Your Guns
Stick TogetherSticks And StonesStiff Little Fingers
StiffedStikkyStill Life
StimulatorsStitchStitched-Back Foot Airman
Stoat, TheStokoeStone By Stone
Stooges, TheStoopid, SlightlyStopouts, The
StormtrooperStory So Far, TheStraight Arrows
Strange MovementsStrange PlanesStrangeways!
STRANGLStranglersStraps, The
Strawberry SlaughterhouseStrifeStrikniën D.C.
Strummer, JoeStrutterStukas
Stupids, TheStyle, DoggyStyrene Poly
Styrenes, TheSubhumansSubs
Subtitles, EnglishSuburban StudsSubway Sect
Subway Sect, TheSuicideSuicide Commandos, The
Suicide Machines, TheSuicide SilenceSummer Obsession, The
Surprises, TheSurvivalSurvival Knife
SwankysSweat, TheSweet Teeth
Sworn EnemySworn InSylvain Sylvain
SymposiumSystem (Punk), TheT.C. Matic
T.S.O.L.TaakeTable Scraps
Table, TheTakaruTake Offense
Take, TheTales OF TerrorTanz Der Youth
Targets, MovingTea Set, TheTeardrop Explodes, The
Teardrops, TheTearjerkers, TheTeddy And The Frat Girls
Teenage Cool KidsTeethgrinderTelephone
Television PersonalitiesTempest, TheTemple, Julien
Templeton PekTen Foot PoleTenpole Tudor
Terminals, TheTerminusTexas Instruments, The
Texas Is The ReasonThatcher On AcidThe Accursed
The AlarmThe Bomb PartyThe Colonel
The Deadwood DevineThe FastThe Flex
THE GISTThe GreediesThe Imposter
The K9'sThe Last ResortThe Ripchords (Punk)
The Set UpThe ShiveringThe Stiffs
The SwarmThe TransmittersThe Unwanted
The War On DrugsTheatre Of HateThee Michelle Gun Elephant
Thee StashThelonious MonsterThem, Trap
Theoretical GirlsThink I CareThirty Six Strategies
Thirty3This Routine Is HellThis Time Next Year
THISCITYISOURSThiscloseThose Naughty Lumps
Thought Police, TheThreat, SowThree Wise Men
ThunderbitchTickets, TheTidal
Tights, TheTime UKTime, Annihilation
TimelostTimes, DarkTimezone
Tin HueyTiny Masters Of TodayTitle Fight
TitsTokyo Sex DestructionTolerance, Zero
TomahawkTomorrow [US Punk]Tone Deaf & The Idiots
Too MuchTorch RunnerTorche
Total BabesTotal Noise AccordTotally Outta Hand Band, The
Totem SkinTotuusTours, The
Toy Dolls, The (70s)ToyahTrainspotters, The
TransgressionTranslatorTrapped Under Ice
Trash (Punk)Trash BoatTrash County Dominators
Trash Groove GirlsTraxTreatment (Rock)
Treatment, SteveTrend, NegativeTrophy Eyes
Trotsky IcepickTrue Life ConfessionsTrue North
TubesTupamarosTurning Point
TurnoverTV CrimeTwang
Twelve Hour TurnTyla GangTyler, Wat
Tymon Dogg & The DacoitsU ThantU Turn
U.B.R.U.K. SubsU.S. Ape
U.V. PopUK DecayUlcerrhoea
Ultra ViolentUltramanUltramantis Black
UndeadUndead, TheUnderdog
UndertonesUnearthUnited Nations (Punk)
Units, TheUnlovables, TheUP, The
UproarUrbana, NeuroseUrge, The
Urinals, TheUrlaub, FarinUSA Nails
Users, TheUutuusUXB
V.I.P.'sV2Vagtazo Halottkemek
Valves, TheVamps, TheVandals, The
Vapors, TheVårVarious - Punk & New Wave
Varukers, TheVega, AlanVena Cava
Venom P. StingerVenus And The RazorbladesVenus, Commander
Verlaine, TomVerseVertebrats, The
VexVHK (Galloping Coroners)Vibrators
Vice Creems, TheVice SquadVicious White Kids, The
Vicious, SidVictimVictimize
Victims FamilyVictims, TheVideo (Punk)
Video VillainViletonesVincent, Sonny
Violation WoundViolatorsViolators, The
Viølence, SystemikViolet EvesVirgin
Virus (Punk)Visions Of ChangeVisitors, The
Viva L'American Death Ray MusiVoices, TheVoid, Body
Von SudenfedVon Trap Family, TheVoodoo Glow Skulls
VoorheesVultures (Dutch), TheWagon, Chuck
Walk The PlankWaltons, TheeWanderers, The
War ChargeWarcollapseWarhead
Warm GunWarmduscherWarriors (Dub), The
Warriors (Punk), TheWarsaw PaktWartime
WartornWarwoundWashdown, The
Wasps, TheWasted ShirtWasted Youth (US Hardcore Punk
Watt, MikeWAX HEROESWay, Gerard
Waybill, FeeWe Are Going To Eat YouWe Bless This Mess
We Came From WolvesWe Were SharksWee Cherubs, The
WeedeaterWeird WarWeirdos, The
Western HysteriaWestwood, VivenneWhat Price, Wonderland?
What To WearWhile She SleepsWhite Flag
White LungWhite, JamesWho Moved The Ground?
Whores.Williamson, JamesWindows (DIY)
Winter Passing, TheWipersWipers, The
WireWitch FeverWitch Vomit
With HonorWolf DownWolfbrigade
Wolfmen, TheWonder Years, TheWonk Unit
WordbugWorld Is A Beautiful Place, TheWorld Weary
WormrotWorn OutWorship, Sun
WrathchildWreckWreckless Eric
WretchedWrist, TeenageX
X (Australian)X CertificateX-Ray Spex
X-Rays, TheX.S. EnergyXCanaanx
XTCXtractXtreme, The
Y Trwynau CochYaphet KottoYDI
YigyuzeYobs, TheYou (Punk)
You Blew It!You Slut!Young And In The Way
Young GovernorYoung Rochelles, TheYour Demise
Youth Of TodayYr AnhrefnZanti Misfitz
ZebraheadZeltinger BandZero Boys
Zeros (UK), TheZig ZagsZimt
Zippers, TheZoetropeZounds

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