THE ALL NEW ADVENTURES OF US Best Loved Goodnight Tales (2008
UK 11-track CD album - Imagine the Secret Seven going to music
school and running away with all the instruments before the lesson
even begins. Mandolins, pianos, guitars, strings, casiotones, trumpets,
theremins, boy/girl vocals, melodicas, harmonicas, lapsteel guitars,
organs, glockenspiels, tambourines, ba bas, oohhhs and HEY!s all set
the back drop for stories that wouldn't be out of place in a book by
Eric Carle. The All New Adventures Of Us is about making people see
clearly with their eyes closed, vivid imagery and attention to detail
firmly intact. The goal is simple; to tell a story through song. No
hidden agenda. And in poetry cooed in the sweetest of contexts,
explanations are what Tanaou stands for. Includes the singles '45
Forever' & 'Firetruck [Doki Doki]')