60s beat

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(60S), Leviathan(French), Stella126
19842.19 Skiffle Group, The4 Instants, The
4 O'Briens, The4.A.D.45s (00s), The
5 Gentlemen84, EquipeA Band Of Angels
A Passing FancyActionAdam, Mike & Tim
Adams, DannyAddicts, TheAerovons, The
Alamo, FrankAll Rounders, TheAllen, Bobby
Allen, Dave (Blues)Amazing Blondel, TheAmazing Friendly Apple
AnanAndrews, ChrisAnimals, The
AntoineAnton, ReyApplejacks, The
ArgentArondies, TheArtwoods, The
Aufray, HugesB.Z.N.Baba, Meher
Babbity BlueBad Boys, TheBad Seeds, The
Bailey, BurrBaldry, Long JohnBallard, Frank
Bandits, The (60s)Barrett, RichieBarry, Joe
Batman and RobinBatsBats, The (60s Irish)
Bats, The (60s SA)Baxter, JoanBeachcomber
Beat Chics, TheBeatles, TheBeatpack, The
Beau Brummell EsquireBeazers, TheBeck Studios
Bees (60s Garage), TheBennett, RudiBenton, Brook
BerkeleyBern, ToniaBernie & The Buzz Band
Bev, JohnnyBig Johns Rock 'n' Roll CircusBig Three, The
Billy And The KidsBilly Pepper & The PepperpotsBirds, The
Black Dyke Mills Band, TheBlackjacks, TheBlake, Peter (Artist)
BlazersBlendells, TheBlond
Blue Rondos, TheBlue Stars, TheBlues Magoos
BluesvilleBlunstone, ColinBob & Marcia
Bob B. Soxx & The Blue JeansBobby And LaurieBobby Angelo And The Tuxedos
Boetcher, CurtBond, RonnieBoogaloos, The
Booth, BarryBoss Guitars, TheBostweeds, The
Boys (60s), TheBoys Blue, TheBrain Twisters, The
Brandon, VernBrasseur, AndreBreakaways, The
Brook, TonyBrothers Two, TheBrown, Sammi
Bruce, TommyBruisers, TheBuccaneers, The
Buddy Britten And The RegentsBushmen, TheByrnes, Edd
Café CrèmeCameron, RayCapitol Records
Carlos,RobertoCarnabeats, TheCarnival, L.A.
Carr, RomeyCarter-Lewis & The SouthernersCascades, The
Casuals, TheCathode, RayCats Pyjamas
Cats, TheCedars, TheChad & Jeremy
Chancis, TheChangin' Times, TheChannel, Bruce
Chants R & BChants, TheChaussettes Noires, Les
Chayfin, RayCheetahs, TheCherokees, The
Cherry SmashChicago Loop, TheChick
Children, TheChris Ravel And The RaversChris, Peter
CindytalkCitations, TheClarke, Allan
Classmates, TheClayton Squares, TheCliffters, The
Cocktail Cabinet, TheCollectors, TheCollins, Glenda
Collins, JudyColorfull Seasonscolours
Colton, TonyCompromise, TheComstock, Bobby
ConsortiumConstant Sound, TheCops 'N Robbers
Cordell, KimCordet, LouiseCougars, The
Count FiveCount VictorsCount Victors, The
Counterfeit Stones, TheCountry Hams, TheCountrymen, The
Coussins, RayCreation, TheCrickets, The
Crombie, TonyCryan' Shames, TheCryin' Shames, The
Cuby + BlizzardsCumberland Three, TheCushing, John
Cymbeline, TheD'Abo, MikeD'Ell, Dennis
Daily Flash, TheDale, GlenDalys, The
Dante, TroyDark Horse RecordsDarrell, Guy
Dartells, TheDave Anthony's MoodsDave Clark Five, The
Dave Curtiss And The TremorsDave Davani Four, TheDave Dee Dozy Beaky Mick & Tic
David And JonathanDavid, AlanDavid, The
Davies, DaveDavies, MiarDavies, Ray (Kinks)
Davis, SteveDawn ChorusDawson, Lesley
De La Torre, LosDe Marco, JulieDeane, Jason
DeanoDebs, TheDecca
Decision, TheDeep FeelingDeep Six, The
Defenders, TheDel-Aires, TheDemonstrators, The
Dennisons, TheDeputies, TheDickens, Charles
Digger Revell's Denver MenDimples, TheDion
