70s pop

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(70S), Airwaves(70S), Fancy(US), Metropolis
[Bradleys], Buster14-182nd Tyme Around
8Th Day, TheA La CarteA Raincoat
A&M RecordsAaron-Shears, DelAbramson, Ronney
AdvertisingAgrati, DonAinley, Charlie
AirplayAlan Peters Orchestra And ChorAlfie Khan Sound Orchestra
Aliens, The (Pop)Allen, VerdenAmanda
Amesbury, BillAndrea True ConnectionAndrés Do Barro
Angel, JohnnyAngels One-FiveAnthem (70S)
Anthony, GeorgeAnthony, JulieAnton
AprilAristaArmada Orchestra, The
Arms & LegsArroganceArtful Dodger (70'S)
Ash (1970s)Ashworth, RichardAtlanta Rhythm Section
AutumnB & K UnionBack Seat Driver
BagatelleBaker, Hylda & Mullard, ArthurBalderdash
Band With No Name, TheBar-KaysBarish, Jesse
Barking Light OrchestraBarnes, CherylBarron Knights, The
Bashers, TheBatteauxBeach Fossils
Bee Gees, TheBell, CaroleBen Shachar, Ilan
Benelux And Nancy DeeBennett, Cliff & Rebel RousersBenny
Berkeley Kites, TheBill & TaffyBinky Baker & The Pit Orchestr
BinziBitter Almond Bjerre, Lindsay
Black And WhiteBlack GorillaBlack Harmony
Blacklock, KelvinBlair EmryBlake, Peter (Pop)
Blandermer, OscarBlissBlonde On Blonde (80s)
Blue HazeBogart (German)Bolcom, William
BombersBonarooBonnie St. Claire
Booklets, TheBoone, LellyBoss Effect
Boys (70S), TheBoys [Power Pop], TheBreakers, The
Breck, FreddyBreeze, CoolBrett Marvin And The Thunderbo
Brighter Side Of DarknessBroken ToysBrookes, Paul
Brooks, PattieBrother SusanBrotherly Love
BrothersBrothers, TheBrown, Friday
Brown, VickiBrowne, DuncanBruce Baxter Orchestra & Singers, The
Buddy Odor Stop, TheBurton, LoriBusiness (Power Pop), The
BuzzC&C Music FactoryCadd, Brian
Caddy, AlanCalhoonCalvert & West
Cameron, KenCandy, RockCappel, Larry
Captain BeakyCaptain Billy's Dream MachineCaptain Matchbox Whoopee Band
Captain ZorroCarmets, TheCarroll, Pat
Carte BlancheCarter, NellCarvalho, Beth
CasablancaCasablanca (1970s)Casby, Freddy
Cash, SharonCashman & WestCashman, Pistilli & West
CasinoCasualeers, TheCats 'N' Jammer Kids, The
CBS RecordsCecelia, St.Celebration Singers, The
Celi Bee & The Buzzy BunchChallenor, JackieChan, Agnes
Chandler, GeorgeChas & DaveChe & Ray
CheekChequers, TheCheyenne
CheynesChina [70s]Chingas, Johnny
ChristianChristian, NeilChristophe
Christopher MilkChula VistaChunky, Novi & Ernie
CityCivvy StreetClay, Tom
Clinton, DavyClubsoundCo-Operation
CobbersCold ComfortCole, Tony
Collins, JeffCollis, RonnieColonel Bagshot
CommodoresContinentals, TheCooke, Roger James
Cooke, SteveCooper, HenryCope, Susan
CornicheCosmic GalCountry Cousins
Cousins, DianeCover Girls, TheCrawford, Caroline
CrazeCreep, TheCrème Caramel
CrispCrispy & CoCrouch, Andraé
CrowcussCrown Heights AffairCrunch
Crushed IceCulpeper's OrchardCUNHA
Currant KrazeD'Angiò, PinoD-R-U-M
Dafne And The TenderspotsDalla, LucioDalston Diamonds, The
Darling (70s)Dassin, JoeDavid, Anne-Marie
Davis, HelenDavis, SalDavis, Tim
Dawn ChorusDay, OliverDaydé
De Young, CliffDe-Sykes, StephanieDean, Angella
Dee DeeDee, BrianDelicato, Paul
Derek & CyndiDescloux, Lizzy MercierDetours
Deutscher, DrafiDevon And Cornwall Const.Devon, Tony
Dewdrop, DaddyDezro Orchestra, TheDiamond, Dyan
