SEASICK STEVE Man From Another Time (2009 UK 12-track CD album - Produced, written, recorded and engineered by Seasick Steve [with the assistance of engineer Roy Williams], 'Man From Another Time' is a resolutely organic album that eschews modern studio trickery in favour of the warm style of 'live' analogue recording. Everything on the album was performed by Seasick Steve, aside from drums which are credited to his longstanding Swedish sticksman Dan Magnusson. When recording the album, Steve utilised a variety of favourite guitars including a one-string Didley-bo [a 2x4 with a string nailed to it], a guitar made out of an old cigar box [with four strings], his famous 3-string Trance Wonder guitar and an old beat-up acoustic guitar. His array of guitars were complimented by a tattered Fifties Fender Tweed Deluxe amp, old Forties ribbon mics and other weird and wonderful vintage microphones. The natural sounds and echoes of the recording rooms were used for reverb and any delays were done with tape. This is a down in the dirt record. Feast your ears!)