Disc & Music EchoDisc, TheDonegan, Lonnie
Douglas, Robb And DeanDovells, TheDúo Dinámico
Dupont, ShelleyDutronc, JacquesDynamites, The
E, WilliamEarthquakes, TheEdward, Vince
Edwards, JackieEdwards, NokieEel Pie All Stars
Eldorados [Rhodesia], TheElectric Prunes, TheEmbers, The
English, ScottEpstein, BrianEquals, The
Eric Burdon & The AnimalsEsquivel, Juan GarciaEtheopians, The
Exciters, TheExotic Guitars, TheEyes Of Blue
Fairways, TheFalling Leaves, TheFamily Tree, The
Fantômes, LesFardon, DonFarinas, The
Faron's FlamingosFarr, GaryFear Itself
Federals, TheFeminine Complex, TheFenton, Shane & The Fentones
FenwyckFerlinghetti, LawrenceFields, Ernie
Fifth Column, TheFirst Gear, TheFive By Five
Flick, VicFlintstones, TheFlorence Ballard
Flowerz, TheFluddFocal Point
Foggy Notions, TheFontana, WayneFord, Dean
Foresters, TheFortunes, TheFour Iveys
Fourmost, TheFox, DonFrampton, Peter
Framus Five, TheFrançois, ClaudFreddie & The Dreamers
Front Line, TheFruits De MerGamblers, The
Game, TheGame, The (60s)Gants, The
Garden Odyssy EnterpriseGarrick, DavidGary Street & The Fairways
Generation Gap, TheGermani, RemoGerry And The Pacemakers
GesturesGibsons, TheGilmer, Jimmy & The Fireballs
GloomysGnomes Of Zurich, TheGobbledegooks, The
Goldie & The GingerbreadsGordian Knot, TheGordon, Trevor
Graham, BobbyGranahan, GerryGrass, The
Gray, DorianGreenbaum, NormanGreenbeats, The
Griffin, SylviaGroup BGroup X
Gryphon (Psych)Guitar SlimGuitares Du Diable, Les
Guitarist MagazineGustafson, JohnnyGuv'ners, The
H.P. LovecraftHamilton Movement, TheHammer, Jack
Harbour Lites, TheHarris, RoyHarris, Wee Willie
Hazzard, TonyHe 6Hedgehoppers Anonymous
HeinzHenderson, Scott (60s)Herbal Mixture
Herd, TheHerman's HermitsHi-Fi's, The
High NumbersHolliesHolly, Buddy
Hollywood Persuaders, TheHolton, Gary Honest Men
Honeycombs, TheHopkins, NickyHornets, The
Hot Dog Stand, TheHoward, BrianHugg, Mike
I BarbieriI PoohIce, Dry
Ife, KrisImmediate LabelIn Crowd, The
In-Sect, TheInsomnia, PregnantIpsissimus
Ivy League, TheJames & JeremiahJanuary
Javalins, TheJaybirds, TheJeannie & The Big Guys
Jet Set UK, TheJet Set, TheJohn Carter (Songwriter)
John's ChildrenJohnny Kendall & The HeraldsJokers, The
Jones, B-Lou & His JupitersJones, BeverleyJones, Casey & The Governors
Jones, PaulJoy, BennyJunco Partners
Just Four MenKasenetz-KatzKate
Kaye, MaryKaye, TonyKeepers, Finders
Keil, HermaKeith, BryanKelly, Frank
Ken Levy And The PhantomsKennelmusKenny And The Kasuals
Keyes, KarolKeys, BobbyKing Clam & The Marine Band
King Size Taylor And The DominKing, HamiltonKingpins, The
Kingston Trio,TheKinksKirchherr, Astrid
Kirkbys, TheKnack, The (60s)Knaves, The
Knockouts, TheKoobasKramer, Billy J. & The Dakotas
Kruger, RussKumari, TheLaine, Denny
Laine, LindaLancaster, DianeLane, Pattie
Langleys, TheLarry Williams & Johnny WatsonLaurels, The
Lee Curtis & The All-StarsLee Diamond & The CherokeesLee, Freddie 'Fingers'
Lee, JackieLee, Jackie (UK F)Legends, The (US)
Lennon, JimmyLes DiamantsLevon And The Hawks
Liberty Bell, TheLing, KongLittle Mac & The Boss Sounds
Little RichieLiverpool EchoLivingstone, Jean
London & The BridgesLondon, PeterLong And The Short, The
Loose Ends (60s)Loot, TheLopez, Trini