Dick St. NicklausDirect CurrentDisco Rock Machine
Dobro, JimmyDoce Mas, LosDodgers, Artful
Donnie & Joe EmersonDorisDougall Brothers, The
Downing, AlDragonDragons (70S)
Dream PoliceDriftwood (Pop)Driftwood (Psyche)
Drummond, PeteDuke & The DriversDunno
Dunphy, SeanDuplicates, TheDuren, Van
Dutch Rhythm Steel & ShowbandDwight Tilley BandDynamics, Soulful
Dyson, RonnieEbenezer MoogEddy & The Soul Band
Ege, JulieEgg CreamElia Y Elizabeth
Ellison, WillieEnfants De Dieu, LesEnglish, Barbara Jean
Errisson, KingEssenceEuclid Beach Band
Evolution (70S)Expose [Rock]Fairbane, Eileen
Fältskog, AgnethaFantastic, LightFBI
Fearn & FriendFeelFelix, Mike
Fellows, GrahamFernandez, LuisaField, Claudia
FingerprintsFirmani, PeterFirst Class
Fitz & DennisFitzgerald, ScottFlakes
FlameFluffFontana, Eddie
Fontana, JimmyForbesForce, The
Ford, LitaForm, TheFoster Brothers, The
Four Of A KindFour On The FloorFrancis, Bob
Frank 'N' SteinFrench KissFresh Meat
FreshmenFridaFurey, Lewis
FurnitureFuzz [Disco], TheGal, Ricki
Galdston & ThomGarbo's Celluloid HeroesGarner, Gigi
Garthwaite, TerryGarzia, GeorgesGee, Bobby
Gentlemen And Their LadyGeorge K BandGerard, Danyel
Gibney, EamonGidea ParkGill, Jonathan
Gilstrap, JimGino Marinello Orchestra, TheGlass Menagerie
GlyderGoodman, DickieGordon The Moron
Gorilla GripGothenburg, FredaGrace, Grame
Gray, MalGreat Uncle FredGreater Union
Griffin, KenGriffiths, MartinGrumble
Guercio, James WilliamGuichard, DanielGuitarist Magazine
Guns For HireHall, RonaHarris, Shaun
Harry Toledo And The RocketsHarvest TymeHarvey, Tina
Hatchard, LindaHaven, JimHawkes, Chip
Haywood, KittyHeart And SoulHeintje
HeronHerring, AnnieHicks, Tony
Hidden StrengthHigginsHill, Chris
Hill, RoniHills, Alias BillyHillside Singers, The
Hinds, CamelleHolden, MarkHollow, Ken
Holmes, JakeHolmes, RupertHombre
Honey MonsterHootersHot Blood
HotelHotshotsHouse, Bill
Howard, JohnHowlett, RogerHughes, Garry
Hui, SamHumble GatheringHush (UK)
HuskyI Santo CaliforniaI.G.'s, The
Ikafa, LeiahImpact Of Brass, TheIngland, Brian
Inner Sleeve (70S)Innocents, TheIron Virgin
J. N. ShakespeareJ.C.Jabberwock
JackieJacks, SusanJackson, Dee D.
Jackson, MarlonJackson, MickJaggerz, The
James, StuartJameson, StephenJamie's People
Jammers, TheJanus, NoelJarvis Brothers
Jasper, ChrisJavier, RicardoJawbone
Jaye, MichaelJeepJerome
JeronimoJezebelles, TheJigsaw (Oz)
Jigsaw (UK)Jim & AdyJimmy Gray Hall
JockoJohn Carter (Songwriter)John Henry Rostill
John Spencer's LoutsJohns, MarkJonathan Swift (US)
Jones, CitizenJones, JuggyJones, Rickie Lee
Jones, TimJudy Gee & The ClassmatesJumbo
Jump, TheK, KrissiKai Warner Singers
Kane, AmoryKeith & DarrellKelly, Chris
Kennedy, GraceKenney, HowardKhan, Steve
Killermeters, TheKillers, The (70s)Kim & Dave
King, TraceyKings Of Hearts, TheKirsh, Les
Knack, The (70s)Knowles, KarenKosmin, Lee
Krajewski, SewerynKunkel, LeahL'Orchestre Electronique
Laing, ShonaLambert, DennisLangford, Gordon
Las GrecasLava [Norwegian]Lavender Hill Mob
Law, BarbaraLazy RacerLe Blanc & Carr
Lee, BruceLee, RobertyLeiber & Stoller
Les IrrésistiblesLimit (70s), TheLimousine
Linda & The Funky BoysLinda Carr & The Love SquadLindblad, Jan
