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Set The Boy Free

JOHNNY MARR Set The Boy Free (2016 UK 454-page hardback autobiographical book by the legendary musician and songwriter, who was the guitarist and co-founder of The Smiths from 1982 to 1987. From roaming the streets of Manchester to constantlypushing musical boundaries as one of the most loved guitarists Britain has every produced, Johnny Marr's memoir is the true history of music - told by one of its very own legends. Includes 24-pages of glossy photographs and great picture dustjacket)

Price Info
Product Availability Currently Unavailable - You can request the next copy of this item
Release Year 2016 - 9 years ago
Condition Unless stated otherwise in the description above, all items are in at least excellent condition - so please read our descriptions carefully. We try to sell items as close to Mint condition as possible, and many will indeed be close to brand new and/or unplayed. Others may be 'used' - and all will meet our strict grading and are 100% guaranteed.
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Format book
Record Label Century
Complete Stock List Go to Johnny Marr
Product Catalogue No 978-10780-89432-4
Music Genre 80's Pop, Indie
Country Comes from UK Comes from 'UK'
Tracklisting & More Information

Not available

Recording Artist Johnny Marr
Product Title Set The Boy Free
Product Information Johnny Marr Set The Boy Free UK book.
Language All tracks are sung in English, unless otherwise stated in our description.
Additional info Deleted - A deleted or out-of-print item is one that is no longer manufactured. However, we stock thousands of out-of-print formats and we specialise in tracking down out-of-print, deleted and hard-to-find releases.
Artists Related To Bim, Boz Boorer, Freak Party, James Maker, Morrissey, Sea Fever, Snake River Conspiracy, Stex, The Cradle, The Hoax, The One Three, The Smiths, Vinny Peculiar
Product Barcode 9781780894324
Email sales@991.com to contact our sales team
Alternatively Known As Johnny Marr's Healers,The Healers
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