Lordan, JerryLordsLos Bravos
Los Gatos NegrosLoved Ones, TheLR Rockets
Lucas, MattMackay, RabbitMaerz, Marion
Magic Lanterns, TheMaloney, VinceManchester Mob, The
Mann, ManfredMar-Keys, TheMarauders, The
Maresca, ErnieMark Four, TheMark Leeman Five
Marsden, GerryMartin, GeorgeMascots, The
Matthews, IanMay, PhilMayuzumi, Jun
Maze (US)Maze, The (UK)McAuley, Jackie
McCall, DarrellMcCann, ToniMcCartney, Cecil
McCoys, TheMcCullough, HenryMcIvor, David
McKenzie, AliMDBMec Op Singers, The
Meehan, TonyMeek, JoeMeek, Joe & The Blue Men
Melody MakerMen, MightyMerlin Q
Merrell And The ExilesMerseyblues, TheMeteors, The (60s)
Midnight Hour, TheMigil 5, TheMike Adams & The Red Jackets
Mike Sax And The IdolsMilan (60s)Mills, Garry
Milwaukee Coasters, TheMimms, GarnetMinistry Of Sound, The
Missing LInks, TheMitchell, EddyMojos, The
Moles (Simon Dupree), TheMonahan, StephenMonarchs, The
Money, ZootMontanas, TheMood-Mosaic, The
Moon, TheMoore, Merrill EMoquettes, The
Morgan-James Duo, TheMorris, RussellMost, Mickie
Muleskinners, TheMure, BillyMusic Explosion, The
Musketeer GripweedMustang, TheMycroft, Tim
Naturals, The (UK 60s)Naylor, ShelNeat Change, The
NEMS (Record Label)Nero And The GladiatorsNerve, The
New Formula, TheNew Wave, TheNew York Public Library
Newbury, CurtNews, The (60s)Nichols, Penny
Nicol, JimmyNilsmen, TheNix-Nomads
Nova Local, TheNovellsNu-Notes, The
Odyssey, TheOpen Mind, TheOptic Nerve, The
Orchids (60S), TheOrwell, PaulOscar
Ossie Layne Show, TheOther Half, TheOthers [1960S], The
Outer Limits, TheOutlaws, The (UK)Outsiders, The (US)
Overlanders, TheOZ MagazineOzzie Warlock And The Wizards
Packers ThePaisleys, TheParker, Alan
PashaPeace ChoirPeacemakers, The
Peasants, ThePebbles, ThePeople (US)
PeppiPerkins, PollyPerry Dear & The Deer-Stalkers
Persuasions (UK), ThePete Kelly's SoulutionPeter And The Wolves
Peter Jay And The JaywalkersPeter's FacesPhillips, Gregory
Phrogs, ThePicaPiccadilly Circus
Pike, TravisPlastic Penny, ThePleasures, The
Pleazers, ThePoets, The (Irish 60s)Poets, The (UK 60s)
Poole, BrianPoole, Brian & Tremeloes, ThePoor, The
PositivaPowell, MarilynPower, Duffy
Powerhouse, ThePremiers, ThePretty Things, The
Pride, DickiePrince BusterPrisoners, The
ProcessionPudding, ThePuppets, The
Pyramid, TheQuarrymen, TheQuickly, Tommy
Quik, TheQuist, DarylRaindrops, The
Rally Rounders, TheRambeau, EddieRandazzo, Teddy
Randy Alvey And The Green FuzRapiers, TheRattles, The
Rayburn, ChrisRayne, JulieRecord Collector
Red West ComboRedcaps, TheRedefine
Reizner, LouRemains, TheRemo Four, The
René And His AlligatorsRenegades, TheRhythm And Blues Inc
Rhythm Jesters, TheRichard CliffRichard Kent Style, The
Richards, DigbyRiddlers, TheRiot Squad, The
Rip Chords, TheRitchie, TonyRivers, Dick
Rivieras, TheRobin, Teddy & The PlayboysRocco, Tony
Rockin' Rebels, TheRockin' Vickers, TheRokes, The
Rolling StoneRolling Stones, TheRôme
Rooks, TheRoulettes, TheRouters, The
Roving Kind, TheRoyal Flairs, TheRoyal Hangmen, The
Royaltones, TheRubettes, TheRussal, Thane
Ryan, BarryRyan, Paul & BarryRyder, Freddie
Sainty, RussSam The Sham & The PharaohsSammy King And The Voltairs
Sanders, EdSands, EvieSansom, Bobby
SaroltaScaffold, TheSchadel
