VENOM Black Metal (UK Neat label picture disc LP. What can you say about an album that named an entire genre? Legendary 1982 UK 10-track LP by the wholesome chaps of Venom, which sees Cronos, Abaddon & Mantas [known as Conrad Lant, Anthony Bray & Jeffrey Dunn to their Mums]take metal to a whole new level [or should that be depth?] as they plunge into the fires of hell & re-invent Metal for the Muthas. This, their second album, is cited as perhaps the most important influence in thedevelopment of black metal, thrash metal, death metal and other related styles that are often grouped under the extreme metal umbrella. Presented in a striking picture disc with horned goat image(Side- BLACK) along with 666 band imagery (Side- METAL) . Essential metal momento.NEAT1005)