Lindsay, MarkLindyLiner
Linhart, BuzzyLittle Bo BitchLittle Bo Pete & The 1974 Rock
Little NellLiverpool ExpressLiz Damon's Orient Express
Lloyd, MichaelLondon Audio WorkshopLong Tall Ernie And The Shaker
Lord, BennyLos 5 Del EsteLos Jaivas
Love And MoneyLove BiteLove Club
Love De-LuxeLumley, RobinLuz Casal
Macari, GloMackay, DuncanMadison (UK)
Maggie & Terry RocheMagic Bus (70s)Magnum Bonum
MainlandMajentaMaker, Widow
Manson, JeaneMarathon (70s)Marcovicci, Andrea
MarcusMarigold's, Dr.Marinella
Mark Williamson BandMarkay, BarbaraMarshall Doctors
Marshall, LaurieMarshall, TonyMartin And Finley
Martin, BillMartin, MoonMartin, Trade
Martinez, NigelMartini, MiaMartinique
Mason, MaryMatteoni, GuyMatthews, Jean
Matuška, WaldemarMcGee, BobbyMcGinlay, Kevin
McGuinness, StonebridgeMcLean, PennyMcNaught, Mike
Mel And TanniaMelfi Boys, TheMelody Maker
MelophoniaMelting PotMemories
Merriboys, TheMey, FrederikMicare, Franklin
Michaels, HillyMick Jackson (UK)Midnite
Milk And HoneyMiller, MargieMills, Betty Lou
Milwaukee Coasters, TheMirror, DannyMongrel (70s)
Monsoon (70S)Monte CarloMoore, Bobby
Moore, PeteMoreau, JeanneMorgan, Dave
Morgan, MariaMorgan, TimMorris, Gerry
Mother HenMove, TheMr. Walkie Talkie
Mumfie Gang, TheMurphy, ArthurMurray, Billy
Murray, PeteMurray, PhilMushroom Records
Musicmakers, TheMycroft, TimMyriam, Marie
Mystic MerlinNaipesNakamura, Hachidai
NancyNash, JohnnyNaturals, The (US 70s)
Nature ZoneNaylor, JerryNeckár, Václav
Neil, ChristopherNelson, JimNetwork
New Golden Guitar OrchestraNew Musical ExpressNew World
Newbeats, TheNewley, AnthonyNewman, Dave
Nicholas, JennyNicks, StevieNicole (DE)
NightshadeNoguchi, GoroNormal
Nostalgia (70S)NostromoNudge Nudge
Nyro, LauraO'Casey, R.Oats, Wild
OceanOlympic RunnersOne, Act
Opus '88Orient ExpressOrlando, Tony & Dawn
OrleansOutcastsPace, Thom
PainterPaley Brothers, ThePan Am Steel Band, The
Paper LaceParis Sisters, TheParks, Michael
Parton, DavidParton, DesPasadenas, The
Pastures NewPatterson, KelleePayos, Los
People's ChoicePeter, Paul & MartyPeterson, Colleen
Peterson, KrisPhillips, NoelPhillips, Roy
Pickett, CourtlandPie, RandyPilditch, Colin
Pink LadyPinkees, ThePlatzek, Guenter
Player [1]Plimsouls, ThePolydor Records
Pomeranz, DavidPopcorn Makers, ThePortland, Gary
PortraitsPower PlayPower, Romina
Preskett, GrahamPrivate Eye (Rock)Promises
Pumphouse GangPupoPussyfoot
PuzzleQuinaimes Band, TheQuint (Pop)
Radice, MarkRagsRahming, Patrick
Ramblers, The (70s)Rats, The (70s)Ravenscroft, Raphael
Ravitz, YehudithRay, HarryRCR
Read, JillReading Festival, TheRecord Collector
Red Sox, TheReffold, StuartRégine
Reiser, RioRelf, BobRevelation Rockers
Riccs, GlenRich FeverRichard T. Bear
Richards, DigbyRichards, NikkiRichards, Randy
Richardson, JohnRichie, LionelRida
RingoRinky Dink & The Crystal SetRio Grande Orchestra
Rios, MiguelRitchie, TonyRival Brothers, The
Riviera, TheRoberts, ChrissyRobertson, Mick
RockapellaRocketRockits, The
Rod, BlackRogers, RonRokotto
Rosie (70s)Ross, DrewRossell, Marina
RougeRowles, JohnRoxy
RSO RecordsRubettes, TheRuby Pearl & The Dreamboats
Rudy & The RialtosRuff 'N ReddyRunaways, The
