PEOPLE UNDER THE STAIRS Carried Away (2009 UK 17-track 2-LP
vinyl set - The highly acclaimed and everyone's favorite duo, People
Under The Stairs are back with their 7th album, 'Carried Away'.
Upbeat, crazy, balls to the wall and ridiculous, 'Carried Away' follows
in true PUTS tradition. 1-part[y] Beastie Boys, 1-part Public Enemy
and 1-part Radiohead, the album was produced old school classic style
in the same fashion as Rick Rubin [Def Jam Era] or Dust Brothers
[Grand Royal, Pauls Boutique]. Recorded entirely on reel to reel with
tons of rock samples, distorted vocals, lots of cussing, drum
machines, delays, yelling, the works. Wrap that all up with nods to A
Tribe Called Quest, Beastie Boys, Beer, and Luther Vandross and
you're guaranteed to get carried away!)