PASSION PIT Manners (2009 UK 11-track vinyl LP - Following the release of the 'Chunk of Change' EP, Passion Pit present their debut studio album 'Manners'. An debut that delivers on the blissful and bright promises of early fan favourites like 'Sleepyhead', 'Manners' is an irresistible, filler-free glimpse into the mind of a man who'd like to unleash his very own 'Pet Sounds' someday. Check the carefully-sculpted songwriting on display: the speaker-panning synths and slightly sinisterchildren's chorus [straight outta P.S. 22 in NYC] of 'Little Secrets' and single 'The Reeling', the lead dulcimer loops and melancholic melodies of 'Moth's Wings', the ecstatic, riled-up climax of 'Folds in Your Hands'. All part of a greater plan, the next step of which is taking Passion Pit's live show to a level that matches, and eventually exceeds, Manners' ambition and kaleidoscopic soundscapes.)