Ryan, NickRyder, J.Sabato, Dov
Sadista Sisters, TheSagramSaint Orchestra, The
SakkarinSame, TheSanderson, Danny
Sanford & SakerSang, SamanthaSanity Clause
Sarney, JoySaturday Night FeverSavoys, The
Sawyer, RaySaxon, AlScherman, Theo
Schock, HarrietScofield, TomScott, Billy
ScreemerScreen IdolsSeathrough
Sechan, RenaudSecond Generation, TheSecret Affair
SectionSeebach Band, TheSelda
Seroka, HenriShagShakespeare, William
SheilaSherbertSherwood, Holly
Shifrin, SusanShillingford MillShoes, Tennis
Shorrock, GlennShortyShowdown
ShrinkShuttleworth, PaulSilver Studs
Simms Brothers BandSimon, CarlySimon, Plug & Grimes
Simpson, LeoSingleton, CharlieSinnamon, Shandi
SiouxSir Ching ISkifs, Björn
Sky, CaptainSkybandSmirks, The
Smith, MarthaSmokey CirclesSnax
Society, CaféSofTouchSolar Flare
SolentSon Of A GunSound 9418
SoundsSouth Bank Orchestra, TheSovereign Singers, The
Spinners, TheSpitballsSpring Fever
St. Andrews ChoraleStaccStadium Dogs
Stafford, JimStaller, IlonaStar, Arizona
Star, C.Stardust (70s)Starland Vocal Band
States, TheStein, MarkSteinberg And Kelly
Stephen, HenryStereo Action Orchestra, TheStevens, Brett
Stevens, RickStevens, StuStewart, Allan
Stewart, David A.Stilettos, TheStone, Judy
Stone, RussellStorey, MikeStraker, Peter
Summer WineSummers, LorraineSunny Jim Band
Sunshine (70s)Surf PunksSusie
Swan, BlackSwarbriggs Plus Two, TheSweet Illusion
Sweet ThunderSwordsmen, TheSympho-State
Szucs, JudithT-ConnectionTalk Of The Town
TantraTarney & SpencerTayler, Jacky
Taylor, GeoffTaylor, TotTeach-In
Teacher's PetTedesco, TommyTelstars, The
Tempchin, JackTew, AlanThieves (1970S)
Thomas, JeffThomas, TashaThorpe, T.J.
Three, PageThumann, HarryTide, Ebb
Tiger, ShabbyTimepieceTiny Alice
TitanicTitus, LibbyToday's People
Toni Brown & Terry GarthwaiteTonics, TheTony Charles Steel Band, The
Tony Mansell Singers, TheTop Of The PopsTork, Peter
Touch Of ClassToy (Belgian)Trade Mark
Trammps, TheTransvoltaTravellers, The
Tribes, TheTrigger (70S)Trini, Mari
Trythall, GilTundra (Soul)Turner, Spyder
TwinnTzuke & PaxoU.K., Cats
Uggla, MagnusUnion ExpressUs, The
V CombinacionValenti, JohnValentinos, Los
Van Dyke, ConnyVan Pallandt, NinaVan, Ila
Vanda & YoungVander, StellaVapour Trails
Various - 60s & 70sVarious - 70s, 80s & 90s PopVarious Artists
Various-Cars & Motor SportsVarious-DiscoVarious-Doo-Wop & Vocal
Various-Hip Hop & RapVelvet GloveVelvet, Black
Vidal, ChristianVideoVilard, Hervé
Wallochmor Ceilidh Band, TheWalsh, BrockWarlord, The
Warren, JamesWashington Flyers, TheWashington, George E.
Watkins, LovelaceWavesWayne, Carl
Weapons Of PeaceWeathermen, TheWeiss, Otto
Wellings, BillWeltons, TheWest Stars Steel Band, The
West, AlbertWheater, TimWhitaker, Mick
Wigan's Chosen FewWigwam (Prog)Wilde, Ricky
Williams Bros.Williams, AlanWilliams, Maynard
Williams, RonnieWilliamson, JohnWilliamson, Nichol
Wilson (70s), Tony Windows (70s)Winds Of Change
Winter (70S)Winter, DavidWood, Anthony
Woodworth, JudyWorthing, SonnyWright, Tommy
XitYakety YakYoder, Greg
You (Punk)Young Generation, TheYoung, Robert
ZacchaeusZebra CrossingZimmermann, Dieter
Zodiac (Pop)

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