Schroeder, JohnScore, TheScott, Simon
Scott, TommySearchers, TheSebastian, John
SeekersSeymour, PattiShades Of Blue
Shades Of Blue (60s Beat), TheShades Of Blue, TheShades Of Morley Brown
Shadow, Johnny & Gavan, DannyShadows Of Knight, TheShane And The Shane Gang
Shapiro, HelenSharksSharp, Dee Dee
Sheik's Men, TheShelton, GarySheridan, Tony
Shoes (Dutch Band), TheShondell, TroyShotgun Express
Shots, TheShut Downs, TheSigns
Silent MajoritySilkie, TheSimon
Simon Dupree & The Big SoundSimon, TonySinners, Les
Sinners, TheSinx MitchellSir Percy Quintet
Slaves, TheSmith, MikeSmith, Warren
SmokeSnow White And The DwarfsSomeones
Sons Of HeroesSons Of The Piltdown Men, TheSorrows, The
Soul Agents [UK], TheSoul Benders, TheSoul Brothers, The
Sound BarrierSounds IncorporatedSounds Of Les And Barry, The
Sovereigns, TheSpectres, TheSpectrum, The
Spell (60s)Spencer, DonSpencer, Sonny
Spiders, TheSpotnicks, TheSt. John, Barry
St. Valentine's Day MassacreStaccatos, TheStained Glass
Starlings, TheStarr, LuckyStatic, The
Stevens, CatStirling, Peter LeeStoller, Rhet
Stone PillowStrange, BillyStrangers With Mike Shannon
Strawberry JamString-A-Longs, TheStrong, Barrett
Studio SixSuffrajetsSullivan, Ed
Sundowners (Kent), TheSunrays, TheSunsets, The
Surf Raiders, TheSurf Stompers, TheSurfs, Les
Swinging Blue Jeans, TheSylvester, TerrySymarip
Symbols, TheSyndicats, TheTages
Tamlin, JamesTammy St JohnTammy St. John
Tempters, TheTerauchi, TakeshiTermites, The (60s)
The AnniversaryThe DakotasThe J. & B.
The Mickey FinnThe T-BonesThem
Third Bardo, TheThorpe, BillyThrillington, Percy
Thunderbeats, TheTim Tam And The Turn-OnsTimes (60s), The
TomcatsTomcats, TheTommy Smith & The Laughing Kin
TomorrowTongues, TheTony Hendrik Five, The
Tony Jackson (Searchers)Tony Knight's ChessmenTopo D. Bil
Tornados, TheTownsel SistersTR-5
Tradewinds (Pop Psych), TheTranquilityTransatlantics, The
Travel AgencyTrax FourTrends, The
Trendsetters LimitedTridents, TheTriffids, The (60s)
Troggs, TheTropics, TheTucker, Cy
Turtle, HenryTwinkleTwins, Sims
Two And A HalfTwo Smith Brothers, TheTyme
Typhoons, TheU.K.'s, TheUnauthorised Version, The
Undertakers, TheUniques (Singapore), TheUnit Four Plus Two
United States Double QuartetUnited Travel ServiceUnknown Artist (Tuba Records)
Untamed, TheV, FormulaValentine Magazine
Various-Magazines & NewspapersVarious-Surf & InstrumentalVartan, Sylvie
Ventures, TheVikings Gitarband, TheVilla, Pancho
Villard, NickVIP's, TheViscounts, The
Volcanos, TheVolunteers, TheVoomins, The
Voormann, KlausWaikiki Beach Boys, TheWailers, The
Washington, George E.Watson, FrenesiWayne, Pat
Ways & MeansWedgwoods, TheWelch, Bruce
Wes Minster Five, TheWest, DodieWheels, The
Whitcomb, IanWhite Andy (Beatles)White Light Motorcade
White, Louisa JaneWhite, TamWho
Wichita Train Whistle,TheWilcox, LarryWild Oats, The
Wilde ThreeWilde, MartyWiley, T.C.
Williams, MoonWilliams, Paul (UK)Willie And The Red Rubber Band
Wilson, Don LeeWilson, JimmyWimple Winch
Winters, RonWishful Thinking (60s)Yellow Balloon, The
Young BloodYoung, Johnny (Soul)Young, Kenny
Young, RoyZelkowitz, GoldieZipps, The
Zombies, TheZuider Zee, The

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